public class opencv_core extends opencv_core
opencv_core.Functor, opencv_core.Ptr, opencv_core.Str
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static int |
enum cv::UMatUsageFlags
static int |
enum cv::AccessFlag
static int |
enum cv::AccessFlag
static int |
enum cv::AccessFlag
static int |
enum cv::AccessFlag
static int |
enum cv::AccessFlag
static int |
enum struct cv::Param
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum struct cv::Param
static int |
enum cv::BorderTypes
static int |
enum cv::BorderTypes
static int |
enum cv::BorderTypes
static int |
enum cv::BorderTypes
static int |
enum cv::BorderTypes
static int |
enum cv::BorderTypes
static int |
enum cv::BorderTypes
static int |
enum cv::BorderTypes
static int |
enum cv::BorderTypes
static int |
enum cv::CmpTypes
static int |
enum cv::CmpTypes
static int |
enum cv::CmpTypes
static int |
enum cv::CmpTypes
static int |
enum cv::CmpTypes
static int |
enum cv::CmpTypes
static int |
enum cv::CovarFlags
static int |
enum cv::CovarFlags
static int |
enum cv::CovarFlags
static int |
enum cv::CovarFlags
static int |
enum cv::CovarFlags
static int |
enum cv::CovarFlags
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
enum CpuFeatures
static int |
CV_16F |
static int |
CV_16FC1 |
static int |
CV_16FC2 |
static int |
CV_16FC3 |
static int |
CV_16FC4 |
static int |
CV_16S |
static int |
CV_16SC1 |
static int |
CV_16SC2 |
static int |
CV_16SC3 |
static int |
CV_16SC4 |
static int |
CV_16U |
static int |
CV_16UC1 |
static int |
CV_16UC2 |
static int |
CV_16UC3 |
static int |
CV_16UC4 |
static double |
CV_2PI |
static int |
CV_32F |
static int |
CV_32FC1 |
static int |
CV_32FC2 |
static int |
CV_32FC3 |
static int |
CV_32FC4 |
static int |
CV_32S |
static int |
CV_32SC1 |
static int |
CV_32SC2 |
static int |
CV_32SC3 |
static int |
CV_32SC4 |
static int |
CV_64F |
static int |
CV_64FC1 |
static int |
CV_64FC2 |
static int |
CV_64FC3 |
static int |
CV_64FC4 |
static int |
CV_8S |
static int |
CV_8SC1 |
static int |
CV_8SC2 |
static int |
CV_8SC3 |
static int |
CV_8SC4 |
static int |
CV_8U |
static int |
CV_8UC1 |
static int |
CV_8UC2 |
static int |
CV_8UC3 |
static int |
CV_8UC4 |
static int |
Matrix type (CvMat) *
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
\anchor core_c_NormFlags
\name Flags for cvNorm and cvNormalize
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
\name Data types
primitive types
- schar - signed 1 byte integer
- uchar - unsigned 1 byte integer
- short - signed 2 byte integer
- ushort - unsigned 2 byte integer
- int - signed 4 byte integer
- uint - unsigned 4 byte integer
- int64 - signed 8 byte integer
- uint64 - unsigned 8 byte integer
static int |
static int |
flag for cvCalcCovarMatrix, all the input vectors are stored in a single matrix, as its columns
static int |
flag for cvCalcCovarMatrix, [v1-avg, v2-avg,...] * transpose([v1-avg,v2-avg,...])
static int |
flag for cvCalcCovarMatrix, all the input vectors are stored in a single matrix, as its rows
static int |
flag for cvCalcCovarMatrix, scale the covariance matrix coefficients by number of the vectors
static int |
flag for cvCalcCovarMatrix, transpose([v1-avg, v2-avg,...]) * [v1-avg,v2-avg,...]
static int |
flag for cvCalcCovarMatrix, do not calc average (i.e.
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
CV_CXX11 |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
\anchor core_c_DftFlags
\name Flags for cvDFT, cvDCT and cvMulSpectrums
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
conjugate the second argument of cvMulSpectrums
static int |
transform each row individually
static int |
divide result by size of array
static int |
CV_ErrModeLeaf |
static int |
CV_ErrModeParent |
static int |
CV_ErrModeSilent |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
flags for graphs
static int |
static int |
static int |
flags for graph vertices and edges
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
Retrieves index of a graph edge given its pointer
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
\addtogroup core_hal_interface
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
Histogram *
static int |
indicates whether bin ranges are set already or not
static int |
static int |
static int |
should be used as a parameter only,
it turns to CV_HIST_UNIFORM_FLAG of hist->type
static int |
static int |
The function implements the K-means algorithm for clustering an array of sample
vectors in a specified number of classes
static int |
CV_L1 |
static int |
CV_L2 |
static double |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
Multi-dimensional dense array (CvMatND) *
static int |
static int |
Matrix type (Mat) *
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static double |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
\anchor core_c_ReduceFlags
\name Flags for cvReduce
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static long |
Random number generation
static int |
chain-coded curves
static int |
static int |
sequence of the connected components
static int |
static int |
static int |
freeman code: 0..7
static int |
connected component
static int |
static int |
&next_o, &next_d, &vtx_o, &vtx_d
static int |
first_edge, &(x,y)
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
vertex of the binary tree
static int |
flags for curves
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
sequence of the integer numbers
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
types of sequences
static int |
types of sparse sequences (sets)
static int |
static int |
static int |
Sequence types *
static int |
point sets
static int |
static int |
static int |
binary tree for the contour
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
\brief Set
Order is not preserved.
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
Multi-dimensional sparse array (CvSparseMat) *
static int |
static analysys *
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static String |
Graph is "derived" from the set (this is set a of vertices)
and includes another set (edges)
static String |
static String |
static String |
static String |
Pointer to the first sequence block.
static String |
static String |
static String |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static String |
static CvSlice |
static CvSlice |
static int |
static String |
CV_FUNCNAME macro defines icvFuncName constant which is used by CV_ERROR macro
static int |
enum cv::DftFlags
static int |
enum cv::DftFlags
static int |
enum cv::DecompTypes
static int |
enum cv::DecompTypes
static int |
enum cv::DecompTypes
static int |
enum cv::DecompTypes
static int |
enum cv::DecompTypes
static int |
enum cv::DecompTypes
static int |
enum cv::DftFlags
static int |
enum cv::DftFlags
static int |
enum cv::DftFlags
static int |
enum cv::DftFlags
static int |
enum cv::DftFlags
static int |
enum cv::DftFlags
static int |
enum cv::cuda::FeatureSet
static int |
enum cv::cuda::FeatureSet
static int |
enum cv::cuda::FeatureSet
static int |
enum cv::cuda::FeatureSet
static int |
enum cv::cuda::FeatureSet
static int |
enum cv::cuda::FeatureSet
static int |
enum cv::cuda::FeatureSet
static int |
enum cv::cuda::FeatureSet
static int |
enum cv::cuda::FeatureSet
static int |
enum cv::cuda::FeatureSet
static int |
enum cv::cuda::FeatureSet
static int |
enum cv::instr::FLAGS
static int |
enum cv::instr::FLAGS
static int |
enum cv::instr::FLAGS
static int |
enum struct cv::Param
static int |
enum cv::GemmFlags
static int |
enum cv::GemmFlags
static int |
enum cv::GemmFlags
static int |
enum cv::cuda::FeatureSet
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::instr::IMPL
static int |
enum cv::instr::IMPL
static int |
enum cv::instr::IMPL
static int |
enum struct cv::Param
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
extra border mode
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
for storing double-precision
floating point data in IplImage's
static int |
static int |
static int |
Image type (IplImage) *
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
enum cv::KmeansFlags
static int |
enum cv::KmeansFlags
static int |
enum cv::KmeansFlags
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum struct cv::Param
static int |
enum struct cv::Param
static int |
enum cv::cuda::FeatureSet
static int |
enum cv::NormTypes
static int |
enum cv::NormTypes
static int |
enum cv::NormTypes
static int |
enum cv::NormTypes
static int |
enum cv::NormTypes
static int |
enum cv::NormTypes
static int |
enum cv::NormTypes
static int |
enum cv::NormTypes
static int |
enum cv::NormTypes
static int |
enum cv::ocl::OclVectorStrategy
static int |
enum cv::ocl::OclVectorStrategy
static int |
enum cv::ocl::OclVectorStrategy
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
static int |
\addtogroup core_utils
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum struct cv::Param
static int |
enum cv::ReduceTypes
static int |
enum cv::ReduceTypes
static int |
enum cv::ReduceTypes
static int |
enum cv::ReduceTypes
static int |
enum cv::ReduceTypes
static int |
enum cv::RotateFlags
static int |
enum cv::RotateFlags
static int |
enum cv::RotateFlags
static int |
enum struct cv::Param
static int |
enum cv::cuda::FeatureSet
static int |
enum cv::SolveLPResult
static int |
enum cv::SolveLPResult
static int |
enum cv::SolveLPResult
static int |
enum cv::SolveLPResult
static int |
enum cv::SolveLPResult
static int |
enum cv::SortFlags
static int |
enum cv::SortFlags
static int |
enum cv::SortFlags
static int |
enum cv::SortFlags
static int |
enum struct cv::Param
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::Error::Code
static int |
enum cv::instr::TYPE
static int |
enum cv::instr::TYPE
static int |
enum cv::instr::TYPE
static int |
enum cv::instr::TYPE
static int |
enum struct cv::Param
static int |
enum struct cv::Param
static int |
enum struct cv::Param
static int |
enum cv::UMatUsageFlags
static int |
enum cv::UMatUsageFlags
static int |
enum cv::UMatUsageFlags
static int |
enum cv::UMatUsageFlags
static int |
enum cv::cuda::FeatureSet
Constructor and Description |
opencv_core() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static byte |
abs(byte a)
static int |
abs(int a) |
static long |
abs(long a) |
static MatExpr |
abs(Mat m)
\brief Calculates an absolute value of each matrix element.
static MatExpr |
abs(MatExpr e)
static short |
abs(short a) |
static void |
absdiff(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
absdiff(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dst)
\brief Calculates the per-element absolute difference between two arrays or between an array and a scalar.
static void |
absdiff(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dst) |
static void |
absdiff16s(short[] src1,
long step1,
short[] src2,
long step2,
short[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
absdiff16s(ShortBuffer src1,
long step1,
ShortBuffer src2,
long step2,
ShortBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
absdiff16s(ShortPointer src1,
long step1,
ShortPointer src2,
long step2,
ShortPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
absdiff16u(short[] src1,
long step1,
short[] src2,
long step2,
short[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
absdiff16u(ShortBuffer src1,
long step1,
ShortBuffer src2,
long step2,
ShortBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
absdiff16u(ShortPointer src1,
long step1,
ShortPointer src2,
long step2,
ShortPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
absdiff32f(float[] src1,
long step1,
float[] src2,
long step2,
float[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
absdiff32f(FloatBuffer src1,
long step1,
FloatBuffer src2,
long step2,
FloatBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
absdiff32f(FloatPointer src1,
long step1,
FloatPointer src2,
long step2,
FloatPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
absdiff32s(int[] src1,
long step1,
int[] src2,
long step2,
int[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
absdiff32s(IntBuffer src1,
long step1,
IntBuffer src2,
long step2,
IntBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
absdiff32s(IntPointer src1,
long step1,
IntPointer src2,
long step2,
IntPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
absdiff64f(double[] src1,
long step1,
double[] src2,
long step2,
double[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
absdiff64f(DoubleBuffer src1,
long step1,
DoubleBuffer src2,
long step2,
DoubleBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
absdiff64f(DoublePointer src1,
long step1,
DoublePointer src2,
long step2,
DoublePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
absdiff8s(byte[] src1,
long step1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
absdiff8s(ByteBuffer src1,
long step1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
absdiff8s(BytePointer src1,
long step1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
absdiff8u(byte[] src1,
long step1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
absdiff8u(ByteBuffer src1,
long step1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
absdiff8u(BytePointer src1,
long step1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
add(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
add(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst,
GpuMat mask,
int dtype) |
static Range |
add(int delta,
Range r1) |
static MatExpr |
add(MatExpr e,
Mat m) |
static MatExpr |
add(MatExpr e1,
MatExpr e2) |
static MatExpr |
add(MatExpr e,
Scalar s) |
static MatExpr |
add(Mat a,
Mat b)
\} core_basic
static MatExpr |
add(Mat m,
MatExpr e) |
static void |
add(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dst) |
static void |
add(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dst,
Mat mask,
int dtype)
\brief Calculates the per-element sum of two arrays or an array and a scalar.
static MatExpr |
add(Mat a,
Scalar s) |
static Range |
add(Range r1,
int delta) |
static MatExpr |
add(Scalar s,
Mat a) |
static MatExpr |
add(Scalar s,
MatExpr e) |
static void |
add(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dst) |
static void |
add(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dst,
UMat mask,
int dtype) |
static void |
add16s(short[] src1,
long step1,
short[] src2,
long step2,
short[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
add16s(ShortBuffer src1,
long step1,
ShortBuffer src2,
long step2,
ShortBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
add16s(ShortPointer src1,
long step1,
ShortPointer src2,
long step2,
ShortPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
add16u(short[] src1,
long step1,
short[] src2,
long step2,
short[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
add16u(ShortBuffer src1,
long step1,
ShortBuffer src2,
long step2,
ShortBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
add16u(ShortPointer src1,
long step1,
ShortPointer src2,
long step2,
ShortPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
add32f(float[] src1,
long step1,
float[] src2,
long step2,
float[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
add32f(FloatBuffer src1,
long step1,
FloatBuffer src2,
long step2,
FloatBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
add32f(FloatPointer src1,
long step1,
FloatPointer src2,
long step2,
FloatPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
add32s(int[] src1,
long step1,
int[] src2,
long step2,
int[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
add32s(IntBuffer src1,
long step1,
IntBuffer src2,
long step2,
IntBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
add32s(IntPointer src1,
long step1,
IntPointer src2,
long step2,
IntPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
add64f(double[] src1,
long step1,
double[] src2,
long step2,
double[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
add64f(DoubleBuffer src1,
long step1,
DoubleBuffer src2,
long step2,
DoubleBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
add64f(DoublePointer src1,
long step1,
DoublePointer src2,
long step2,
DoublePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
add8s(byte[] src1,
long step1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
add8s(ByteBuffer src1,
long step1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
add8s(BytePointer src1,
long step1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
add8u(byte[] src1,
long step1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
add8u(ByteBuffer src1,
long step1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
add8u(BytePointer src1,
long step1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static Mat |
addPut(Mat a,
Mat b)
static Mat |
addPut(Mat a,
Scalar b) |
static void |
addRNGBias32f(float[] arr,
float[] scaleBiasPairs,
int len) |
static void |
addRNGBias32f(FloatBuffer arr,
FloatBuffer scaleBiasPairs,
int len) |
static void |
addRNGBias32f(FloatPointer arr,
FloatPointer scaleBiasPairs,
int len) |
static void |
addRNGBias64f(double[] arr,
double[] scaleBiasPairs,
int len) |
static void |
addRNGBias64f(DoubleBuffer arr,
DoubleBuffer scaleBiasPairs,
int len) |
static void |
addRNGBias64f(DoublePointer arr,
DoublePointer scaleBiasPairs,
int len) |
static void |
addSamplesDataSearchPath(BytePointer path)
\brief Override search data path by adding new search location
static void |
addSamplesDataSearchPath(String path) |
static void |
addSamplesDataSearchSubDirectory(BytePointer subdir)
\brief Append samples search data sub directory
static void |
addSamplesDataSearchSubDirectory(String subdir) |
static void |
addWeighted(GpuMat src1,
double alpha,
GpuMat src2,
double beta,
double gamma,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
addWeighted(GpuMat src1,
double alpha,
GpuMat src2,
double beta,
double gamma,
GpuMat dst,
int dtype) |
static void |
addWeighted(Mat src1,
double alpha,
Mat src2,
double beta,
double gamma,
Mat dst) |
static void |
addWeighted(Mat src1,
double alpha,
Mat src2,
double beta,
double gamma,
Mat dst,
int dtype)
\brief Calculates the weighted sum of two arrays.
static void |
addWeighted(UMat src1,
double alpha,
UMat src2,
double beta,
double gamma,
UMat dst) |
static void |
addWeighted(UMat src1,
double alpha,
UMat src2,
double beta,
double gamma,
UMat dst,
int dtype) |
static void |
addWeighted16s(short[] src1,
long step1,
short[] src2,
long step2,
short[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scalars) |
static void |
addWeighted16s(ShortBuffer src1,
long step1,
ShortBuffer src2,
long step2,
ShortBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scalars) |
static void |
addWeighted16s(ShortPointer src1,
long step1,
ShortPointer src2,
long step2,
ShortPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scalars) |
static void |
addWeighted16u(short[] src1,
long step1,
short[] src2,
long step2,
short[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scalars) |
static void |
addWeighted16u(ShortBuffer src1,
long step1,
ShortBuffer src2,
long step2,
ShortBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scalars) |
static void |
addWeighted16u(ShortPointer src1,
long step1,
ShortPointer src2,
long step2,
ShortPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scalars) |
static void |
addWeighted32f(float[] src1,
long step1,
float[] src2,
long step2,
float[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scalars) |
static void |
addWeighted32f(FloatBuffer src1,
long step1,
FloatBuffer src2,
long step2,
FloatBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scalars) |
static void |
addWeighted32f(FloatPointer src1,
long step1,
FloatPointer src2,
long step2,
FloatPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scalars) |
static void |
addWeighted32s(int[] src1,
long step1,
int[] src2,
long step2,
int[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scalars) |
static void |
addWeighted32s(IntBuffer src1,
long step1,
IntBuffer src2,
long step2,
IntBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scalars) |
static void |
addWeighted32s(IntPointer src1,
long step1,
IntPointer src2,
long step2,
IntPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scalars) |
static void |
addWeighted64f(double[] src1,
long step1,
double[] src2,
long step2,
double[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scalars) |
static void |
addWeighted64f(DoubleBuffer src1,
long step1,
DoubleBuffer src2,
long step2,
DoubleBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scalars) |
static void |
addWeighted64f(DoublePointer src1,
long step1,
DoublePointer src2,
long step2,
DoublePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scalars) |
static void |
addWeighted8s(byte[] src1,
long step1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scalars) |
static void |
addWeighted8s(ByteBuffer src1,
long step1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scalars) |
static void |
addWeighted8s(BytePointer src1,
long step1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scalars) |
static void |
addWeighted8u(byte[] src1,
long step1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _scalars) |
static void |
addWeighted8u(ByteBuffer src1,
long step1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _scalars) |
static void |
addWeighted8u(BytePointer src1,
long step1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _scalars) |
static long |
alignSize(long sz,
int n)
\brief Aligns a buffer size to the specified number of bytes.
static int |
and(int a,
int b) |
static MatExpr |
and(Mat a,
Mat b) |
static MatExpr |
and(Mat a,
Scalar s) |
static Range |
and(Range r1,
Range r2) |
static MatExpr |
and(Scalar s,
Mat a) |
static void |
and8u(byte[] src1,
long step1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
and8u(ByteBuffer src1,
long step1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
and8u(BytePointer src1,
long step1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static int[] |
andPut(int[] _this,
int val) |
static IntBuffer |
andPut(IntBuffer _this,
int val) |
static IntPointer |
andPut(IntPointer _this,
int val) |
static Mat |
andPut(Mat a,
Mat b) |
static Mat |
andPut(Mat a,
Scalar b) |
static Range |
andPut(Range r1,
Range r2) |
static void |
attachContext(BytePointer platformName,
Pointer platformID,
Pointer context,
Pointer deviceID)
\brief Attaches OpenCL context to OpenCV
OpenCV will check if available OpenCL platform has platformName name, then assign context to
OpenCV and call
clRetainContext function. |
static void |
attachContext(String platformName,
Pointer platformID,
Pointer context,
Pointer deviceID) |
static void |
batchDistance(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dist,
int dtype,
GpuMat nidx) |
static void |
batchDistance(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dist,
int dtype,
GpuMat nidx,
int normType,
int K,
GpuMat mask,
int update,
boolean crosscheck) |
static void |
batchDistance(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dist,
int dtype,
Mat nidx) |
static void |
batchDistance(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dist,
int dtype,
Mat nidx,
int normType,
int K,
Mat mask,
int update,
boolean crosscheck)
\brief naive nearest neighbor finder
static void |
batchDistance(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dist,
int dtype,
UMat nidx) |
static void |
batchDistance(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dist,
int dtype,
UMat nidx,
int normType,
int K,
UMat mask,
int update,
boolean crosscheck) |
static void |
bitwise_and(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
bitwise_and(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst,
GpuMat mask) |
static void |
bitwise_and(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dst) |
static void |
bitwise_and(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dst,
Mat mask)
\brief computes bitwise conjunction of the two arrays (dst = src1 & src2)
Calculates the per-element bit-wise conjunction of two arrays or an
array and a scalar.
static void |
bitwise_and(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dst) |
static void |
bitwise_and(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dst,
UMat mask) |
static void |
bitwise_not(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
bitwise_not(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
GpuMat mask) |
static void |
bitwise_not(Mat src,
Mat dst) |
static void |
bitwise_not(Mat src,
Mat dst,
Mat mask)
\brief Inverts every bit of an array.
static void |
bitwise_not(UMat src,
UMat dst) |
static void |
bitwise_not(UMat src,
UMat dst,
UMat mask) |
static void |
bitwise_or(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
bitwise_or(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst,
GpuMat mask) |
static void |
bitwise_or(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dst) |
static void |
bitwise_or(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dst,
Mat mask)
\brief Calculates the per-element bit-wise disjunction of two arrays or an
array and a scalar.
static void |
bitwise_or(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dst) |
static void |
bitwise_or(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dst,
UMat mask) |
static void |
bitwise_xor(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
bitwise_xor(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst,
GpuMat mask) |
static void |
bitwise_xor(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dst) |
static void |
bitwise_xor(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dst,
Mat mask)
\brief Calculates the per-element bit-wise "exclusive or" operation on two
arrays or an array and a scalar.
static void |
bitwise_xor(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dst) |
static void |
bitwise_xor(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dst,
UMat mask) |
static int |
borderInterpolate(int p,
int len,
int borderType)
\} core
static void |
broadcast(GpuMat src,
GpuMat shape,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
broadcast(Mat src,
Mat shape,
Mat dst)
\brief Broadcast the given Mat to the given shape.
static void |
broadcast(UMat src,
UMat shape,
UMat dst) |
static void |
buildOptionsAddMatrixDescription(BytePointer buildOptions,
BytePointer name,
GpuMat _m) |
static void |
buildOptionsAddMatrixDescription(BytePointer buildOptions,
BytePointer name,
Mat _m) |
static void |
buildOptionsAddMatrixDescription(BytePointer buildOptions,
BytePointer name,
UMat _m) |
static void |
buildOptionsAddMatrixDescription(String buildOptions,
String name,
GpuMat _m) |
static void |
buildOptionsAddMatrixDescription(String buildOptions,
String name,
Mat _m) |
static void |
buildOptionsAddMatrixDescription(String buildOptions,
String name,
UMat _m) |
static void |
calcCovarMatrix(GpuMat samples,
GpuMat covar,
GpuMat mean,
int flags) |
static void |
calcCovarMatrix(GpuMat samples,
GpuMat covar,
GpuMat mean,
int flags,
int ctype) |
static void |
calcCovarMatrix(Mat samples,
int nsamples,
Mat covar,
Mat mean,
int flags) |
static void |
calcCovarMatrix(Mat samples,
int nsamples,
Mat covar,
Mat mean,
int flags,
int ctype)
\brief Calculates the covariance matrix of a set of vectors.
static void |
calcCovarMatrix(Mat samples,
Mat covar,
Mat mean,
int flags) |
static void |
calcCovarMatrix(Mat samples,
Mat covar,
Mat mean,
int flags,
int ctype)
\note use #COVAR_ROWS or #COVAR_COLS flag
static void |
calcCovarMatrix(UMat samples,
UMat covar,
UMat mean,
int flags) |
static void |
calcCovarMatrix(UMat samples,
UMat covar,
UMat mean,
int flags,
int ctype) |
static void |
cartToPolar(GpuMat x,
GpuMat y,
GpuMat magnitude,
GpuMat angle) |
static void |
cartToPolar(GpuMat x,
GpuMat y,
GpuMat magnitude,
GpuMat angle,
boolean angleInDegrees) |
static void |
cartToPolar(Mat x,
Mat y,
Mat magnitude,
Mat angle) |
static void |
cartToPolar(Mat x,
Mat y,
Mat magnitude,
Mat angle,
boolean angleInDegrees)
\brief Calculates the magnitude and angle of 2D vectors.
static void |
cartToPolar(UMat x,
UMat y,
UMat magnitude,
UMat angle) |
static void |
cartToPolar(UMat x,
UMat y,
UMat magnitude,
UMat angle,
boolean angleInDegrees) |
static void |
cartToPolar32f(float[] x,
float[] y,
float[] mag,
float[] angle,
int n,
boolean angleInDegrees) |
static void |
cartToPolar32f(FloatBuffer x,
FloatBuffer y,
FloatBuffer mag,
FloatBuffer angle,
int n,
boolean angleInDegrees) |
static void |
cartToPolar32f(FloatPointer x,
FloatPointer y,
FloatPointer mag,
FloatPointer angle,
int n,
boolean angleInDegrees) |
static void |
cartToPolar64f(double[] x,
double[] y,
double[] mag,
double[] angle,
int n,
boolean angleInDegrees) |
static void |
cartToPolar64f(DoubleBuffer x,
DoubleBuffer y,
DoubleBuffer mag,
DoubleBuffer angle,
int n,
boolean angleInDegrees) |
static void |
cartToPolar64f(DoublePointer x,
DoublePointer y,
DoublePointer mag,
DoublePointer angle,
int n,
boolean angleInDegrees) |
static byte |
char_tolower(byte ch)
static byte |
char_toupper(byte ch) |
static boolean |
checkHardwareSupport(int feature)
\brief Returns true if the specified feature is supported by the host hardware.
static int |
checkOptimalVectorWidth(int[] vectorWidths,
GpuMat src1) |
static int |
checkOptimalVectorWidth(int[] vectorWidths,
GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat src3,
GpuMat src4,
GpuMat src5,
GpuMat src6,
GpuMat src7,
GpuMat src8,
GpuMat src9,
int strat) |
static int |
checkOptimalVectorWidth(int[] vectorWidths,
Mat src1) |
static int |
checkOptimalVectorWidth(int[] vectorWidths,
Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat src3,
Mat src4,
Mat src5,
Mat src6,
Mat src7,
Mat src8,
Mat src9,
int strat) |
static int |
checkOptimalVectorWidth(int[] vectorWidths,
UMat src1) |
static int |
checkOptimalVectorWidth(int[] vectorWidths,
UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat src3,
UMat src4,
UMat src5,
UMat src6,
UMat src7,
UMat src8,
UMat src9,
int strat) |
static int |
checkOptimalVectorWidth(IntBuffer vectorWidths,
GpuMat src1) |
static int |
checkOptimalVectorWidth(IntBuffer vectorWidths,
GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat src3,
GpuMat src4,
GpuMat src5,
GpuMat src6,
GpuMat src7,
GpuMat src8,
GpuMat src9,
int strat) |
static int |
checkOptimalVectorWidth(IntBuffer vectorWidths,
Mat src1) |
static int |
checkOptimalVectorWidth(IntBuffer vectorWidths,
Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat src3,
Mat src4,
Mat src5,
Mat src6,
Mat src7,
Mat src8,
Mat src9,
int strat) |
static int |
checkOptimalVectorWidth(IntBuffer vectorWidths,
UMat src1) |
static int |
checkOptimalVectorWidth(IntBuffer vectorWidths,
UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat src3,
UMat src4,
UMat src5,
UMat src6,
UMat src7,
UMat src8,
UMat src9,
int strat) |
static int |
checkOptimalVectorWidth(IntPointer vectorWidths,
GpuMat src1) |
static int |
checkOptimalVectorWidth(IntPointer vectorWidths,
GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat src3,
GpuMat src4,
GpuMat src5,
GpuMat src6,
GpuMat src7,
GpuMat src8,
GpuMat src9,
int strat) |
static int |
checkOptimalVectorWidth(IntPointer vectorWidths,
Mat src1) |
static int |
checkOptimalVectorWidth(IntPointer vectorWidths,
Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat src3,
Mat src4,
Mat src5,
Mat src6,
Mat src7,
Mat src8,
Mat src9,
int strat) |
static int |
checkOptimalVectorWidth(IntPointer vectorWidths,
UMat src1) |
static int |
checkOptimalVectorWidth(IntPointer vectorWidths,
UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat src3,
UMat src4,
UMat src5,
UMat src6,
UMat src7,
UMat src8,
UMat src9,
int strat) |
static boolean |
checkRange(GpuMat a) |
static boolean |
checkRange(GpuMat a,
boolean quiet,
Point pos,
double minVal,
double maxVal) |
static boolean |
checkRange(Mat a) |
static boolean |
checkRange(Mat a,
boolean quiet,
Point pos,
double minVal,
double maxVal)
\brief Checks every element of an input array for invalid values.
static boolean |
checkRange(UMat a) |
static boolean |
checkRange(UMat a,
boolean quiet,
Point pos,
double minVal,
double maxVal) |
static boolean |
Cholesky(double[] A,
long astep,
int m,
double[] b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static boolean |
Cholesky(DoubleBuffer A,
long astep,
int m,
DoubleBuffer b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static boolean |
Cholesky(DoublePointer A,
long astep,
int m,
DoublePointer b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static boolean |
Cholesky(float[] A,
long astep,
int m,
float[] b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static boolean |
Cholesky(FloatBuffer A,
long astep,
int m,
FloatBuffer b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static boolean |
Cholesky(FloatPointer A,
long astep,
int m,
FloatPointer b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static boolean |
Cholesky32f(float[] A,
long astep,
int m,
float[] b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static boolean |
Cholesky32f(FloatBuffer A,
long astep,
int m,
FloatBuffer b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static boolean |
Cholesky32f(FloatPointer A,
long astep,
int m,
FloatPointer b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static boolean |
Cholesky64f(double[] A,
long astep,
int m,
double[] b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static boolean |
Cholesky64f(DoubleBuffer A,
long astep,
int m,
DoubleBuffer b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static boolean |
Cholesky64f(DoublePointer A,
long astep,
int m,
DoublePointer b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static void |
clearSeq(CvSeq seq) |
static void |
cmp16s(short[] src1,
long step1,
short[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _cmpop) |
static void |
cmp16s(ShortBuffer src1,
long step1,
ShortBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _cmpop) |
static void |
cmp16s(ShortPointer src1,
long step1,
ShortPointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _cmpop) |
static void |
cmp16u(short[] src1,
long step1,
short[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _cmpop) |
static void |
cmp16u(ShortBuffer src1,
long step1,
ShortBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _cmpop) |
static void |
cmp16u(ShortPointer src1,
long step1,
ShortPointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _cmpop) |
static void |
cmp32f(float[] src1,
long step1,
float[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _cmpop) |
static void |
cmp32f(FloatBuffer src1,
long step1,
FloatBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _cmpop) |
static void |
cmp32f(FloatPointer src1,
long step1,
FloatPointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _cmpop) |
static void |
cmp32s(int[] src1,
long step1,
int[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _cmpop) |
static void |
cmp32s(IntBuffer src1,
long step1,
IntBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _cmpop) |
static void |
cmp32s(IntPointer src1,
long step1,
IntPointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _cmpop) |
static void |
cmp64f(double[] src1,
long step1,
double[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _cmpop) |
static void |
cmp64f(DoubleBuffer src1,
long step1,
DoubleBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _cmpop) |
static void |
cmp64f(DoublePointer src1,
long step1,
DoublePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _cmpop) |
static void |
cmp8s(byte[] src1,
long step1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _cmpop) |
static void |
cmp8s(ByteBuffer src1,
long step1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _cmpop) |
static void |
cmp8s(BytePointer src1,
long step1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _cmpop) |
static void |
cmp8u(byte[] src1,
long step1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _cmpop) |
static void |
cmp8u(ByteBuffer src1,
long step1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _cmpop) |
static void |
cmp8u(BytePointer src1,
long step1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer _cmpop) |
static void |
compare(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst,
int cmpop) |
static void |
compare(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dst,
int cmpop)
\brief Performs the per-element comparison of two arrays or an array and scalar value.
static void |
compare(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dst,
int cmpop) |
static void |
completeSymm(GpuMat m) |
static void |
completeSymm(GpuMat m,
boolean lowerToUpper) |
static void |
completeSymm(Mat m) |
static void |
completeSymm(Mat m,
boolean lowerToUpper)
\brief Copies the lower or the upper half of a square matrix to its another half.
static void |
completeSymm(UMat m) |
static void |
completeSymm(UMat m,
boolean lowerToUpper) |
static void |
convertFp16(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
convertFp16(Mat src,
Mat dst)
Use Mat::convertTo with CV_16F instead.
