Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
opencv_features2d.AGAST(GpuMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.AGAST(GpuMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold,
boolean nonmaxSuppression) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.AGAST(GpuMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold,
boolean nonmaxSuppression,
int type) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.AGAST(Mat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.AGAST(Mat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold,
boolean nonmaxSuppression)
static void |
opencv_features2d.AGAST(Mat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold,
boolean nonmaxSuppression,
int type)
\brief Detects corners using the AGAST algorithm
static void |
opencv_features2d.AGAST(UMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.AGAST(UMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold,
boolean nonmaxSuppression) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.AGAST(UMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold,
boolean nonmaxSuppression,
int type) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawKeypoints(GpuMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
GpuMat outImage) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawKeypoints(GpuMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
GpuMat outImage,
Scalar color,
int flags) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawKeypoints(Mat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
Mat outImage) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawKeypoints(Mat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
Mat outImage,
Scalar color,
int flags)
\brief Draws keypoints.
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawKeypoints(UMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
UMat outImage) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawKeypoints(UMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
UMat outImage,
Scalar color,
int flags) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(GpuMat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
GpuMat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
GpuMat outImg) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(GpuMat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
GpuMat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
GpuMat outImg,
int matchesThickness) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(GpuMat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
GpuMat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
GpuMat outImg,
int matchesThickness,
Scalar matchColor,
Scalar singlePointColor,
byte[] matchesMask,
int flags) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(GpuMat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
GpuMat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
GpuMat outImg,
int matchesThickness,
Scalar matchColor,
Scalar singlePointColor,
ByteBuffer matchesMask,
int flags) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(GpuMat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
GpuMat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
GpuMat outImg,
int matchesThickness,
Scalar matchColor,
Scalar singlePointColor,
BytePointer matchesMask,
int flags) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(GpuMat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
GpuMat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
GpuMat outImg,
Scalar matchColor,
Scalar singlePointColor,
byte[] matchesMask,
int flags) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(GpuMat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
GpuMat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
GpuMat outImg,
Scalar matchColor,
Scalar singlePointColor,
ByteBuffer matchesMask,
int flags) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(GpuMat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
GpuMat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
GpuMat outImg,
Scalar matchColor,
Scalar singlePointColor,
BytePointer matchesMask,
int flags) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(Mat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
Mat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
Mat outImg) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(Mat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
Mat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
Mat outImg,
int matchesThickness) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(Mat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
Mat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
Mat outImg,
int matchesThickness,
Scalar matchColor,
Scalar singlePointColor,
byte[] matchesMask,
int flags) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(Mat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
Mat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
Mat outImg,
int matchesThickness,
Scalar matchColor,
Scalar singlePointColor,
ByteBuffer matchesMask,
int flags) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(Mat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
Mat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
Mat outImg,
int matchesThickness,
Scalar matchColor,
Scalar singlePointColor,
BytePointer matchesMask,
int flags)
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(Mat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
Mat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
Mat outImg,
Scalar matchColor,
Scalar singlePointColor,
byte[] matchesMask,
int flags) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(Mat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
Mat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
Mat outImg,
Scalar matchColor,
Scalar singlePointColor,
ByteBuffer matchesMask,
int flags) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(Mat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
Mat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
Mat outImg,
Scalar matchColor,
Scalar singlePointColor,
BytePointer matchesMask,
int flags)
\brief Draws the found matches of keypoints from two images.
