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Samuel Audet

These days, I am working full time on Deeplearning4j as part of Skymind, but live in Tokyo, Japan. In Japan still, I obtained my doctor’s degree (PhD equivalent) at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Previously, I did my master’s degree at McGill University, and my bachelor’s degree at École Polytechnique de Montréal, both located in Montréal, Canada. Over the years, I also had the chance to work here and there among organizations of various sizes, but without finding anything as exciting and as promising as what I have started to build here. Since then, Skymind has thankfully become a sponsor of this project!

For more information about some of my past activities, please visit my now archived personal website. Also, feel free to contact me by email for any personal inquiries: samuel.audet at

Lloyd Chan

A Software Engineer by trade, Biomedical Engineer by training, currently working on the Platform team at M3 in Tokyo on a revamp of front and backend systems to improve resilience, speed and maintainability of our distributed services. Like Samuel, I’m originally from Canada and earned my engineering degree in Engineering Science from the University of Toronto.

For the past few years, most of my development has been done in Scala, but my career began in Scheme and later on, Ruby. When I started writing a set of blog posts on computer vision in Scala, I realised that it was fairly difficult to start such a project due to native dependencies, so I wrote 2 plugins to make it dead simple to begin using JavaCPP and JavaCV in Scala: SBT-JavaCPP and SBT-JavaCV. I joined Bytedeco when my SBT plugins got absorbed into the organisation at Samuel’s request.

Feel free to contact me on Twitter or on Github if you have any questions for me.

Jarek Sacha

Greg Perry

Paul Hammant

Jeremy Laviole

Cyprien Noel

Vin Baines

And many other contributors… Please contact us if you feel your name is missing.

If you would like to become part of the team, start to contribute and make a request! Motivation is the key.