static void |
convertFp16(UMat src,
UMat dst) |
static void |
convertFromBuffer(Pointer cl_mem_buffer,
long step,
int rows,
int cols,
int type,
UMat dst)
\brief Convert OpenCL buffer to UMat
OpenCL buffer (cl_mem_buffer) should contain 2D image data, compatible with OpenCV.
static void |
convertFromImage(Pointer cl_mem_image,
UMat dst)
\brief Convert OpenCL image2d_t to UMat
image2d_t (cl_mem_image), should be compatible with OpenCV UMat formats. |
static void |
convertScaleAbs(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
convertScaleAbs(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
double alpha,
double beta) |
static void |
convertScaleAbs(Mat src,
Mat dst) |
static void |
convertScaleAbs(Mat src,
Mat dst,
double alpha,
double beta)
\brief Scales, calculates absolute values, and converts the result to 8-bit.
static void |
convertScaleAbs(UMat src,
UMat dst) |
static void |
convertScaleAbs(UMat src,
UMat dst,
double alpha,
double beta) |
static BytePointer |
convertTypeStr(int sdepth,
int ddepth,
int cn,
byte[] buf)
static BytePointer |
convertTypeStr(int sdepth,
int ddepth,
int cn,
byte[] buf,
long buf_size) |
static String |
convertTypeStr(int sdepth,
int ddepth,
int cn,
ByteBuffer buf)
static String |
convertTypeStr(int sdepth,
int ddepth,
int cn,
ByteBuffer buf,
long buf_size) |
static BytePointer |
convertTypeStr(int sdepth,
int ddepth,
int cn,
BytePointer buf)
static BytePointer |
convertTypeStr(int sdepth,
int ddepth,
int cn,
BytePointer buf,
long buf_size) |
static void |
copyMakeBorder(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
int top,
int bottom,
int left,
int right,
int borderType) |
static void |
copyMakeBorder(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
int top,
int bottom,
int left,
int right,
int borderType,
Scalar value) |
static void |
copyMakeBorder(Mat src,
Mat dst,
int top,
int bottom,
int left,
int right,
int borderType) |
static void |
copyMakeBorder(Mat src,
Mat dst,
int top,
int bottom,
int left,
int right,
int borderType,
Scalar value)
\brief Forms a border around an image.
static void |
copyMakeBorder(UMat src,
UMat dst,
int top,
int bottom,
int left,
int right,
int borderType) |
static void |
copyMakeBorder(UMat src,
UMat dst,
int top,
int bottom,
int left,
int right,
int borderType,
Scalar value) |
static void |
copyTo(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
GpuMat mask) |
static void |
copyTo(Mat src,
Mat dst,
Mat mask)
\brief This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience (python)
Copies the matrix to another one.
static void |
copyTo(UMat src,
UMat dst,
UMat mask) |
static int |
countNonZero(GpuMat src) |
static int |
countNonZero(Mat src)
\brief Counts non-zero array elements.
static int |
countNonZero(UMat src) |
static void |
createContinuous(int rows,
int cols,
int type,
GpuMat arr) |
static void |
createContinuous(int rows,
int cols,
int type,
Mat arr)
\brief Creates a continuous matrix.
static void |
createContinuous(int rows,
int cols,
int type,
UMat arr) |
static GpuMat |
createGpuMatFromCudaMemory(int rows,
int cols,
int type,
long cudaMemoryAddress) |
static GpuMat |
createGpuMatFromCudaMemory(int rows,
int cols,
int type,
long cudaMemoryAddress,
long step)
\brief Bindings overload to create a GpuMat from existing GPU memory.
static GpuMat |
createGpuMatFromCudaMemory(Size size,
int type,
long cudaMemoryAddress) |
static GpuMat |
createGpuMatFromCudaMemory(Size size,
int type,
long cudaMemoryAddress,
long step)
static double |
cubeRoot(double val)
static float |
cubeRoot(float val)
\brief Computes the cube root of an argument.
static int |
CV_16FC1() |
static int |
CV_16FC2() |
static int |
CV_16FC3() |
static int |
CV_16FC4() |
static int |
CV_16SC(int n) |
static int |
CV_16UC(int n) |
static int |
CV_32FC(int n) |
static int |
CV_32SC(int n) |
static int |
CV_64FC(int n) |
static int |
CV_8SC(int n) |
static int |
CV_8UC(int n) |
static int |
cv_abs(byte x)
replaced with CV_Assert(expr) in Debug configuration
static int |
cv_abs(short x) |
static int |
C++ 11 *
static int |
CV_FP16_TYPE() |
static int |
CV_IS_CONT_MAT(int arg1) |
static int |
CV_IS_MAT_CONT(int flags) |
static int |
CV_MAKE_TYPE(int arg1,
int arg2) |
static int |
CV_MAKETYPE(int depth,
int cn) |
static int |
CV_MAT_CN(int flags) |
static int |
CV_MAT_DEPTH(int flags) |
static int |
CV_MAT_TYPE(int flags) |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static int |
static String |
static int |
CV_XADD(int[] addr,
int delta) |
static int |
CV_XADD(IntBuffer addr,
int delta) |
static int |
CV_XADD(IntPointer addr,
int delta)
exchange-add operation for atomic operations on reference counters *
static void |
cvAbsDiff(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst)
dst(x,y,c) = abs(src1(x,y,c) - src2(x,y,c))
static void |
cvAbsDiffS(CvArr src,
CvArr dst,
CvScalar value)
dst(x,y,c) = abs(src(x,y,c) - value(c))
static void |
cvAdd(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst) |
static void |
cvAdd(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst,
CvArr mask)
dst(mask) = src1(mask) + src2(mask)
static void |
cvAddS(CvArr src,
CvScalar value,
CvArr dst) |
static void |
cvAddS(CvArr src,
CvScalar value,
CvArr dst,
CvArr mask)
dst(mask) = src(mask) + value
static void |
cvAddWeighted(CvArr src1,
double alpha,
CvArr src2,
double beta,
double gamma,
CvArr dst)
dst = src1 * alpha + src2 * beta + gamma
static Pointer |
cvAlloc(long size)
malloc wrapper. |
static void |
cvAnd(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst) |
static void |
cvAnd(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst,
CvArr mask)
dst(idx) = src1(idx) & src2(idx)
static void |
cvAndS(CvArr src,
CvScalar value,
CvArr dst) |
static void |
cvAndS(CvArr src,
CvScalar value,
CvArr dst,
CvArr mask)
dst(idx) = src(idx) & value
static Mat |
cvarrToMat(CvArr arr) |
static Mat |
cvarrToMat(CvArr arr,
boolean copyData,
boolean allowND,
int coiMode,
Pointer buf)
\addtogroup core_c_glue
static Mat |
cvarrToMatND(CvArr arr) |
static Mat |
cvarrToMatND(CvArr arr,
boolean copyData,
int coiMode) |
static CvScalar |
cvAvg(CvArr arr) |
static CvScalar |
cvAvg(CvArr arr,
CvArr mask)
Calculates mean value of array elements
static void |
cvAvgSdv(CvArr arr,
CvScalar mean,
CvScalar std_dev) |
static void |
cvAvgSdv(CvArr arr,
CvScalar mean,
CvScalar std_dev,
CvArr mask)
Calculates mean and standard deviation of pixel values
static void |
cvBackProjectPCA(CvArr proj,
CvArr mean,
CvArr eigenvects,
CvArr result) |
static CvBox2D |
cvBox2D() |
static CvBox2D |
cvBox2D(CvPoint2D32f c,
CvSize2D32f s,
float a) |
static CvBox2D |
cvBox2D(float[] c,
CvSize2D32f s,
float a) |
static CvBox2D |
cvBox2D(FloatBuffer c,
CvSize2D32f s,
float a) |
static CvBox2D |
cvBox2D(RotatedRect rr) |
static void |
cvCalcCovarMatrix(CvArr vects,
int count,
CvArr cov_mat,
CvArr avg,
int flags) |
static void |
cvCalcCovarMatrix(PointerPointer vects,
int count,
CvArr cov_mat,
CvArr avg,
int flags)
Calculates covariation matrix for a set of vectors
static void |
cvCalcPCA(CvArr data,
CvArr mean,
CvArr eigenvals,
CvArr eigenvects,
int flags) |
static void |
cvCartToPolar(CvArr x,
CvArr y,
CvArr magnitude) |
static void |
cvCartToPolar(CvArr x,
CvArr y,
CvArr magnitude,
CvArr angle,
int angle_in_degrees)
Does cartesian->polar coordinates conversion.
static float |
cvCbrt(float value)
Fast cubic root calculation
static int |
cvCeil(double value)
\brief Rounds floating-point number to the nearest integer not smaller than the original.
static int |
cvCeil(float value)
static int |
cvCeil(int value)
static void |
cvChangeSeqBlock(Pointer reader,
int direction)
Internal sequence functions
static int |
cvCheckArr(CvArr arr) |
static int |
cvCheckArr(CvArr arr,
int flags,
double min_val,
double max_val)
Checks array values for NaNs, Infs or simply for too large numbers
(if CV_CHECK_RANGE is set).
static int |
cvCheckArray(CvArr arg1,
int arg2,
double arg3,
double arg4) |
static int |
cvCheckHardwareSupport(int feature)
CPU capabilities
static CvTermCriteria |
cvCheckTermCriteria(CvTermCriteria criteria,
double default_eps,
int default_max_iters)
checks termination criteria validity and
sets eps to default_eps (if it is not set),
max_iter to default_max_iters (if it is not set)
static void |
cvClearGraph(CvGraph graph)
Remove all vertices and edges from the graph
static void |
cvClearMemStorage(CvMemStorage storage)
Clears memory storage.
static void |
cvClearND(CvArr arr,
int[] idx) |
static void |
cvClearND(CvArr arr,
IntBuffer idx) |
static void |
cvClearND(CvArr arr,
IntPointer idx)
clears element of ND dense array,
in case of sparse arrays it deletes the specified node
static void |
cvClearSeq(CvSeq seq)
Removes all the elements from the sequence.
static void |
cvClearSet(CvSet set_header)
Removes all the elements from the set
static Pointer |
cvClone(Pointer struct_ptr)
\brief Makes a clone of an object.
static CvGraph |
cvCloneGraph(CvGraph graph,
CvMemStorage storage)
Creates a copy of graph
static IplImage |
cvCloneImage(IplImage image)
Creates a copy of IPL image (widthStep may differ)
static CvMat |
cvCloneMat(CvMat mat)
Creates an exact copy of the input matrix (except, may be, step value)
static CvMatND |
cvCloneMatND(CvMatND mat)
Creates a copy of CvMatND (except, may be, steps)
static CvSeq |
cvCloneSeq(CvSeq seq) |
static CvSeq |
cvCloneSeq(CvSeq seq,
CvMemStorage storage) |
static CvSparseMat |
cvCloneSparseMat(CvSparseMat mat)
Creates a copy of CvSparseMat (except, may be, zero items)
static void |
cvCmp(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst,
int cmp_op)
dst(idx) = src1(idx) _cmp_op_ src2(idx)
static void |
cvCmpS(CvArr src,
double value,
CvArr dst,
int cmp_op)
dst(idx) = src1(idx) _cmp_op_ value
static void |
cvCompleteSymm(CvMat matrix) |
static void |
cvCompleteSymm(CvMat matrix,
int LtoR)
Completes the symmetric matrix from the lower (LtoR=0) or from the upper (LtoR!=0) part
static void |
cvConvert(CvArr src,
CvArr dst) |
static void |
cvConvertScale(CvArr src,
CvArr dst) |
static void |
cvConvertScale(CvArr src,
CvArr dst,
double scale,
double shift)
\brief Converts one array to another with optional linear transformation.
static void |
cvConvertScaleAbs(CvArr src,
CvArr dst) |
static void |
cvConvertScaleAbs(CvArr src,
CvArr dst,
double scale,
double shift)
Performs linear transformation on every source array element,
stores absolute value of the result:
dst(x,y,c) = abs(scale*src(x,y,c)+shift).
static void |
cvCopy(CvArr src,
CvArr dst) |
static void |
cvCopy(CvArr src,
CvArr dst,
CvArr mask)
\brief Copies one array to another.
static int |
cvCountNonZero(CvArr arr)
Calculates number of non-zero pixels
static CvMemStorage |
cvCreateChildMemStorage(CvMemStorage parent)
Creates a memory storage that will borrow memory blocks from parent storage
static void |
cvCreateData(CvArr arr)
\brief Allocates array data
static CvGraph |
cvCreateGraph(int graph_flags,
int header_size,
int vtx_size,
int edge_size,
CvMemStorage storage)
Creates new graph
static CvGraphScanner |
cvCreateGraphScanner(CvGraph graph) |
static CvGraphScanner |
cvCreateGraphScanner(CvGraph graph,
CvGraphVtx vtx,
int mask)
Creates new graph scanner.
static IplImage |
cvCreateImage(CvSize size,
int depth,
int channels)
\brief Creates an image header and allocates the image data.
static IplImage |
cvCreateImageHeader(CvSize size,
int depth,
int channels)
\brief Creates an image header but does not allocate the image data.
static CvMat |
cvCreateMat(int rows,
int cols,
int type)
\brief Creates a matrix header and allocates the matrix data.
static CvMat |
cvCreateMatHeader(int rows,
int cols,
int type)
\brief Creates a matrix header but does not allocate the matrix data.
static CvMatND |
cvCreateMatND(int dims,
int[] sizes,
int type) |
static CvMatND |
cvCreateMatND(int dims,
IntBuffer sizes,
int type) |
static CvMatND |
cvCreateMatND(int dims,
IntPointer sizes,
int type)
\brief Creates the header and allocates the data for a multi-dimensional dense array.
static CvMatND |
cvCreateMatNDHeader(int dims,
int[] sizes,
int type) |
static CvMatND |
cvCreateMatNDHeader(int dims,
IntBuffer sizes,
int type) |
static CvMatND |
cvCreateMatNDHeader(int dims,
IntPointer sizes,
int type)
\brief Creates a new matrix header but does not allocate the matrix data.
static CvMemStorage |
cvCreateMemStorage() |
static CvMemStorage |
cvCreateMemStorage(int block_size)
Creates new memory storage.
static CvSeq |
cvCreateSeq(int seq_flags,
long header_size,
long elem_size,
CvMemStorage storage)
Creates new empty sequence that will reside in the specified storage
static void |
cvCreateSeqBlock(CvSeqWriter writer) |
static CvSet |
cvCreateSet(int set_flags,
int header_size,
int elem_size,
CvMemStorage storage)
Creates a new set
static CvSparseMat |
cvCreateSparseMat(int dims,
int[] sizes,
int type) |
static CvSparseMat |
cvCreateSparseMat(int dims,
IntBuffer sizes,
int type) |
static CvSparseMat |
cvCreateSparseMat(int dims,
IntPointer sizes,
int type)
\brief Creates sparse array.
static CvSparseMat |
cvCreateSparseMat(SparseMat m) |
static void |
cvCrossProduct(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst)
\brief Calculates the cross product of two 3D vectors.
static void |
cvCvtScale(CvArr arg1,
CvArr arg2,
double arg3,
double arg4) |
static void |
cvCvtScaleAbs(CvArr arg1,
CvArr arg2,
double arg3,
double arg4) |
static Pointer |
cvCvtSeqToArray(CvSeq seq,
Pointer elements) |
static Pointer |
cvCvtSeqToArray(CvSeq seq,
Pointer elements,
CvSlice slice)
Copies sequence content to a continuous piece of memory
static void |
cvDCT(CvArr src,
CvArr dst,
int flags)
Discrete Cosine Transform
static void |
cvDecRefData(CvArr arr)
\brief Decrements an array data reference counter.
static double |
cvDet(CvArr mat)
Calculates determinant of input matrix
static void |
cvDFT(CvArr src,
CvArr dst,
int flags) |
static void |
cvDFT(CvArr src,
CvArr dst,
int flags,
int nonzero_rows)
Discrete Fourier Transform:
real->ccs (forward),
ccs->real (inverse)
static void |
cvDiv(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst) |
static void |
cvDiv(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst,
double scale)
element-wise division/inversion with scaling:
dst(idx) = src1(idx) * scale / src2(idx)
or dst(idx) = scale / src2(idx) if src1 == 0
static double |
cvDotProduct(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2)
\brief Calculates the dot product of two arrays in Euclidean metrics.
static void |
cvEigenVV(CvArr mat,
CvArr evects,
CvArr evals) |
static void |
cvEigenVV(CvArr mat,
CvArr evects,
CvArr evals,
double eps,
int lowindex,
int highindex)
Finds eigen values and vectors of a symmetric matrix
static CvSeq |
cvEndWriteSeq(CvSeqWriter writer)
Closes sequence writer, updates sequence header and returns pointer
to the resultant sequence
(which may be useful if the sequence was created using cvStartWriteSeq))
static void |
cvError(int status,
BytePointer func_name,
BytePointer err_msg,
BytePointer file_name,
int line)
Sets error status and performs some additional actions (displaying message box,
writing message to stderr, terminating application etc.)
depending on the current error mode
static void |
cvError(int status,
String func_name,
String err_msg,
String file_name,
int line) |
static int |
cvErrorFromIppStatus(int ipp_status)
Maps IPP error codes to the counterparts from OpenCV
static BytePointer |
cvErrorStr(int status)
Retrieves textual description of the error given its code
static void |
cvExp(CvArr src,
CvArr dst)
Does exponention: dst(idx) = exp(src(idx)).
static float |
cvFastArctan(float y,
float x)
Fast arctangent calculation
static void |
cvFFT(CvArr arg1,
CvArr arg2,
int arg3,
int arg4) |
static CvGraphEdge |
cvFindGraphEdge(CvGraph graph,
int start_idx,
int end_idx)
Find edge connecting two vertices
static CvGraphEdge |
cvFindGraphEdgeByPtr(CvGraph graph,
CvGraphVtx start_vtx,
CvGraphVtx end_vtx) |
static void |
cvFlip(CvArr src) |
static void |
cvFlip(CvArr src,
CvArr dst,
int flip_mode)
Mirror array data around horizontal (flip=0),
vertical (flip=1) or both(flip=-1) axises:
cvFlip(src) flips images vertically and sequences horizontally (inplace)
static int |
cvFloor(double value)
\brief Rounds floating-point number to the nearest integer not larger than the original.
static int |
cvFloor(float value)
static int |
cvFloor(int value)
static void |
cvFlushSeqWriter(CvSeqWriter writer)
Updates sequence header.
static void |
cvFree_(Pointer ptr)
free wrapper. |
static void |
cvGEMM(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
double alpha,
CvArr src3,
double beta,
CvArr dst) |
static void |
cvGEMM(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
double alpha,
CvArr src3,
double beta,
CvArr dst,
int tABC)
Extended matrix transform:
dst = alpha*op(A)*op(B) + beta*op(C), where op(X) is X or X^T
static CvScalar |
cvGet1D(CvArr arr,
int idx0)
\brief Return a specific array element.
static CvScalar |
cvGet2D(CvArr arr,
int idx0,
int idx1)
static CvScalar |
cvGet3D(CvArr arr,
int idx0,
int idx1,
int idx2)
static CvMat |
cvGetCol(CvArr arr,
CvMat submat,
int col)
static CvMat |
cvGetCols(CvArr arr,
CvMat submat,
int start_col,
int end_col)
\brief Returns one of more array columns.
static CvMat |
cvGetDiag(CvArr arr,
CvMat submat) |
static CvMat |
cvGetDiag(CvArr arr,
CvMat submat,
int diag)
\brief Returns one of array diagonals.
static int |
cvGetDims(CvArr arr) |
static int |
cvGetDims(CvArr arr,
int[] sizes) |
static int |
cvGetDims(CvArr arr,
IntBuffer sizes) |
static int |
cvGetDims(CvArr arr,
IntPointer sizes)
\brief Return number of array dimensions
static int |
cvGetDimSize(CvArr arr,
int index)
\brief Returns array size along the specified dimension.
static int |
cvGetElemType(CvArr arr)
\brief Returns type of array elements.
static int |
cvGetErrInfo(byte[] errcode_desc,
byte[] description,
byte[] filename,
int[] line) |
static int |
cvGetErrInfo(ByteBuffer errcode_desc,
ByteBuffer description,
ByteBuffer filename,
IntBuffer line) |
static int |
cvGetErrInfo(BytePointer errcode_desc,
BytePointer description,
BytePointer filename,
IntPointer line) |
static int |
cvGetErrInfo(PointerPointer errcode_desc,
PointerPointer description,
PointerPointer filename,
IntPointer line)
Retrieves detailed information about the last error occurred
static int |
Retrieves current error processing mode
static int |
Get current OpenCV error status
static IplImage |
cvGetImage(CvArr arr,
IplImage image_header)
\brief Returns image header for arbitrary array.
static int |
cvGetImageCOI(IplImage image)
\brief Returns the index of the channel of interest.
static CvRect |
cvGetImageROI(IplImage image)
\brief Returns the image ROI.
static CvMat |
cvGetMat(CvArr arr,
CvMat header) |
static CvMat |
cvGetMat(CvArr arr,
CvMat header,
int[] coi,
int allowND) |
static CvMat |
cvGetMat(CvArr arr,
CvMat header,
IntBuffer coi,
int allowND) |
static CvMat |
cvGetMat(CvArr arr,
CvMat header,
IntPointer coi,
int allowND)
\brief Returns matrix header for arbitrary array.
static CvScalar |
cvGetND(CvArr arr,
int[] idx) |
static CvScalar |
cvGetND(CvArr arr,
IntBuffer idx) |
static CvScalar |
cvGetND(CvArr arr,
IntPointer idx)
static CvSparseNode |
cvGetNextSparseNode(CvSparseMatIterator mat_iterator)
\brief Returns the next sparse matrix element
static int |
retrieve/set the number of threads used in OpenMP implementations
static int |
cvGetOptimalDFTSize(int size0)
Finds optimal DFT vector size >= size0
static void |
cvGetRawData(CvArr arr,
byte[] data) |
static void |
cvGetRawData(CvArr arr,
byte[] data,
int[] step,
CvSize roi_size) |
static void |
cvGetRawData(CvArr arr,
ByteBuffer data) |
static void |
cvGetRawData(CvArr arr,
ByteBuffer data,
IntBuffer step,
CvSize roi_size) |
static void |
cvGetRawData(CvArr arr,
BytePointer data) |
static void |
cvGetRawData(CvArr arr,
BytePointer data,
IntPointer step,
CvSize roi_size) |
static void |
cvGetRawData(CvArr arr,
PointerPointer data,
IntPointer step,
CvSize roi_size)
\brief Retrieves low-level information about the array.
static double |
cvGetReal1D(CvArr arr,
int idx0)
\brief Return a specific element of single-channel 1D, 2D, 3D or nD array.
static double |
cvGetReal2D(CvArr arr,
int idx0,
int idx1)
static double |
cvGetReal3D(CvArr arr,
int idx0,
int idx1,
int idx2)
static double |
cvGetRealND(CvArr arr,
int[] idx) |
static double |
cvGetRealND(CvArr arr,
IntBuffer idx) |
static double |
cvGetRealND(CvArr arr,
IntPointer idx)
static CvMat |
cvGetRow(CvArr arr,
CvMat submat,
int row)
static CvMat |
cvGetRows(CvArr arr,
CvMat submat,
int start_row,
int end_row) |
static CvMat |
cvGetRows(CvArr arr,
CvMat submat,
int start_row,
int end_row,
int delta_row)
\brief Returns array row or row span.
static BytePointer |
cvGetSeqElem(CvSeq seq,
int index)
Retrieves pointer to specified sequence element.
static int |
cvGetSeqReaderPos(CvSeqReader reader)
Returns current sequence reader position (currently observed sequence element)
static CvSetElem |
cvGetSetElem(CvSet set_header,
int idx)
Returns a set element by index.
static CvSize |
cvGetSize(CvArr arr)
\brief Returns size of matrix or image ROI.
static CvMat |
cvGetSubArr(CvArr arg1,
CvMat arg2,
CvRect arg3) |
static CvMat |
cvGetSubRect(CvArr arr,
CvMat submat,
CvRect rect)
\brief Returns matrix header corresponding to the rectangular sub-array of input image or matrix.
static int |
get index of the thread being executed
static long |
helper functions for RNG initialization and accurate time measurement:
uses internal clock counter on x86
static double |
cvGetTickFrequency() |
static int |
cvGraphAddEdge(CvGraph graph,
int start_idx,
int end_idx) |
static int |
cvGraphAddEdge(CvGraph graph,
int start_idx,
int end_idx,
CvGraphEdge edge,
CvGraphEdge inserted_edge) |
static int |
cvGraphAddEdge(CvGraph graph,
int start_idx,
int end_idx,
CvGraphEdge edge,
PointerPointer inserted_edge)
Link two vertices specified by indices or pointers if they
are not connected or return pointer to already existing edge
connecting the vertices.
static int |
cvGraphAddEdgeByPtr(CvGraph graph,
CvGraphVtx start_vtx,
CvGraphVtx end_vtx) |
static int |
cvGraphAddEdgeByPtr(CvGraph graph,
CvGraphVtx start_vtx,
CvGraphVtx end_vtx,
CvGraphEdge edge,
CvGraphEdge inserted_edge) |
static int |
cvGraphAddEdgeByPtr(CvGraph graph,
CvGraphVtx start_vtx,
CvGraphVtx end_vtx,
CvGraphEdge edge,
PointerPointer inserted_edge) |
static int |
cvGraphAddVtx(CvGraph graph) |
static int |
cvGraphAddVtx(CvGraph graph,
CvGraphVtx vtx,
CvGraphVtx inserted_vtx) |
static int |
cvGraphAddVtx(CvGraph graph,
CvGraphVtx vtx,
PointerPointer inserted_vtx)
Adds new vertex to the graph
static CvGraphEdge |
cvGraphFindEdge(CvGraph arg1,
int arg2,
int arg3) |
static CvGraphEdge |
cvGraphFindEdgeByPtr(CvGraph arg1,
CvGraphVtx arg2,
CvGraphVtx arg3) |
static void |
cvGraphRemoveEdge(CvGraph graph,
int start_idx,
int end_idx)
Remove edge connecting two vertices
static void |
cvGraphRemoveEdgeByPtr(CvGraph graph,
CvGraphVtx start_vtx,
CvGraphVtx end_vtx) |
static int |
cvGraphRemoveVtx(CvGraph graph,
int index)
Removes vertex from the graph together with all incident edges
static int |
cvGraphRemoveVtxByPtr(CvGraph graph,
CvGraphVtx vtx) |
static int |
cvGraphVtxDegree(CvGraph graph,
int vtx_idx)
Count number of edges incident to the vertex
static int |
cvGraphVtxDegreeByPtr(CvGraph graph,
CvGraphVtx vtx) |
static int |
cvGuiBoxReport(int status,
BytePointer func_name,
BytePointer err_msg,
BytePointer file_name,
int line,
Pointer userdata)
Output to MessageBox(WIN32)
static int |
cvGuiBoxReport(int status,
String func_name,
String err_msg,
String file_name,
int line,
Pointer userdata) |
static int |
cvIncRefData(CvArr arr)
\brief Increments array data reference counter.
static IplImage |
cvInitImageHeader(IplImage image,
CvSize size,
int depth,
int channels) |
static IplImage |
cvInitImageHeader(IplImage image,
CvSize size,
int depth,
int channels,
int origin,
int align)
\brief Initializes an image header that was previously allocated.
static CvMat |
cvInitMatHeader(CvMat mat,
int rows,
int cols,
int type) |
static CvMat |
cvInitMatHeader(CvMat mat,
int rows,
int cols,
int type,
Pointer data,
int step)
\brief Initializes a pre-allocated matrix header.
static CvMatND |
cvInitMatNDHeader(CvMatND mat,
int dims,
int[] sizes,
int type) |
static CvMatND |
cvInitMatNDHeader(CvMatND mat,
int dims,
int[] sizes,
int type,
Pointer data) |
static CvMatND |
cvInitMatNDHeader(CvMatND mat,
int dims,
IntBuffer sizes,
int type) |
static CvMatND |
cvInitMatNDHeader(CvMatND mat,
int dims,
IntBuffer sizes,
int type,
Pointer data) |
static CvMatND |
cvInitMatNDHeader(CvMatND mat,
int dims,
IntPointer sizes,
int type) |
static CvMatND |
cvInitMatNDHeader(CvMatND mat,
int dims,
IntPointer sizes,
int type,
Pointer data)
\brief Initializes a pre-allocated multi-dimensional array header.
static int |
cvInitNArrayIterator(int count,
CvArr arrs,
CvArr mask,
CvMatND stubs,
CvNArrayIterator array_iterator) |
static int |
cvInitNArrayIterator(int count,
CvArr arrs,
CvArr mask,
CvMatND stubs,
CvNArrayIterator array_iterator,
int flags) |
static int |
cvInitNArrayIterator(int count,
PointerPointer arrs,
CvArr mask,
CvMatND stubs,
CvNArrayIterator array_iterator,
int flags)
initializes iterator that traverses through several arrays simultaneously
(the function together with cvNextArraySlice is used for
N-ari element-wise operations)
static CvSparseNode |
cvInitSparseMatIterator(CvSparseMat mat,
CvSparseMatIterator mat_iterator)
\brief Initializes sparse array elements iterator.
static void |
cvInitTreeNodeIterator(CvTreeNodeIterator tree_iterator,
Pointer first,
int max_level) |
static void |
cvInRange(CvArr src,
CvArr lower,
CvArr upper,
CvArr dst)
dst(idx) = lower(idx) <= src(idx) < upper(idx)
static void |
cvInRangeS(CvArr src,
CvScalar lower,
CvScalar upper,
CvArr dst)
dst(idx) = lower <= src(idx) < upper
static void |
cvInsertNodeIntoTree(Pointer node,
Pointer parent,
Pointer frame)
Inserts sequence into tree with specified "parent" sequence.
static void |
cvInv(CvArr arg1,
CvArr arg2,
int arg3) |
static double |
cvInvert(CvArr src,
CvArr dst) |
static double |
cvInvert(CvArr src,
CvArr dst,
int method)
Inverts matrix
static int |
cvIplDepth(int type) |
static IplImage |
cvIplImage() |
static IplImage |
cvIplImage(Mat m) |
static int |
cvIsInf(double value)
\brief Determines if the argument is Infinity.
static int |
cvIsInf(float value)
static int |
cvIsNaN(double value)
\brief Determines if the argument is Not A Number.
static int |
cvIsNaN(float value)
static int |
cvKMeans2(CvArr samples,
int cluster_count,
CvArr labels,
CvTermCriteria termcrit) |
static int |
cvKMeans2(CvArr samples,
int cluster_count,
CvArr labels,
CvTermCriteria termcrit,
int attempts,
long[] rng,
int flags,
CvArr _centers,
double[] compactness) |
static int |
cvKMeans2(CvArr samples,
int cluster_count,
CvArr labels,
CvTermCriteria termcrit,
int attempts,
LongBuffer rng,
int flags,
CvArr _centers,
DoubleBuffer compactness) |
static int |
cvKMeans2(CvArr samples,
int cluster_count,
CvArr labels,
CvTermCriteria termcrit,
int attempts,
LongPointer rng,
int flags,
CvArr _centers,
DoublePointer compactness) |
static void |
cvLog(CvArr src,
CvArr dst)
Calculates natural logarithms: dst(idx) = log(abs(src(idx))).
static void |
cvLUT(CvArr src,
CvArr dst,
CvArr lut)
Does look-up transformation.
static double |
cvMahalanobis(CvArr vec1,
CvArr vec2,
CvArr mat)
Calculates Mahalanobis(weighted) distance
static double |
cvMahalonobis(CvArr arg1,
CvArr arg2,
CvArr arg3) |
static CvSeq |
cvMakeSeqHeaderForArray(int seq_type,
int header_size,
int elem_size,
Pointer elements,
int total,
CvSeq seq,
CvSeqBlock block)
Creates sequence header for array.
static CvMat |
cvMat() |
static CvMat |
cvMat(CvMat m) |
static CvMat |
cvMat(int rows,
int cols,
int type) |
static CvMat |
cvMat(int rows,
int cols,
int type,
Pointer data)
Inline constructor.
static CvMat |
cvMat(Mat m) |
static void |
cvMatMul(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst) |
static void |
cvMatMulAdd(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr src3,
CvArr dst)
Matrix transform: dst = A*B + C, C is optional
static void |
cvMatMulAddEx(CvArr arg1,
CvArr arg2,
double arg3,
CvArr arg4,
double arg5,
CvArr arg6,
int arg7) |
static void |
cvMatMulAddS(CvArr arg1,
CvArr arg2,
CvMat arg3,
CvMat arg4) |
static CvMatND |
cvMatND() |
static CvMatND |
cvMatND(Mat m) |
static void |
cvMax(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst)
dst(idx) = max(src1(idx),src2(idx))
static void |
cvMaxS(CvArr src,
double value,
CvArr dst)
dst(idx) = max(src(idx),value)
static Pointer |
cvMemStorageAlloc(CvMemStorage storage,
long size)
Allocates continuous buffer of the specified size in the storage
static void |
cvMerge(CvArr src0,
CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr src3,
CvArr dst)
Merges a set of single-channel arrays into the single multi-channel array
or inserts one particular [color] plane to the array
static double |
cvmGet(CvMat mat,
int row,
int col)
\brief Returns the particular element of single-channel floating-point matrix.
