@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @NoOffset @Properties(inherit=opencv_core.class) public class Kernel extends Pointer
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
Kernel.Impl |
Pointer.CustomDeallocator, Pointer.Deallocator, Pointer.NativeDeallocator, Pointer.ReferenceCounter
Constructor and Description |
Kernel() |
Kernel(BytePointer kname,
Program prog) |
Kernel(Kernel k) |
Kernel(long size)
Native array allocator.
Kernel(Pointer p)
Pointer cast constructor.
Kernel(String kname,
Program prog) |
Kernel(String kname,
ProgramSource prog,
String buildopts,
BytePointer errmsg) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
compileWorkGroupSize(SizeTPointer wsz) |
boolean |
create(BytePointer kname,
Program prog) |
boolean |
create(String kname,
Program prog) |
boolean |
create(String kname,
ProgramSource prog,
String buildopts,
BytePointer errmsg) |
boolean |
empty() |
Kernel |
getPointer(long i) |
long |
localMemSize() |
Kernel |
position(long position) |
long |
preferedWorkGroupSizeMultiple() |
Pointer |
ptr() |
Kernel |
put(Kernel k) |
boolean |
run_(int dims,
SizeTPointer globalsize,
SizeTPointer localsize,
boolean sync) |
boolean |
run_(int dims,
SizeTPointer globalsize,
SizeTPointer localsize,
boolean sync,
Queue q)
\brief Run the OpenCL kernel
boolean |
run(int dims,
SizeTPointer globalsize,
SizeTPointer localsize,
boolean sync) |
boolean |
run(int dims,
SizeTPointer globalsize,
SizeTPointer localsize,
boolean sync,
Queue q)
\brief Run the OpenCL kernel (globalsize value may be adjusted)
long |
runProfiling(int dims,
SizeTPointer globalsize,
SizeTPointer localsize) |
long |
runProfiling(int dims,
SizeTPointer globalsize,
SizeTPointer localsize,
Queue q)
\brief Similar to synchronized run_() call with returning of kernel execution time
Separate OpenCL command queue may be used (with CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE)
boolean |
runTask(boolean sync) |
boolean |
runTask(boolean sync,
Queue q) |
int |
set(int i,
Image2D image2D) |
int |
set(int i,
KernelArg arg) |
int |
set(int i,
Pointer value,
long sz) |
int |
set(int i,
UMat m) |
long |
workGroupSize() |
address, asBuffer, asByteBuffer, availablePhysicalBytes, calloc, capacity, capacity, close, deallocate, deallocate, deallocateReferences, deallocator, deallocator, equals, fill, formatBytes, free, getDirectBufferAddress, getPointer, getPointer, getPointer, hashCode, interruptDeallocatorThread, isNull, isNull, limit, limit, malloc, maxBytes, maxPhysicalBytes, memchr, memcmp, memcpy, memmove, memset, offsetAddress, offsetof, offsetof, parseBytes, physicalBytes, physicalBytesInaccurate, position, put, realloc, referenceCount, releaseReference, retainReference, setNull, sizeof, sizeof, toString, totalBytes, totalCount, totalPhysicalBytes, withDeallocator, zero
public Kernel(Pointer p)
.public Kernel(long size)
.public Kernel()
public Kernel(String kname, @Const @ByRef ProgramSource prog, @opencv_core.Str String buildopts, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer errmsg)
public Kernel getPointer(long i)
in class Pointer
@Cast(value="bool") public boolean create(@Cast(value="const char*") BytePointer kname, @Const @ByRef Program prog)
@Cast(value="bool") public boolean create(String kname, @Const @ByRef ProgramSource prog, @opencv_core.Str String buildopts, @Cast(value={"","cv::String*"}) @opencv_core.Str BytePointer errmsg)
@Cast(value="bool") public boolean run(int dims, @Cast(value="size_t*") SizeTPointer globalsize, @Cast(value="size_t*") SizeTPointer localsize, @Cast(value="bool") boolean sync, @Const @ByRef(nullValue="cv::ocl::Queue()") Queue q)
- the work problem dimensions. It is the length of globalsize and localsize. It can be either 1, 2 or 3.globalsize
- work items for each dimension. It is not the final globalsize passed to
OpenCL. Each dimension will be adjusted to the nearest integer divisible by the corresponding
value in localsize. If localsize is NULL, it will still be adjusted depending on dims. The
adjusted values are greater than or equal to the original values.localsize
- work-group size for each dimension.sync
- specify whether to wait for OpenCL computation to finish before return.q
- command queue
\note Use run_() if your kernel code doesn't support adjusted globalsize.
@Cast(value="bool") public boolean run(int dims, @Cast(value="size_t*") SizeTPointer globalsize, @Cast(value="size_t*") SizeTPointer localsize, @Cast(value="bool") boolean sync)
@Cast(value="bool") public boolean run_(int dims, @Cast(value="size_t*") SizeTPointer globalsize, @Cast(value="size_t*") SizeTPointer localsize, @Cast(value="bool") boolean sync, @Const @ByRef(nullValue="cv::ocl::Queue()") Queue q)
- the work problem dimensions. It is the length of globalsize and localsize. It can be either 1, 2 or 3.globalsize
- work items for each dimension. This value is passed to OpenCL without changes.localsize
- work-group size for each dimension.sync
- specify whether to wait for OpenCL computation to finish before return.q
- command queue@Cast(value="bool") public boolean run_(int dims, @Cast(value="size_t*") SizeTPointer globalsize, @Cast(value="size_t*") SizeTPointer localsize, @Cast(value="bool") boolean sync)
@Cast(value="bool") public boolean runTask(@Cast(value="bool") boolean sync, @Const @ByRef(nullValue="cv::ocl::Queue()") Queue q)
@Cast(value="int64") public long runProfiling(int dims, @Cast(value="size_t*") SizeTPointer globalsize, @Cast(value="size_t*") SizeTPointer localsize, @Const @ByRef(nullValue="cv::ocl::Queue()") Queue q)
@Cast(value="int64") public long runProfiling(int dims, @Cast(value="size_t*") SizeTPointer globalsize, @Cast(value="size_t*") SizeTPointer localsize)
@Cast(value="bool") public boolean compileWorkGroupSize(@Cast(value="size_t*") SizeTPointer wsz)
public Pointer ptr()
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