Package | Description |
org.bytedeco.leptonica | | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SARRAY.array(int i,
BytePointer setter) |
SARRAY.array(PointerPointer setter) |
command file contents
store base64 encoded data as strings
data file names
store line in description table
store case code for extraction
SARRAY.getPointer(long i) |
SARRAY.n(int setter) |
SARRAY.nalloc(int setter) |
plot data (1 string/file)
label for each individual plot
SARRAY.position(long position) |
SARRAY.refcount(int setter) |
text array for arbitrary char set
colormap pdf object strings
input page image file names
pre-binary-stream xobject strings
character strings of best templates
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GPLOT.cmddata(SARRAY setter) |
L_STRCODE | setter) |
GPLOT.datanames(SARRAY setter) |
L_STRCODE.descr(SARRAY setter) |
L_STRCODE.function(SARRAY setter) |
GPLOT.plotdata(SARRAY setter) |
GPLOT.plotlabels(SARRAY setter) |
L_RECOG.sa_text(SARRAY setter) |
L_PDF_DATA.sacmap(SARRAY setter) |
JBCLASSER.safiles(SARRAY setter) |
L_PDF_DATA.saprex(SARRAY setter) |
L_RCHA.satext(SARRAY setter) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.bmfGetLineStrings(L_BMF bmf,
BytePointer textstr,
int maxw,
int firstindent,
int[] ph) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.bmfGetLineStrings(L_BMF bmf,
BytePointer textstr,
int maxw,
int firstindent,
IntBuffer ph) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.bmfGetLineStrings(L_BMF bmf,
BytePointer textstr,
int maxw,
int firstindent,
IntPointer ph) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.bmfGetLineStrings(L_BMF bmf,
String textstr,
int maxw,
int firstindent,
int[] ph) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.bmfGetLineStrings(L_BMF bmf,
String textstr,
int maxw,
int firstindent,
IntBuffer ph) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.bmfGetLineStrings(L_BMF bmf,
String textstr,
int maxw,
int firstindent,
IntPointer ph) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.convertSortedToNumberedPathnames(SARRAY sa,
int numpre,
int numpost,
int maxnum) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.getFilenamesInDirectory(BytePointer dirname) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.getFilenamesInDirectory(String dirname) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.getNumberedPathnamesInDirectory(BytePointer dirname,
BytePointer substr,
int numpre,
int numpost,
int maxnum) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.getNumberedPathnamesInDirectory(String dirname,
String substr,
int numpre,
int numpost,
int maxnum) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.getSortedPathnamesInDirectory(BytePointer dirname,
BytePointer substr,
int first,
int nfiles) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.getSortedPathnamesInDirectory(String dirname,
String substr,
int first,
int nfiles) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.numaConvertToSarray(NUMA na,
int size1,
int size2,
int addzeros,
int type) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.pixProcessBarcodes(PIX pixs,
int format,
int method,
PointerPointer psaw,
int debugflag) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.pixProcessBarcodes(PIX pixs,
int format,
int method,
SARRAY psaw,
int debugflag) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.pixReadBarcodes(PIXA pixa,
int format,
int method,
PointerPointer psaw,
int debugflag) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.pixReadBarcodes(PIXA pixa,
int format,
int method,
SARRAY psaw,
int debugflag) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.recogExtractNumbers(L_RECOG recog,
BOXA boxas,
float scorethresh,
int spacethresh,
BOXAA pbaa,
NUMAA pnaa) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.recogExtractNumbers(L_RECOG recog,
BOXA boxas,
float scorethresh,
int spacethresh,
PointerPointer pbaa,
PointerPointer pnaa) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarrayClone(SARRAY sa) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarrayConcatUniformly(SARRAY sa,
int n,
int addnlflag) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarrayConvertWordsToLines(SARRAY sa,
int linesize) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarrayCopy(SARRAY sa) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarrayCreate(int n) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarrayCreateInitialized(int n,
BytePointer initstr) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarrayCreateInitialized(int n,