static void |
cvMin(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst)
dst(idx) = min(src1(idx),src2(idx))
static void |
cvMinMaxLoc(CvArr arr,
double[] min_val,
double[] max_val) |
static void |
cvMinMaxLoc(CvArr arr,
double[] min_val,
double[] max_val,
int[] min_loc,
int[] max_loc,
CvArr mask) |
static void |
cvMinMaxLoc(CvArr arr,
DoubleBuffer min_val,
DoubleBuffer max_val) |
static void |
cvMinMaxLoc(CvArr arr,
DoubleBuffer min_val,
DoubleBuffer max_val,
IntBuffer min_loc,
IntBuffer max_loc,
CvArr mask) |
static void |
cvMinMaxLoc(CvArr arr,
DoublePointer min_val,
DoublePointer max_val) |
static void |
cvMinMaxLoc(CvArr arr,
DoublePointer min_val,
DoublePointer max_val,
CvPoint min_loc,
CvPoint max_loc,
CvArr mask)
Finds global minimum, maximum and their positions
static void |
cvMinS(CvArr src,
double value,
CvArr dst)
dst(idx) = min(src(idx),value)
static void |
cvMirror(CvArr arg1,
CvArr arg2,
int arg3) |
static void |
cvMixChannels(CvArr src,
int src_count,
CvArr dst,
int dst_count,
int[] from_to,
int pair_count) |
static void |
cvMixChannels(CvArr src,
int src_count,
CvArr dst,
int dst_count,
IntBuffer from_to,
int pair_count) |
static void |
cvMixChannels(CvArr src,
int src_count,
CvArr dst,
int dst_count,
IntPointer from_to,
int pair_count) |
static void |
cvMixChannels(PointerPointer src,
int src_count,
PointerPointer dst,
int dst_count,
IntPointer from_to,
int pair_count)
Copies several channels from input arrays to
certain channels of output arrays
static void |
cvmSet(CvMat mat,
int row,
int col,
double value)
\brief Sets a specific element of a single-channel floating-point matrix.
static void |
cvMul(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst) |
static void |
cvMul(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst,
double scale)
dst(idx) = src1(idx) * src2(idx) * scale
(scaled element-wise multiplication of 2 arrays)
static void |
cvMulSpectrums(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst,
int flags)
Multiply results of DFTs: DFT(X)*DFT(Y) or DFT(X)*conj(DFT(Y))
static void |
cvMulTransposed(CvArr src,
CvArr dst,
int order) |
static void |
cvMulTransposed(CvArr src,
CvArr dst,
int order,
CvArr delta,
double scale)
Calculates (A-delta)*(A-delta)^T (order=0) or (A-delta)^T*(A-delta) (order=1)
static int |
cvNextGraphItem(CvGraphScanner scanner)
Get next graph element
static int |
cvNextNArraySlice(CvNArrayIterator array_iterator)
returns zero value if iteration is finished, non-zero (slice length) otherwise
static Pointer |
cvNextTreeNode(CvTreeNodeIterator tree_iterator) |
static double |
cvNorm(CvArr arr1) |
static double |
cvNorm(CvArr arr1,
CvArr arr2,
int norm_type,
CvArr mask)
Finds norm, difference norm or relative difference norm for an array (or two arrays)
static void |
cvNormalize(CvArr src,
CvArr dst) |
static void |
cvNormalize(CvArr src,
CvArr dst,
double a,
double b,
int norm_type,
CvArr mask) |
static void |
cvNot(CvArr src,
CvArr dst)
dst(idx) = ~src(idx)
static int |
cvNulDevReport(int status,
BytePointer func_name,
BytePointer err_msg,
BytePointer file_name,
int line,
Pointer userdata)
Output nothing
static int |
cvNulDevReport(int status,
String func_name,
String err_msg,
String file_name,
int line,
Pointer userdata) |
static void |
cvOr(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst) |
static void |
cvOr(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst,
CvArr mask)
dst(idx) = src1(idx) | src2(idx)
static void |
cvOrS(CvArr src,
CvScalar value,
CvArr dst) |
static void |
cvOrS(CvArr src,
CvScalar value,
CvArr dst,
CvArr mask)
dst(idx) = src(idx) | value
static void |
cvPerspectiveTransform(CvArr src,
CvArr dst,
CvMat mat)
Does perspective transform on every element of input array
static CvPoint |
cvPoint(int x,
int y)
constructs CvPoint structure.
static CvPoint |
cvPoint(Point pt) |
static CvPoint2D32f |
cvPoint2D32f(double x,
double y)
constructs CvPoint2D32f structure.
static CvPoint2D64f |
cvPoint2D64f(double x,
double y)
constructs CvPoint2D64f structure.
static CvPoint3D32f |
cvPoint3D32f(double x,
double y,
double z)
constructs CvPoint3D32f structure.
static CvPoint3D64f |
cvPoint3D64f(double x,
double y,
double z)
constructs CvPoint3D64f structure.
static CvPoint |
cvPointFrom32f(CvPoint2D32f point)
converts CvPoint2D32f to CvPoint.
static int[] |
cvPointFrom32f(float[] point) |
static IntBuffer |
cvPointFrom32f(FloatBuffer point) |
static CvPoint2D32f |
cvPointTo32f(CvPoint point)
converts CvPoint to CvPoint2D32f.
static float[] |
cvPointTo32f(int[] point) |
static FloatBuffer |
cvPointTo32f(IntBuffer point) |
static void |
cvPolarToCart(CvArr magnitude,
CvArr angle,
CvArr x,
CvArr y) |
static void |
cvPolarToCart(CvArr magnitude,
CvArr angle,
CvArr x,
CvArr y,
int angle_in_degrees)
Does polar->cartesian coordinates conversion.
static void |
cvPow(CvArr src,
CvArr dst,
double power)
Does powering: dst(idx) = src(idx)^power
static Pointer |
cvPrevTreeNode(CvTreeNodeIterator tree_iterator) |
static void |
cvProjectPCA(CvArr data,
CvArr mean,
CvArr eigenvects,
CvArr result) |
static BytePointer |
cvPtr1D(CvArr arr,
int idx0) |
static byte[] |
cvPtr1D(CvArr arr,
int idx0,
int[] type) |
static ByteBuffer |
cvPtr1D(CvArr arr,
int idx0,
IntBuffer type) |
static BytePointer |
cvPtr1D(CvArr arr,
int idx0,
IntPointer type)
\brief Return pointer to a particular array element.
static BytePointer |
cvPtr2D(CvArr arr,
int idx0,
int idx1) |
static byte[] |
cvPtr2D(CvArr arr,
int idx0,
int idx1,
int[] type) |
static ByteBuffer |
cvPtr2D(CvArr arr,
int idx0,
int idx1,
IntBuffer type) |
static BytePointer |
cvPtr2D(CvArr arr,
int idx0,
int idx1,
IntPointer type)
static BytePointer |
cvPtr3D(CvArr arr,
int idx0,
int idx1,
int idx2) |
static byte[] |
cvPtr3D(CvArr arr,
int idx0,
int idx1,
int idx2,
int[] type) |
static ByteBuffer |
cvPtr3D(CvArr arr,
int idx0,
int idx1,
int idx2,
IntBuffer type) |
static BytePointer |
cvPtr3D(CvArr arr,
int idx0,
int idx1,
int idx2,
IntPointer type)
static byte[] |
cvPtrND(CvArr arr,
int[] idx) |
static byte[] |
cvPtrND(CvArr arr,
int[] idx,
int[] type,
int create_node,
int[] precalc_hashval) |
static ByteBuffer |
cvPtrND(CvArr arr,
IntBuffer idx) |
static ByteBuffer |
cvPtrND(CvArr arr,
IntBuffer idx,
IntBuffer type,
int create_node,
IntBuffer precalc_hashval) |
static BytePointer |
cvPtrND(CvArr arr,
IntPointer idx) |
static BytePointer |
cvPtrND(CvArr arr,
IntPointer idx,
IntPointer type,
int create_node,
IntPointer precalc_hashval)
static void |
cvRandArr(long[] rng,
CvArr arr,
int dist_type,
CvScalar param1,
CvScalar param2) |
static void |
cvRandArr(LongBuffer rng,
CvArr arr,
int dist_type,
CvScalar param1,
CvScalar param2) |
static void |
cvRandArr(LongPointer rng,
CvArr arr,
int dist_type,
CvScalar param1,
CvScalar param2)
\brief Fills an array with random numbers and updates the RNG state.
static int |
cvRandInt(long[] rng) |
static int |
cvRandInt(LongBuffer rng) |
static int |
cvRandInt(LongPointer rng)
\brief Returns a 32-bit unsigned integer and updates RNG.
static double |
cvRandReal(long[] rng) |
static double |
cvRandReal(LongBuffer rng) |
static double |
cvRandReal(LongPointer rng)
\brief Returns a floating-point random number and updates RNG.
static void |
cvRandShuffle(CvArr mat,
long[] rng) |
static void |
cvRandShuffle(CvArr mat,
long[] rng,
double iter_factor) |
static void |
cvRandShuffle(CvArr mat,
LongBuffer rng) |
static void |
cvRandShuffle(CvArr mat,
LongBuffer rng,
double iter_factor) |
static void |
cvRandShuffle(CvArr mat,
LongPointer rng) |
static void |
cvRandShuffle(CvArr mat,
LongPointer rng,
double iter_factor) |
static CvArr |
cvRange(CvArr mat,
double start,
double end)
Fills matrix with given range of numbers
static void |
cvRawDataToScalar(Pointer data,
int type,
CvScalar scalar) |
static CvScalar |
cvRealScalar(double val0) |
static CvRect |
cvRect(int x,
int y,
int width,
int height)
constructs CvRect structure.
static CvRect |
cvRect(Rect rc) |
static IplROI |
cvRectToROI(CvRect rect,
int coi) |
static CvErrorCallback |
cvRedirectError(CvErrorCallback error_handler) |
static CvErrorCallback |
cvRedirectError(CvErrorCallback error_handler,
Pointer userdata,
Pointer prev_userdata) |
static CvErrorCallback |
cvRedirectError(CvErrorCallback error_handler,
Pointer userdata,
PointerPointer prev_userdata)
Assigns a new error-handling function
static void |
cvReduce(CvArr src,
CvArr dst) |
static void |
cvReduce(CvArr src,
CvArr dst,
int dim,
int op) |
static void |
cvRelease(Pointer struct_ptr) |
static void |
cvRelease(PointerPointer struct_ptr)
\brief Releases an object.
static void |
cvReleaseData(CvArr arr)
\brief Releases array data.
static void |
cvReleaseGraphScanner(CvGraphScanner scanner) |
static void |
cvReleaseGraphScanner(PointerPointer scanner)
Releases graph scanner.
static void |
cvReleaseImage(IplImage image) |
static void |
cvReleaseImage(PointerPointer image)
\brief Deallocates the image header and the image data.
static void |
cvReleaseImageHeader(IplImage image) |
static void |
cvReleaseImageHeader(PointerPointer image)
\brief Deallocates an image header.
static void |
cvReleaseMat(CvMat mat) |
static void |
cvReleaseMat(PointerPointer mat)
\brief Deallocates a matrix.
static void |
cvReleaseMatND(CvMatND mat) |
static void |
cvReleaseMatND(PointerPointer mat)
\brief Deallocates a multi-dimensional array.
static void |
cvReleaseMemStorage(CvMemStorage storage) |
static void |
cvReleaseMemStorage(PointerPointer storage)
Releases memory storage.
static void |
cvReleaseSparseMat(CvSparseMat mat) |
static void |
cvReleaseSparseMat(PointerPointer mat)
\brief Deallocates sparse array.
static void |
cvRemoveNodeFromTree(Pointer node,
Pointer frame)
Removes contour from tree (together with the contour children).
static void |
cvRepeat(CvArr src,
CvArr dst)
Repeats source 2d array several times in both horizontal and
vertical direction to fill destination array
static void |
cvResetImageROI(IplImage image)
\brief Resets the image ROI to include the entire image and releases the ROI structure.
static CvMat |
cvReshape(CvArr arr,
CvMat header,
int new_cn) |
static CvMat |
cvReshape(CvArr arr,
CvMat header,
int new_cn,
int new_rows)
\brief Changes shape of matrix/image without copying data.
static CvArr |
cvReshapeMatND(CvArr arr,
int sizeof_header,
CvArr header,
int new_cn,
int new_dims,
int[] new_sizes) |
static CvArr |
cvReshapeMatND(CvArr arr,
int sizeof_header,
CvArr header,
int new_cn,
int new_dims,
IntBuffer new_sizes) |
static CvArr |
cvReshapeMatND(CvArr arr,
int sizeof_header,
CvArr header,
int new_cn,
int new_dims,
IntPointer new_sizes)
\brief Changes the shape of a multi-dimensional array without copying the data.
static void |
cvRestoreMemStoragePos(CvMemStorage storage,
CvMemStoragePos pos)
Restore a storage "free memory" position
static long |
cvRNG() |
static long |
cvRNG(long seed)
\brief Initializes a random number generator state.
static CvRect |
cvROIToRect(IplROI roi) |
static int |
cvRound(double value)
\brief Rounds floating-point number to the nearest integer
static int |
cvRound(float value)
static int |
cvRound(int value)
static void |
cvSaveMemStoragePos(CvMemStorage storage,
CvMemStoragePos pos)
Remember a storage "free memory" position
static CvScalar |
cvScalar() |
static CvScalar |
cvScalar(double val0) |
static CvScalar |
cvScalar(double val0,
double val1,
double val2,
double val3) |
static CvScalar |
cvScalar(Scalar s) |
static CvScalar |
cvScalarAll(double val0123) |
static void |
cvScalarToRawData(CvScalar scalar,
Pointer data,
int type) |
static void |
cvScalarToRawData(CvScalar scalar,
Pointer data,
int type,
int extend_to_12)
low-level scalar <-> raw data conversion functions
static void |
cvScale(CvArr arg1,
CvArr arg2,
double arg3,
double arg4) |
static void |
cvScaleAdd(CvArr src1,
CvScalar scale,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst)
dst = src1 * scale + src2
static int |
cvSeqElemIdx(CvSeq seq,
Pointer element) |
static int |
cvSeqElemIdx(CvSeq seq,
Pointer element,
CvSeqBlock block) |
static int |
cvSeqElemIdx(CvSeq seq,
Pointer element,
PointerPointer block)
Calculates index of the specified sequence element.
static BytePointer |
cvSeqInsert(CvSeq seq,
int before_index) |
static BytePointer |
cvSeqInsert(CvSeq seq,
int before_index,
Pointer element)
Inserts a new element in the middle of sequence.
static void |
cvSeqInsertSlice(CvSeq seq,
int before_index,
CvArr from_arr)
Inserts a sequence or array into another sequence
static void |
cvSeqInvert(CvSeq seq)
Reverses order of sequence elements in-place
static int |
cvSeqPartition(CvSeq seq,
CvMemStorage storage,
CvSeq labels,
CvCmpFunc is_equal,
Pointer userdata) |
static int |
cvSeqPartition(CvSeq seq,
CvMemStorage storage,
PointerPointer labels,
CvCmpFunc is_equal,
Pointer userdata)
Splits sequence into one or more equivalence classes using the specified criteria
static void |
cvSeqPop(CvSeq seq) |
static void |
cvSeqPop(CvSeq seq,
Pointer element)
Removes the last element from sequence and optionally saves it
static void |
cvSeqPopFront(CvSeq seq) |
static void |
cvSeqPopFront(CvSeq seq,
Pointer element)
Removes the first element from sequence and optioanally saves it
static void |
cvSeqPopMulti(CvSeq seq,
Pointer elements,
int count) |
static void |
cvSeqPopMulti(CvSeq seq,
Pointer elements,
int count,
int in_front)
Removes several elements from the end of sequence and optionally saves them
static BytePointer |
cvSeqPush(CvSeq seq) |
static BytePointer |
cvSeqPush(CvSeq seq,
Pointer element)
Adds new element to the end of sequence.
static BytePointer |
cvSeqPushFront(CvSeq seq) |
static BytePointer |
cvSeqPushFront(CvSeq seq,
Pointer element)
Adds new element to the beginning of sequence.
static void |
cvSeqPushMulti(CvSeq seq,
Pointer elements,
int count) |
static void |
cvSeqPushMulti(CvSeq seq,
Pointer elements,
int count,
int in_front)
Adds several new elements to the end of sequence
static void |
cvSeqRemove(CvSeq seq,
int index)
Removes specified sequence element
static void |
cvSeqRemoveSlice(CvSeq seq,
CvSlice slice)
Removes sequence slice
static byte[] |
cvSeqSearch(CvSeq seq,
Pointer elem,
CvCmpFunc func,
int is_sorted,
int[] elem_idx) |
static byte[] |
cvSeqSearch(CvSeq seq,
Pointer elem,
CvCmpFunc func,
int is_sorted,
int[] elem_idx,
Pointer userdata) |
static ByteBuffer |
cvSeqSearch(CvSeq seq,
Pointer elem,
CvCmpFunc func,
int is_sorted,
IntBuffer elem_idx) |
static ByteBuffer |
cvSeqSearch(CvSeq seq,
Pointer elem,
CvCmpFunc func,
int is_sorted,
IntBuffer elem_idx,
Pointer userdata) |
static BytePointer |
cvSeqSearch(CvSeq seq,
Pointer elem,
CvCmpFunc func,
int is_sorted,
IntPointer elem_idx) |
static BytePointer |
cvSeqSearch(CvSeq seq,
Pointer elem,
CvCmpFunc func,
int is_sorted,
IntPointer elem_idx,
Pointer userdata)
Finds element in a [sorted] sequence
static CvSeq |
cvSeqSlice(CvSeq seq,
CvSlice slice) |
static CvSeq |
cvSeqSlice(CvSeq seq,
CvSlice slice,
CvMemStorage storage,
int copy_data)
Extracts sequence slice (with or without copying sequence elements)
static void |
cvSeqSort(CvSeq seq,
CvCmpFunc func) |
static void |
cvSeqSort(CvSeq seq,
CvCmpFunc func,
Pointer userdata)
Sorts sequence in-place given element comparison function
static void |
cvSet(CvArr arr,
CvScalar value) |
static void |
cvSet(CvArr arr,
CvScalar value,
CvArr mask)
\brief Sets every element of an array to a given value.
static void |
cvSet1D(CvArr arr,
int idx0,
CvScalar value)
\brief Change the particular array element.
static void |
cvSet2D(CvArr arr,
int idx0,
int idx1,
CvScalar value)
static void |
cvSet3D(CvArr arr,
int idx0,
int idx1,
int idx2,
CvScalar value)
static int |
cvSetAdd(CvSet set_header) |
static int |
cvSetAdd(CvSet set_header,
CvSetElem elem,
CvSetElem inserted_elem) |
static int |
cvSetAdd(CvSet set_header,
CvSetElem elem,
PointerPointer inserted_elem)
Adds new element to the set and returns pointer to it
static void |
cvSetData(CvArr arr,
Pointer data,
int step)
\brief Assigns user data to the array header.
static int |
cvSetErrMode(int mode)
Sets error processing mode, returns previously used mode
static void |
cvSetErrStatus(int status)
Sets error status silently
static void |
cvSetIdentity(CvArr mat) |
static void |
cvSetIdentity(CvArr mat,
CvScalar value)
Makes an identity matrix (mat_ij = i == j)
static void |
cvSetImageCOI(IplImage image,
int coi)
\brief Sets the channel of interest in an IplImage.
static void |
cvSetImageROI(IplImage image,
CvRect rect)
\brief Sets an image Region Of Interest (ROI) for a given rectangle.
static void |
cvSetIPLAllocators(Cv_iplCreateImageHeader create_header,
Cv_iplAllocateImageData allocate_data,
Cv_iplDeallocate _deallocate,
Cv_iplCreateROI create_roi,
Cv_iplCloneImage clone_image)
\brief Makes OpenCV use IPL functions for allocating IplImage and IplROI structures.
static void |
cvSetND(CvArr arr,
int[] idx,
CvScalar value) |
static void |
cvSetND(CvArr arr,
IntBuffer idx,
CvScalar value) |
static void |
cvSetND(CvArr arr,
IntPointer idx,
CvScalar value)
static CvSetElem |
cvSetNew(CvSet set_header)
Fast variant of cvSetAdd
static void |
cvSetNumThreads() |
static void |
cvSetNumThreads(int threads) |
static void |
cvSetReal1D(CvArr arr,
int idx0,
double value)
\brief Change a specific array element.
static void |
cvSetReal2D(CvArr arr,
int idx0,
int idx1,
double value)
static void |
cvSetReal3D(CvArr arr,
int idx0,
int idx1,
int idx2,
double value)
static void |
cvSetRealND(CvArr arr,
int[] idx,
double value) |
static void |
cvSetRealND(CvArr arr,
IntBuffer idx,
double value) |
static void |
cvSetRealND(CvArr arr,
IntPointer idx,
double value)
static void |
cvSetRemove(CvSet set_header,
int index)
Removes element from the set by its index
static void |
cvSetRemoveByPtr(CvSet set_header,
Pointer elem)
Removes set element given its pointer
static void |
cvSetSeqBlockSize(CvSeq seq,
int delta_elems)
Changes default size (granularity) of sequence blocks.
static void |
cvSetSeqReaderPos(CvSeqReader reader,
int index) |
static void |
cvSetSeqReaderPos(CvSeqReader reader,
int index,
int is_relative)
Changes sequence reader position.
static void |
cvSetZero(CvArr arr)
\brief Clears the array.
static CvSize |
cvSize(int width,
int height)
constructs CvSize structure.
static CvSize |
cvSize(Size sz) |
static CvSize2D32f |
cvSize2D32f(double width,
double height)
constructs CvSize2D32f structure.
static CvSlice |
cvSlice(int start,
int end) |
static CvSlice |
cvSlice(Range r) |
static int |
cvSliceLength(CvSlice slice,
CvSeq seq)
Calculates length of sequence slice (with support of negative indices).
static int |
cvSolve(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst) |
static int |
cvSolve(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst,
int method)
Solves linear system (src1)*(dst) = (src2)
(returns 0 if src1 is a singular and CV_LU method is used)
static int |
cvSolveCubic(CvMat coeffs,
CvMat roots)
Finds real roots of a cubic equation
static void |
cvSolvePoly(CvMat coeffs,
CvMat roots2) |
static void |
cvSolvePoly(CvMat coeffs,
CvMat roots2,
int maxiter,
int fig)
Finds all real and complex roots of a polynomial equation
static void |
cvSort(CvArr src) |
static void |
cvSort(CvArr src,
CvArr dst,
CvArr idxmat,
int flags) |
static void |
cvSplit(CvArr src,
CvArr dst0,
CvArr dst1,
CvArr dst2,
CvArr dst3)
Splits a multi-channel array into the set of single-channel arrays or
extracts particular [color] plane
static void |
cvStartAppendToSeq(CvSeq seq,
CvSeqWriter writer)
Initializes sequence writer.
static void |
cvStartReadSeq(CvSeq seq,
CvSeqReader reader) |
static void |
cvStartReadSeq(CvSeq seq,
CvSeqReader reader,
int reverse)
Initializes sequence reader.
static void |
cvStartWriteSeq(int seq_flags,
int header_size,
int elem_size,
CvMemStorage storage,
CvSeqWriter writer)
Combination of cvCreateSeq and cvStartAppendToSeq
static int |
cvStdErrReport(int status,
BytePointer func_name,
BytePointer err_msg,
BytePointer file_name,
int line,
Pointer userdata)
Output to console(fprintf(stderr,...))
static int |
cvStdErrReport(int status,
String func_name,
String err_msg,
String file_name,
int line,
Pointer userdata) |
static void |
cvSub(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst) |
static void |
cvSub(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst,
CvArr mask)
dst(mask) = src1(mask) - src2(mask)
static void |
cvSubRS(CvArr src,
CvScalar value,
CvArr dst) |
static void |
cvSubRS(CvArr src,
CvScalar value,
CvArr dst,
CvArr mask)
dst(mask) = value - src(mask)
static void |
cvSubS(CvArr src,
CvScalar value,
CvArr dst) |
static void |
cvSubS(CvArr src,
CvScalar value,
CvArr dst,
CvArr mask)
dst(mask) = src(mask) - value = src(mask) + (-value)
static CvScalar |
cvSum(CvArr arr)
Finds sum of array elements
static void |
cvSVBkSb(CvArr W,
CvArr U,
CvArr V,
CvArr B,
CvArr X,
int flags)
Performs Singular Value Back Substitution (solves A*X = B):
flags must be the same as in cvSVD
static void |
cvSVD(CvArr A,
CvArr W) |
static void |
cvSVD(CvArr A,
CvArr W,
CvArr U,
CvArr V,
int flags)
Performs Singular Value Decomposition of a matrix
static void |
cvT(CvArr arg1,
CvArr arg2) |
static void |
cvt16f32f(hfloat src,
float[] dst,
int len) |
static void |
cvt16f32f(hfloat src,
FloatBuffer dst,
int len) |
static void |
cvt16f32f(hfloat src,
FloatPointer dst,
int len) |
static void |
cvt32f16f(float[] src,
hfloat dst,
int len) |
static void |
cvt32f16f(FloatBuffer src,
hfloat dst,
int len) |
static void |
cvt32f16f(FloatPointer src,
hfloat dst,
int len) |
static CvTermCriteria |
cvTermCriteria(int type,
int max_iter,
double epsilon) |
static CvTermCriteria |
cvTermCriteria(TermCriteria t) |
static CvScalar |
cvTrace(CvArr mat)
Calculates trace of the matrix (sum of elements on the main diagonal)
static void |
cvTransform(CvArr src,
CvArr dst,
CvMat transmat) |
static void |
cvTransform(CvArr src,
CvArr dst,
CvMat transmat,
CvMat shiftvec)
Transforms each element of source array and stores
resultant vectors in destination array
static void |
cvTranspose(CvArr src,
CvArr dst)
Transposes matrix.
static CvSeq |
cvTreeToNodeSeq(Pointer first,
int header_size,
CvMemStorage storage)
Gathers pointers to all the sequences,
accessible from the
first , to the single sequence |
static int |
cvUseOptimized(int on_off)
Loads optimized functions from IPP, MKL etc.
static void |
cvXor(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst) |
static void |
cvXor(CvArr src1,
CvArr src2,
CvArr dst,
CvArr mask)
dst(idx) = src1(idx) ^ src2(idx)
static void |
cvXorS(CvArr src,
CvScalar value,
CvArr dst) |
static void |
cvXorS(CvArr src,
CvScalar value,
CvArr dst,
CvArr mask)
dst(idx) = src(idx) ^ value
static void |
cvZero(CvArr arg1) |
static void |
dct(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
dct(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
int flags) |
static void |
dct(Mat src,
Mat dst) |
static void |
dct(Mat src,
Mat dst,
int flags)
\brief Performs a forward or inverse discrete Cosine transform of 1D or 2D array.
static void |
dct(UMat src,
UMat dst) |
static void |
dct(UMat src,
UMat dst,
int flags) |
static double |
determinant(GpuMat mtx) |
static double |
determinant(Mat mtx)
\brief Returns the determinant of a square floating-point matrix.
static double |
determinant(UMat mtx) |
static boolean |
deviceSupports(int feature_set)
checks whether current device supports the given feature
static void |
dft(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
dft(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
int flags,
int nonzeroRows) |
static void |
dft(Mat src,
Mat dst) |
static void |
dft(Mat src,
Mat dst,
int flags,
int nonzeroRows)
\brief Performs a forward or inverse Discrete Fourier transform of a 1D or 2D floating-point array.
static void |
dft(UMat src,
UMat dst) |
static void |
dft(UMat src,
UMat dst,
int flags,
int nonzeroRows) |
static void |
div16s(short[] src1,
long step1,
short[] src2,
long step2,
short[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
div16s(ShortBuffer src1,
long step1,
ShortBuffer src2,
long step2,
ShortBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
div16s(ShortPointer src1,
long step1,
ShortPointer src2,
long step2,
ShortPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
div16u(short[] src1,
long step1,
short[] src2,
long step2,
short[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
div16u(ShortBuffer src1,
long step1,
ShortBuffer src2,
long step2,
ShortBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
div16u(ShortPointer src1,
long step1,
ShortPointer src2,
long step2,
ShortPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
div32f(float[] src1,
long step1,
float[] src2,
long step2,
float[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
div32f(FloatBuffer src1,
long step1,
FloatBuffer src2,
long step2,
FloatBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
div32f(FloatPointer src1,
long step1,
FloatPointer src2,
long step2,
FloatPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
div32s(int[] src1,
long step1,
int[] src2,
long step2,
int[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
div32s(IntBuffer src1,
long step1,
IntBuffer src2,
long step2,
IntBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
div32s(IntPointer src1,
long step1,
IntPointer src2,
long step2,
IntPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
div64f(double[] src1,
long step1,
double[] src2,
long step2,
double[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
div64f(DoubleBuffer src1,
long step1,
DoubleBuffer src2,
long step2,
DoubleBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
div64f(DoublePointer src1,
long step1,
DoublePointer src2,
long step2,
DoublePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
div8s(byte[] src1,
long step1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
div8s(ByteBuffer src1,
long step1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
div8s(BytePointer src1,
long step1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
div8u(byte[] src1,
long step1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
div8u(ByteBuffer src1,
long step1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
div8u(BytePointer src1,
long step1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
divide(double scale,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
divide(double scale,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst,
int dtype) |
static MatExpr |
divide(double s,
Mat a) |
static MatExpr |
divide(double s,
MatExpr e) |
static void |
divide(double scale,
Mat src2,
Mat dst) |
static void |
divide(double scale,
Mat src2,
Mat dst,
int dtype)
static void |
divide(double scale,
UMat src2,
UMat dst) |
static void |
divide(double scale,
UMat src2,
UMat dst,
int dtype) |
static void |
divide(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
divide(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst,
double scale,
int dtype) |
static MatExpr |
divide(Mat a,
double s) |
static MatExpr |
divide(MatExpr e,
double s) |
static MatExpr |
divide(MatExpr e,
Mat m) |
static MatExpr |
divide(MatExpr e1,
MatExpr e2) |
static MatExpr |
divide(Mat a,
Mat b) |
static MatExpr |
divide(Mat m,
MatExpr e) |
static void |
divide(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dst) |
static void |
divide(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dst,
double scale,
int dtype)
\brief Performs per-element division of two arrays or a scalar by an array.
static void |
divide(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dst) |
static void |
divide(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dst,
double scale,
int dtype) |
static Mat |
dividePut(Mat a,
double b) |
static Mat |
dividePut(Mat a,
Mat b) |
static int |
divUp(int a,
int b)
\brief Integer division with result round up.
static long |
divUp(long a,
int b)
static double |
doubleRand() |
static boolean |
eigen(GpuMat src,
GpuMat eigenvalues) |
static boolean |
eigen(GpuMat src,
GpuMat eigenvalues,
GpuMat eigenvectors) |
static boolean |
eigen(Mat src,
Mat eigenvalues) |
static boolean |
eigen(Mat src,
Mat eigenvalues,
Mat eigenvectors)
\brief Calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix.
static boolean |
eigen(UMat src,
UMat eigenvalues) |
static boolean |
eigen(UMat src,
UMat eigenvalues,
UMat eigenvectors) |
static void |
eigenNonSymmetric(GpuMat src,
GpuMat eigenvalues,
GpuMat eigenvectors) |
static void |
eigenNonSymmetric(Mat src,
Mat eigenvalues,
Mat eigenvectors)
\brief Calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a non-symmetric matrix (real eigenvalues only).
static void |
eigenNonSymmetric(UMat src,
UMat eigenvalues,
UMat eigenvectors) |
static void |
ensureSizeIsEnough(int rows,
int cols,
int type,
GpuMat arr) |
static void |
ensureSizeIsEnough(int rows,
int cols,
int type,
Mat arr)
\brief Ensures that the size of a matrix is big enough and the matrix has a proper type.
static void |
ensureSizeIsEnough(int rows,
int cols,
int type,
UMat arr) |
static MatExpr |
equals(double s,
Mat a) |
static boolean |
equals(FileNodeIterator it1,
FileNodeIterator it2) |
static boolean |
equals(int a,
int b) |
static MatExpr |
equals(Mat a,
double s) |
static MatExpr |
equals(Mat a,
Mat b) |
static boolean |
equals(NodeData lhs,
NodeData rhs) |
static boolean |
equals(Range r1,
Range r2) |
static void |
error(int _code,
BytePointer _err,
BytePointer _func,
BytePointer _file,
int _line)
\} core_array
static void |
error(int _code,
String _err,
String _func,
String _file,
int _line) |
static void |
exp(double[] src,
double[] dst,
int n) |
static void |
exp(DoubleBuffer src,
DoubleBuffer dst,
int n) |
static void |
exp(DoublePointer src,
DoublePointer dst,
int n) |
static void |
exp(float[] src,
float[] dst,
int n) |
static void |
exp(FloatBuffer src,
FloatBuffer dst,
int n) |
static void |
exp(FloatPointer src,
FloatPointer dst,
int n) |
static void |
exp(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
exp(Mat src,
Mat dst)
\brief Calculates the exponent of every array element.
