Class | Description |
actionCommandResult |
Action Command Result.
quickSpin | |
quickSpinTLDevice |
quickSpinTLInterface |
quickSpinTLStream |
quickSpinTLSystem |
spinArrivalEventFunction | |
spinAVIOption |
Options for saving uncompressed videos.
spinBMPOption |
Options for saving BMP images.
spinCamera |
Handle for camera functionality.
spinCameraList |
Handle for interface functionality.
spinChunkData |
\brief The type of information that can be obtained from image chunk data.
spinDeviceArrivalEventHandler |
Handle for arrival event handler functionality.
spinDeviceEventData |
Handle for device event data functionality.
spinDeviceEventFunction |
Function signatures are used to create and trigger callbacks and
spinDeviceEventHandler |
Handle for device event handler functionality.
spinDeviceRemovalEventHandler |
Handle for removal event handler functionality.
spinH264Option |
Options for saving H264 videos.
spinImage |
Handle for image functionality.
spinImageEventFunction | |
spinImageEventHandler |
Handle for image event handler functionality.
spinImageList |
Handle for image list functionality.
spinImageListEventFunction | |
spinImageListEventHandler |
Handle for image list event handler functionality.
spinImageProcessor |
Handle for image processor functionality.
spinImageStatistics |
Handle for image statistics functionality.
spinInterface |
Handle for interface functionality.
spinInterfaceEventHandler |
Handle for interface event handler functionality.
spinInterfaceList |
Handle for interface list functionality.
spinJPEGOption |
Options for saving JPEG images.
spinJPG2Option |
Options for saving JPEG 2000 images.
spinLibraryVersion |
Provides easier access to the current version of Spinnaker.
spinLogEventData |
Handle for logging event data functionality.
spinLogEventFunction | |
spinLogEventHandler |
Handle for logging event handler functionality.
spinMJPGOption |
Options for saving MJPG videos.
spinNodeCallbackFunction |
Function signatures are used to create and trigger callbacks and
spinNodeCallbackHandle |
Handle for callback functionality.
spinNodeHandle |
Handle for node functionality.
spinNodeMapHandle |
Handle for nodemap functionality.
spinPGMOption |
Options for saving PGM images.
spinPNGOption |
Options for saving PNG images.
spinPPMOption |
Options for saving PPM images.
spinRemovalEventFunction | |
spinSystem |
Handle for system functionality.
spinTIFFOption |
Options for saving TIFF images.
spinVideo |
Handle for video recording functionality.
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