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(UMat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
UMat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
UMat outImg) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(UMat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
UMat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
UMat outImg,
int matchesThickness) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(UMat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
UMat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
UMat outImg,
int matchesThickness,
Scalar matchColor,
Scalar singlePointColor,
byte[] matchesMask,
int flags) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(UMat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
UMat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
UMat outImg,
int matchesThickness,
Scalar matchColor,
Scalar singlePointColor,
ByteBuffer matchesMask,
int flags) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(UMat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
UMat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
UMat outImg,
int matchesThickness,
Scalar matchColor,
Scalar singlePointColor,
BytePointer matchesMask,
int flags) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(UMat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
UMat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
UMat outImg,
Scalar matchColor,
Scalar singlePointColor,
byte[] matchesMask,
int flags) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(UMat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
UMat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
UMat outImg,
Scalar matchColor,
Scalar singlePointColor,
ByteBuffer matchesMask,
int flags) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatches(UMat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
UMat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
UMat outImg,
Scalar matchColor,
Scalar singlePointColor,
BytePointer matchesMask,
int flags) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatchesKnn(GpuMat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
GpuMat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVectorVector matches1to2,
GpuMat outImg) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatchesKnn(GpuMat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
GpuMat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVectorVector matches1to2,
GpuMat outImg,
Scalar matchColor,
Scalar singlePointColor,
ByteVectorVector matchesMask,
int flags) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatchesKnn(Mat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
Mat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVectorVector matches1to2,
Mat outImg) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatchesKnn(Mat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
Mat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVectorVector matches1to2,
Mat outImg,
Scalar matchColor,
Scalar singlePointColor,
ByteVectorVector matchesMask,
int flags) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatchesKnn(UMat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
UMat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVectorVector matches1to2,
UMat outImg) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.drawMatchesKnn(UMat img1,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
UMat img2,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVectorVector matches1to2,
UMat outImg,
Scalar matchColor,
Scalar singlePointColor,
ByteVectorVector matchesMask,
int flags) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.evaluateFeatureDetector(Mat img1,
Mat img2,
Mat H1to2,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
float[] repeatability,
int[] correspCount) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.evaluateFeatureDetector(Mat img1,
Mat img2,
Mat H1to2,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
float[] repeatability,
int[] correspCount,
Feature2D fdetector) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.evaluateFeatureDetector(Mat img1,
Mat img2,
Mat H1to2,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
FloatBuffer repeatability,
IntBuffer correspCount) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.evaluateFeatureDetector(Mat img1,
Mat img2,
Mat H1to2,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
FloatBuffer repeatability,
IntBuffer correspCount,
Feature2D fdetector) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.evaluateFeatureDetector(Mat img1,
Mat img2,
Mat H1to2,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
FloatPointer repeatability,
IntPointer correspCount) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.evaluateFeatureDetector(Mat img1,
Mat img2,
Mat H1to2,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
FloatPointer repeatability,
IntPointer correspCount,
Feature2D fdetector)
\addtogroup features2d_main
/** \{
static void |
opencv_features2d.FAST(GpuMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.FAST(GpuMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold,
boolean nonmaxSuppression) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.FAST(GpuMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold,
boolean nonmaxSuppression,
int type) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.FAST(Mat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.FAST(Mat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold,
boolean nonmaxSuppression)
static void |
opencv_features2d.FAST(Mat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold,
boolean nonmaxSuppression,
int type)
\brief Detects corners using the FAST algorithm
static void |
opencv_features2d.FAST(UMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.FAST(UMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold,
boolean nonmaxSuppression) |
static void |
opencv_features2d.FAST(UMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold,
boolean nonmaxSuppression,
int type) |
static void |
opencv_xfeatures2d.FASTForPointSet(GpuMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold) |
static void |
opencv_xfeatures2d.FASTForPointSet(GpuMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold,
boolean nonmaxSuppression,
int type) |
static void |
opencv_xfeatures2d.FASTForPointSet(Mat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold) |
static void |
opencv_xfeatures2d.FASTForPointSet(Mat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold,
boolean nonmaxSuppression,
int type)
\brief Estimates cornerness for prespecified KeyPoints using the FAST algorithm
static void |
opencv_xfeatures2d.FASTForPointSet(UMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold) |
static void |
opencv_xfeatures2d.FASTForPointSet(UMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
int threshold,
boolean nonmaxSuppression,
int type) |
static void |
opencv_xfeatures2d.matchGMS(Size size1,
Size size2,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
DMatchVector matchesGMS) |
static void |
opencv_xfeatures2d.matchGMS(Size size1,
Size size2,
KeyPointVector keypoints1,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
DMatchVector matches1to2,
DMatchVector matchesGMS,
boolean withRotation,
boolean withScale,
double thresholdFactor)
static void |
opencv_xfeatures2d.matchLOGOS(KeyPointVector keypoints1,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
int[] nn1,
int[] nn2,
DMatchVector matches1to2) |
static void |
opencv_xfeatures2d.matchLOGOS(KeyPointVector keypoints1,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
IntBuffer nn1,
IntBuffer nn2,
DMatchVector matches1to2) |
static void |
opencv_xfeatures2d.matchLOGOS(KeyPointVector keypoints1,
KeyPointVector keypoints2,
IntPointer nn1,
IntPointer nn2,
DMatchVector matches1to2)
\brief LOGOS (Local geometric support for high-outlier spatial verification) feature matching strategy described in \cite Lowry2018LOGOSLG .