static void |
exp(UMat src,
UMat dst) |
static void |
exp32f(float[] src,
float[] dst,
int n) |
static void |
exp32f(FloatBuffer src,
FloatBuffer dst,
int n) |
static void |
exp32f(FloatPointer src,
FloatPointer dst,
int n) |
static void |
exp64f(double[] src,
double[] dst,
int n) |
static void |
exp64f(DoubleBuffer src,
DoubleBuffer dst,
int n) |
static void |
exp64f(DoublePointer src,
DoublePointer dst,
int n) |
static void |
extractChannel(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
int coi) |
static void |
extractChannel(Mat src,
Mat dst,
int coi)
\brief Extracts a single channel from src (coi is 0-based index)
static void |
extractChannel(UMat src,
UMat dst,
int coi) |
static void |
extractImageCOI(CvArr arr,
GpuMat coiimg) |
static void |
extractImageCOI(CvArr arr,
GpuMat coiimg,
int coi) |
static void |
extractImageCOI(CvArr arr,
Mat coiimg) |
static void |
extractImageCOI(CvArr arr,
Mat coiimg,
int coi)
extracts Channel of Interest from CvMat or IplImage and makes cv::Mat out of it.
static void |
extractImageCOI(CvArr arr,
UMat coiimg) |
static void |
extractImageCOI(CvArr arr,
UMat coiimg,
int coi) |
static void |
fastAtan2(float[] y,
float[] x,
float[] dst,
int n,
boolean angleInDegrees) |
static void |
fastAtan2(FloatBuffer y,
FloatBuffer x,
FloatBuffer dst,
int n,
boolean angleInDegrees) |
static float |
fastAtan2(float y,
float x)
\brief Calculates the angle of a 2D vector in degrees.
static void |
fastAtan2(FloatPointer y,
FloatPointer x,
FloatPointer dst,
int n,
boolean angleInDegrees) |
static void |
fastAtan32f(float[] y,
float[] x,
float[] dst,
int n,
boolean angleInDegrees) |
static void |
fastAtan32f(FloatBuffer y,
FloatBuffer x,
FloatBuffer dst,
int n,
boolean angleInDegrees) |
static void |
fastAtan32f(FloatPointer y,
FloatPointer x,
FloatPointer dst,
int n,
boolean angleInDegrees) |
static void |
fastAtan64f(double[] y,
double[] x,
double[] dst,
int n,
boolean angleInDegrees) |
static void |
fastAtan64f(DoubleBuffer y,
DoubleBuffer x,
DoubleBuffer dst,
int n,
boolean angleInDegrees) |
static void |
fastAtan64f(DoublePointer y,
DoublePointer x,
DoublePointer dst,
int n,
boolean angleInDegrees) |
static void |
fastFree(Pointer ptr)
\brief Deallocates a memory buffer.
static Pointer |
fastMalloc(long bufSize)
\addtogroup core_utils
static BytePointer |
findFile(BytePointer relative_path) |
static BytePointer |
findFile(BytePointer relative_path,
boolean required,
boolean silentMode)
static String |
findFile(String relative_path) |
static String |
findFile(String relative_path,
boolean required,
boolean silentMode) |
static BytePointer |
findFileOrKeep(BytePointer relative_path) |
static BytePointer |
findFileOrKeep(BytePointer relative_path,
boolean silentMode) |
static String |
findFileOrKeep(String relative_path) |
static String |
findFileOrKeep(String relative_path,
boolean silentMode) |
static void |
findNonZero(GpuMat src,
GpuMat idx) |
static void |
findNonZero(Mat src,
Mat idx)
\brief Returns the list of locations of non-zero pixels
static void |
findNonZero(UMat src,
UMat idx) |
static void |
finish() |
static void |
flip(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
int flipCode) |
static void |
flip(Mat src,
Mat dst,
int flipCode)
\brief Flips a 2D array around vertical, horizontal, or both axes.
static void |
flip(UMat src,
UMat dst,
int flipCode) |
static void |
flipND(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
int axis) |
static void |
flipND(Mat src,
Mat dst,
int axis)
\brief Flips a n-dimensional at given axis
static void |
flipND(UMat src,
UMat dst,
int axis) |
static hfloat |
float16SaturateCast(byte v) |
static hfloat |
float16SaturateCast(double v) |
static hfloat |
float16SaturateCast(float v) |
static hfloat |
float16SaturateCast(hfloat v) |
static hfloat |
float16SaturateCast(int v) |
static hfloat |
float16SaturateCast(long v) |
static hfloat |
float16SaturateCast(short v) |
static float |
floatRand() |
static BytePointer |
format(BytePointer fmt)
static Formatted |
format(GpuMat mtx,
int fmt) |
static Formatted |
format(Mat mtx,
int fmt) |
static String |
format(String fmt) |
static Formatted |
format(UMat mtx,
int fmt) |
static void |
gemm(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
double alpha,
GpuMat src3,
double beta,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
gemm(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
double alpha,
GpuMat src3,
double beta,
GpuMat dst,
int flags) |
static void |
gemm(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
double alpha,
Mat src3,
double beta,
Mat dst) |
static void |
gemm(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
double alpha,
Mat src3,
double beta,
Mat dst,
int flags)
\brief Performs generalized matrix multiplication.
static void |
gemm(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
double alpha,
UMat src3,
double beta,
UMat dst) |
static void |
gemm(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
double alpha,
UMat src3,
double beta,
UMat dst,
int flags) |
static void |
gemm32f(float[] src1,
long src1_step,
float[] src2,
long src2_step,
float alpha,
float[] src3,
long src3_step,
float beta,
float[] dst,
long dst_step,
int m_a,
int n_a,
int n_d,
int flags) |
static void |
gemm32f(FloatBuffer src1,
long src1_step,
FloatBuffer src2,
long src2_step,
float alpha,
FloatBuffer src3,
long src3_step,
float beta,
FloatBuffer dst,
long dst_step,
int m_a,
int n_a,
int n_d,
int flags) |
static void |
gemm32f(FloatPointer src1,
long src1_step,
FloatPointer src2,
long src2_step,
float alpha,
FloatPointer src3,
long src3_step,
float beta,
FloatPointer dst,
long dst_step,
int m_a,
int n_a,
int n_d,
int flags) |
static void |
gemm32fc(float[] src1,
long src1_step,
float[] src2,
long src2_step,
float alpha,
float[] src3,
long src3_step,
float beta,
float[] dst,
long dst_step,
int m_a,
int n_a,
int n_d,
int flags) |
static void |
gemm32fc(FloatBuffer src1,
long src1_step,
FloatBuffer src2,
long src2_step,
float alpha,
FloatBuffer src3,
long src3_step,
float beta,
FloatBuffer dst,
long dst_step,
int m_a,
int n_a,
int n_d,
int flags) |
static void |
gemm32fc(FloatPointer src1,
long src1_step,
FloatPointer src2,
long src2_step,
float alpha,
FloatPointer src3,
long src3_step,
float beta,
FloatPointer dst,
long dst_step,
int m_a,
int n_a,
int n_d,
int flags) |
static void |
gemm64f(double[] src1,
long src1_step,
double[] src2,
long src2_step,
double alpha,
double[] src3,
long src3_step,
double beta,
double[] dst,
long dst_step,
int m_a,
int n_a,
int n_d,
int flags) |
static void |
gemm64f(DoubleBuffer src1,
long src1_step,
DoubleBuffer src2,
long src2_step,
double alpha,
DoubleBuffer src3,
long src3_step,
double beta,
DoubleBuffer dst,
long dst_step,
int m_a,
int n_a,
int n_d,
int flags) |
static void |
gemm64f(DoublePointer src1,
long src1_step,
DoublePointer src2,
long src2_step,
double alpha,
DoublePointer src3,
long src3_step,
double beta,
DoublePointer dst,
long dst_step,
int m_a,
int n_a,
int n_d,
int flags) |
static void |
gemm64fc(double[] src1,
long src1_step,
double[] src2,
long src2_step,
double alpha,
double[] src3,
long src3_step,
double beta,
double[] dst,
long dst_step,
int m_a,
int n_a,
int n_d,
int flags) |
static void |
gemm64fc(DoubleBuffer src1,
long src1_step,
DoubleBuffer src2,
long src2_step,
double alpha,
DoubleBuffer src3,
long src3_step,
double beta,
DoubleBuffer dst,
long dst_step,
int m_a,
int n_a,
int n_d,
int flags) |
static void |
gemm64fc(DoublePointer src1,
long src1_step,
DoublePointer src2,
long src2_step,
double alpha,
DoublePointer src3,
long src3_step,
double beta,
DoublePointer dst,
long dst_step,
int m_a,
int n_a,
int n_d,
int flags) |
static BytePointer |
\brief Returns full configuration time cmake output.
static BytePointer |
\brief Returns list of CPU features enabled during compilation.
static long |
\brief Returns the number of CPU ticks.
static int |
\addtogroup cudacore_init
/** \{
static int |
\brief Returns the current device index set by cuda::setDevice or initialized by default.
static long |
getElemSize(int type) |
static int |
getFlags() |
static BytePointer |
getHardwareFeatureName(int feature)
\brief Returns feature name by ID
static BytePointer |
getIppErrorLocation() |
static long |
static int |
getIppStatus() |
static BytePointer |
getIppVersion() |
static int |
\brief Returns the number of logical CPUs available for the process.
static int |
\brief Returns the number of threads used by OpenCV for parallel regions.
static MatAllocator |
getOpenCLAllocator() |
static BytePointer |
getOpenCLErrorString(int errorCode) |
static int |
getOptimalDFTSize(int vecsize)
\brief Returns the optimal DFT size for a given vector size.
static void |
getPlatfomsInfo(PlatformInfo platform_info) |
static BytePointer |
getSeqElem(CvSeq seq,
int index) |
static int |
static int |
Current implementation doesn't corresponding to this documentation.
The exact meaning of the return value depends on the threading framework used by OpenCV library:
- |
static long |
\brief Returns the number of ticks.
static double |
\brief Returns the number of ticks per second.
static InstrNode |
getTrace() |
static int |
\brief Returns major library version
static int |
\brief Returns minor library version
static int |
\brief Returns revision field of the library version
static BytePointer |
\brief Returns library version string
static void |
glob(BytePointer pattern,
StringVector result) |
static void |
glob(BytePointer pattern,
StringVector result,
boolean recursive) |
static void |
glob(String pattern,
StringVector result) |
static void |
glob(String pattern,
StringVector result,
boolean recursive) |
static MatExpr |
greaterThan(double s,
Mat a) |
static MatExpr |
greaterThan(Mat a,
double s) |
static MatExpr |
greaterThan(Mat a,
Mat b) |
static MatExpr |
greaterThanEquals(double s,
Mat a) |
static MatExpr |
greaterThanEquals(Mat a,
double s) |
static MatExpr |
greaterThanEquals(Mat a,
Mat b) |
static boolean |
hasNonZero(GpuMat src) |
static boolean |
hasNonZero(Mat src)
\brief Checks for the presence of at least one non-zero array element.
static boolean |
hasNonZero(UMat src) |
static boolean |
haveAmdBlas() |
static boolean |
haveAmdFft() |
static boolean |
\addtogroup core_opencl
static boolean |
haveSVM() |
static void |
hconcat(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
hconcat(GpuMatVector src,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
hconcat(GpuMatVector src,
Mat dst) |
static void |
hconcat(GpuMatVector src,
UMat dst) |
static void |
hconcat(Mat src,
long nsrc,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
hconcat(Mat src,
long nsrc,
Mat dst)
\brief Applies horizontal concatenation to given matrices.
static void |
hconcat(Mat src,
long nsrc,
UMat dst) |
static void |
hconcat(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dst)
static void |
hconcat(MatVector src,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
hconcat(MatVector src,
Mat dst)
static void |
hconcat(MatVector src,
UMat dst) |
static void |
hconcat(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dst) |
static void |
hconcat(UMatVector src,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
hconcat(UMatVector src,
Mat dst) |
static void |
hconcat(UMatVector src,
UMat dst) |
static hfloat |
hfloatFromBits(short w) |
static void |
idct(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
idct(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
int flags) |
static void |
idct(Mat src,
Mat dst) |
static void |
idct(Mat src,
Mat dst,
int flags)
\brief Calculates the inverse Discrete Cosine Transform of a 1D or 2D array.
static void |
idct(UMat src,
UMat dst) |
static void |
idct(UMat src,
UMat dst,
int flags) |
static void |
idft(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
idft(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
int flags,
int nonzeroRows) |
static void |
idft(Mat src,
Mat dst) |
static void |
idft(Mat src,
Mat dst,
int flags,
int nonzeroRows)
\brief Calculates the inverse Discrete Fourier Transform of a 1D or 2D array.
static void |
idft(UMat src,
UMat dst) |
static void |
idft(UMat src,
UMat dst,
int flags,
int nonzeroRows) |
static void |
inRange(GpuMat src,
GpuMat lowerb,
GpuMat upperb,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
inRange(Mat src,
Mat lowerb,
Mat upperb,
Mat dst)
\brief Checks if array elements lie between the elements of two other arrays.
static void |
inRange(UMat src,
UMat lowerb,
UMat upperb,
UMat dst) |
static void |
insertChannel(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
int coi) |
static void |
insertChannel(Mat src,
Mat dst,
int coi)
\brief Inserts a single channel to dst (coi is 0-based index)
static void |
insertChannel(UMat src,
UMat dst,
int coi) |
static void |
insertImageCOI(GpuMat coiimg,
CvArr arr) |
static void |
insertImageCOI(GpuMat coiimg,
CvArr arr,
int coi) |
static void |
insertImageCOI(Mat coiimg,
CvArr arr) |
static void |
insertImageCOI(Mat coiimg,
CvArr arr,
int coi)
inserts single-channel cv::Mat into a multi-channel CvMat or IplImage
static void |
insertImageCOI(UMat coiimg,
CvArr arr) |
static void |
insertImageCOI(UMat coiimg,
CvArr arr,
int coi) |
static long |
int64SaturateCast(byte v) |
static long |
int64SaturateCast(double v) |
static long |
int64SaturateCast(float v) |
static long |
int64SaturateCast(hfloat v) |
static long |
int64SaturateCast(int v) |
static long |
int64SaturateCast(long v) |
static long |
int64SaturateCast(short v) |
static int |
returns the next uniformly-distributed random number of the specified type
static int |
intSaturate(byte v) |
static int |
intSaturate(double v) |
static int |
intSaturate(float v) |
static int |
intSaturate(hfloat v) |
static int |
intSaturate(int v) |
static int |
intSaturate(long v) |
static int |
intSaturate(short v) |
static double |
invert(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst) |
static double |
invert(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
int flags) |
static double |
invert(Mat src,
Mat dst) |
static double |
invert(Mat src,
Mat dst,
int flags)
\brief Finds the inverse or pseudo-inverse of a matrix.
static double |
invert(UMat src,
UMat dst) |
static double |
invert(UMat src,
UMat dst,
int flags) |
static void |
invSqrt(double[] src,
double[] dst,
int len) |
static void |
invSqrt(DoubleBuffer src,
DoubleBuffer dst,
int len) |
static void |
invSqrt(DoublePointer src,
DoublePointer dst,
int len) |
static void |
invSqrt(float[] src,
float[] dst,
int len) |
static void |
invSqrt(FloatBuffer src,
FloatBuffer dst,
int len) |
static void |
invSqrt(FloatPointer src,
FloatPointer dst,
int len) |
static void |
invSqrt32f(float[] src,
float[] dst,
int len) |
static void |
invSqrt32f(FloatBuffer src,
FloatBuffer dst,
int len) |
static void |
invSqrt32f(FloatPointer src,
FloatPointer dst,
int len) |
static void |
invSqrt64f(double[] src,
double[] dst,
int len) |
static void |
invSqrt64f(DoubleBuffer src,
DoubleBuffer dst,
int len) |
static void |
invSqrt64f(DoublePointer src,
DoublePointer dst,
int len) |
static int |
static BytePointer |
kernelToStr(GpuMat _kernel) |
static BytePointer |
kernelToStr(GpuMat _kernel,
int ddepth,
BytePointer name) |
static String |
kernelToStr(GpuMat _kernel,
int ddepth,
String name) |
static BytePointer |
kernelToStr(Mat _kernel) |
static BytePointer |
kernelToStr(Mat _kernel,
int ddepth,
BytePointer name) |
static String |
kernelToStr(Mat _kernel,
int ddepth,
String name) |
static String |
kernelToStr(UMat _kernel) |
static BytePointer |
kernelToStr(UMat _kernel,
int ddepth,
BytePointer name) |
static String |
kernelToStr(UMat _kernel,
int ddepth,
String name) |
static double |
kmeans(GpuMat data,
int K,
GpuMat bestLabels,
TermCriteria criteria,
int attempts,
int flags) |
static double |
kmeans(GpuMat data,
int K,
GpuMat bestLabels,
TermCriteria criteria,
int attempts,
int flags,
GpuMat centers) |
static double |
kmeans(Mat data,
int K,
Mat bestLabels,
TermCriteria criteria,
int attempts,
int flags) |
static double |
kmeans(Mat data,
int K,
Mat bestLabels,
TermCriteria criteria,
int attempts,
int flags,
Mat centers)
\brief Finds centers of clusters and groups input samples around the clusters.
static double |
kmeans(UMat data,
int K,
UMat bestLabels,
TermCriteria criteria,
int attempts,
int flags) |
static double |
kmeans(UMat data,
int K,
UMat bestLabels,
TermCriteria criteria,
int attempts,
int flags,
UMat centers) |
static MatExpr |
lessThan(double s,
Mat a) |
static boolean |
lessThan(FileNodeIterator it1,
FileNodeIterator it2) |
static MatExpr |
lessThan(Mat a,
double s) |
static MatExpr |
lessThan(Mat a,
Mat b) |
static MatExpr |
lessThanEquals(double s,
Mat a) |
static MatExpr |
lessThanEquals(Mat a,
double s) |
static MatExpr |
lessThanEquals(Mat a,
Mat b) |
static void |
log(double[] src,
double[] dst,
int n) |
static void |
log(DoubleBuffer src,
DoubleBuffer dst,
int n) |
static void |
log(DoublePointer src,
DoublePointer dst,
int n) |
static void |
log(float[] src,
float[] dst,
int n) |
static void |
log(FloatBuffer src,
FloatBuffer dst,
int n) |
static void |
log(FloatPointer src,
FloatPointer dst,
int n) |
static void |
log(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
log(Mat src,
Mat dst)
\brief Calculates the natural logarithm of every array element.
static void |
log(UMat src,
UMat dst) |
static void |
log32f(float[] src,
float[] dst,
int n) |
static void |
log32f(FloatBuffer src,
FloatBuffer dst,
int n) |
static void |
log32f(FloatPointer src,
FloatPointer dst,
int n) |
static void |
log64f(double[] src,
double[] dst,
int n) |
static void |
log64f(DoubleBuffer src,
DoubleBuffer dst,
int n) |
static void |
log64f(DoublePointer src,
DoublePointer dst,
int n) |
static int |
LU(double[] A,
long astep,
int m,
double[] b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static int |
LU(DoubleBuffer A,
long astep,
int m,
DoubleBuffer b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static int |
LU(DoublePointer A,
long astep,
int m,
DoublePointer b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static int |
LU(float[] A,
long astep,
int m,
float[] b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static int |
LU(FloatBuffer A,
long astep,
int m,
FloatBuffer b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static int |
LU(FloatPointer A,
long astep,
int m,
FloatPointer b,
long bstep,
int n)
static int |
LU32f(float[] A,
long astep,
int m,
float[] b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static int |
LU32f(FloatBuffer A,
long astep,
int m,
FloatBuffer b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static int |
LU32f(FloatPointer A,
long astep,
int m,
FloatPointer b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static int |
LU64f(double[] A,
long astep,
int m,
double[] b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static int |
LU64f(DoubleBuffer A,
long astep,
int m,
DoubleBuffer b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static int |
LU64f(DoublePointer A,
long astep,
int m,
DoublePointer b,
long bstep,
int n) |
static void |
LUT(GpuMat src,
GpuMat lut,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
LUT(Mat src,
Mat lut,
Mat dst)
\brief Performs a look-up table transform of an array.
static void |
LUT(UMat src,
UMat lut,
UMat dst) |
static void |
magnitude(double[] x,
double[] y,
double[] dst,
int n) |
static void |
magnitude(DoubleBuffer x,
DoubleBuffer y,
DoubleBuffer dst,
int n) |
static void |
magnitude(DoublePointer x,
DoublePointer y,
DoublePointer dst,
int n) |
static void |
magnitude(float[] x,
float[] y,
float[] dst,
int n) |
static void |
magnitude(FloatBuffer x,
FloatBuffer y,
FloatBuffer dst,
int n) |
static void |
magnitude(FloatPointer x,
FloatPointer y,
FloatPointer dst,
int n) |
static void |
magnitude(GpuMat x,
GpuMat y,
GpuMat magnitude) |
static void |
magnitude(Mat x,
Mat y,
Mat magnitude)
\brief Calculates the magnitude of 2D vectors.
static void |
magnitude(UMat x,
UMat y,
UMat magnitude) |
static void |
magnitude32f(float[] x,
float[] y,
float[] dst,
int n) |
static void |
magnitude32f(FloatBuffer x,
FloatBuffer y,
FloatBuffer dst,
int n) |
static void |
magnitude32f(FloatPointer x,
FloatPointer y,
FloatPointer dst,
int n) |
static void |
magnitude64f(double[] x,
double[] y,
double[] dst,
int n) |
static void |
magnitude64f(DoubleBuffer x,
DoubleBuffer y,
DoubleBuffer dst,
int n) |
static void |
magnitude64f(DoublePointer x,
DoublePointer y,
DoublePointer dst,
int n) |
static double |
Mahalanobis(GpuMat v1,
GpuMat v2,
GpuMat icovar) |
static double |
Mahalanobis(Mat v1,
Mat v2,
Mat icovar)
\brief Calculates the Mahalanobis distance between two vectors.
static double |
Mahalanobis(UMat v1,
UMat v2,
UMat icovar) |
static MatExpr |
max(double s,
Mat a) |
static MatExpr |
max(Mat a,
double s) |
static MatExpr |
max(Mat a,
Mat b) |
static void |
max(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dst)
needed to avoid conflicts with const _Tp& std::min(const _Tp&, const _Tp&, _Compare)
static void |
max(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dst)
needed to avoid conflicts with const _Tp& std::min(const _Tp&, const _Tp&, _Compare)
static void |
max16s(short[] src1,
long step1,
short[] src2,
long step2,
short[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
max16s(ShortBuffer src1,
long step1,
ShortBuffer src2,
long step2,
ShortBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
max16s(ShortPointer src1,
long step1,
ShortPointer src2,
long step2,
ShortPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
max16u(short[] src1,
long step1,
short[] src2,
long step2,
short[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
max16u(ShortBuffer src1,
long step1,
ShortBuffer src2,
long step2,
ShortBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
max16u(ShortPointer src1,
long step1,
ShortPointer src2,
long step2,
ShortPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
max32f(float[] src1,
long step1,
float[] src2,
long step2,
float[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
max32f(FloatBuffer src1,
long step1,
FloatBuffer src2,
long step2,
FloatBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
max32f(FloatPointer src1,
long step1,
FloatPointer src2,
long step2,
FloatPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
max32s(int[] src1,
long step1,
int[] src2,
long step2,
int[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
max32s(IntBuffer src1,
long step1,
IntBuffer src2,
long step2,
IntBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
max32s(IntPointer src1,
long step1,
IntPointer src2,
long step2,
IntPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
max64f(double[] src1,
long step1,
double[] src2,
long step2,
double[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
max64f(DoubleBuffer src1,
long step1,
DoubleBuffer src2,
long step2,
DoubleBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
max64f(DoublePointer src1,
long step1,
DoublePointer src2,
long step2,
DoublePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
max8s(byte[] src1,
long step1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
max8s(ByteBuffer src1,
long step1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
max8s(BytePointer src1,
long step1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
max8u(byte[] src1,
long step1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
max8u(ByteBuffer src1,
long step1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
max8u(BytePointer src1,
long step1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static Scalar |
mean(GpuMat src) |
static Scalar |
mean(GpuMat src,
GpuMat mask) |
static Scalar |
mean(Mat src) |
static Scalar |
mean(Mat src,
Mat mask)
\brief Calculates an average (mean) of array elements.
static Scalar |
mean(UMat src) |
static Scalar |
mean(UMat src,
UMat mask) |
static void |
meanStdDev(GpuMat src,
GpuMat mean,
GpuMat stddev) |
static void |
meanStdDev(GpuMat src,
GpuMat mean,
GpuMat stddev,
GpuMat mask) |
static void |
meanStdDev(Mat src,
Mat mean,
Mat stddev) |
static void |
meanStdDev(Mat src,
Mat mean,
Mat stddev,
Mat mask)
Calculates a mean and standard deviation of array elements.
static void |
meanStdDev(UMat src,
UMat mean,
UMat stddev) |
static void |
meanStdDev(UMat src,
UMat mean,
UMat stddev,
UMat mask) |
static BytePointer |
memopTypeToStr(int t) |
static void |
merge(GpuMatVector mv,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
merge(GpuMatVector mv,
Mat dst) |
static void |
merge(GpuMatVector mv,
UMat dst) |
static void |
merge(Mat mv,
long count,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
merge(Mat mv,
long count,
Mat dst)
\brief Creates one multi-channel array out of several single-channel ones.
static void |
merge(Mat mv,
long count,
UMat dst) |
static void |
merge(MatVector mv,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
merge(MatVector mv,
Mat dst)
static void |
merge(MatVector mv,
UMat dst) |
static void |
merge(UMatVector mv,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
merge(UMatVector mv,
Mat dst) |
static void |
merge(UMatVector mv,
UMat dst) |
static void |
merge16u(PointerPointer src,
ShortPointer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
merge16u(short[] src,
short[] dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
merge16u(ShortBuffer src,
ShortBuffer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
merge16u(ShortPointer src,
ShortPointer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
merge32s(int[] src,
int[] dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
merge32s(IntBuffer src,
IntBuffer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
merge32s(IntPointer src,
IntPointer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
merge32s(PointerPointer src,
IntPointer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
merge64s(long[] src,
long[] dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
merge64s(LongBuffer src,
LongBuffer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
merge64s(LongPointer src,
LongPointer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
merge64s(PointerPointer src,
LongPointer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
merge8u(byte[] src,
byte[] dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
merge8u(ByteBuffer src,
ByteBuffer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
merge8u(BytePointer src,
BytePointer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
merge8u(PointerPointer src,
BytePointer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static MatExpr |
min(double s,
Mat a) |
static MatExpr |
min(Mat a,
double s) |
static MatExpr |
min(Mat a,
Mat b) |
static void |
min(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dst)
needed to avoid conflicts with const _Tp& std::min(const _Tp&, const _Tp&, _Compare)
static void |
min(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dst)
needed to avoid conflicts with const _Tp& std::min(const _Tp&, const _Tp&, _Compare)
static void |
min16s(short[] src1,
long step1,
short[] src2,
long step2,
short[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
min16s(ShortBuffer src1,
long step1,
ShortBuffer src2,
long step2,
ShortBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
min16s(ShortPointer src1,
long step1,
ShortPointer src2,
long step2,
ShortPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
min16u(short[] src1,
long step1,
short[] src2,
long step2,
short[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
min16u(ShortBuffer src1,
long step1,
ShortBuffer src2,
long step2,
ShortBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
min16u(ShortPointer src1,
long step1,
ShortPointer src2,
long step2,
ShortPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
min32f(float[] src1,
long step1,
float[] src2,
long step2,
float[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
min32f(FloatBuffer src1,
long step1,
FloatBuffer src2,
long step2,
FloatBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
min32f(FloatPointer src1,
long step1,
FloatPointer src2,
long step2,
FloatPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
min32s(int[] src1,
long step1,
int[] src2,
long step2,
int[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
min32s(IntBuffer src1,
long step1,
IntBuffer src2,
long step2,
IntBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
min32s(IntPointer src1,
long step1,
IntPointer src2,
long step2,
IntPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
min64f(double[] src1,
long step1,
double[] src2,
long step2,
double[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
min64f(DoubleBuffer src1,
long step1,
DoubleBuffer src2,
long step2,
DoubleBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
min64f(DoublePointer src1,
long step1,
DoublePointer src2,
long step2,
DoublePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
min8s(byte[] src1,
long step1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
min8s(ByteBuffer src1,
long step1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
min8s(BytePointer src1,
long step1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
min8u(byte[] src1,
long step1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
min8u(ByteBuffer src1,
long step1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
min8u(BytePointer src1,
long step1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
minMaxIdx(GpuMat src,
double[] minVal) |
static void |
minMaxIdx(GpuMat src,
double[] minVal,
double[] maxVal,
int[] minIdx,
int[] maxIdx,
GpuMat mask) |
static void |
minMaxIdx(GpuMat src,
DoubleBuffer minVal) |
static void |
minMaxIdx(GpuMat src,
DoubleBuffer minVal,
DoubleBuffer maxVal,
IntBuffer minIdx,
IntBuffer maxIdx,
GpuMat mask) |
static void |
minMaxIdx(GpuMat src,
DoublePointer minVal) |
static void |
minMaxIdx(GpuMat src,
DoublePointer minVal,
DoublePointer maxVal,
IntPointer minIdx,
IntPointer maxIdx,
GpuMat mask) |
static void |
minMaxIdx(Mat src,
double[] minVal) |
static void |
minMaxIdx(Mat src,
double[] minVal,
double[] maxVal,
int[] minIdx,
int[] maxIdx,
Mat mask) |
static void |
minMaxIdx(Mat src,
DoubleBuffer minVal) |
static void |
minMaxIdx(Mat src,
DoubleBuffer minVal,
DoubleBuffer maxVal,
IntBuffer minIdx,
IntBuffer maxIdx,
Mat mask) |
static void |
minMaxIdx(Mat src,
DoublePointer minVal) |
static void |
minMaxIdx(Mat src,
DoublePointer minVal,
DoublePointer maxVal,
IntPointer minIdx,
IntPointer maxIdx,
Mat mask)
\brief Finds the global minimum and maximum in an array
static void |
minMaxIdx(UMat src,
double[] minVal) |
static void |
minMaxIdx(UMat src,
double[] minVal,
double[] maxVal,
int[] minIdx,
int[] maxIdx,
UMat mask) |
static void |
minMaxIdx(UMat src,
DoubleBuffer minVal) |
static void |
minMaxIdx(UMat src,
DoubleBuffer minVal,
DoubleBuffer maxVal,
IntBuffer minIdx,
IntBuffer maxIdx,
UMat mask) |
static void |
minMaxIdx(UMat src,
DoublePointer minVal) |
static void |
minMaxIdx(UMat src,
DoublePointer minVal,
DoublePointer maxVal,
IntPointer minIdx,
IntPointer maxIdx,
UMat mask) |
static void |
minMaxLoc(GpuMat src,
double[] minVal) |
static void |
minMaxLoc(GpuMat src,
double[] minVal,
double[] maxVal,
Point minLoc,
Point maxLoc,
GpuMat mask) |
static void |
minMaxLoc(GpuMat src,
DoubleBuffer minVal) |
static void |
minMaxLoc(GpuMat src,
DoubleBuffer minVal,
DoubleBuffer maxVal,
Point minLoc,
Point maxLoc,
GpuMat mask) |
static void |
minMaxLoc(GpuMat src,
DoublePointer minVal) |
static void |
minMaxLoc(GpuMat src,
DoublePointer minVal,
DoublePointer maxVal,
Point minLoc,
Point maxLoc,
GpuMat mask) |
static void |
minMaxLoc(Mat src,
double[] minVal) |
static void |
minMaxLoc(Mat src,
double[] minVal,
double[] maxVal,
Point minLoc,
Point maxLoc,
Mat mask) |
static void |
minMaxLoc(Mat src,
DoubleBuffer minVal) |
static void |
minMaxLoc(Mat src,
DoubleBuffer minVal,
DoubleBuffer maxVal,
Point minLoc,
Point maxLoc,
Mat mask) |
static void |
minMaxLoc(Mat src,
DoublePointer minVal) |
static void |
minMaxLoc(Mat src,
DoublePointer minVal,
DoublePointer maxVal,
Point minLoc,
Point maxLoc,
Mat mask)
\brief Finds the global minimum and maximum in an array.