String initstr) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarrayCreateLinesFromString(BytePointer string,
int blankflag) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarrayCreateLinesFromString(String string,
int blankflag) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarrayCreateWordsFromString(BytePointer string) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarrayCreateWordsFromString(String string) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarrayGenerateIntegers(int n) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarrayRead(BytePointer filename) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarrayRead(String filename) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarrayReadMem(byte[] data,
long size) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarrayReadMem(ByteBuffer data,
long size) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarrayReadMem(BytePointer data,
long size) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarrayReadStream(Pointer fp) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarraySelectBySubstring(SARRAY sain,
BytePointer substr) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarraySelectBySubstring(SARRAY sain,
String substr) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarraySelectRange(SARRAY sain,
int first,
int last) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarraySort(SARRAY saout,
SARRAY sain,
int sortorder) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarraySortByIndex(SARRAY sain,
NUMA naindex) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.selaGetSelnames(SELA sela) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.splitStringToParagraphs(byte[] textstr,
int splitflag) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.splitStringToParagraphs(ByteBuffer textstr,
int splitflag) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.splitStringToParagraphs(BytePointer textstr,
int splitflag) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static NUMA |
leptonica.bmfGetWordWidths(L_BMF bmf,
BytePointer textstr,
SARRAY sa) |
static NUMA |
leptonica.bmfGetWordWidths(L_BMF bmf,
String textstr,
SARRAY sa) |
static int |
leptonica.cleanTo1bppFilesToPdf(SARRAY sa,
int res,
int contrast,
int rotation,
int opensize,
BytePointer title,
BytePointer fileout) |
static int |
leptonica.cleanTo1bppFilesToPdf(SARRAY sa,
int res,
int contrast,
int rotation,
int opensize,
String title,
String fileout) |
static int |
leptonica.compressFilesToPdf(SARRAY sa,
int onebit,
int savecolor,
float scalefactor,
int quality,
BytePointer title,
BytePointer fileout) |
static int |
leptonica.compressFilesToPdf(SARRAY sa,
int onebit,
int savecolor,
float scalefactor,
int quality,
String title,
String fileout) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.convertSortedToNumberedPathnames(SARRAY sa,
int numpre,
int numpost,
int maxnum) |
static int |
leptonica.cropFilesToPdf(SARRAY sa,
int lr_clear,
int tb_clear,
int edgeclean,
int lr_border,
int tb_border,
float maxwiden,
int printwiden,
BytePointer title,
BytePointer fileout) |
static int |
leptonica.cropFilesToPdf(SARRAY sa,
int lr_clear,
int tb_clear,
int edgeclean,
int lr_border,
int tb_border,
float maxwiden,
int printwiden,
String title,
String fileout) |
static int |
leptonica.dewarpShowResults(L_DEWARPA dewa,
BOXA boxa,
int firstpage,
int lastpage,
BytePointer pdfout) |
static int |
leptonica.dewarpShowResults(L_DEWARPA dewa,
BOXA boxa,
int firstpage,
int lastpage,
String pdfout) |
static int |
leptonica.jbAddPages(JBCLASSER classer,
SARRAY safiles) |
static L_ASET |
leptonica.l_asetCreateFromSarray(SARRAY sa) |
static L_HASHMAP |
leptonica.l_hmapCreateFromSarray(SARRAY sa) |
static int |
leptonica.l_pdfRenderFile(BytePointer filename,
int res,
SARRAY psaout) |
static int |
leptonica.l_pdfRenderFile(String filename,
int res,
SARRAY psaout) |
static int |
leptonica.l_pdfRenderFiles(BytePointer dir,
SARRAY sain,
int res,
PointerPointer psaout) |
static int |
leptonica.l_pdfRenderFiles(BytePointer dir,
SARRAY sain,
int res,
SARRAY psaout) |
static int |
leptonica.l_pdfRenderFiles(String dir,
SARRAY sain,
int res,
SARRAY psaout) |
static int |
leptonica.morphSequenceVerify(SARRAY sa) |
static PIXA |
leptonica.pixaAddTextlines(PIXA pixas,
L_BMF bmf,
int val,
int location) |
static PIXAC |
leptonica.pixacompCreateFromSA(SARRAY sa,
int comptype) |
static PIXA |
leptonica.pixaConvertToNUpPixa(PIXA pixas,
int nx,
int ny,
int tw,