static void | node,
KeyPointVector keypoints) |
static void | node,
KeyPointVector vec,
KeyPointVector default_value) |
static void |
opencv_core.shiftRight(FileNode n,
KeyPointVector vec) |
static void |
opencv_core.write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
KeyPointVector value) |
static void |
opencv_core.write(FileStorage fs,
KeyPointVector vec) |
static void |
opencv_core.write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
KeyPointVector value) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
KeyPointVector |
KeyPointVectorVector.back() |
KeyPointVector |
KeyPointVectorVector.front() |
KeyPointVector[] |
KeyPointVectorVector.get() |
KeyPointVector |
KeyPointVectorVector.Iterator.get() |
KeyPointVector |
KeyPointVectorVector.get(long i) |
KeyPointVector |
KeyPointVectorVector.pop_back() |
KeyPointVector |
KeyPointVector.push_back(KeyPoint value) |
KeyPointVector |
KeyPointVector.put(KeyPoint... array) |
KeyPointVector |
KeyPointVector.put(KeyPoint value) |
KeyPointVector |
KeyPointVector.put(KeyPointVector x) |
KeyPointVector |
KeyPointVector.put(long i,
KeyPoint value) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
KeyPoint.convert(KeyPointVector keypoints,
Point2fVector points2f) |
static void |
KeyPoint.convert(KeyPointVector keypoints,
Point2fVector points2f,
int[] keypointIndexes) |
static void |
KeyPoint.convert(KeyPointVector keypoints,
Point2fVector points2f,
IntBuffer keypointIndexes) |
static void |
KeyPoint.convert(KeyPointVector keypoints,
Point2fVector points2f,
IntPointer keypointIndexes)
This method converts vector of keypoints to vector of points or the reverse, where each keypoint is
assigned the same size and the same orientation.
static void |
KeyPoint.convert(Point2fVector points2f,
KeyPointVector keypoints) |
static void |
KeyPoint.convert(Point2fVector points2f,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
float size,
float response,
int octave,
int class_id)
KeyPointVectorVector.Iterator |
KeyPointVectorVector.insert(KeyPointVectorVector.Iterator pos,
KeyPointVector value) |
KeyPointVectorVector |
KeyPointVectorVector.push_back(KeyPointVector value) |
KeyPointVectorVector |
KeyPointVectorVector.put(KeyPointVector... array) |
KeyPointVectorVector |
KeyPointVectorVector.put(KeyPointVector value) |
KeyPointVector |
KeyPointVector.put(KeyPointVector x) |
KeyPointVectorVector |
KeyPointVectorVector.put(long i,
KeyPointVector value) |
Constructor and Description |
KeyPointVectorVector(KeyPointVector... array) |
KeyPointVectorVector(KeyPointVector value) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Feature2DAsync.convert(GpuMat gpu_keypoints,
KeyPointVector keypoints) |
void |
Feature2DAsync.convert(Mat gpu_keypoints,
KeyPointVector keypoints)
Converts keypoints array from internal representation to standard vector.