static void |
minMaxLoc(SparseMat a,
double[] minVal,
double[] maxVal) |
static void |
minMaxLoc(SparseMat a,
double[] minVal,
double[] maxVal,
int[] minIdx,
int[] maxIdx) |
static void |
minMaxLoc(SparseMat a,
DoubleBuffer minVal,
DoubleBuffer maxVal) |
static void |
minMaxLoc(SparseMat a,
DoubleBuffer minVal,
DoubleBuffer maxVal,
IntBuffer minIdx,
IntBuffer maxIdx) |
static void |
minMaxLoc(SparseMat a,
DoublePointer minVal,
DoublePointer maxVal) |
static void |
minMaxLoc(SparseMat a,
DoublePointer minVal,
DoublePointer maxVal,
IntPointer minIdx,
IntPointer maxIdx)
static void |
minMaxLoc(UMat src,
double[] minVal) |
static void |
minMaxLoc(UMat src,
double[] minVal,
double[] maxVal,
Point minLoc,
Point maxLoc,
UMat mask) |
static void |
minMaxLoc(UMat src,
DoubleBuffer minVal) |
static void |
minMaxLoc(UMat src,
DoubleBuffer minVal,
DoubleBuffer maxVal,
Point minLoc,
Point maxLoc,
UMat mask) |
static void |
minMaxLoc(UMat src,
DoublePointer minVal) |
static void |
minMaxLoc(UMat src,
DoublePointer minVal,
DoublePointer maxVal,
Point minLoc,
Point maxLoc,
UMat mask) |
static void |
mixChannels(GpuMatVector src,
GpuMatVector dst,
int[] fromTo) |
static void |
mixChannels(GpuMatVector src,
GpuMatVector dst,
int[] fromTo,
long npairs) |
static void |
mixChannels(Mat src,
long nsrcs,
Mat dst,
long ndsts,
int[] fromTo,
long npairs) |
static void |
mixChannels(Mat src,
long nsrcs,
Mat dst,
long ndsts,
IntBuffer fromTo,
long npairs) |
static void |
mixChannels(Mat src,
long nsrcs,
Mat dst,
long ndsts,
IntPointer fromTo,
long npairs)
\brief Copies specified channels from input arrays to the specified channels of
output arrays.
static void |
mixChannels(MatVector src,
MatVector dst,
IntPointer fromTo)
static void |
mixChannels(MatVector src,
MatVector dst,
IntPointer fromTo,
long npairs)
static void |
mixChannels(UMatVector src,
UMatVector dst,
IntBuffer fromTo) |
static void |
mixChannels(UMatVector src,
UMatVector dst,
IntBuffer fromTo,
long npairs) |
static void |
mul16s(short[] src1,
long step1,
short[] src2,
long step2,
short[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
mul16s(ShortBuffer src1,
long step1,
ShortBuffer src2,
long step2,
ShortBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
mul16s(ShortPointer src1,
long step1,
ShortPointer src2,
long step2,
ShortPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
mul16u(short[] src1,
long step1,
short[] src2,
long step2,
short[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
mul16u(ShortBuffer src1,
long step1,
ShortBuffer src2,
long step2,
ShortBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
mul16u(ShortPointer src1,
long step1,
ShortPointer src2,
long step2,
ShortPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
mul32f(float[] src1,
long step1,
float[] src2,
long step2,
float[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
mul32f(FloatBuffer src1,
long step1,
FloatBuffer src2,
long step2,
FloatBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
mul32f(FloatPointer src1,
long step1,
FloatPointer src2,
long step2,
FloatPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
mul32s(int[] src1,
long step1,
int[] src2,
long step2,
int[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
mul32s(IntBuffer src1,
long step1,
IntBuffer src2,
long step2,
IntBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
mul32s(IntPointer src1,
long step1,
IntPointer src2,
long step2,
IntPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
mul64f(double[] src1,
long step1,
double[] src2,
long step2,
double[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
mul64f(DoubleBuffer src1,
long step1,
DoubleBuffer src2,
long step2,
DoubleBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
mul64f(DoublePointer src1,
long step1,
DoublePointer src2,
long step2,
DoublePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
mul8s(byte[] src1,
long step1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
mul8s(ByteBuffer src1,
long step1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
mul8s(BytePointer src1,
long step1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
mul8u(byte[] src1,
long step1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
mul8u(ByteBuffer src1,
long step1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
mul8u(BytePointer src1,
long step1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
mulSpectrums(GpuMat a,
GpuMat b,
GpuMat c,
int flags) |
static void |
mulSpectrums(GpuMat a,
GpuMat b,
GpuMat c,
int flags,
boolean conjB) |
static void |
mulSpectrums(Mat a,
Mat b,
Mat c,
int flags) |
static void |
mulSpectrums(Mat a,
Mat b,
Mat c,
int flags,
boolean conjB)
\brief Performs the per-element multiplication of two Fourier spectrums.
static void |
mulSpectrums(UMat a,
UMat b,
UMat c,
int flags) |
static void |
mulSpectrums(UMat a,
UMat b,
UMat c,
int flags,
boolean conjB) |
static MatExpr |
multiply(double s,
Mat a) |
static MatExpr |
multiply(double s,
MatExpr e) |
static void |
multiply(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
multiply(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst,
double scale,
int dtype) |
static MatExpr |
multiply(Mat a,
double s) |
static MatExpr |
multiply(MatExpr e,
double s) |
static MatExpr |
multiply(MatExpr e,
Mat m) |
static MatExpr |
multiply(MatExpr e1,
MatExpr e2) |
static MatExpr |
multiply(Mat a,
Mat b) |
static MatExpr |
multiply(Mat m,
MatExpr e) |
static void |
multiply(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dst) |
static void |
multiply(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dst,
double scale,
int dtype)
\brief Calculates the per-element scaled product of two arrays.
static void |
multiply(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dst) |
static void |
multiply(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dst,
double scale,
int dtype) |
static Mat |
multiplyPut(Mat a,
double b) |
static Mat |
multiplyPut(Mat a,
Mat b) |
static void |
mulTransposed(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
boolean aTa) |
static void |
mulTransposed(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
boolean aTa,
GpuMat delta,
double scale,
int dtype) |
static void |
mulTransposed(Mat src,
Mat dst,
boolean aTa) |
static void |
mulTransposed(Mat src,
Mat dst,
boolean aTa,
Mat delta,
double scale,
int dtype)
\brief Calculates the product of a matrix and its transposition.
static void |
mulTransposed(UMat src,
UMat dst,
boolean aTa) |
static void |
mulTransposed(UMat src,
UMat dst,
boolean aTa,
UMat delta,
double scale,
int dtype) |
static Mat |
Helper to wrap custom types.
static double |
norm(GpuMat src1) |
static double |
norm(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2) |
static double |
norm(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
int normType,
GpuMat mask) |
static double |
norm(GpuMat src1,
int normType,
GpuMat mask) |
static double |
norm(Mat src1) |
static double |
norm(Mat src1,
int normType,
Mat mask)
\brief Calculates the absolute norm of an array.
static double |
norm(Mat src1,
Mat src2) |
static double |
norm(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
int normType,
Mat mask)
\brief Calculates an absolute difference norm or a relative difference norm.
static double |
norm(SparseMat src,
int normType)
static double |
norm(UMat src1) |
static double |
norm(UMat src1,
int normType,
UMat mask) |
static double |
norm(UMat src1,
UMat src2) |
static double |
norm(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
int normType,
UMat mask) |
static void |
normalize(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
normalize(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
double alpha,
double beta,
int norm_type,
int dtype,
GpuMat mask) |
static void |
normalize(Mat src,
Mat dst) |
static void |
normalize(Mat src,
Mat dst,
double alpha,
double beta,
int norm_type,
int dtype,
Mat mask)
\brief Normalizes the norm or value range of an array.
static void |
normalize(SparseMat src,
SparseMat dst,
double alpha,
int normType)
static void |
normalize(UMat src,
UMat dst) |
static void |
normalize(UMat src,
UMat dst,
double alpha,
double beta,
int norm_type,
int dtype,
UMat mask) |
static int |
normHamming(byte[] a,
byte[] b,
int n) |
static int |
normHamming(byte[] a,
byte[] b,
int n,
int cellSize) |
static int |
normHamming(byte[] a,
int n) |
static int |
normHamming(byte[] a,
int n,
int cellSize) |
static int |
normHamming(ByteBuffer a,
ByteBuffer b,
int n) |
static int |
normHamming(ByteBuffer a,
ByteBuffer b,
int n,
int cellSize) |
static int |
normHamming(ByteBuffer a,
int n) |
static int |
normHamming(ByteBuffer a,
int n,
int cellSize) |
static int |
normHamming(BytePointer a,
BytePointer b,
int n) |
static int |
normHamming(BytePointer a,
BytePointer b,
int n,
int cellSize) |
static int |
normHamming(BytePointer a,
int n)
\addtogroup core_hal_functions
static int |
normHamming(BytePointer a,
int n,
int cellSize) |
static int |
normL1_(byte[] a,
byte[] b,
int n) |
static int |
normL1_(ByteBuffer a,
ByteBuffer b,
int n) |
static int |
normL1_(BytePointer a,
BytePointer b,
int n) |
static float |
normL1_(float[] a,
float[] b,
int n) |
static float |
normL1_(FloatBuffer a,
FloatBuffer b,
int n) |
static float |
normL1_(FloatPointer a,
FloatPointer b,
int n) |
static float |
normL2Sqr_(float[] a,
float[] b,
int n) |
static float |
normL2Sqr_(FloatBuffer a,
FloatBuffer b,
int n) |
static float |
normL2Sqr_(FloatPointer a,
FloatPointer b,
int n) |
static boolean |
not(int val) |
static MatExpr |
not(Mat m) |
static boolean |
not(Range r) |
static void |
not8u(byte[] src1,
long step1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
not8u(ByteBuffer src1,
long step1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
not8u(BytePointer src1,
long step1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static MatExpr |
notEquals(double s,
Mat a) |
static boolean |
notEquals(FileNodeIterator it1,
FileNodeIterator it2) |
static boolean |
notEquals(int a,
int b) |
static MatExpr |
notEquals(Mat a,
double s) |
static MatExpr |
notEquals(Mat a,
Mat b) |
static boolean |
notEquals(Range r1,
Range r2) |
static int |
or(int a,
int b) |
static MatExpr |
or(Mat a,
Mat b) |
static MatExpr |
or(Mat a,
Scalar s) |
static MatExpr |
or(Scalar s,
Mat a) |
static void |
or8u(byte[] src1,
long step1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
or8u(ByteBuffer src1,
long step1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
or8u(BytePointer src1,
long step1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static int[] |
orPut(int[] _this,
int val) |
static IntBuffer |
orPut(IntBuffer _this,
int val) |
static IntPointer |
orPut(IntPointer _this,
int val) |
static Mat |
orPut(Mat a,
Mat b) |
static Mat |
orPut(Mat a,
Scalar b) |
static void |
parallel_for_(Range range,
opencv_core.Functor functor) |
static void |
parallel_for_(Range range,
opencv_core.Functor functor,
double nstripes)
\ingroup core_parallel
static void |
parallel_for_(Range range,
ParallelLoopBody body) |
static void |
parallel_for_(Range range,
ParallelLoopBody body,
double nstripes)
\brief Parallel data processor
static void |
patchNaNs(GpuMat a) |
static void |
patchNaNs(GpuMat a,
double val) |
static void |
patchNaNs(Mat a) |
static void |
patchNaNs(Mat a,
double val)
\brief Replaces NaNs by given number
static void |
patchNaNs(UMat a) |
static void |
patchNaNs(UMat a,
double val) |
static void |
PCABackProject(GpuMat data,
GpuMat mean,
GpuMat eigenvectors,
GpuMat result) |
static void |
PCABackProject(Mat data,
Mat mean,
Mat eigenvectors,
Mat result)
wrap PCA::backProject
static void |
PCABackProject(UMat data,
UMat mean,
UMat eigenvectors,
UMat result) |
static void |
PCACompute(GpuMat data,
GpuMat mean,
GpuMat eigenvectors) |
static void |
PCACompute(GpuMat data,
GpuMat mean,
GpuMat eigenvectors,
double retainedVariance) |
static void |
PCACompute(GpuMat data,
GpuMat mean,
GpuMat eigenvectors,
int maxComponents) |
static void |
PCACompute(Mat data,
Mat mean,
Mat eigenvectors) |
static void |
PCACompute(Mat data,
Mat mean,
Mat eigenvectors,
double retainedVariance)
wrap PCA::operator()
static void |
PCACompute(Mat data,
Mat mean,
Mat eigenvectors,
int maxComponents)
wrap PCA::operator()
static void |
PCACompute(UMat data,
UMat mean,
UMat eigenvectors) |
static void |
PCACompute(UMat data,
UMat mean,
UMat eigenvectors,
double retainedVariance) |
static void |
PCACompute(UMat data,
UMat mean,
UMat eigenvectors,
int maxComponents) |
static void |
PCACompute2(GpuMat data,
GpuMat mean,
GpuMat eigenvectors,
GpuMat eigenvalues) |
static void |
PCACompute2(GpuMat data,
GpuMat mean,
GpuMat eigenvectors,
GpuMat eigenvalues,
double retainedVariance) |
static void |
PCACompute2(GpuMat data,
GpuMat mean,
GpuMat eigenvectors,
GpuMat eigenvalues,
int maxComponents) |
static void |
PCACompute2(Mat data,
Mat mean,
Mat eigenvectors,
Mat eigenvalues) |
static void |
PCACompute2(Mat data,
Mat mean,
Mat eigenvectors,
Mat eigenvalues,
double retainedVariance)
wrap PCA::operator() and add eigenvalues output parameter
static void |
PCACompute2(Mat data,
Mat mean,
Mat eigenvectors,
Mat eigenvalues,
int maxComponents)
wrap PCA::operator() and add eigenvalues output parameter
static void |
PCACompute2(UMat data,
UMat mean,
UMat eigenvectors,
UMat eigenvalues) |
static void |
PCACompute2(UMat data,
UMat mean,
UMat eigenvectors,
UMat eigenvalues,
double retainedVariance) |
static void |
PCACompute2(UMat data,
UMat mean,
UMat eigenvectors,
UMat eigenvalues,
int maxComponents) |
static void |
PCAProject(GpuMat data,
GpuMat mean,
GpuMat eigenvectors,
GpuMat result) |
static void |
PCAProject(Mat data,
Mat mean,
Mat eigenvectors,
Mat result)
wrap PCA::project
static void |
PCAProject(UMat data,
UMat mean,
UMat eigenvectors,
UMat result) |
static void |
perspectiveTransform(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
GpuMat m) |
static void |
perspectiveTransform(Mat src,
Mat dst,
Mat m)
\brief Performs the perspective matrix transformation of vectors.
static void |
perspectiveTransform(UMat src,
UMat dst,
UMat m) |
static void |
phase(GpuMat x,
GpuMat y,
GpuMat angle) |
static void |
phase(GpuMat x,
GpuMat y,
GpuMat angle,
boolean angleInDegrees) |
static void |
phase(Mat x,
Mat y,
Mat angle) |
static void |
phase(Mat x,
Mat y,
Mat angle,
boolean angleInDegrees)
\brief Calculates the rotation angle of 2D vectors.
static void |
phase(UMat x,
UMat y,
UMat angle) |
static void |
phase(UMat x,
UMat y,
UMat angle,
boolean angleInDegrees) |
static void |
polarToCart(GpuMat magnitude,
GpuMat angle,
GpuMat x,
GpuMat y) |
static void |
polarToCart(GpuMat magnitude,
GpuMat angle,
GpuMat x,
GpuMat y,
boolean angleInDegrees) |
static void |
polarToCart(Mat magnitude,
Mat angle,
Mat x,
Mat y) |
static void |
polarToCart(Mat magnitude,
Mat angle,
Mat x,
Mat y,
boolean angleInDegrees)
\brief Calculates x and y coordinates of 2D vectors from their magnitude and angle.
static void |
polarToCart(UMat magnitude,
UMat angle,
UMat x,
UMat y) |
static void |
polarToCart(UMat magnitude,
UMat angle,
UMat x,
UMat y,
boolean angleInDegrees) |
static void |
pow(GpuMat src,
double power,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
pow(Mat src,
double power,
Mat dst)
\brief Raises every array element to a power.
static void |
pow(UMat src,
double power,
UMat dst) |
static int |
predictOptimalVectorWidth(GpuMat src1) |
static int |
predictOptimalVectorWidth(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat src3,
GpuMat src4,
GpuMat src5,
GpuMat src6,
GpuMat src7,
GpuMat src8,
GpuMat src9,
int strat) |
static int |
predictOptimalVectorWidth(Mat src1) |
static int |
predictOptimalVectorWidth(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat src3,
Mat src4,
Mat src5,
Mat src6,
Mat src7,
Mat src8,
Mat src9,
int strat) |
static int |
predictOptimalVectorWidth(UMat src1) |
static int |
predictOptimalVectorWidth(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat src3,
UMat src4,
UMat src5,
UMat src6,
UMat src7,
UMat src8,
UMat src9,
int strat) |
static int |
predictOptimalVectorWidthMax(GpuMat src1) |
static int |
predictOptimalVectorWidthMax(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat src3,
GpuMat src4,
GpuMat src5,
GpuMat src6,
GpuMat src7,
GpuMat src8,
GpuMat src9) |
static int |
predictOptimalVectorWidthMax(Mat src1) |
static int |
predictOptimalVectorWidthMax(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat src3,
Mat src4,
Mat src5,
Mat src6,
Mat src7,
Mat src8,
Mat src9) |
static int |
predictOptimalVectorWidthMax(UMat src1) |
static int |
predictOptimalVectorWidthMax(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat src3,
UMat src4,
UMat src5,
UMat src6,
UMat src7,
UMat src8,
UMat src9) |
static int |
print(Formatted fmtd) |
static int |
print(Formatted fmtd,
Pointer stream) |
static int |
print(Mat mtx) |
static int |
print(Mat mtx,
Pointer stream) |
static int |
print(UMat mtx) |
static int |
print(UMat mtx,
Pointer stream) |
static void |
printCudaDeviceInfo(int device) |
static void |
printShortCudaDeviceInfo(int device) |
static double |
PSNR(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2) |
static double |
PSNR(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
double R) |
static double |
PSNR(Mat src1,
Mat src2) |
static double |
PSNR(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
double R)
\brief Computes the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) image quality metric.
static double |
PSNR(UMat src1,
UMat src2) |
static double |
PSNR(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
double R) |
static int |
QR32f(float[] A,
long astep,
int m,
int n,
int k,
float[] b,
long bstep,
float[] hFactors) |
static int |
QR32f(FloatBuffer A,
long astep,
int m,
int n,
int k,
FloatBuffer b,
long bstep,
FloatBuffer hFactors) |
static int |
QR32f(FloatPointer A,
long astep,
int m,
int n,
int k,
FloatPointer b,
long bstep,
FloatPointer hFactors) |
static int |
QR64f(double[] A,
long astep,
int m,
int n,
int k,
double[] b,
long bstep,
double[] hFactors) |
static int |
QR64f(DoubleBuffer A,
long astep,
int m,
int n,
int k,
DoubleBuffer b,
long bstep,
DoubleBuffer hFactors) |
static int |
QR64f(DoublePointer A,
long astep,
int m,
int n,
int k,
DoublePointer b,
long bstep,
DoublePointer hFactors) |
static void |
randn(GpuMat dst,
GpuMat mean,
GpuMat stddev) |
static void |
randn(Mat dst,
Mat mean,
Mat stddev)
\brief Fills the array with normally distributed random numbers.
static void |
randn(UMat dst,
UMat mean,
UMat stddev) |
static void |
randShuffle(GpuMat dst) |
static void |
randShuffle(GpuMat dst,
double iterFactor,
RNG rng) |
static void |
randShuffle(Mat dst) |
static void |
randShuffle(Mat dst,
double iterFactor,
RNG rng)
\brief Shuffles the array elements randomly.
static void |
randShuffle(UMat dst) |
static void |
randShuffle(UMat dst,
double iterFactor,
RNG rng) |
static void |
randu(GpuMat dst,
GpuMat low,
GpuMat high) |
static void |
randu(Mat dst,
Mat low,
Mat high)
\brief Generates a single uniformly-distributed random number or an array of random numbers.
static void |
randu(UMat dst,
UMat low,
UMat high) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
boolean[] value,
boolean default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
BoolPointer value,
boolean default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
byte[] value,
byte default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
ByteBuffer value,
byte default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
BytePointer value,
byte default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
BytePointer value,
BytePointer default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
BytePointer value,
String default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
DMatch value,
DMatch default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
DMatchVector matches) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
DMatchVector vec,
DMatchVector default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
double[] value,
double default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
DoubleBuffer value,
double default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
DoublePointer value,
double default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
float[] value,
float default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
FloatBuffer value,
float default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
FloatPointer value,
float default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
int[] vec) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
int[] value,
int default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
int[] vec,
int[] default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
IntBuffer vec) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
IntBuffer value,
int default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
IntBuffer vec,
IntBuffer default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
IntPointer vec) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
IntPointer value,
int default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
IntPointer vec,
IntPointer default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNodeIterator it,
int[] vec) |
static void |
read(FileNodeIterator it,
int[] vec,
long maxCount) |
static void |
read(FileNodeIterator it,
IntBuffer vec) |
static void |
read(FileNodeIterator it,
IntBuffer vec,
long maxCount) |
static void |
read(FileNodeIterator it,
IntPointer vec) |
static void |
read(FileNodeIterator it,
IntPointer vec,
long maxCount) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
KeyPoint value,
KeyPoint default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
KeyPointVector keypoints) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
KeyPointVector vec,
KeyPointVector default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
Mat mat) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
Mat mat,
Mat default_mat) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
Point3i value,
Point3i default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
Point value,
Point default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
Range value,
Range default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
Rect value,
Rect default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
Scalar4i value,
Scalar4i default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
short[] value,
short default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
ShortBuffer value,
short default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
ShortPointer value,
short default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
Size value,
Size default_value) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
SparseMat mat) |
static void |
read(FileNode node,
SparseMat mat,
SparseMat default_mat) |
static void |
recip16s(short[] arg0,
long arg1,
short[] src2,
long step2,
short[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
recip16s(ShortBuffer arg0,
long arg1,
ShortBuffer src2,
long step2,
ShortBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
recip16s(ShortPointer arg0,
long arg1,
ShortPointer src2,
long step2,
ShortPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
recip16u(short[] arg0,
long arg1,
short[] src2,
long step2,
short[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
recip16u(ShortBuffer arg0,
long arg1,
ShortBuffer src2,
long step2,
ShortBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
recip16u(ShortPointer arg0,
long arg1,
ShortPointer src2,
long step2,
ShortPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
recip32f(float[] arg0,
long arg1,
float[] src2,
long step2,
float[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
recip32f(FloatBuffer arg0,
long arg1,
FloatBuffer src2,
long step2,
FloatBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
recip32f(FloatPointer arg0,
long arg1,
FloatPointer src2,
long step2,
FloatPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
recip32s(int[] arg0,
long arg1,
int[] src2,
long step2,
int[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
recip32s(IntBuffer arg0,
long arg1,
IntBuffer src2,
long step2,
IntBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
recip32s(IntPointer arg0,
long arg1,
IntPointer src2,
long step2,
IntPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
recip64f(double[] arg0,
long arg1,
double[] src2,
long step2,
double[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
recip64f(DoubleBuffer arg0,
long arg1,
DoubleBuffer src2,
long step2,
DoubleBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
recip64f(DoublePointer arg0,
long arg1,
DoublePointer src2,
long step2,
DoublePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
recip8s(byte[] arg0,
long arg1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
recip8s(ByteBuffer arg0,
long arg1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
recip8s(BytePointer arg0,
long arg1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
recip8u(byte[] arg0,
long arg1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
recip8u(ByteBuffer arg0,
long arg1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static void |
recip8u(BytePointer arg0,
long arg1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer scale) |
static double |
rectangleIntersectionArea(Rect2d a,
Rect2d b)
\brief Finds out if there is any intersection between two rectangles
mainly useful for language bindings
static ErrorCallback |
redirectError(ErrorCallback errCallback) |
static ErrorCallback |
redirectError(ErrorCallback errCallback,
Pointer userdata,
Pointer prevUserdata) |
static ErrorCallback |
redirectError(ErrorCallback errCallback,
Pointer userdata,
PointerPointer prevUserdata)
\brief Sets the new error handler and the optional user data.
static void |
reduce(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
int dim,
int rtype) |
static void |
reduce(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
int dim,
int rtype,
int dtype) |
static void |
reduce(Mat src,
Mat dst,
int dim,
int rtype) |
static void |
reduce(Mat src,
Mat dst,
int dim,
int rtype,
int dtype)
\brief Reduces a matrix to a vector.
static void |
reduce(UMat src,
UMat dst,
int dim,
int rtype) |
static void |
reduce(UMat src,
UMat dst,
int dim,
int rtype,
int dtype) |
static void |
reduceArgMax(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
int axis) |
static void |
reduceArgMax(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
int axis,
boolean lastIndex) |
static void |
reduceArgMax(Mat src,
Mat dst,
int axis) |
static void |
reduceArgMax(Mat src,
Mat dst,
int axis,
boolean lastIndex)
\brief Finds indices of max elements along provided axis
- If input or output array is not continuous, this function will create an internal copy.
static void |
reduceArgMax(UMat src,
UMat dst,
int axis) |
static void |
reduceArgMax(UMat src,
UMat dst,
int axis,
boolean lastIndex) |
static void |
reduceArgMin(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
int axis) |
static void |
reduceArgMin(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
int axis,
boolean lastIndex) |
static void |
reduceArgMin(Mat src,
Mat dst,
int axis) |
static void |
reduceArgMin(Mat src,
Mat dst,
int axis,
boolean lastIndex)
\brief Finds indices of min elements along provided axis
- If input or output array is not continuous, this function will create an internal copy.
static void |
reduceArgMin(UMat src,
UMat dst,
int axis) |
static void |
reduceArgMin(UMat src,
UMat dst,
int axis,
boolean lastIndex) |
static void |
registerPageLocked(Mat m)
\brief Page-locks the memory of matrix and maps it for the device(s).
static void |
repeat(GpuMat src,
int ny,
int nx,
GpuMat dst) |
static Mat |
repeat(Mat src,
int ny,
int nx)
static void |
repeat(Mat src,
int ny,
int nx,
Mat dst)
\brief Fills the output array with repeated copies of the input array.
static void |
repeat(UMat src,
int ny,
int nx,
UMat dst) |
static void |
\brief Explicitly destroys and cleans up all resources associated with the current device in the current
static void |
resetTrace() |
static void |
rotate(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
int rotateCode) |
static void |
rotate(Mat src,
Mat dst,
int rotateCode)
\brief Rotates a 2D array in multiples of 90 degrees.
static void |
rotate(UMat src,
UMat dst,
int rotateCode) |
static int |
roundUp(int a,
int b)
\brief Round first value up to the nearest multiple of second value.
static long |
roundUp(long a,
int b)
static void |
scaleAdd(GpuMat src1,
double alpha,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
scaleAdd(Mat src1,
double alpha,
Mat src2,
Mat dst)
\brief Calculates the sum of a scaled array and another array.
static void |
scaleAdd(UMat src1,
double alpha,
UMat src2,
UMat dst) |
static byte |
scharSaturateCast(byte v) |
static byte |
scharSaturateCast(double v) |
static byte |
scharSaturateCast(float v) |
static byte |
scharSaturateCast(hfloat v) |
static byte |
scharSaturateCast(int v) |
static byte |
scharSaturateCast(long v) |
static byte |
scharSaturateCast(short v) |
static void |
seqInsertSlice(CvSeq seq,
int before_index,
CvArr from_arr) |
static void |
seqPop(CvSeq seq) |
static void |
seqPop(CvSeq seq,
Pointer element) |
static void |
seqPopFront(CvSeq seq) |
static void |
seqPopFront(CvSeq seq,
Pointer element) |
static BytePointer |
seqPush(CvSeq seq) |
static BytePointer |
seqPush(CvSeq seq,
Pointer element)
STL-style Sequence Iterator inherited from the CvSeqReader structure
static BytePointer |
seqPushFront(CvSeq seq) |
static BytePointer |
seqPushFront(CvSeq seq,
Pointer element) |
static void |
seqRemove(CvSeq seq,
int index) |
static void |
seqRemoveSlice(CvSeq seq,
CvSlice slice) |
static boolean |
setBreakOnError(boolean flag)
\brief Sets/resets the break-on-error mode.
static void |
setBufferPoolConfig(int deviceId,
long stackSize,
int stackCount) |
static void |
setBufferPoolUsage(boolean on)
BufferPool management (must be called before Stream creation)
static void |
setDevice(int device)
\brief Sets a device and initializes it for the current thread.
static void |
setFlags(int modeFlags) |
static void |
setIdentity(GpuMat mtx) |
static void |
setIdentity(GpuMat mtx,
Scalar s) |
static void |
setIdentity(Mat mtx) |
static void |
setIdentity(Mat mtx,
Scalar s)
\brief Initializes a scaled identity matrix.
static void |
setIdentity(UMat mtx) |
static void |
setIdentity(UMat mtx,
Scalar s) |
static void |
setIppStatus(int status) |
static void |
setIppStatus(int status,
BytePointer funcname,
BytePointer filename,
int line) |
static void |
setIppStatus(int status,
String funcname,
String filename,
int line) |
static void |
setNumThreads(int nthreads)
\brief OpenCV will try to set the number of threads for subsequent parallel regions.
static void |
setRNGSeed(int seed)
\brief Sets state of default random number generator.
static void |
setUseInstrumentation(boolean flag) |
static void |
setUseIPP_NE(boolean flag) |
static void |
setUseIPP_NotExact(boolean flag) |
static void |
setUseIPP(boolean flag) |
static void |
setUseOpenCL(boolean flag) |
static void |
setUseOptimized(boolean onoff)
\brief Enables or disables the optimized code.
static BytePointer |
shiftLeft(BytePointer out,
Formatted fmtd) |
static BytePointer |
shiftLeft(BytePointer out,
Mat mtx) |
static FileStorage |
shiftLeft(FileStorage fs,
byte[] value) |
static FileStorage |
shiftLeft(FileStorage fs,
ByteBuffer value)
\brief Writes data to a file storage.
static FileStorage |
shiftLeft(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer str)
\brief Writes string to a file storage.
static FileStorage |
shiftLeft(FileStorage fs,
String str) |
static Pointer |
shiftLeft(Pointer out,
TickMeter tm)
\brief output operator
static String |
shiftLeft(String out,
Formatted fmtd) |
static String |
shiftLeft(String out,
Mat mtx) |
static void |
shiftRight(FileNode n,
DMatch m)
\brief Reads DMatch from a file storage.
static void |
shiftRight(FileNode n,
DMatchVector vec) |
static void |
shiftRight(FileNode n,
KeyPoint kpt)
\brief Reads KeyPoint from a file storage.
static void |
shiftRight(FileNode n,
KeyPointVector vec) |
static short |
shortSaturateCast(byte v) |
static short |
shortSaturateCast(double v) |
static short |
shortSaturateCast(float v) |
static short |
shortSaturateCast(hfloat v) |
static short |
shortSaturateCast(int v) |
static short |
shortSaturateCast(long v) |
static short |
shortSaturateCast(short v) |
static boolean |
solve(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst) |
static boolean |
solve(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst,
int flags) |
static boolean |
solve(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dst) |
static boolean |
solve(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dst,
int flags)
\brief Solves one or more linear systems or least-squares problems.
static boolean |
solve(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dst) |
static boolean |
solve(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dst,
int flags) |
static int |
solveCubic(GpuMat coeffs,
GpuMat roots) |
static int |
solveCubic(Mat coeffs,
Mat roots)
\brief Finds the real roots of a cubic equation.
static int |
solveCubic(UMat coeffs,
UMat roots) |
static int |
solveLP(GpuMat Func,
GpuMat Constr,
GpuMat z) |
static int |
solveLP(GpuMat Func,
GpuMat Constr,
GpuMat z,
double constr_eps) |
static int |
solveLP(Mat Func,
Mat Constr,
Mat z)
static int |
solveLP(Mat Func,
Mat Constr,
Mat z,
double constr_eps)
\brief Solve given (non-integer) linear programming problem using the Simplex Algorithm (Simplex Method).
static int |
solveLP(UMat Func,
UMat Constr,
UMat z) |
static int |
solveLP(UMat Func,
UMat Constr,
UMat z,
double constr_eps) |
static double |
solvePoly(GpuMat coeffs,
GpuMat roots) |
static double |
solvePoly(GpuMat coeffs,
GpuMat roots,
int maxIters) |
static double |
solvePoly(Mat coeffs,
Mat roots) |
static double |
solvePoly(Mat coeffs,
Mat roots,
int maxIters)
\brief Finds the real or complex roots of a polynomial equation.
static double |
solvePoly(UMat coeffs,
UMat roots) |
static double |
solvePoly(UMat coeffs,
UMat roots,
int maxIters) |
static void |
sort(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
int flags) |
static void |
sort(Mat src,
Mat dst,
int flags)
\brief Sorts each row or each column of a matrix.
static void |
sort(UMat src,
UMat dst,
int flags) |
static void |
sortIdx(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
int flags) |
static void |
sortIdx(Mat src,
Mat dst,
int flags)
\brief Sorts each row or each column of a matrix.
static void |
sortIdx(UMat src,
UMat dst,
int flags) |
static void |
split(GpuMat m,
GpuMatVector mv) |
static void |
split(GpuMat m,
MatVector mv) |
static void |
split(GpuMat m,
UMatVector mv) |
static void |
split(Mat m,
GpuMatVector mv) |
static void |
split(Mat src,
Mat mvbegin)
\brief Divides a multi-channel array into several single-channel arrays.