int spacing,
int border,
int fontsize) |
static PIX |
leptonica.pixaDisplayPairTiledInColumns(PIXA pixas1,
PIXA pixas2,
int nx,
float scalefactor,
int spacing1,
int spacing2,
int border1,
int border2,
int fontsize,
int startindex,
SARRAY sa) |
static PIXA |
leptonica.pixaReadFilesSA(SARRAY sa) |
static int |
leptonica.pixaSetText(PIXA pixa,
BytePointer text,
SARRAY sa) |
static int |
leptonica.pixaSetText(PIXA pixa,
String text,
SARRAY sa) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.pixProcessBarcodes(PIX pixs,
int format,
int method,
SARRAY psaw,
int debugflag) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.pixReadBarcodes(PIXA pixa,
int format,
int method,
SARRAY psaw,
int debugflag) |
static PIX |
leptonica.pixReadIndexed(SARRAY sa,
int index) |
static int |
leptonica.pixWriteMemTiffCustom(byte[] pdata,
SizeTPointer psize,
PIX pix,
int comptype,
NUMA natags,
SARRAY savals,
SARRAY satypes,
NUMA nasizes) |
static int |
leptonica.pixWriteMemTiffCustom(ByteBuffer pdata,
SizeTPointer psize,
PIX pix,
int comptype,
NUMA natags,
SARRAY savals,
SARRAY satypes,
NUMA nasizes) |
static int |
leptonica.pixWriteMemTiffCustom(BytePointer pdata,
SizeTPointer psize,
PIX pix,
int comptype,
NUMA natags,
SARRAY savals,
SARRAY satypes,
NUMA nasizes) |
static int |
leptonica.pixWriteMemTiffCustom(PointerPointer pdata,
SizeTPointer psize,
PIX pix,
int comptype,
NUMA natags,
SARRAY savals,
SARRAY satypes,
NUMA nasizes) |
static int |
leptonica.pixWriteTiffCustom(BytePointer filename,
PIX pix,
int comptype,
BytePointer modestr,
NUMA natags,
SARRAY savals,
SARRAY satypes,
NUMA nasizes) |
static int |
leptonica.pixWriteTiffCustom(String filename,
PIX pix,
int comptype,
String modestr,
NUMA natags,
SARRAY savals,
SARRAY satypes,
NUMA nasizes) |
static int |
leptonica.ptraConcatenatePdfToData(L_PTRA pa_data,
byte[] pdata,
SizeTPointer pnbytes) |
static int |
leptonica.ptraConcatenatePdfToData(L_PTRA pa_data,
ByteBuffer pdata,
SizeTPointer pnbytes) |
static int |
leptonica.ptraConcatenatePdfToData(L_PTRA pa_data,
BytePointer pdata,
SizeTPointer pnbytes) |
static int |
leptonica.ptraConcatenatePdfToData(L_PTRA pa_data,
PointerPointer pdata,
SizeTPointer pnbytes) |
static int |
leptonica.rchaExtract(L_RCHA rcha,
NUMA pnaindex,
NUMA pnascore,
SARRAY psatext,
NUMA pnasample,
NUMA pnaxloc,
NUMA pnayloc,
NUMA pnawidth) |
static PIXA |
leptonica.recogAddDigitPadTemplates(L_RECOG recog,
SARRAY sa) |
static int |
leptonica.recogCorrelationBestRow(L_RECOG recog,
PIX pixs,
BOXA pboxa,
NUMA pnascore,
NUMA pnaindex,
SARRAY psachar,
int debug) |
static int |
leptonica.recogIsPaddingNeeded(L_RECOG recog,
SARRAY psa) |
static int |
leptonica.saConcatenatePdf(SARRAY sa,
BytePointer fileout) |
static int |
leptonica.saConcatenatePdf(SARRAY sa,
String fileout) |
static int |
leptonica.saConcatenatePdfToData(SARRAY sa,
byte[] pdata,
SizeTPointer pnbytes) |
static int |
leptonica.saConcatenatePdfToData(SARRAY sa,
ByteBuffer pdata,
SizeTPointer pnbytes) |
static int |
leptonica.saConcatenatePdfToData(SARRAY sa,
BytePointer pdata,
SizeTPointer pnbytes) |
static int |
leptonica.saConcatenatePdfToData(SARRAY sa,
PointerPointer pdata,
SizeTPointer pnbytes) |
static int |
leptonica.saConvertFilesToPdf(SARRAY sa,
int res,
float scalefactor,
int type,
int quality,
BytePointer title,
BytePointer fileout) |
static int |
leptonica.saConvertFilesToPdf(SARRAY sa,
int res,
float scalefactor,
int type,
int quality,
String title,
String fileout) |
static int |
leptonica.saConvertFilesToPdfData(SARRAY sa,
int res,
float scalefactor,
int type,
int quality,
BytePointer title,
byte[] pdata,
SizeTPointer pnbytes) |
static int |
leptonica.saConvertFilesToPdfData(SARRAY sa,
int res,
float scalefactor,
int type,
int quality,
BytePointer title,
ByteBuffer pdata,
SizeTPointer pnbytes) |
static int |
leptonica.saConvertFilesToPdfData(SARRAY sa,
int res,
float scalefactor,
int type,
int quality,
BytePointer title,
BytePointer pdata,
SizeTPointer pnbytes) |
static int |
leptonica.saConvertFilesToPdfData(SARRAY sa,
int res,
float scalefactor,
int type,
int quality,
BytePointer title,
PointerPointer pdata,
SizeTPointer pnbytes) |
static int |
leptonica.saConvertFilesToPdfData(SARRAY sa,
int res,
float scalefactor,
int type,
int quality,
String title,
byte[] pdata,
SizeTPointer pnbytes) |
static int |
leptonica.saConvertFilesToPdfData(SARRAY sa,
int res,
float scalefactor,
int type,
int quality,
String title,
ByteBuffer pdata,
SizeTPointer pnbytes) |
static int |