void |
Feature2DAsync.convert(UMat gpu_keypoints,
KeyPointVector keypoints) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Feature2D.compute(GpuMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
GpuMat descriptors) |
void |
BOWImgDescriptorExtractor.compute(GpuMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
GpuMat imgDescriptor) |
void |
BOWImgDescriptorExtractor.compute(GpuMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
GpuMat imgDescriptor,
IntVectorVector pointIdxsOfClusters,
Mat descriptors) |
void |
Feature2D.compute(Mat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
Mat descriptors)
\brief Computes the descriptors for a set of keypoints detected in an image (first variant) or image set
(second variant).
void |
BOWImgDescriptorExtractor.compute(Mat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
Mat imgDescriptor) |
void |
BOWImgDescriptorExtractor.compute(Mat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
Mat imgDescriptor,
IntVectorVector pointIdxsOfClusters,
Mat descriptors)
\brief Computes an image descriptor using the set visual vocabulary.
void |
Feature2D.compute(UMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
UMat descriptors) |
void |
BOWImgDescriptorExtractor.compute(UMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
UMat imgDescriptor) |
void |
BOWImgDescriptorExtractor.compute(UMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
UMat imgDescriptor,
IntVectorVector pointIdxsOfClusters,
Mat descriptors) |
void |
Feature2D.detect(GpuMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints) |
void |
Feature2D.detect(GpuMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
GpuMat mask) |
void |
Feature2D.detect(Mat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints) |
void |
Feature2D.detect(Mat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
Mat mask)
\brief Detects keypoints in an image (first variant) or image set (second variant).
void |
Feature2D.detect(UMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints) |
void |
Feature2D.detect(UMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
UMat mask) |
void |
Feature2D.detectAndCompute(GpuMat image,
GpuMat mask,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
GpuMat descriptors) |
void |
Feature2D.detectAndCompute(GpuMat image,
GpuMat mask,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
GpuMat descriptors,
boolean useProvidedKeypoints) |
void |
Feature2D.detectAndCompute(Mat image,
Mat mask,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
Mat descriptors) |
void |
Feature2D.detectAndCompute(Mat image,
Mat mask,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
Mat descriptors,
boolean useProvidedKeypoints)
Detects keypoints and computes the descriptors
void |
Feature2D.detectAndCompute(UMat image,
UMat mask,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
UMat descriptors) |
void |
Feature2D.detectAndCompute(UMat image,
UMat mask,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
UMat descriptors,
boolean useProvidedKeypoints) |
static void |
KeyPointsFilter.removeDuplicated(KeyPointVector keypoints) |
static void |
KeyPointsFilter.removeDuplicatedSorted(KeyPointVector keypoints) |
static void |
KeyPointsFilter.retainBest(KeyPointVector keypoints,
int npoints) |
static void |
KeyPointsFilter.runByImageBorder(KeyPointVector keypoints,
Size imageSize,
int borderSize) |
static void |
KeyPointsFilter.runByKeypointSize(KeyPointVector keypoints,
float minSize) |
static void |
KeyPointsFilter.runByKeypointSize(KeyPointVector keypoints,
float minSize,
float maxSize) |
static void |
KeyPointsFilter.runByPixelsMask(KeyPointVector keypoints,
Mat mask) |
static void |
KeyPointsFilter.runByPixelsMask2VectorPoint(KeyPointVector keypoints,
PointVectorVector removeFrom,
Mat mask) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
KeyPointVector |
ImageFeatures.getKeypoints() |
KeyPointVector |
ImageFeatures.keypoints() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ImageFeatures |
ImageFeatures.keypoints(KeyPointVector setter) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DAISY.compute(GpuMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
GpuMat descriptors) |
void |
DAISY.compute(Mat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
Mat descriptors)
void |
DAISY.compute(UMat image,
KeyPointVector keypoints,
UMat descriptors) |
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