static void |
split(Mat m,
MatVector mv)
static void |
split(Mat m,
UMatVector mv) |
static void |
split(UMat m,
GpuMatVector mv) |
static void |
split(UMat m,
MatVector mv) |
static void |
split(UMat m,
UMatVector mv) |
static void |
split16u(short[] src,
short[] dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
split16u(ShortBuffer src,
ShortBuffer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
split16u(ShortPointer src,
PointerPointer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
split16u(ShortPointer src,
ShortPointer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
split32s(int[] src,
int[] dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
split32s(IntBuffer src,
IntBuffer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
split32s(IntPointer src,
IntPointer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
split32s(IntPointer src,
PointerPointer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
split64s(long[] src,
long[] dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
split64s(LongBuffer src,
LongBuffer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
split64s(LongPointer src,
LongPointer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
split64s(LongPointer src,
PointerPointer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
split8u(byte[] src,
byte[] dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
split8u(ByteBuffer src,
ByteBuffer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
split8u(BytePointer src,
BytePointer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
split8u(BytePointer src,
PointerPointer dst,
int len,
int cn) |
static void |
sqrt(double[] src,
double[] dst,
int len) |
static void |
sqrt(DoubleBuffer src,
DoubleBuffer dst,
int len) |
static void |
sqrt(DoublePointer src,
DoublePointer dst,
int len) |
static void |
sqrt(float[] src,
float[] dst,
int len) |
static void |
sqrt(FloatBuffer src,
FloatBuffer dst,
int len) |
static void |
sqrt(FloatPointer src,
FloatPointer dst,
int len) |
static void |
sqrt(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
sqrt(Mat src,
Mat dst)
\brief Calculates a square root of array elements.
static void |
sqrt(UMat src,
UMat dst) |
static void |
sqrt32f(float[] src,
float[] dst,
int len) |
static void |
sqrt32f(FloatBuffer src,
FloatBuffer dst,
int len) |
static void |
sqrt32f(FloatPointer src,
FloatPointer dst,
int len) |
static void |
sqrt64f(double[] src,
double[] dst,
int len) |
static void |
sqrt64f(DoubleBuffer src,
DoubleBuffer dst,
int len) |
static void |
sqrt64f(DoublePointer src,
DoublePointer dst,
int len) |
static void |
sub16s(short[] src1,
long step1,
short[] src2,
long step2,
short[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
sub16s(ShortBuffer src1,
long step1,
ShortBuffer src2,
long step2,
ShortBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
sub16s(ShortPointer src1,
long step1,
ShortPointer src2,
long step2,
ShortPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
sub16u(short[] src1,
long step1,
short[] src2,
long step2,
short[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
sub16u(ShortBuffer src1,
long step1,
ShortBuffer src2,
long step2,
ShortBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
sub16u(ShortPointer src1,
long step1,
ShortPointer src2,
long step2,
ShortPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
sub32f(float[] src1,
long step1,
float[] src2,
long step2,
float[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
sub32f(FloatBuffer src1,
long step1,
FloatBuffer src2,
long step2,
FloatBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
sub32f(FloatPointer src1,
long step1,
FloatPointer src2,
long step2,
FloatPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
sub32s(int[] src1,
long step1,
int[] src2,
long step2,
int[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
sub32s(IntBuffer src1,
long step1,
IntBuffer src2,
long step2,
IntBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
sub32s(IntPointer src1,
long step1,
IntPointer src2,
long step2,
IntPointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
sub64f(double[] src1,
long step1,
double[] src2,
long step2,
double[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
sub64f(DoubleBuffer src1,
long step1,
DoubleBuffer src2,
long step2,
DoubleBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
sub64f(DoublePointer src1,
long step1,
DoublePointer src2,
long step2,
DoublePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
sub8s(byte[] src1,
long step1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
sub8s(ByteBuffer src1,
long step1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
sub8s(BytePointer src1,
long step1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
sub8u(byte[] src1,
long step1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
sub8u(ByteBuffer src1,
long step1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
sub8u(BytePointer src1,
long step1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static long |
subtract(FileNodeIterator it1,
FileNodeIterator it2) |
static void |
subtract(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
subtract(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst,
GpuMat mask,
int dtype) |
static MatExpr |
subtract(Mat m) |
static MatExpr |
subtract(MatExpr e) |
static MatExpr |
subtract(MatExpr e,
Mat m) |
static MatExpr |
subtract(MatExpr e1,
MatExpr e2) |
static MatExpr |
subtract(MatExpr e,
Scalar s) |
static MatExpr |
subtract(Mat a,
Mat b) |
static MatExpr |
subtract(Mat m,
MatExpr e) |
static void |
subtract(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dst) |
static void |
subtract(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dst,
Mat mask,
int dtype)
\brief Calculates the per-element difference between two arrays or array and a scalar.
static MatExpr |
subtract(Mat a,
Scalar s) |
static Range |
subtract(Range r1,
int delta) |
static MatExpr |
subtract(Scalar s,
Mat a) |
static MatExpr |
subtract(Scalar s,
MatExpr e) |
static void |
subtract(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dst) |
static void |
subtract(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dst,
UMat mask,
int dtype) |
static Mat |
subtractPut(Mat a,
Mat b) |
static Mat |
subtractPut(Mat a,
Scalar b) |
static Scalar |
sumElems(GpuMat src) |
static Scalar |
sumElems(Mat src)
\brief Calculates the sum of array elements.
static Scalar |
sumElems(UMat src) |
static void |
SVBackSubst(GpuMat w,
GpuMat u,
GpuMat vt,
GpuMat rhs,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
SVBackSubst(Mat w,
Mat u,
Mat vt,
Mat rhs,
Mat dst)
wrap SVD::backSubst
static void |
SVBackSubst(UMat w,
UMat u,
UMat vt,
UMat rhs,
UMat dst) |
static void |
SVD32f(float[] At,
long astep,
float[] W,
float[] U,
long ustep,
float[] Vt,
long vstep,
int m,
int n,
int flags) |
static void |
SVD32f(FloatBuffer At,
long astep,
FloatBuffer W,
FloatBuffer U,
long ustep,
FloatBuffer Vt,
long vstep,
int m,
int n,
int flags) |
static void |
SVD32f(FloatPointer At,
long astep,
FloatPointer W,
FloatPointer U,
long ustep,
FloatPointer Vt,
long vstep,
int m,
int n,
int flags) |
static void |
SVD64f(double[] At,
long astep,
double[] W,
double[] U,
long ustep,
double[] Vt,
long vstep,
int m,
int n,
int flags) |
static void |
SVD64f(DoubleBuffer At,
long astep,
DoubleBuffer W,
DoubleBuffer U,
long ustep,
DoubleBuffer Vt,
long vstep,
int m,
int n,
int flags) |
static void |
SVD64f(DoublePointer At,
long astep,
DoublePointer W,
DoublePointer U,
long ustep,
DoublePointer Vt,
long vstep,
int m,
int n,
int flags) |
static void |
SVDecomp(GpuMat src,
GpuMat w,
GpuMat u,
GpuMat vt) |
static void |
SVDecomp(GpuMat src,
GpuMat w,
GpuMat u,
GpuMat vt,
int flags) |
static void |
SVDecomp(Mat src,
Mat w,
Mat u,
Mat vt) |
static void |
SVDecomp(Mat src,
Mat w,
Mat u,
Mat vt,
int flags)
wrap SVD::compute
static void |
SVDecomp(UMat src,
UMat w,
UMat u,
UMat vt) |
static void |
SVDecomp(UMat src,
UMat w,
UMat u,
UMat vt,
int flags) |
static void |
swap(Mat a,
Mat b)
\} core_array
static void |
swap(UMat a,
UMat b)
static BytePointer |
tempfile() |
static BytePointer |
tempfile(BytePointer suffix) |
static String |
tempfile(String suffix) |
static RNG |
\brief Returns the default random number generator.
static BytePointer |
toLowerCase(BytePointer str)
static String |
toLowerCase(String str) |
static BytePointer |
toUpperCase(BytePointer str) |
static String |
toUpperCase(String str) |
static Scalar |
trace(GpuMat mtx) |
static Scalar |
trace(Mat mtx)
\brief Returns the trace of a matrix.
static Scalar |
trace(UMat mtx) |
static void |
transform(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst,
GpuMat m) |
static void |
transform(Mat src,
Mat dst,
Mat m)
\brief Performs the matrix transformation of every array element.
static void |
transform(UMat src,
UMat dst,
UMat m) |
static void |
transpose(GpuMat src,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
transpose(Mat src,
Mat dst)
\brief Transposes a matrix.
static void |
transpose(UMat src,
UMat dst) |
static void |
transposeND(GpuMat src,
int[] order,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
transposeND(GpuMat src,
IntBuffer order,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
transposeND(GpuMat src,
IntPointer order,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
transposeND(Mat src,
int[] order,
Mat dst) |
static void |
transposeND(Mat src,
IntBuffer order,
Mat dst) |
static void |
transposeND(Mat src,
IntPointer order,
Mat dst)
\brief Transpose for n-dimensional matrices.
static void |
transposeND(UMat src,
int[] order,
UMat dst) |
static void |
transposeND(UMat src,
IntBuffer order,
UMat dst) |
static void |
transposeND(UMat src,
IntPointer order,
UMat dst) |
static BytePointer |
typeToStr(int t) |
static byte |
ucharSaturateCast(byte v)
\addtogroup core_utils
static byte |
ucharSaturateCast(double v)
static byte |
ucharSaturateCast(float v)
static byte |
ucharSaturateCast(hfloat v)
static byte |
ucharSaturateCast(int v)
static byte |
ucharSaturateCast(long v)
static byte |
ucharSaturateCast(short v)
static long |
uint64SaturateCast(byte v) |
static long |
uint64SaturateCast(double v) |
static long |
uint64SaturateCast(float v) |
static long |
uint64SaturateCast(hfloat v) |
static long |
uint64SaturateCast(int v) |
static long |
uint64SaturateCast(long v) |
static long |
uint64SaturateCast(short v) |
static void |
unregisterPageLocked(Mat m)
\brief Unmaps the memory of matrix and makes it pageable again.
static int |
unsignedSaturateCast(byte v) |
static int |
unsignedSaturateCast(double v) |
static int |
unsignedSaturateCast(float v) |
static int |
unsignedSaturateCast(hfloat v) |
static int |
unsignedSaturateCast(int v) |
static int |
unsignedSaturateCast(long v) |
static int |
unsignedSaturateCast(short v) |
static boolean |
useInstrumentation() |
static boolean |
useIPP_NE() |
static boolean |
useIPP_NotExact() |
static boolean |
useIPP() |
static boolean |
useOpenCL() |
static boolean |
\brief Returns the status of optimized code usage.
static short |
ushortSaturateCast(byte v) |
static short |
ushortSaturateCast(double v) |
static short |
ushortSaturateCast(float v) |
static short |
ushortSaturateCast(hfloat v) |
static short |
ushortSaturateCast(int v) |
static short |
ushortSaturateCast(long v) |
static short |
ushortSaturateCast(short v) |
static void |
vconcat(GpuMat src1,
GpuMat src2,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
vconcat(GpuMatVector src,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
vconcat(GpuMatVector src,
Mat dst) |
static void |
vconcat(GpuMatVector src,
UMat dst) |
static void |
vconcat(Mat src,
long nsrc,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
vconcat(Mat src,
long nsrc,
Mat dst)
\brief Applies vertical concatenation to given matrices.
static void |
vconcat(Mat src,
long nsrc,
UMat dst) |
static void |
vconcat(Mat src1,
Mat src2,
Mat dst)
static void |
vconcat(MatVector src,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
vconcat(MatVector src,
Mat dst)
static void |
vconcat(MatVector src,
UMat dst) |
static void |
vconcat(UMat src1,
UMat src2,
UMat dst) |
static void |
vconcat(UMatVector src,
GpuMat dst) |
static void |
vconcat(UMatVector src,
Mat dst) |
static void |
vconcat(UMatVector src,
UMat dst) |
static BytePointer |
vecopTypeToStr(int t) |
static Stream |
wrapStream(long cudaStreamMemoryAddress)
\brief Bindings overload to create a Stream object from the address stored in an existing CUDA Runtime API stream pointer (cudaStream_t).
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
BytePointer value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
Complexd val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
Complexf val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
DMatch m) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
DMatchVector value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
double value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
float value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
int value)
\} core_xml
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
KeyPoint kpt) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
KeyPointVector value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
Mat value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
Point val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
Point2d val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
Point2f val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
Point3d val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
Point3f val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
Point3i val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
Range r) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
Rect val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
Rect2d val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
Rect2f val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
Scalar val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
Scalar4f val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
Scalar4i val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
Size val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
Size2d val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
Size2f val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer name,
SparseMat value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
Complexd value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
Complexf value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
DMatch m) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
DMatchVector vec) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
double value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
float value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
int value)
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
KeyPoint kpt) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
KeyPointVector vec) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
Point value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
Point2d value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
Point2f value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
Point3d value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
Point3f value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
Point3i value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
Range r) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
Rect value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
Rect2d value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
Rect2f value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
Scalar value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
Scalar4f value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
Scalar4i value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
Size value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
Size2d value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
Size2f value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
Complexd val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
Complexf val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
DMatch m) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
DMatchVector value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
double value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
float value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
int value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
KeyPoint kpt) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
KeyPointVector value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
Mat value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
Point val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
Point2d val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
Point2f val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
Point3d val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
Point3f val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
Point3i val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
Range r) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
Rect val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
Rect2d val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
Rect2f val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
Scalar val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
Scalar4f val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
Scalar4i val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
Size val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
Size2d val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
Size2f val) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
SparseMat value) |
static void |
write(FileStorage fs,
String name,
String value) |
static void |
writeScalar(FileStorage fs,
BytePointer value) |
static void |
writeScalar(FileStorage fs,
double value) |
static void |
writeScalar(FileStorage fs,
float value) |
static void |
writeScalar(FileStorage fs,
int value) |
static void |
writeScalar(FileStorage fs,
String value) |
static int |
xor(int a,
int b) |
static MatExpr |
xor(Mat a,
Mat b) |
static MatExpr |
xor(Mat a,
Scalar s) |
static MatExpr |
xor(Scalar s,
Mat a) |
static void |
xor8u(byte[] src1,
long step1,
byte[] src2,
long step2,
byte[] dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
xor8u(ByteBuffer src1,
long step1,
ByteBuffer src2,
long step2,
ByteBuffer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static void |
xor8u(BytePointer src1,
long step1,
BytePointer src2,
long step2,
BytePointer dst,
long step,
int width,
int height,
Pointer arg8) |
static int[] |
xorPut(int[] _this,
int val) |
static IntBuffer |
xorPut(IntBuffer _this,
int val) |
static IntPointer |
xorPut(IntPointer _this,
int val) |
static Mat |
xorPut(Mat a,
Mat b) |
static Mat |
xorPut(Mat a,
Scalar b) |
CV_RGB, cvCalcCovarMatrix, cvInitNArrayIterator, cvMixChannels, cvNorm, RGB
init, map
public static final int CV_HAL_ERROR_OK
\name Return codes \{
public static final int CV_HAL_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
public static final int CV_HAL_ERROR_UNKNOWN
public static final int CV_CN_MAX
public static final int CV_CN_SHIFT
public static final int CV_DEPTH_MAX
public static final int CV_8U
public static final int CV_8S
public static final int CV_16U
public static final int CV_16S
public static final int CV_32S
public static final int CV_32F
public static final int CV_64F
public static final int CV_16F
public static final int CV_MAT_DEPTH_MASK
public static final int CV_8UC1
public static final int CV_8UC2
public static final int CV_8UC3
public static final int CV_8UC4
public static final int CV_8SC1
public static final int CV_8SC2
public static final int CV_8SC3
public static final int CV_8SC4
public static final int CV_16UC1
public static final int CV_16UC2
public static final int CV_16UC3
public static final int CV_16UC4
public static final int CV_16SC1
public static final int CV_16SC2
public static final int CV_16SC3
public static final int CV_16SC4
public static final int CV_32SC1
public static final int CV_32SC2
public static final int CV_32SC3
public static final int CV_32SC4
public static final int CV_32FC1
public static final int CV_32FC2
public static final int CV_32FC3
public static final int CV_32FC4
public static final int CV_64FC1
public static final int CV_64FC2
public static final int CV_64FC3
public static final int CV_64FC4
public static final int CV_16FC1
public static final int CV_16FC2
public static final int CV_16FC3
public static final int CV_16FC4
public static final int CV_HAL_CMP_EQ
\name Comparison operation
Constant Field Valuespublic static final int CV_HAL_CMP_GT
public static final int CV_HAL_CMP_GE
public static final int CV_HAL_CMP_LT
public static final int CV_HAL_CMP_LE
public static final int CV_HAL_CMP_NE
public static final int CV_HAL_BORDER_CONSTANT
\name Border processing modes
Constant Field Valuespublic static final int CV_HAL_BORDER_REPLICATE
public static final int CV_HAL_BORDER_REFLECT
public static final int CV_HAL_BORDER_WRAP
public static final int CV_HAL_BORDER_REFLECT_101
public static final int CV_HAL_BORDER_TRANSPARENT
public static final int CV_HAL_BORDER_ISOLATED
public static final int CV_HAL_DFT_INVERSE
\name DFT flags \{
public static final int CV_HAL_DFT_SCALE
public static final int CV_HAL_DFT_ROWS
public static final int CV_HAL_DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT
public static final int CV_HAL_DFT_REAL_OUTPUT
public static final int CV_HAL_DFT_TWO_STAGE
public static final int CV_HAL_DFT_STAGE_COLS
public static final int CV_HAL_DFT_IS_CONTINUOUS
public static final int CV_HAL_DFT_IS_INPLACE
public static final int CV_HAL_SVD_NO_UV
\name SVD flags \{
public static final int CV_HAL_SVD_SHORT_UV
public static final int CV_HAL_SVD_MODIFY_A
public static final int CV_HAL_SVD_FULL_UV
public static final int CV_HAL_GEMM_1_T
\name Gemm flags \{
public static final int CV_HAL_GEMM_2_T
public static final int CV_HAL_GEMM_3_T
public static final int CV_CPU_NONE
public static final int CV_CPU_MMX
public static final int CV_CPU_SSE
public static final int CV_CPU_SSE2
public static final int CV_CPU_SSE3
public static final int CV_CPU_SSSE3
public static final int CV_CPU_SSE4_1
public static final int CV_CPU_SSE4_2
public static final int CV_CPU_POPCNT
public static final int CV_CPU_FP16
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX2
public static final int CV_CPU_FMA3
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX_512F
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX_512BW
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX_512CD
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX_512DQ
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX_512ER
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX_512IFMA512
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX_512IFMA
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX_512PF
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX_512VBMI
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX_512VL
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX_512VBMI2
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX_512VNNI
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX_512BITALG
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX_512VPOPCNTDQ
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX_5124VNNIW
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX_5124FMAPS
public static final int CV_CPU_NEON
public static final int CV_CPU_NEON_DOTPROD
public static final int CV_CPU_NEON_FP16
public static final int CV_CPU_NEON_BF16
public static final int CV_CPU_MSA
public static final int CV_CPU_RISCVV
public static final int CV_CPU_VSX
public static final int CV_CPU_VSX3
public static final int CV_CPU_RVV
public static final int CV_CPU_LSX
public static final int CV_CPU_LASX
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX512_SKX
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX512_COMMON
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX512_KNL
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX512_KNM
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX512_CNL
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX512_CLX
public static final int CV_CPU_AVX512_ICL
public static final int CV_HARDWARE_MAX_FEATURE
public static final int CPU_MMX
public static final int CPU_SSE
public static final int CPU_SSE2
public static final int CPU_SSE3
public static final int CPU_SSSE3
public static final int CPU_SSE4_1
public static final int CPU_SSE4_2
public static final int CPU_POPCNT
public static final int CPU_FP16
public static final int CPU_AVX
public static final int CPU_AVX2
public static final int CPU_FMA3
public static final int CPU_AVX_512F
public static final int CPU_AVX_512BW
public static final int CPU_AVX_512CD
public static final int CPU_AVX_512DQ
public static final int CPU_AVX_512ER
public static final int CPU_AVX_512IFMA512
public static final int CPU_AVX_512IFMA
public static final int CPU_AVX_512PF
public static final int CPU_AVX_512VBMI
public static final int CPU_AVX_512VL
public static final int CPU_AVX_512VBMI2
public static final int CPU_AVX_512VNNI
public static final int CPU_AVX_512BITALG
public static final int CPU_AVX_512VPOPCNTDQ
public static final int CPU_AVX_5124VNNIW
public static final int CPU_AVX_5124FMAPS
public static final int CPU_NEON
public static final int CPU_NEON_DOTPROD
public static final int CPU_NEON_FP16
public static final int CPU_NEON_BF16
public static final int CPU_MSA
public static final int CPU_RISCVV
public static final int CPU_VSX
public static final int CPU_VSX3
public static final int CPU_RVV
public static final int CPU_LSX
public static final int CPU_LASX
public static final int CPU_AVX512_SKX
public static final int CPU_AVX512_COMMON
public static final int CPU_AVX512_KNL
public static final int CPU_AVX512_KNM
public static final int CPU_AVX512_CNL
public static final int CPU_AVX512_CLX
public static final int CPU_AVX512_ICL
public static final int CPU_MAX_FEATURE
public static final int CV_STRONG_ALIGNMENT
public static final double CV_PI
public static final double CV_2PI
public static final double CV_LOG2
public static final int CV_FP16_TYPE
public static final int OPENCV_ABI_COMPATIBILITY
public static final int CV_MAX_DIM
public static final int CV_MAT_CN_MASK
public static final int CV_MAT_TYPE_MASK
public static final int CV_MAT_CONT_FLAG_SHIFT
public static final int CV_MAT_CONT_FLAG
public static final int CV_SUBMAT_FLAG_SHIFT
public static final int CV_SUBMAT_FLAG
public static final int CV_STATIC_ANALYSIS
public static final int CV_CXX11
public static final int OPENCV_USE_FASTMATH_BUILTINS
/****************************************************************************************\ fast math * \
public static final int CV_VERSION_MAJOR
public static final int CV_VERSION_MINOR
public static final int CV_VERSION_REVISION
public static final String CV_VERSION_STATUS
public static final String CV_VERSION
public static final int CV_MAJOR_VERSION
public static final int CV_MINOR_VERSION
public static final int CV_SUBMINOR_VERSION
public static final int StsOk
public static final int StsBackTrace
public static final int StsError
public static final int StsInternal
public static final int StsNoMem
public static final int StsBadArg
public static final int StsBadFunc
public static final int StsNoConv
public static final int StsAutoTrace
public static final int HeaderIsNull
public static final int BadImageSize
public static final int BadOffset
public static final int BadDataPtr
public static final int BadStep
public static final int BadModelOrChSeq
public static final int BadNumChannels
public static final int BadNumChannel1U
public static final int BadDepth
public static final int BadAlphaChannel
public static final int BadOrder
public static final int BadOrigin
public static final int BadAlign
public static final int BadCallBack
public static final int BadTileSize
public static final int BadCOI
public static final int BadROISize
public static final int MaskIsTiled
public static final int StsNullPtr
public static final int StsVecLengthErr
public static final int StsFilterStructContentErr
public static final int StsKernelStructContentErr
public static final int StsFilterOffsetErr
public static final int StsBadSize
public static final int StsDivByZero
public static final int StsInplaceNotSupported
public static final int StsObjectNotFound
public static final int StsUnmatchedFormats
public static final int StsBadFlag
public static final int StsBadPoint
public static final int StsBadMask
public static final int StsUnmatchedSizes
public static final int StsUnsupportedFormat
public static final int StsOutOfRange
public static final int StsParseError
public static final int StsNotImplemented
public static final int StsBadMemBlock
public static final int StsAssert
public static final int GpuNotSupported
public static final int GpuApiCallError
public static final int OpenGlNotSupported
public static final int OpenGlApiCallError
public static final int OpenCLApiCallError
public static final int OpenCLDoubleNotSupported
public static final int OpenCLInitError
public static final int OpenCLNoAMDBlasFft
public static final int DECOMP_LU
public static final int DECOMP_SVD
public static final int DECOMP_EIG
public static final int DECOMP_CHOLESKY
public static final int DECOMP_QR
public static final int DECOMP_NORMAL
public static final int NORM_INF
public static final int NORM_L1
public static final int NORM_L2
public static final int NORM_L2SQR
public static final int NORM_HAMMING
public static final int NORM_HAMMING2
public static final int NORM_TYPE_MASK
public static final int NORM_RELATIVE
public static final int NORM_MINMAX
public static final int CMP_EQ
public static final int CMP_GT
public static final int CMP_GE
public static final int CMP_LT
public static final int CMP_LE
public static final int CMP_NE
public static final int GEMM_1_T
public static final int GEMM_2_T
public static final int GEMM_3_T
public static final int DFT_INVERSE
public static final int DFT_SCALE
public static final int DFT_ROWS
public static final int DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT
public static final int DFT_REAL_OUTPUT
public static final int DFT_COMPLEX_INPUT
public static final int DCT_INVERSE
public static final int DCT_ROWS
public static final int BORDER_CONSTANT
public static final int BORDER_REPLICATE
public static final int BORDER_REFLECT
public static final int BORDER_WRAP
public static final int BORDER_REFLECT_101
public static final int BORDER_TRANSPARENT
public static final int BORDER_REFLECT101
public static final int BORDER_DEFAULT
public static final int BORDER_ISOLATED
public static final int TYPE_GENERAL
public static final int TYPE_MARKER
public static final int TYPE_WRAPPER
public static final int TYPE_FUN
public static final int IMPL_PLAIN
public static final int IMPL_IPP
public static final int IMPL_OPENCL
public static final int FLAGS_NONE
public static final int FLAGS_MAPPING
public static final int FLAGS_EXPAND_SAME_NAMES
public static final int CV_STRUCT_INITIALIZER
public static final int CV_StsOk
public static final int CV_StsBackTrace
public static final int CV_StsError
public static final int CV_StsInternal
public static final int CV_StsNoMem
public static final int CV_StsBadArg
public static final int CV_StsBadFunc
public static final int CV_StsNoConv
public static final int CV_StsAutoTrace
public static final int CV_HeaderIsNull
public static final int CV_BadImageSize
public static final int CV_BadOffset
public static final int CV_BadDataPtr
public static final int CV_BadStep
public static final int CV_BadModelOrChSeq
public static final int CV_BadNumChannels
public static final int CV_BadNumChannel1U
public static final int CV_BadDepth
public static final int CV_BadAlphaChannel
public static final int CV_BadOrder
public static final int CV_BadOrigin
public static final int CV_BadAlign
public static final int CV_BadCallBack
public static final int CV_BadTileSize
public static final int CV_BadCOI
public static final int CV_BadROISize
public static final int CV_MaskIsTiled
public static final int CV_StsNullPtr
public static final int CV_StsVecLengthErr
public static final int CV_StsFilterStructContentErr
public static final int CV_StsKernelStructContentErr
public static final int CV_StsFilterOffsetErr
public static final int CV_StsBadSize
public static final int CV_StsDivByZero
public static final int CV_StsInplaceNotSupported
public static final int CV_StsObjectNotFound
public static final int CV_StsUnmatchedFormats
public static final int CV_StsBadFlag
public static final int CV_StsBadPoint
public static final int CV_StsBadMask
public static final int CV_StsUnmatchedSizes
public static final int CV_StsUnsupportedFormat
public static final int CV_StsOutOfRange
public static final int CV_StsParseError
public static final int CV_StsNotImplemented
public static final int CV_StsBadMemBlock
public static final int CV_StsAssert
public static final int CV_GpuNotSupported
public static final int CV_GpuApiCallError
public static final int CV_OpenGlNotSupported
public static final int CV_OpenGlApiCallError
public static final int CV_OpenCLApiCallError
public static final int CV_OpenCLDoubleNotSupported
public static final int CV_OpenCLInitError
public static final int CV_OpenCLNoAMDBlasFft
public static final long CV_RNG_COEFF
public static final int IPL_DEPTH_SIGN
public static final int IPL_DEPTH_1U
public static final int IPL_DEPTH_8U
public static final int IPL_DEPTH_16U
public static final int IPL_DEPTH_32F
public static final int IPL_DEPTH_8S
public static final int IPL_DEPTH_16S
public static final int IPL_DEPTH_32S
public static final int IPL_DATA_ORDER_PIXEL
public static final int IPL_DATA_ORDER_PLANE
public static final int IPL_ORIGIN_TL
public static final int IPL_ORIGIN_BL
public static final int IPL_ALIGN_4BYTES
public static final int IPL_ALIGN_8BYTES
public static final int IPL_ALIGN_16BYTES
public static final int IPL_ALIGN_32BYTES
public static final int IPL_ALIGN_DWORD
public static final int IPL_ALIGN_QWORD
public static final int IPL_BORDER_CONSTANT
public static final int IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE
public static final int IPL_BORDER_REFLECT
public static final int IPL_BORDER_WRAP
public static final int IPL_IMAGE_HEADER
public static final int IPL_IMAGE_DATA
public static final int IPL_IMAGE_ROI
public static final int IPL_BORDER_REFLECT_101
public static final int IPL_BORDER_TRANSPARENT
public static final int IPL_IMAGE_MAGIC_VAL
public static final String CV_TYPE_NAME_IMAGE
public static final int IPL_DEPTH_64F
public static final int CV_AUTO_STEP
public static final CvSlice CV_WHOLE_ARR
public static final int CV_MAGIC_MASK
public static final int CV_MAT_MAGIC_VAL
public static final String CV_TYPE_NAME_MAT
public static final int CV_MATND_MAGIC_VAL
public static final String CV_TYPE_NAME_MATND
public static final int CV_SPARSE_MAT_MAGIC_VAL
public static final String CV_TYPE_NAME_SPARSE_MAT
public static final int CV_HIST_MAGIC_VAL
public static final int CV_HIST_UNIFORM_FLAG
public static final int CV_HIST_RANGES_FLAG
public static final int CV_HIST_ARRAY
public static final int CV_HIST_SPARSE
public static final int CV_HIST_TREE
public static final int CV_HIST_UNIFORM
public static final int CV_TERMCRIT_ITER
public static final int CV_TERMCRIT_NUMBER
public static final int CV_TERMCRIT_EPS
public static final int CV_WHOLE_SEQ_END_INDEX
public static final CvSlice CV_WHOLE_SEQ
public static final int CV_STORAGE_MAGIC_VAL
public static final String CV_TYPE_NAME_SEQ
public static final String CV_TYPE_NAME_SEQ_TREE
public static final int CV_SET_ELEM_IDX_MASK
public static final int CV_SET_ELEM_FREE_FLAG
public static final String CV_TYPE_NAME_GRAPH
public static final int CV_SEQ_MAGIC_VAL
public static final int CV_SET_MAGIC_VAL
public static final int CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_BITS
public static final int CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_MASK
public static final int CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_POINT
public static final int CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_CODE
public static final int CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_GENERIC
public static final int CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_PTR
public static final int CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_PPOINT
public static final int CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_INDEX
public static final int CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_GRAPH_EDGE
public static final int CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_GRAPH_VERTEX
public static final int CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_TRIAN_ATR
public static final int CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_CONNECTED_COMP
public static final int CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_POINT3D
public static final int CV_SEQ_KIND_BITS
public static final int CV_SEQ_KIND_MASK
public static final int CV_SEQ_KIND_GENERIC
public static final int CV_SEQ_KIND_CURVE
public static final int CV_SEQ_KIND_BIN_TREE
public static final int CV_SEQ_KIND_GRAPH
public static final int CV_SEQ_KIND_SUBDIV2D
public static final int CV_SEQ_FLAG_SHIFT
public static final int CV_SEQ_FLAG_CLOSED
public static final int CV_SEQ_FLAG_SIMPLE
public static final int CV_SEQ_FLAG_CONVEX
public static final int CV_SEQ_FLAG_HOLE
public static final int CV_GRAPH_FLAG_ORIENTED
public static final int CV_GRAPH
public static final int CV_ORIENTED_GRAPH
public static final int CV_SEQ_POINT_SET
public static final int CV_SEQ_POINT3D_SET
public static final int CV_SEQ_POLYLINE
public static final int CV_SEQ_POLYGON
public static final int CV_SEQ_CONTOUR
public static final int CV_SEQ_SIMPLE_POLYGON
public static final int CV_SEQ_CHAIN
public static final int CV_SEQ_CHAIN_CONTOUR
public static final int CV_SEQ_POLYGON_TREE
public static final int CV_SEQ_CONNECTED_COMP
public static final int CV_SEQ_INDEX
public static final int CV_AUTOSTEP
public static final int CV_MAX_ARR
public static final int CV_NO_DEPTH_CHECK
public static final int CV_NO_CN_CHECK
public static final int CV_NO_SIZE_CHECK
public static final int CV_CMP_EQ
public static final int CV_CMP_GT
public static final int CV_CMP_GE
public static final int CV_CMP_LT
public static final int CV_CMP_LE
public static final int CV_CMP_NE
public static final int CV_CHECK_RANGE
public static final int CV_CHECK_QUIET
public static final int CV_RAND_UNI
public static final int CV_RAND_NORMAL
public static final int CV_SORT_EVERY_ROW
public static final int CV_SORT_EVERY_COLUMN
public static final int CV_SORT_ASCENDING
public static final int CV_SORT_DESCENDING
public static final int CV_GEMM_A_T
public static final int CV_GEMM_B_T
public static final int CV_GEMM_C_T
public static final int CV_SVD_MODIFY_A
public static final int CV_SVD_U_T
public static final int CV_SVD_V_T
public static final int CV_LU
public static final int CV_SVD
public static final int CV_SVD_SYM
public static final int CV_CHOLESKY
public static final int CV_QR
public static final int CV_NORMAL
public static final int CV_COVAR_SCRAMBLED
public static final int CV_COVAR_NORMAL
public static final int CV_COVAR_USE_AVG
public static final int CV_COVAR_SCALE
public static final int CV_COVAR_ROWS
public static final int CV_COVAR_COLS
public static final int CV_PCA_DATA_AS_ROW
public static final int CV_PCA_DATA_AS_COL
public static final int CV_PCA_USE_AVG
public static final int CV_C
public static final int CV_L1
public static final int CV_L2
public static final int CV_NORM_MASK
public static final int CV_RELATIVE
public static final int CV_DIFF
public static final int CV_MINMAX
public static final int CV_DIFF_C
public static final int CV_DIFF_L1
public static final int CV_DIFF_L2
public static final int CV_RELATIVE_C
public static final int CV_RELATIVE_L1
public static final int CV_RELATIVE_L2
public static final int CV_REDUCE_SUM
public static final int CV_REDUCE_AVG
public static final int CV_REDUCE_MAX
public static final int CV_REDUCE_MIN
public static final int CV_DXT_FORWARD
public static final int CV_DXT_INVERSE
public static final int CV_DXT_SCALE
public static final int CV_DXT_INV_SCALE
public static final int CV_DXT_INVERSE_SCALE
public static final int CV_DXT_ROWS
public static final int CV_DXT_MUL_CONJ
public static final int CV_FRONT
public static final int CV_BACK
public static final int CV_GRAPH_VERTEX
public static final int CV_GRAPH_TREE_EDGE
public static final int CV_GRAPH_BACK_EDGE
public static final int CV_GRAPH_FORWARD_EDGE
public static final int CV_GRAPH_CROSS_EDGE
public static final int CV_GRAPH_ANY_EDGE
public static final int CV_GRAPH_NEW_TREE
public static final int CV_GRAPH_BACKTRACKING
public static final int CV_GRAPH_OVER
public static final int CV_GRAPH_ALL_ITEMS
public static final int CV_GRAPH_ITEM_VISITED_FLAG
public static final int CV_GRAPH_SEARCH_TREE_NODE_FLAG
public static final int CV_GRAPH_FORWARD_EDGE_FLAG
public static final int CV_KMEANS_USE_INITIAL_LABELS
public static final int CV_ErrModeLeaf
public static final int CV_ErrModeParent
public static final int CV_ErrModeSilent
public static final String cvFuncName
public static final int SORT_EVERY_ROW
public static final int SORT_EVERY_COLUMN
public static final int SORT_ASCENDING
public static final int SORT_DESCENDING
public static final int COVAR_SCRAMBLED
public static final int COVAR_NORMAL
public static final int COVAR_USE_AVG
public static final int COVAR_SCALE
public static final int COVAR_ROWS
public static final int COVAR_COLS
public static final int KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS
public static final int KMEANS_PP_CENTERS
public static final int KMEANS_USE_INITIAL_LABELS
public static final int REDUCE_SUM
public static final int REDUCE_AVG
public static final int REDUCE_MAX
public static final int REDUCE_MIN
public static final int REDUCE_SUM2
public static final int ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE
public static final int ROTATE_180
public static final int ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE
public static final int INT
public static final int BOOLEAN
public static final int REAL
public static final int STRING
public static final int MAT
public static final int MAT_VECTOR
public static final int ALGORITHM
public static final int FLOAT
public static final int UNSIGNED_INT
public static final int UINT64
public static final int UCHAR
public static final int SCALAR
public static final int FEATURE_SET_COMPUTE_10
public static final int FEATURE_SET_COMPUTE_11
public static final int FEATURE_SET_COMPUTE_12
public static final int FEATURE_SET_COMPUTE_13
public static final int FEATURE_SET_COMPUTE_20
public static final int FEATURE_SET_COMPUTE_21
public static final int FEATURE_SET_COMPUTE_30
public static final int FEATURE_SET_COMPUTE_32
public static final int FEATURE_SET_COMPUTE_35
public static final int FEATURE_SET_COMPUTE_50
public static final int GLOBAL_ATOMICS
public static final int SHARED_ATOMICS
public static final int NATIVE_DOUBLE
public static final int WARP_SHUFFLE_FUNCTIONS
public static final int DYNAMIC_PARALLELISM
public static final int OCL_VECTOR_OWN
public static final int OCL_VECTOR_MAX
public static final int OCL_VECTOR_DEFAULT
public static final int ACCESS_READ
public static final int ACCESS_WRITE
public static final int ACCESS_RW
public static final int ACCESS_MASK
public static final int ACCESS_FAST
public static final int USAGE_DEFAULT
public static final int USAGE_ALLOCATE_HOST_MEMORY
public static final int USAGE_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_MEMORY
public static final int USAGE_ALLOCATE_SHARED_MEMORY
public static final int __UMAT_USAGE_FLAGS_32BIT
public static final int SOLVELP_LOST
public static final int SOLVELP_UNBOUNDED
public static final int SOLVELP_UNFEASIBLE
public static final int SOLVELP_SINGLE
public static final int SOLVELP_MULTI
public static int CV_MAT_DEPTH(int flags)
public static int CV_MAKETYPE(int depth, int cn)
public static int CV_MAKE_TYPE(int arg1, int arg2)
public static int CV_8UC(int n)
public static int CV_8SC(int n)
public static int CV_16UC(int n)
public static int CV_16SC(int n)
public static int CV_32SC(int n)
public static int CV_32FC(int n)
public static int CV_64FC(int n)
@MemberGetter public static int CV_16FC1()
@MemberGetter public static int CV_16FC2()
@MemberGetter public static int CV_16FC3()
@MemberGetter public static int CV_16FC4()
@MemberGetter public static int CV_FP16_TYPE()
public static int CV_MAT_CN(int flags)
public static int CV_MAT_TYPE(int flags)
public static int CV_IS_MAT_CONT(int flags)
public static int CV_IS_CONT_MAT(int arg1)
public static int CV_XADD(IntPointer addr, int delta)
public static int CV_XADD(IntBuffer addr, int delta)
public static int CV_XADD(int[] addr, int delta)
@MemberGetter public static int CV_CXX11()
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal public static hfloat hfloatFromBits(@Cast(value="ushort") short w)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int normHamming(@Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer a, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int normHamming(@Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer a, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int normHamming(@Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] a, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int normHamming(@Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer a, @Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer b, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int normHamming(@Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer a, @Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer b, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int normHamming(@Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] a, @Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] b, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int normHamming(@Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer a, int n, int cellSize)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int normHamming(@Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer a, int n, int cellSize)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int normHamming(@Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] a, int n, int cellSize)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int normHamming(@Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer a, @Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer b, int n, int cellSize)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int normHamming(@Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer a, @Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer b, int n, int cellSize)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int normHamming(@Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] a, @Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] b, int n, int cellSize)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int LU32f(FloatPointer A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, FloatPointer b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int LU32f(FloatBuffer A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, FloatBuffer b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int LU32f(float[] A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, float[] b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int LU64f(DoublePointer A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, DoublePointer b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int LU64f(DoubleBuffer A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, DoubleBuffer b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int LU64f(double[] A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, double[] b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean Cholesky32f(FloatPointer A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, FloatPointer b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean Cholesky32f(FloatBuffer A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, FloatBuffer b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean Cholesky32f(float[] A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, float[] b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean Cholesky64f(DoublePointer A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, DoublePointer b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean Cholesky64f(DoubleBuffer A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, DoubleBuffer b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean Cholesky64f(double[] A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, double[] b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void SVD32f(FloatPointer At, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, FloatPointer W, FloatPointer U, @Cast(value="size_t") long ustep, FloatPointer Vt, @Cast(value="size_t") long vstep, int m, int n, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void SVD32f(FloatBuffer At, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, FloatBuffer W, FloatBuffer U, @Cast(value="size_t") long ustep, FloatBuffer Vt, @Cast(value="size_t") long vstep, int m, int n, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void SVD32f(float[] At, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, float[] W, float[] U, @Cast(value="size_t") long ustep, float[] Vt, @Cast(value="size_t") long vstep, int m, int n, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void SVD64f(DoublePointer At, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, DoublePointer W, DoublePointer U, @Cast(value="size_t") long ustep, DoublePointer Vt, @Cast(value="size_t") long vstep, int m, int n, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void SVD64f(DoubleBuffer At, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, DoubleBuffer W, DoubleBuffer U, @Cast(value="size_t") long ustep, DoubleBuffer Vt, @Cast(value="size_t") long vstep, int m, int n, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void SVD64f(double[] At, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, double[] W, double[] U, @Cast(value="size_t") long ustep, double[] Vt, @Cast(value="size_t") long vstep, int m, int n, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int QR32f(FloatPointer A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, int n, int k, FloatPointer b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, FloatPointer hFactors)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int QR32f(FloatBuffer A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, int n, int k, FloatBuffer b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, FloatBuffer hFactors)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int QR32f(float[] A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, int n, int k, float[] b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, float[] hFactors)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int QR64f(DoublePointer A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, int n, int k, DoublePointer b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, DoublePointer hFactors)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int QR64f(DoubleBuffer A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, int n, int k, DoubleBuffer b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, DoubleBuffer hFactors)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int QR64f(double[] A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, int n, int k, double[] b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, double[] hFactors)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void gemm32f(@Const FloatPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long src1_step, @Const FloatPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long src2_step, float alpha, @Const FloatPointer src3, @Cast(value="size_t") long src3_step, float beta, FloatPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long dst_step, int m_a, int n_a, int n_d, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void gemm32f(@Const FloatBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long src1_step, @Const FloatBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long src2_step, float alpha, @Const FloatBuffer src3, @Cast(value="size_t") long src3_step, float beta, FloatBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long dst_step, int m_a, int n_a, int n_d, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void gemm32f(@Const float[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long src1_step, @Const float[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long src2_step, float alpha, @Const float[] src3, @Cast(value="size_t") long src3_step, float beta, float[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long dst_step, int m_a, int n_a, int n_d, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void gemm64f(@Const DoublePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long src1_step, @Const DoublePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long src2_step, double alpha, @Const DoublePointer src3, @Cast(value="size_t") long src3_step, double beta, DoublePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long dst_step, int m_a, int n_a, int n_d, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void gemm64f(@Const DoubleBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long src1_step, @Const DoubleBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long src2_step, double alpha, @Const DoubleBuffer src3, @Cast(value="size_t") long src3_step, double beta, DoubleBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long dst_step, int m_a, int n_a, int n_d, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void gemm64f(@Const double[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long src1_step, @Const double[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long src2_step, double alpha, @Const double[] src3, @Cast(value="size_t") long src3_step, double beta, double[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long dst_step, int m_a, int n_a, int n_d, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void gemm32fc(@Const FloatPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long src1_step, @Const FloatPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long src2_step, float alpha, @Const FloatPointer src3, @Cast(value="size_t") long src3_step, float beta, FloatPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long dst_step, int m_a, int n_a, int n_d, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void gemm32fc(@Const FloatBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long src1_step, @Const FloatBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long src2_step, float alpha, @Const FloatBuffer src3, @Cast(value="size_t") long src3_step, float beta, FloatBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long dst_step, int m_a, int n_a, int n_d, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void gemm32fc(@Const float[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long src1_step, @Const float[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long src2_step, float alpha, @Const float[] src3, @Cast(value="size_t") long src3_step, float beta, float[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long dst_step, int m_a, int n_a, int n_d, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void gemm64fc(@Const DoublePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long src1_step, @Const DoublePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long src2_step, double alpha, @Const DoublePointer src3, @Cast(value="size_t") long src3_step, double beta, DoublePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long dst_step, int m_a, int n_a, int n_d, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void gemm64fc(@Const DoubleBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long src1_step, @Const DoubleBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long src2_step, double alpha, @Const DoubleBuffer src3, @Cast(value="size_t") long src3_step, double beta, DoubleBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long dst_step, int m_a, int n_a, int