leptonica.saConvertFilesToPdfData(SARRAY sa,
int res,
float scalefactor,
int type,
int quality,
String title,
BytePointer pdata,
SizeTPointer pnbytes) |
static int |
leptonica.saConvertUnscaledFilesToPdf(SARRAY sa,
BytePointer title,
BytePointer fileout) |
static int |
leptonica.saConvertUnscaledFilesToPdf(SARRAY sa,
String title,
String fileout) |
static int |
leptonica.saConvertUnscaledFilesToPdfData(SARRAY sa,
BytePointer title,
byte[] pdata,
SizeTPointer pnbytes) |
static int |
leptonica.saConvertUnscaledFilesToPdfData(SARRAY sa,
BytePointer title,
ByteBuffer pdata,
SizeTPointer pnbytes) |
static int |
leptonica.saConvertUnscaledFilesToPdfData(SARRAY sa,
BytePointer title,
BytePointer pdata,
SizeTPointer pnbytes) |
static int |
leptonica.saConvertUnscaledFilesToPdfData(SARRAY sa,
BytePointer title,
PointerPointer pdata,
SizeTPointer pnbytes) |
static int |
leptonica.saConvertUnscaledFilesToPdfData(SARRAY sa,
String title,
byte[] pdata,
SizeTPointer pnbytes) |
static int |
leptonica.saConvertUnscaledFilesToPdfData(SARRAY sa,
String title,
ByteBuffer pdata,
SizeTPointer pnbytes) |
static int |
leptonica.saConvertUnscaledFilesToPdfData(SARRAY sa,
String title,
BytePointer pdata,
SizeTPointer pnbytes) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayAddString(SARRAY sa,
BytePointer string,
int copyflag) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayAddString(SARRAY sa,
String string,
int copyflag) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayAppend(BytePointer filename,
SARRAY sa) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayAppend(String filename,
SARRAY sa) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayAppendRange(SARRAY sa1,
int start,
int end) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayClear(SARRAY sa) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarrayClone(SARRAY sa) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarrayConcatUniformly(SARRAY sa,
int n,
int addnlflag) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayConvertFilesFittedToPS(SARRAY sa,
float xpts,
float ypts,
BytePointer fileout) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayConvertFilesFittedToPS(SARRAY sa,
float xpts,
float ypts,
String fileout) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayConvertFilesToPS(SARRAY sa,
int res,
BytePointer fileout) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayConvertFilesToPS(SARRAY sa,
int res,
String fileout) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarrayConvertWordsToLines(SARRAY sa,
int linesize) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarrayCopy(SARRAY sa) |
static void |
leptonica.sarrayDestroy(SARRAY psa) |
static byte[] |
leptonica.sarrayGetArray(SARRAY sa,
int[] pnalloc,
int[] pn) |
static ByteBuffer |
leptonica.sarrayGetArray(SARRAY sa,
IntBuffer pnalloc,
IntBuffer pn) |
static PointerPointer |
leptonica.sarrayGetArray(SARRAY sa,
IntPointer pnalloc,
IntPointer pn) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayGetCount(SARRAY sa) |
static BytePointer |
leptonica.sarrayGetString(SARRAY sa,
int index,
int copyflag) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayIntersectionByAset(SARRAY sa1,
PointerPointer psad) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayIntersectionByAset(SARRAY sa1,
SARRAY psad) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayIntersectionByHmap(SARRAY sa1,
PointerPointer psad) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayIntersectionByHmap(SARRAY sa1,
SARRAY psad) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayJoin(SARRAY sa1,
SARRAY sa2) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayLookupCSKV(SARRAY sa,
BytePointer keystring,
byte[] pvalstring) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayLookupCSKV(SARRAY sa,
BytePointer keystring,
ByteBuffer pvalstring) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayLookupCSKV(SARRAY sa,
BytePointer keystring,
BytePointer pvalstring) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayLookupCSKV(SARRAY sa,
BytePointer keystring,
PointerPointer pvalstring) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayLookupCSKV(SARRAY sa,
String keystring,
byte[] pvalstring) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayLookupCSKV(SARRAY sa,
String keystring,
ByteBuffer pvalstring) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayLookupCSKV(SARRAY sa,
String keystring,
BytePointer pvalstring) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayPadToSameSize(SARRAY sa1,