n_d, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void gemm64fc(@Const double[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long src1_step, @Const double[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long src2_step, double alpha, @Const double[] src3, @Cast(value="size_t") long src3_step, double beta, double[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long dst_step, int m_a, int n_a, int n_d, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int normL1_(@Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer a, @Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer b, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int normL1_(@Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer a, @Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer b, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int normL1_(@Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] a, @Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] b, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static float normL1_(@Const FloatPointer a, @Const FloatPointer b, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static float normL1_(@Const FloatBuffer a, @Const FloatBuffer b, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static float normL1_(@Const float[] a, @Const float[] b, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static float normL2Sqr_(@Const FloatPointer a, @Const FloatPointer b, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static float normL2Sqr_(@Const FloatBuffer a, @Const FloatBuffer b, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static float normL2Sqr_(@Const float[] a, @Const float[] b, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void exp32f(@Const FloatPointer src, FloatPointer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void exp32f(@Const FloatBuffer src, FloatBuffer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void exp32f(@Const float[] src, float[] dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void exp64f(@Const DoublePointer src, DoublePointer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void exp64f(@Const DoubleBuffer src, DoubleBuffer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void exp64f(@Const double[] src, double[] dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void log32f(@Const FloatPointer src, FloatPointer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void log32f(@Const FloatBuffer src, FloatBuffer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void log32f(@Const float[] src, float[] dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void log64f(@Const DoublePointer src, DoublePointer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void log64f(@Const DoubleBuffer src, DoubleBuffer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void log64f(@Const double[] src, double[] dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cartToPolar32f(@Const FloatPointer x, @Const FloatPointer y, FloatPointer mag, FloatPointer angle, int n, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cartToPolar32f(@Const FloatBuffer x, @Const FloatBuffer y, FloatBuffer mag, FloatBuffer angle, int n, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cartToPolar32f(@Const float[] x, @Const float[] y, float[] mag, float[] angle, int n, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cartToPolar64f(@Const DoublePointer x, @Const DoublePointer y, DoublePointer mag, DoublePointer angle, int n, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cartToPolar64f(@Const DoubleBuffer x, @Const DoubleBuffer y, DoubleBuffer mag, DoubleBuffer angle, int n, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cartToPolar64f(@Const double[] x, @Const double[] y, double[] mag, double[] angle, int n, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void fastAtan32f(@Const FloatPointer y, @Const FloatPointer x, FloatPointer dst, int n, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void fastAtan32f(@Const FloatBuffer y, @Const FloatBuffer x, FloatBuffer dst, int n, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void fastAtan32f(@Const float[] y, @Const float[] x, float[] dst, int n, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void fastAtan64f(@Const DoublePointer y, @Const DoublePointer x, DoublePointer dst, int n, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void fastAtan64f(@Const DoubleBuffer y, @Const DoubleBuffer x, DoubleBuffer dst, int n, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void fastAtan64f(@Const double[] y, @Const double[] x, double[] dst, int n, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void magnitude32f(@Const FloatPointer x, @Const FloatPointer y, FloatPointer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void magnitude32f(@Const FloatBuffer x, @Const FloatBuffer y, FloatBuffer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void magnitude32f(@Const float[] x, @Const float[] y, float[] dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void magnitude64f(@Const DoublePointer x, @Const DoublePointer y, DoublePointer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void magnitude64f(@Const DoubleBuffer x, @Const DoubleBuffer y, DoubleBuffer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void magnitude64f(@Const double[] x, @Const double[] y, double[] dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sqrt32f(@Const FloatPointer src, FloatPointer dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sqrt32f(@Const FloatBuffer src, FloatBuffer dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sqrt32f(@Const float[] src, float[] dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sqrt64f(@Const DoublePointer src, DoublePointer dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sqrt64f(@Const DoubleBuffer src, DoubleBuffer dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sqrt64f(@Const double[] src, double[] dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void invSqrt32f(@Const FloatPointer src, FloatPointer dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void invSqrt32f(@Const FloatBuffer src, FloatBuffer dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void invSqrt32f(@Const float[] src, float[] dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void invSqrt64f(@Const DoublePointer src, DoublePointer dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void invSqrt64f(@Const DoubleBuffer src, DoubleBuffer dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void invSqrt64f(@Const double[] src, double[] dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void split8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src, @Cast(value="uchar**") PointerPointer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void split8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src, @Cast(value="uchar**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void split8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src, @Cast(value="uchar**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void split8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src, @Cast(value="uchar**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void split16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortPointer src, @Cast(value="ushort**") PointerPointer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void split16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortPointer src, @Cast(value="ushort**") @ByPtrPtr ShortPointer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void split16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortBuffer src, @Cast(value="ushort**") @ByPtrPtr ShortBuffer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void split16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") short[] src, @Cast(value="ushort**") @ByPtrPtr short[] dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void split32s(@Const IntPointer src, @Cast(value="int**") PointerPointer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void split32s(@Const IntPointer src, @ByPtrPtr IntPointer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void split32s(@Const IntBuffer src, @ByPtrPtr IntBuffer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void split32s(@Const int[] src, @ByPtrPtr int[] dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void split64s(@Cast(value="const int64*") LongPointer src, @Cast(value="int64**") PointerPointer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void split64s(@Cast(value="const int64*") LongPointer src, @Cast(value="int64**") @ByPtrPtr LongPointer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void split64s(@Cast(value="const int64*") LongBuffer src, @Cast(value="int64**") @ByPtrPtr LongBuffer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void split64s(@Cast(value="const int64*") long[] src, @Cast(value="int64**") @ByPtrPtr long[] dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void merge8u(@Cast(value="const uchar**") PointerPointer src, @Cast(value="uchar*") BytePointer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void merge8u(@Cast(value="const uchar**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer src, @Cast(value="uchar*") BytePointer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void merge8u(@Cast(value="const uchar**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer src, @Cast(value="uchar*") ByteBuffer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void merge8u(@Cast(value="const uchar**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] src, @Cast(value="uchar*") byte[] dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void merge16u(@Cast(value="const ushort**") PointerPointer src, @Cast(value="ushort*") ShortPointer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void merge16u(@Cast(value="const ushort**") @ByPtrPtr ShortPointer src, @Cast(value="ushort*") ShortPointer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void merge16u(@Cast(value="const ushort**") @ByPtrPtr ShortBuffer src, @Cast(value="ushort*") ShortBuffer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void merge16u(@Cast(value="const ushort**") @ByPtrPtr short[] src, @Cast(value="ushort*") short[] dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void merge32s(@Cast(value="const int**") PointerPointer src, IntPointer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void merge32s(@Const @ByPtrPtr IntPointer src, IntPointer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void merge32s(@Const @ByPtrPtr IntBuffer src, IntBuffer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void merge32s(@Const @ByPtrPtr int[] src, int[] dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void merge64s(@Cast(value="const int64**") PointerPointer src, @Cast(value="int64*") LongPointer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void merge64s(@Cast(value="const int64**") @ByPtrPtr LongPointer src, @Cast(value="int64*") LongPointer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void merge64s(@Cast(value="const int64**") @ByPtrPtr LongBuffer src, @Cast(value="int64*") LongBuffer dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void merge64s(@Cast(value="const int64**") @ByPtrPtr long[] src, @Cast(value="int64*") long[] dst, int len, int cn)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void add8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void add8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void add8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void add8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") BytePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void add8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") ByteBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void add8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") byte[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void add16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") ShortPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void add16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") ShortBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void add16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") short[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") short[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") short[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void add16s(@Const ShortPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const ShortPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, ShortPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void add16s(@Const ShortBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const ShortBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, ShortBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void add16s(@Const short[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const short[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, short[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void add32s(@Const IntPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const IntPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, IntPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void add32s(@Const IntBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const IntBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, IntBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void add32s(@Const int[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const int[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, int[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void add32f(@Const FloatPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const FloatPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, FloatPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void add32f(@Const FloatBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const FloatBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, FloatBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void add32f(@Const float[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const float[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, float[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void add64f(@Const DoublePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const DoublePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, DoublePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void add64f(@Const DoubleBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const DoubleBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, DoubleBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void add64f(@Const double[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const double[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, double[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sub8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sub8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sub8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sub8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") BytePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sub8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") ByteBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sub8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") byte[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sub16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") ShortPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sub16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") ShortBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sub16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") short[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") short[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") short[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sub16s(@Const ShortPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const ShortPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, ShortPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sub16s(@Const ShortBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const ShortBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, ShortBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sub16s(@Const short[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const short[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, short[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sub32s(@Const IntPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const IntPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, IntPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sub32s(@Const IntBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const IntBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, IntBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sub32s(@Const int[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const int[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, int[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sub32f(@Const FloatPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const FloatPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, FloatPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sub32f(@Const FloatBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const FloatBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, FloatBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sub32f(@Const float[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const float[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, float[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sub64f(@Const DoublePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const DoublePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, DoublePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sub64f(@Const DoubleBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const DoubleBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, DoubleBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sub64f(@Const double[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const double[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, double[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void max8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void max8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void max8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void max8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") BytePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void max8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") ByteBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void max8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") byte[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void max16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") ShortPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void max16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") ShortBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void max16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") short[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") short[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") short[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void max16s(@Const ShortPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const ShortPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, ShortPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void max16s(@Const ShortBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const ShortBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, ShortBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void max16s(@Const short[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const short[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, short[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void max32s(@Const IntPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const IntPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, IntPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void max32s(@Const IntBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const IntBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, IntBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void max32s(@Const int[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const int[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, int[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void max32f(@Const FloatPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const FloatPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, FloatPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void max32f(@Const FloatBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const FloatBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, FloatBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void max32f(@Const float[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const float[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, float[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void max64f(@Const DoublePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const DoublePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, DoublePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void max64f(@Const DoubleBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const DoubleBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, DoubleBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void max64f(@Const double[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const double[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, double[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void min8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void min8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void min8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void min8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") BytePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void min8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") ByteBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void min8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") byte[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void min16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") ShortPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void min16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") ShortBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void min16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") short[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") short[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") short[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void min16s(@Const ShortPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const ShortPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, ShortPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void min16s(@Const ShortBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const ShortBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, ShortBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void min16s(@Const short[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const short[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, short[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void min32s(@Const IntPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const IntPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, IntPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void min32s(@Const IntBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const IntBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, IntBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void min32s(@Const int[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const int[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, int[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void min32f(@Const FloatPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const FloatPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, FloatPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void min32f(@Const FloatBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const FloatBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, FloatBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void min32f(@Const float[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const float[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, float[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void min64f(@Const DoublePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const DoublePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, DoublePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void min64f(@Const DoubleBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const DoubleBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, DoubleBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void min64f(@Const double[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const double[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, double[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void absdiff8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void absdiff8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void absdiff8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void absdiff8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") BytePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void absdiff8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") ByteBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void absdiff8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") byte[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void absdiff16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") ShortPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void absdiff16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") ShortBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void absdiff16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") short[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") short[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") short[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void absdiff16s(@Const ShortPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const ShortPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, ShortPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void absdiff16s(@Const ShortBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const ShortBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, ShortBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void absdiff16s(@Const short[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const short[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, short[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void absdiff32s(@Const IntPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const IntPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, IntPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void absdiff32s(@Const IntBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const IntBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, IntBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void absdiff32s(@Const int[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const int[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, int[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void absdiff32f(@Const FloatPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const FloatPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, FloatPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void absdiff32f(@Const FloatBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const FloatBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, FloatBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void absdiff32f(@Const float[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const float[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, float[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void absdiff64f(@Const DoublePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const DoublePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, DoublePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void absdiff64f(@Const DoubleBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const DoubleBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, DoubleBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void absdiff64f(@Const double[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const double[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, double[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void and8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void and8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void and8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void or8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void or8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void or8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void xor8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void xor8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void xor8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void not8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void not8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void not8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer arg8)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cmp8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cmp8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cmp8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cmp8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") BytePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cmp8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") ByteBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cmp8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") byte[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cmp16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cmp16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cmp16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") short[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") short[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cmp16s(@Const ShortPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const ShortPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cmp16s(@Const ShortBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const ShortBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cmp16s(@Const short[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const short[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cmp32s(@Const IntPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const IntPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cmp32s(@Const IntBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const IntBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cmp32s(@Const int[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const int[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cmp32f(@Const FloatPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const FloatPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cmp32f(@Const FloatBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const FloatBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cmp32f(@Const float[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const float[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cmp64f(@Const DoublePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const DoublePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cmp64f(@Const DoubleBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const DoubleBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cmp64f(@Const double[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const double[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void mul8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void mul8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void mul8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void mul8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") BytePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void mul8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") ByteBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void mul8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") byte[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void mul16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") ShortPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void mul16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") ShortBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void mul16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") short[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") short[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") short[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void mul16s(@Const ShortPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const ShortPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, ShortPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void mul16s(@Const ShortBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const ShortBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, ShortBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void mul16s(@Const short[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const short[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, short[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void mul32s(@Const IntPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const IntPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, IntPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void mul32s(@Const IntBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const IntBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, IntBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void mul32s(@Const int[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const int[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, int[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void mul32f(@Const FloatPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const FloatPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, FloatPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void mul32f(@Const FloatBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const FloatBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, FloatBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void mul32f(@Const float[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const float[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, float[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void mul64f(@Const DoublePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const DoublePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, DoublePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void mul64f(@Const DoubleBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const DoubleBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, DoubleBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void mul64f(@Const double[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const double[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, double[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void div8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void div8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void div8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void div8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") BytePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void div8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") ByteBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void div8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") byte[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void div16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") ShortPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void div16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") ShortBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void div16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") short[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") short[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") short[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void div16s(@Const ShortPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const ShortPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, ShortPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void div16s(@Const ShortBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const ShortBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, ShortBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void div16s(@Const short[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const short[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, short[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void div32s(@Const IntPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const IntPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, IntPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void div32s(@Const IntBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const IntBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, IntBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void div32s(@Const int[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const int[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, int[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void div32f(@Const FloatPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const FloatPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, FloatPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void div32f(@Const FloatBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const FloatBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, FloatBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void div32f(@Const float[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const float[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, float[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void div64f(@Const DoublePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const DoublePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, DoublePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void div64f(@Const DoubleBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const DoubleBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, DoubleBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void div64f(@Const double[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const double[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, double[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void recip8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer arg0, @Cast(value="size_t") long arg1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void recip8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer arg0, @Cast(value="size_t") long arg1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void recip8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] arg0, @Cast(value="size_t") long arg1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void recip8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") BytePointer arg0, @Cast(value="size_t") long arg1, @Cast(value="const schar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void recip8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") ByteBuffer arg0, @Cast(value="size_t") long arg1, @Cast(value="const schar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void recip8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") byte[] arg0, @Cast(value="size_t") long arg1, @Cast(value="const schar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void recip16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortPointer arg0, @Cast(value="size_t") long arg1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") ShortPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void recip16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortBuffer arg0, @Cast(value="size_t") long arg1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") ShortBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void recip16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") short[] arg0, @Cast(value="size_t") long arg1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") short[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") short[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void recip16s(@Const ShortPointer arg0, @Cast(value="size_t") long arg1, @Const ShortPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, ShortPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void recip16s(@Const ShortBuffer arg0, @Cast(value="size_t") long arg1, @Const ShortBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, ShortBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void recip16s(@Const short[] arg0, @Cast(value="size_t") long arg1, @Const short[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, short[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void recip32s(@Const IntPointer arg0, @Cast(value="size_t") long arg1, @Const IntPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, IntPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void recip32s(@Const IntBuffer arg0, @Cast(value="size_t") long arg1, @Const IntBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, IntBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void recip32s(@Const int[] arg0, @Cast(value="size_t") long arg1, @Const int[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, int[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void recip32f(@Const FloatPointer arg0, @Cast(value="size_t") long arg1, @Const FloatPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, FloatPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void recip32f(@Const FloatBuffer arg0, @Cast(value="size_t") long arg1, @Const FloatBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, FloatBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void recip32f(@Const float[] arg0, @Cast(value="size_t") long arg1, @Const float[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, float[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void recip64f(@Const DoublePointer arg0, @Cast(value="size_t") long arg1, @Const DoublePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, DoublePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void recip64f(@Const DoubleBuffer arg0, @Cast(value="size_t") long arg1, @Const DoubleBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, DoubleBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void recip64f(@Const double[] arg0, @Cast(value="size_t") long arg1, @Const double[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, double[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scale)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addWeighted8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _scalars)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addWeighted8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _scalars)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addWeighted8u(@Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const uchar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="uchar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer _scalars)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addWeighted8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") BytePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") BytePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") BytePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scalars)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addWeighted8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") ByteBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") ByteBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") ByteBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scalars)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addWeighted8s(@Cast(value="const schar*") byte[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const schar*") byte[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="schar*") byte[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scalars)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addWeighted16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") ShortPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scalars)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addWeighted16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") ShortBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") ShortBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scalars)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addWeighted16u(@Cast(value="const ushort*") short[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Cast(value="const ushort*") short[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, @Cast(value="ushort*") short[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scalars)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addWeighted16s(@Const ShortPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const ShortPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, ShortPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scalars)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addWeighted16s(@Const ShortBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const ShortBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, ShortBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scalars)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addWeighted16s(@Const short[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const short[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, short[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scalars)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addWeighted32s(@Const IntPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const IntPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, IntPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scalars)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addWeighted32s(@Const IntBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const IntBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, IntBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scalars)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addWeighted32s(@Const int[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const int[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, int[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scalars)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addWeighted32f(@Const FloatPointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const FloatPointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, FloatPointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scalars)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addWeighted32f(@Const FloatBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const FloatBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, FloatBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scalars)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addWeighted32f(@Const float[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const float[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, float[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scalars)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addWeighted64f(@Const DoublePointer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const DoublePointer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, DoublePointer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scalars)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addWeighted64f(@Const DoubleBuffer src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const DoubleBuffer src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, DoubleBuffer dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scalars)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addWeighted64f(@Const double[] src1, @Cast(value="size_t") long step1, @Const double[] src2, @Cast(value="size_t") long step2, double[] dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int width, int height, Pointer scalars)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cvt16f32f(@Const hfloat src, FloatPointer dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cvt16f32f(@Const hfloat src, FloatBuffer dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cvt16f32f(@Const hfloat src, float[] dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cvt32f16f(@Const FloatPointer src, hfloat dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cvt32f16f(@Const FloatBuffer src, hfloat dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void cvt32f16f(@Const float[] src, hfloat dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addRNGBias32f(FloatPointer arr, @Const FloatPointer scaleBiasPairs, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addRNGBias32f(FloatBuffer arr, @Const FloatBuffer scaleBiasPairs, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addRNGBias32f(float[] arr, @Const float[] scaleBiasPairs, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addRNGBias64f(DoublePointer arr, @Const DoublePointer scaleBiasPairs, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addRNGBias64f(DoubleBuffer arr, @Const DoubleBuffer scaleBiasPairs, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void addRNGBias64f(double[] arr, @Const double[] scaleBiasPairs, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int LU(FloatPointer A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, FloatPointer b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int LU(FloatBuffer A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, FloatBuffer b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int LU(float[] A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, float[] b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int LU(DoublePointer A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, DoublePointer b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int LU(DoubleBuffer A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, DoubleBuffer b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static int LU(double[] A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, double[] b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean Cholesky(FloatPointer A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, FloatPointer b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean Cholesky(FloatBuffer A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, FloatBuffer b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean Cholesky(float[] A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, float[] b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean Cholesky(DoublePointer A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, DoublePointer b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean Cholesky(DoubleBuffer A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, DoubleBuffer b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean Cholesky(double[] A, @Cast(value="size_t") long astep, int m, double[] b, @Cast(value="size_t") long bstep, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void exp(@Const FloatPointer src, FloatPointer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void exp(@Const FloatBuffer src, FloatBuffer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void exp(@Const float[] src, float[] dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void exp(@Const DoublePointer src, DoublePointer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void exp(@Const DoubleBuffer src, DoubleBuffer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void exp(@Const double[] src, double[] dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void log(@Const FloatPointer src, FloatPointer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void log(@Const FloatBuffer src, FloatBuffer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void log(@Const float[] src, float[] dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void log(@Const DoublePointer src, DoublePointer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void log(@Const DoubleBuffer src, DoubleBuffer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void log(@Const double[] src, double[] dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void fastAtan2(@Const FloatPointer y, @Const FloatPointer x, FloatPointer dst, int n, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void fastAtan2(@Const FloatBuffer y, @Const FloatBuffer x, FloatBuffer dst, int n, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void fastAtan2(@Const float[] y, @Const float[] x, float[] dst, int n, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void magnitude(@Const FloatPointer x, @Const FloatPointer y, FloatPointer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void magnitude(@Const FloatBuffer x, @Const FloatBuffer y, FloatBuffer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void magnitude(@Const float[] x, @Const float[] y, float[] dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void magnitude(@Const DoublePointer x, @Const DoublePointer y, DoublePointer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void magnitude(@Const DoubleBuffer x, @Const DoubleBuffer y, DoubleBuffer dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void magnitude(@Const double[] x, @Const double[] y, double[] dst, int n)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sqrt(@Const FloatPointer src, FloatPointer dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sqrt(@Const FloatBuffer src, FloatBuffer dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sqrt(@Const float[] src, float[] dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sqrt(@Const DoublePointer src, DoublePointer dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sqrt(@Const DoubleBuffer src, DoubleBuffer dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void sqrt(@Const double[] src, double[] dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void invSqrt(@Const FloatPointer src, FloatPointer dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void invSqrt(@Const FloatBuffer src, FloatBuffer dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void invSqrt(@Const float[] src, float[] dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void invSqrt(@Const DoublePointer src, DoublePointer dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void invSqrt(@Const DoubleBuffer src, DoubleBuffer dst, int len)
@Namespace(value="cv::hal") public static void invSqrt(@Const double[] src, double[] dst, int len)
public static int cvRound(double value)
- floating-point number. If the value is outside of INT_MIN ... INT_MAX range, the
result is not defined.public static int cvFloor(double value)
The function computes an integer i such that:
\[i \le \texttt{value} < i+1\]
- floating-point number. If the value is outside of INT_MIN ... INT_MAX range, the
result is not defined.public static int cvCeil(double value)
The function computes an integer i such that:
\[i \le \texttt{value} < i+1\]
- floating-point number. If the value is outside of INT_MIN ... INT_MAX range, the
result is not defined.public static int cvIsNaN(double value)
- The input floating-point value
The function returns 1 if the argument is Not A Number (as defined by IEEE754 standard), 0 otherwise.
public static int cvIsInf(double value)
- The input floating-point value
The function returns 1 if the argument is a plus or minus infinity (as defined by IEEE754 standard) and 0 otherwise.
public static int cvRound(float value)
public static int cvRound(int value)
public static int cvFloor(float value)
public static int cvFloor(int value)
public static int cvCeil(float value)
public static int cvCeil(int value)
public static int cvIsNaN(float value)
public static int cvIsInf(float value)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="uchar") @Name(value="saturate_cast<uchar>") public static byte ucharSaturateCast(@Cast(value="uchar") byte v)
/////////////// saturate_cast (used in image & signal processing) ///////////////////
/** \brief Template function for accurate conversion from one primitive type to another.