BytePointer padstring) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayPadToSameSize(SARRAY sa1,
String padstring) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayParseRange(SARRAY sa,
int start,
int[] pactualstart,
int[] pend,
int[] pnewstart,
BytePointer substr,
int loc) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayParseRange(SARRAY sa,
int start,
int[] pactualstart,
int[] pend,
int[] pnewstart,
String substr,
int loc) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayParseRange(SARRAY sa,
int start,
IntBuffer pactualstart,
IntBuffer pend,
IntBuffer pnewstart,
BytePointer substr,
int loc) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayParseRange(SARRAY sa,
int start,
IntBuffer pactualstart,
IntBuffer pend,
IntBuffer pnewstart,
String substr,
int loc) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayParseRange(SARRAY sa,
int start,
IntPointer pactualstart,
IntPointer pend,
IntPointer pnewstart,
BytePointer substr,
int loc) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayParseRange(SARRAY sa,
int start,
IntPointer pactualstart,
IntPointer pend,
IntPointer pnewstart,
String substr,
int loc) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayRemoveDupsByAset(SARRAY sas,
PointerPointer psad) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayRemoveDupsByAset(SARRAY sas,
SARRAY psad) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayRemoveDupsByHmap(SARRAY sas,
PointerPointer psad,
PointerPointer phmap) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayRemoveDupsByHmap(SARRAY sas,
SARRAY psad,
L_HASHMAP phmap) |
static BytePointer |
leptonica.sarrayRemoveString(SARRAY sa,
int index) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayReplaceString(SARRAY sa,
int index,
byte[] newstr,
int copyflag) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayReplaceString(SARRAY sa,
int index,
ByteBuffer newstr,
int copyflag) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayReplaceString(SARRAY sa,
int index,
BytePointer newstr,
int copyflag) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarraySelectBySubstring(SARRAY sain,
BytePointer substr) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarraySelectBySubstring(SARRAY sain,
String substr) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarraySelectRange(SARRAY sain,
int first,
int last) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarraySort(SARRAY saout,
SARRAY sain,
int sortorder) |
static SARRAY |
leptonica.sarraySortByIndex(SARRAY sain,
NUMA naindex) |
static int |
leptonica.sarraySplitString(SARRAY sa,
BytePointer str,
BytePointer separators) |
static int |
leptonica.sarraySplitString(SARRAY sa,
String str,
String separators) |
static BytePointer |
leptonica.sarrayToString(SARRAY sa,
int addnlflag) |
static BytePointer |
leptonica.sarrayToStringRange(SARRAY sa,
int first,
int nstrings,
int addnlflag) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayUnionByAset(SARRAY sa1,
PointerPointer psad) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayUnionByAset(SARRAY sa1,
SARRAY psad) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayUnionByHmap(SARRAY sa1,
PointerPointer psad) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayUnionByHmap(SARRAY sa1,
SARRAY psad) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayWrite(BytePointer filename,
SARRAY sa) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayWrite(String filename,
SARRAY sa) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayWriteMem(byte[] pdata,
SizeTPointer psize,
SARRAY sa) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayWriteMem(ByteBuffer pdata,
SizeTPointer psize,
SARRAY sa) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayWriteMem(BytePointer pdata,
SizeTPointer psize,
SARRAY sa) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayWriteMem(PointerPointer pdata,
SizeTPointer psize,
SARRAY sa) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayWriteStderr(SARRAY sa) |
static int |
leptonica.sarrayWriteStream(Pointer fp,
SARRAY sa) |
static SELA |
leptonica.selaCreateFromColorPixa(PIXA pixa,
SARRAY sa) |
static PIXA |
leptonica.showExtractNumbers(PIX pixs,
BOXAA baa,
NUMAA naa,
PIX ppixdb) |
static PIXA |
leptonica.showExtractNumbers(PIX pixs,
BOXAA baa,
NUMAA naa,
PointerPointer ppixdb) |
static int |
leptonica.writeMultipageTiffSA(SARRAY sa,
BytePointer fileout) |
static int |
leptonica.writeMultipageTiffSA(SARRAY sa,
String fileout) |
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