The function saturate_cast resembles the standard C++ cast operations, such as static_cast\
When the parameter is a floating-point value and the target type is an integer (8-, 16- or 32-bit),
the floating-point value is first rounded to the nearest integer and then clipped if needed (when
the target type is 8- or 16-bit).
Such clipping is done when the target type is unsigned char , signed char , unsigned short or
signed short . For 32-bit integers, no clipping is done.
uchar a = saturate_cast<uchar>(-100); // a = 0 (UCHAR_MIN)
short b = saturate_cast<short>(33333.33333); // b = 32767 (SHRT_MAX)
- Function parameter.add, subtract, multiply, divide, Mat::convertTo
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="schar") @Name(value="saturate_cast<schar>") public static byte scharSaturateCast(@Cast(value="uchar") byte v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="ushort") @Name(value="saturate_cast<ushort>") public static short ushortSaturateCast(@Cast(value="uchar") byte v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="saturate_cast<short>") public static short shortSaturateCast(@Cast(value="uchar") byte v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="saturate_cast<int>") public static int intSaturate(@Cast(value="uchar") byte v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="unsigned") @Name(value="saturate_cast<unsigned>") public static int unsignedSaturateCast(@Cast(value="uchar") byte v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="uint64") @Name(value="saturate_cast<uint64>") public static long uint64SaturateCast(@Cast(value="uchar") byte v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="int64") @Name(value="saturate_cast<int64>") public static long int64SaturateCast(@Cast(value="uchar") byte v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="saturate_cast<cv::hfloat>") public static hfloat float16SaturateCast(@Cast(value="uchar") byte v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="uchar") @Name(value="saturate_cast<uchar>") public static byte ucharSaturateCast(@Cast(value="ushort") short v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="schar") @Name(value="saturate_cast<schar>") public static byte scharSaturateCast(@Cast(value="ushort") short v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="ushort") @Name(value="saturate_cast<ushort>") public static short ushortSaturateCast(@Cast(value="ushort") short v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="saturate_cast<short>") public static short shortSaturateCast(@Cast(value="ushort") short v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="saturate_cast<int>") public static int intSaturate(@Cast(value="ushort") short v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="unsigned") @Name(value="saturate_cast<unsigned>") public static int unsignedSaturateCast(@Cast(value="ushort") short v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="uint64") @Name(value="saturate_cast<uint64>") public static long uint64SaturateCast(@Cast(value="ushort") short v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="int64") @Name(value="saturate_cast<int64>") public static long int64SaturateCast(@Cast(value="ushort") short v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="saturate_cast<cv::hfloat>") public static hfloat float16SaturateCast(@Cast(value="ushort") short v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="uchar") @Name(value="saturate_cast<uchar>") public static byte ucharSaturateCast(@Cast(value="unsigned") int v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="schar") @Name(value="saturate_cast<schar>") public static byte scharSaturateCast(@Cast(value="unsigned") int v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="ushort") @Name(value="saturate_cast<ushort>") public static short ushortSaturateCast(@Cast(value="unsigned") int v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="saturate_cast<short>") public static short shortSaturateCast(@Cast(value="unsigned") int v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="saturate_cast<int>") public static int intSaturate(@Cast(value="unsigned") int v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="unsigned") @Name(value="saturate_cast<unsigned>") public static int unsignedSaturateCast(@Cast(value="unsigned") int v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="uint64") @Name(value="saturate_cast<uint64>") public static long uint64SaturateCast(@Cast(value="unsigned") int v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="int64") @Name(value="saturate_cast<int64>") public static long int64SaturateCast(@Cast(value="unsigned") int v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="saturate_cast<cv::hfloat>") public static hfloat float16SaturateCast(@Cast(value="unsigned") int v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="uchar") @Name(value="saturate_cast<uchar>") public static byte ucharSaturateCast(float v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="schar") @Name(value="saturate_cast<schar>") public static byte scharSaturateCast(float v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="ushort") @Name(value="saturate_cast<ushort>") public static short ushortSaturateCast(float v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="saturate_cast<short>") public static short shortSaturateCast(float v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="saturate_cast<int>") public static int intSaturate(float v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="unsigned") @Name(value="saturate_cast<unsigned>") public static int unsignedSaturateCast(float v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="uint64") @Name(value="saturate_cast<uint64>") public static long uint64SaturateCast(float v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="int64") @Name(value="saturate_cast<int64>") public static long int64SaturateCast(float v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="saturate_cast<cv::hfloat>") public static hfloat float16SaturateCast(float v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="uchar") @Name(value="saturate_cast<uchar>") public static byte ucharSaturateCast(double v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="schar") @Name(value="saturate_cast<schar>") public static byte scharSaturateCast(double v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="ushort") @Name(value="saturate_cast<ushort>") public static short ushortSaturateCast(double v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="saturate_cast<short>") public static short shortSaturateCast(double v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="saturate_cast<int>") public static int intSaturate(double v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="unsigned") @Name(value="saturate_cast<unsigned>") public static int unsignedSaturateCast(double v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="uint64") @Name(value="saturate_cast<uint64>") public static long uint64SaturateCast(double v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="int64") @Name(value="saturate_cast<int64>") public static long int64SaturateCast(double v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="saturate_cast<cv::hfloat>") public static hfloat float16SaturateCast(double v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="uchar") @Name(value="saturate_cast<uchar>") public static byte ucharSaturateCast(@Cast(value="int64") long v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="schar") @Name(value="saturate_cast<schar>") public static byte scharSaturateCast(@Cast(value="int64") long v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="ushort") @Name(value="saturate_cast<ushort>") public static short ushortSaturateCast(@Cast(value="int64") long v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="saturate_cast<short>") public static short shortSaturateCast(@Cast(value="int64") long v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="saturate_cast<int>") public static int intSaturate(@Cast(value="int64") long v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="unsigned") @Name(value="saturate_cast<unsigned>") public static int unsignedSaturateCast(@Cast(value="int64") long v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="uint64") @Name(value="saturate_cast<uint64>") public static long uint64SaturateCast(@Cast(value="int64") long v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="int64") @Name(value="saturate_cast<int64>") public static long int64SaturateCast(@Cast(value="int64") long v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="saturate_cast<cv::hfloat>") public static hfloat float16SaturateCast(@Cast(value="int64") long v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="uchar") @Name(value="saturate_cast<uchar>") public static byte ucharSaturateCast(@ByVal hfloat v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="schar") @Name(value="saturate_cast<schar>") public static byte scharSaturateCast(@ByVal hfloat v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="ushort") @Name(value="saturate_cast<ushort>") public static short ushortSaturateCast(@ByVal hfloat v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="saturate_cast<short>") public static short shortSaturateCast(@ByVal hfloat v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="saturate_cast<int>") public static int intSaturate(@ByVal hfloat v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="unsigned") @Name(value="saturate_cast<unsigned>") public static int unsignedSaturateCast(@ByVal hfloat v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="uint64") @Name(value="saturate_cast<uint64>") public static long uint64SaturateCast(@ByVal hfloat v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="int64") @Name(value="saturate_cast<int64>") public static long int64SaturateCast(@ByVal hfloat v)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="saturate_cast<cv::hfloat>") public static hfloat float16SaturateCast(@ByVal hfloat v)
@MemberGetter public static String CV_VERSION()
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void error(int _code, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer _err, @Cast(value="const char*") BytePointer _func, @Cast(value="const char*") BytePointer _file, int _line)
\addtogroup core_utils \{
/** \brief Signals an error and raises the exception.
By default the function prints information about the error to stderr, then it either stops if setBreakOnError() had been called before or raises the exception. It is possible to alternate error processing by using redirectError().
- - error code (Error::Code)_err
- - error description_func
- - function name. Available only when the compiler supports getting it_file
- - source file name where the error has occurred_line
- - line number in the source file where the error has occurredCV_Error, CV_Error_, CV_Assert, CV_DbgAssert
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void error(int _code, @opencv_core.Str String _err, String _func, String _file, int _line)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int cv_abs(@Cast(value="uchar") byte x)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int cv_abs(@Cast(value="ushort") short x)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static float cubeRoot(float val)
The function cubeRoot computes \sqrt[3]{\texttt{val}}
. Negative arguments are handled correctly.
NaN and Inf are not handled. The accuracy approaches the maximum possible accuracy for
single-precision data.
- A function argument.@Namespace(value="cv") public static double cubeRoot(double val)
cubeRoot with argument of double
type calls std::cbrt(double)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static float fastAtan2(float y, float x)
The function fastAtan2 calculates the full-range angle of an input 2D vector. The angle is measured in degrees and varies from 0 to 360 degrees. The accuracy is about 0.3 degrees.
- x-coordinate of the vector.y
- y-coordinate of the vector.@Namespace(value="cv::ipp") @Cast(value="unsigned long long") public static long getIppFeatures()
@Namespace(value="cv::ipp") public static void setIppStatus(int status, @Cast(value="const char*") BytePointer funcname, @Cast(value="const char*") BytePointer filename, int line)
@Namespace(value="cv::ipp") public static void setIppStatus(int status)
@Namespace(value="cv::ipp") public static void setIppStatus(int status, String funcname, String filename, int line)
@Namespace(value="cv::ipp") public static int getIppStatus()
@Namespace(value="cv::ipp") @opencv_core.Str public static BytePointer getIppErrorLocation()
@Namespace(value="cv::ipp") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean useIPP()
@Namespace(value="cv::ipp") public static void setUseIPP(@Cast(value="bool") boolean flag)
@Namespace(value="cv::ipp") @opencv_core.Str public static BytePointer getIppVersion()
@Namespace(value="cv::ipp") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean useIPP_NotExact()
@Namespace(value="cv::ipp") public static void setUseIPP_NotExact(@Cast(value="bool") boolean flag)
@Namespace(value="cv::ipp") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean useIPP_NE()
@Namespace(value="cv::ipp") public static void setUseIPP_NE(@Cast(value="bool") boolean flag)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="uchar") public static byte abs(@Cast(value="uchar") byte a)
\} core_utils
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="ushort") public static short abs(@Cast(value="ushort") short a)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="unsigned") public static int abs(@Cast(value="unsigned") int a)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="uint64") public static long abs(@Cast(value="uint64") long a)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static Pointer fastMalloc(@Cast(value="size_t") long bufSize)
//////////////////////////// memory management functions ////////////////////////////
/** \brief Allocates an aligned memory buffer.
The function allocates the buffer of the specified size and returns it. When the buffer size is 16 bytes or more, the returned buffer is aligned to 16 bytes.
- Allocated buffer size.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void fastFree(Pointer ptr)
The function deallocates the buffer allocated with fastMalloc . If NULL pointer is passed, the function does nothing. C version of the function clears the pointer *pptr* to avoid problems with double memory deallocation.
- Pointer to the allocated buffer.@Namespace(value="cv::details") @Cast(value="char") public static byte char_tolower(@Cast(value="char") byte ch)
@Namespace(value="cv::details") @Cast(value="char") public static byte char_toupper(@Cast(value="char") byte ch)
@Namespace(value="cv") @StdString public static BytePointer toLowerCase(@StdString BytePointer str)
@Namespace(value="cv") @StdString public static String toLowerCase(@StdString String str)
@Namespace(value="cv") @StdString public static BytePointer toUpperCase(@StdString BytePointer str)
@Namespace(value="cv") @StdString public static String toUpperCase(@StdString String str)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean setBreakOnError(@Cast(value="bool") boolean flag)
When the break-on-error mode is set, the default error handler issues a hardware exception, which can make debugging more convenient.
@Namespace(value="cv") public static ErrorCallback redirectError(ErrorCallback errCallback, Pointer userdata, @Cast(value="void**") PointerPointer prevUserdata)
The function sets the new error handler, called from cv::error().
- the new error handler. If NULL, the default error handler is used.userdata
- the optional user data pointer, passed to the callback.prevUserdata
- the optional output parameter where the previous user data pointer is stored
@Namespace(value="cv") public static ErrorCallback redirectError(ErrorCallback errCallback)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static ErrorCallback redirectError(ErrorCallback errCallback, Pointer userdata, @Cast(value="void**") @ByPtrPtr Pointer prevUserdata)
@Namespace(value="cv") @opencv_core.Str public static BytePointer tempfile(@Cast(value="const char*") BytePointer suffix)
@Namespace(value="cv") @opencv_core.Str public static BytePointer tempfile()
@Namespace(value="cv") @opencv_core.Str public static String tempfile(String suffix)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void glob(@opencv_core.Str BytePointer pattern, @ByRef StringVector result, @Cast(value="bool") boolean recursive)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void glob(@opencv_core.Str BytePointer pattern, @ByRef StringVector result)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void glob(@opencv_core.Str String pattern, @ByRef StringVector result, @Cast(value="bool") boolean recursive)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void glob(@opencv_core.Str String pattern, @ByRef StringVector result)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void setNumThreads(int nthreads)
If threads == 1, OpenCV will disable threading optimizations and run all it's functions sequentially. Passing threads \< 0 will reset threads number to system default. The function is not thread-safe. It must not be called in parallel region or concurrent threads.
OpenCV will try to run its functions with specified threads number, but some behaviour differs from
- User-defined parallel constructions will run with the same threads number, if
another is not specified. If later on user creates his own scheduler, OpenCV will use it.
- OpenMP
- No special defined behaviour.
- Concurrency
- If threads == 1, OpenCV will disable threading optimizations and run its
functions sequentially.
- Supports only values \<= 0.
- C=
- No special defined behaviour.
- Number of threads used by OpenCV.getNumThreads, getThreadNum
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int getNumThreads()
Always returns 1 if OpenCV is built without threading support.
The exact meaning of return value depends on the threading framework used by OpenCV library:
- The number of threads, that OpenCV will try to use for parallel regions. If there is
any tbb::thread_scheduler_init in user code conflicting with OpenCV, then function returns
default number of threads used by TBB library.
- OpenMP
- An upper bound on the number of threads that could be used to form a new team.
- Concurrency
- The number of threads, that OpenCV will try to use for parallel regions.
- Unsupported; returns the GCD thread pool limit (512) for compatibility.
- C=
- The number of threads, that OpenCV will try to use for parallel regions, if before
called setNumThreads with threads \> 0, otherwise returns the number of logical CPUs,
available for the process.
setNumThreads, getThreadNum
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int getThreadNum()
The exact meaning of the return value depends on the threading framework used by OpenCV library:
- Unsupported with current 4.1 TBB release. Maybe will be supported in future.
- OpenMP
- The thread number, within the current team, of the calling thread.
- Concurrency
- An ID for the virtual processor that the current context is executing on (0
for master thread and unique number for others, but not necessary 1,2,3,...).
- System calling thread's ID. Never returns 0 inside parallel region.
- C=
- The index of the current parallel task.
setNumThreads, getNumThreads
@Namespace(value="cv") @opencv_core.Str public static BytePointer getBuildInformation()
Returned value is raw cmake output including version control system revision, compiler version, compiler flags, enabled modules and third party libraries, etc. Output format depends on target architecture.
@Namespace(value="cv") @opencv_core.Str public static BytePointer getVersionString()
For example "3.4.1-dev".
getMajorVersion, getMinorVersion, getRevisionVersion
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int getVersionMajor()
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int getVersionMinor()
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int getVersionRevision()
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="int64") public static long getTickCount()
The function returns the number of ticks after the certain event (for example, when the machine was turned on). It can be used to initialize RNG or to measure a function execution time by reading the tick count before and after the function call.
getTickFrequency, TickMeter
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double getTickFrequency()
The function returns the number of ticks per second. That is, the following code computes the execution time in seconds:
double t = (double)getTickCount();
// do something ...
t = ((double)getTickCount() - t)/getTickFrequency();
getTickCount, TickMeter
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="std::ostream*") @ByRef @Name(value="operator <<") public static Pointer shiftLeft(@Cast(value="std::ostream*") @ByRef Pointer out, @Const @ByRef TickMeter tm)
TickMeter tm;
// do something ...
std::cout << tm;
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="int64") public static long getCPUTickCount()
The function returns the current number of CPU ticks on some architectures (such as x86, x64, PowerPC). On other platforms the function is equivalent to getTickCount. It can also be used for very accurate time measurements, as well as for RNG initialization. Note that in case of multi-CPU systems a thread, from which getCPUTickCount is called, can be suspended and resumed at another CPU with its own counter. So, theoretically (and practically) the subsequent calls to the function do not necessary return the monotonously increasing values. Also, since a modern CPU varies the CPU frequency depending on the load, the number of CPU clocks spent in some code cannot be directly converted to time units. Therefore, getTickCount is generally a preferable solution for measuring execution time.
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean checkHardwareSupport(int feature)
The function returns true if the host hardware supports the specified feature. When user calls setUseOptimized(false), the subsequent calls to checkHardwareSupport() will return false until setUseOptimized(true) is called. This way user can dynamically switch on and off the optimized code in OpenCV.
- The feature of interest, one of cv::CpuFeatures@Namespace(value="cv") @opencv_core.Str public static BytePointer getHardwareFeatureName(int feature)
Returns empty string if feature is not defined
@Namespace(value="cv") @StdString public static BytePointer getCPUFeaturesLine()
Returned value is a string containing space separated list of CPU features with following markers:
- no markers - baseline features
- prefix *
- features enabled in dispatcher
- suffix ?
- features enabled but not available in HW
Example: SSE SSE2 SSE3 *SSE4.1 *SSE4.2 *FP16 *AVX *AVX2 *AVX512-SKX?
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int getNumberOfCPUs()
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="size_t") public static long alignSize(@Cast(value="size_t") long sz, int n)
The function returns the minimum number that is greater than or equal to sz and is divisible by n :
\[\texttt{(sz + n-1) & -n}\]
- Buffer size to align.n
- Alignment size that must be a power of two.@Namespace(value="cv") public static int divUp(int a, @Cast(value="unsigned int") int b)
Use this function instead of ceil((float)a / b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="size_t") public static long divUp(@Cast(value="size_t") long a, @Cast(value="unsigned int") int b)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int roundUp(int a, @Cast(value="unsigned int") int b)
Use this function instead of ceil((float)a / b) * b
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="size_t") public static long roundUp(@Cast(value="size_t") long a, @Cast(value="unsigned int") int b)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void setUseOptimized(@Cast(value="bool") boolean onoff)
The function can be used to dynamically turn on and off optimized dispatched code (code that uses SSE4.2, AVX/AVX2, and other instructions on the platforms that support it). It sets a global flag that is further checked by OpenCV functions. Since the flag is not checked in the inner OpenCV loops, it is only safe to call the function on the very top level in your application where you can be sure that no other OpenCV function is currently executed.
By default, the optimized code is enabled unless you disable it in CMake. The current status can be retrieved using useOptimized.
- The boolean flag specifying whether the optimized code should be used (onoff=true)
or not (onoff=false).@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean useOptimized()
The function returns true if the optimized code is enabled. Otherwise, it returns false.
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="size_t") public static long getElemSize(int type)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void parallel_for_(@Const @ByRef Range range, @Const @ByRef ParallelLoopBody body, double nstripes)
\ingroup core_parallel
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void parallel_for_(@Const @ByRef Range range, @Const @ByRef ParallelLoopBody body)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void parallel_for_(@Const @ByRef Range range, @ByVal opencv_core.Functor functor, double nstripes)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void parallel_for_(@Const @ByRef Range range, @ByVal opencv_core.Functor functor)
@Namespace(value="cv::samples") @opencv_core.Str public static BytePointer findFile(@opencv_core.Str BytePointer relative_path, @Cast(value="bool") boolean required, @Cast(value="bool") boolean silentMode)
/** \brief Try to find requested data file
Search directories:
1. Directories passed via addSamplesDataSearchPath()
2. OPENCV_SAMPLES_DATA_PATH_HINT environment variable
3. OPENCV_SAMPLES_DATA_PATH environment variable
If parameter value is not empty and nothing is found then stop searching.
4. Detects build/install path based on:
a. current working directory (CWD)
b. and/or binary module location (opencv_core/opencv_world, doesn't work with static linkage)
5. Scan <source>/{,data,samples/data}
directories if build directory is detected or the current directory is in source tree.
6. Scan <install>/share/OpenCV
directory if install directory is detected.
- Relative path to data filerequired
- Specify "file not found" handling.
If true, function prints information message and raises cv::Exception.
If false, function returns empty resultsilentMode
- Disables messages
@Namespace(value="cv::samples") @opencv_core.Str public static BytePointer findFile(@opencv_core.Str BytePointer relative_path)
@Namespace(value="cv::samples") @opencv_core.Str public static String findFile(@opencv_core.Str String relative_path, @Cast(value="bool") boolean required, @Cast(value="bool") boolean silentMode)
@Namespace(value="cv::samples") @opencv_core.Str public static String findFile(@opencv_core.Str String relative_path)
@Namespace(value="cv::samples") @opencv_core.Str public static BytePointer findFileOrKeep(@opencv_core.Str BytePointer relative_path, @Cast(value="bool") boolean silentMode)
@Namespace(value="cv::samples") @opencv_core.Str public static BytePointer findFileOrKeep(@opencv_core.Str BytePointer relative_path)
@Namespace(value="cv::samples") @opencv_core.Str public static String findFileOrKeep(@opencv_core.Str String relative_path, @Cast(value="bool") boolean silentMode)
@Namespace(value="cv::samples") @opencv_core.Str public static String findFileOrKeep(@opencv_core.Str String relative_path)
@Namespace(value="cv::samples") public static void addSamplesDataSearchPath(@opencv_core.Str BytePointer path)
Use this only to override default behavior Passed paths are used in LIFO order.
- Path to used samples data@Namespace(value="cv::samples") public static void addSamplesDataSearchPath(@opencv_core.Str String path)
@Namespace(value="cv::samples") public static void addSamplesDataSearchSubDirectory(@opencv_core.Str BytePointer subdir)
General usage is to add OpenCV modules name (<opencv_contrib>/modules/<name>/samples/data
-> <name>/samples/data
+ modules/<name>/samples/data
Passed subdirectories are used in LIFO order.
- samples data sub directory@Namespace(value="cv::samples") public static void addSamplesDataSearchSubDirectory(@opencv_core.Str String subdir)
@Namespace(value="cv::utils") public static int getThreadID()
@Namespace(value="cv::instr") @Cast(value="bool") @Name(value="operator ==") public static boolean equals(@Const @ByRef NodeData lhs, @Const @ByRef NodeData rhs)
@Namespace(value="cv::instr") public static InstrNode getTrace()
@Namespace(value="cv::instr") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean useInstrumentation()
@Namespace(value="cv::instr") public static void setUseInstrumentation(@Cast(value="bool") boolean flag)
@Namespace(value="cv::instr") public static void resetTrace()
@Namespace(value="cv::instr") public static void setFlags(@Cast(value="cv::instr::FLAGS") int modeFlags)
@Namespace(value="cv::instr") @Cast(value="cv::instr::FLAGS") public static int getFlags()
@MemberGetter public static int CV_STRUCT_INITIALIZER()
@Cast(value="CvRNG") public static long cvRNG(@Cast(value="int64") long seed)
The function initializes a random number generator and returns the state. The pointer to the state can be then passed to the cvRandInt, cvRandReal and cvRandArr functions. In the current implementation a multiply-with-carry generator is used.
- 64-bit value used to initiate a random sequenceC++ class RNG replaced CvRNG.
@Cast(value="unsigned") public static int cvRandInt(@Cast(value="CvRNG*") LongPointer rng)
The function returns a uniformly-distributed random 32-bit unsigned integer and updates the RNG state. It is similar to the rand() function from the C runtime library, except that OpenCV functions always generates a 32-bit random number, regardless of the platform.
- CvRNG state initialized by cvRNG.@Cast(value="unsigned") public static int cvRandInt(@Cast(value="CvRNG*") LongBuffer rng)
public static double cvRandReal(@Cast(value="CvRNG*") LongPointer rng)
The function returns a uniformly-distributed random floating-point number between 0 and 1 (1 is not included).
- RNG state initialized by cvRNGpublic static double cvRandReal(@Cast(value="CvRNG*") LongBuffer rng)
@MemberGetter public static int IPL_IMAGE_MAGIC_VAL()
@ByVal public static CvMat cvMat(int rows, int cols, int type, Pointer data)
public static double cvmGet(@Const CvMat mat, int row, int col)
The function is a fast replacement for cvGetReal2D in the case of single-channel floating-point matrices. It is faster because it is inline, it does fewer checks for array type and array element type, and it checks for the row and column ranges only in debug mode.
- Input matrixrow
- The zero-based index of rowcol
- The zero-based index of columnpublic static void cvmSet(CvMat mat, int row, int col, double value)
The function is a fast replacement for cvSetReal2D in the case of single-channel floating-point matrices. It is faster because it is inline, it does fewer checks for array type and array element type, and it checks for the row and column ranges only in debug mode.
- The matrixrow
- The zero-based index of rowcol
- The zero-based index of columnvalue
- The new value of the matrix elementpublic static int cvIplDepth(int type)
public static CvSparseMat cvCreateSparseMat(@Const @ByRef SparseMat m)
@ByVal public static CvRect cvRect(int x, int y, int width, int height)
@ByVal public static CvTermCriteria cvTermCriteria(int type, int max_iter, double epsilon)
@ByVal public static CvTermCriteria cvTermCriteria(@Const @ByRef TermCriteria t)
@ByVal public static CvPoint2D32f cvPoint2D32f(double x, double y)
@ByVal public static CvPoint2D32f cvPointTo32f(@ByVal CvPoint point)
@ByVal @Cast(value="CvPoint2D32f*") public static FloatBuffer cvPointTo32f(@ByVal @Cast(value="CvPoint*") IntBuffer point)
@ByVal @Cast(value="CvPoint2D32f*") public static float[] cvPointTo32f(@ByVal @Cast(value="CvPoint*") int[] point)
@ByVal public static CvPoint cvPointFrom32f(@ByVal CvPoint2D32f point)
@ByVal @Cast(value="CvPoint*") public static IntBuffer cvPointFrom32f(@ByVal @Cast(value="CvPoint2D32f*") FloatBuffer point)
@ByVal @Cast(value="CvPoint*") public static int[] cvPointFrom32f(@ByVal @Cast(value="CvPoint2D32f*") float[] point)
@ByVal public static CvPoint3D32f cvPoint3D32f(double x, double y, double z)
@ByVal public static CvPoint2D64f cvPoint2D64f(double x, double y)
@ByVal public static CvPoint3D64f cvPoint3D64f(double x, double y, double z)
@ByVal public static CvSize2D32f cvSize2D32f(double width, double height)
@ByVal public static CvBox2D cvBox2D(@ByVal(nullValue="CvPoint2D32f()") CvPoint2D32f c, @ByVal(nullValue="CvSize2D32f()") CvSize2D32f s, float a)
@ByVal public static CvBox2D cvBox2D(@ByVal(nullValue="CvPoint2D32f()") @Cast(value="CvPoint2D32f*") FloatBuffer c, @ByVal(nullValue="CvSize2D32f()") CvSize2D32f s, float a)
@ByVal public static CvBox2D cvBox2D(@ByVal(nullValue="CvPoint2D32f()") @Cast(value="CvPoint2D32f*") float[] c, @ByVal(nullValue="CvSize2D32f()") CvSize2D32f s, float a)
@ByVal public static CvBox2D cvBox2D(@Const @ByRef RotatedRect rr)
@MemberGetter public static int CV_SET_ELEM_FREE_FLAG()
@MemberGetter public static int CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_PTR()
@MemberGetter public static int CV_SEQ_ELTYPE_PPOINT()
public static Pointer cvAlloc(@Cast(value="size_t") long size)
If there is no enough memory, the function
(as well as other OpenCV functions that call cvAlloc)
raises an error.public static void cvFree_(Pointer ptr)
Here and further all the memory releasing functions
(that all call cvFree) take double pointer in order to
to clear pointer to the data after releasing it.
Passing pointer to NULL pointer is Ok: nothing happens in this casepublic static IplImage cvCreateImageHeader(@ByVal CvSize size, int depth, int channels)
- Image width and heightdepth
- Image depth (see cvCreateImage )channels
- Number of channels (see cvCreateImage )public static IplImage cvInitImageHeader(IplImage image, @ByVal CvSize size, int depth, int channels, int origin, int align)
The returned IplImage\* points to the initialized header.
- Image header to initializesize
- Image width and heightdepth
- Image depth (see cvCreateImage )channels
- Number of channels (see cvCreateImage )origin
- Top-left IPL_ORIGIN_TL or bottom-left IPL_ORIGIN_BLalign
- Alignment for image rows, typically 4 or 8 bytespublic static IplImage cvInitImageHeader(IplImage image, @ByVal CvSize size, int depth, int channels)
public static IplImage cvCreateImage(@ByVal CvSize size, int depth, int channels)
This function call is equivalent to the following code:
header = cvCreateImageHeader(size, depth, channels);
- Image width and heightdepth
- Bit depth of image elements. See IplImage for valid depths.channels
- Number of channels per pixel. See IplImage for details. This function only creates
images with interleaved channels.public static void cvReleaseImageHeader(@Cast(value="IplImage**") PointerPointer image)
This call is an analogue of :
if(image )
iplDeallocate(*image, IPL_IMAGE_HEADER | IPL_IMAGE_ROI);
image = 0;
but it does not use IPL functions by default (see the CV_TURN_ON_IPL_COMPATIBILITY macro).image
- Double pointer to the image headerpublic static void cvReleaseImage(@Cast(value="IplImage**") PointerPointer image)
This call is a shortened form of :
if(*image )
- Double pointer to the image headerpublic static IplImage cvCloneImage(@Const IplImage image)
public static void cvSetImageCOI(IplImage image, int coi)
If the ROI is set to NULL and the coi is *not* 0, the ROI is allocated. Most OpenCV functions do not* support the COI setting, so to process an individual image/matrix channel one may copy (via cvCopy or cvSplit) the channel to a separate image/matrix, process it and then copy the result back (via cvCopy or cvMerge) if needed.
- A pointer to the image headercoi
- The channel of interest. 0 - all channels are selected, 1 - first channel is selected,
etc. Note that the channel indices become 1-based.public static int cvGetImageCOI(@Const IplImage image)
Returns the channel of interest of in an IplImage. Returned values correspond to the coi in cvSetImageCOI.
- A pointer to the image headerpublic static void cvSetImageROI(IplImage image, @ByVal CvRect rect)
If the original image ROI was NULL and the rect is not the whole image, the ROI structure is allocated.
Most OpenCV functions support the use of ROI and treat the image rectangle as a separate image. For example, all of the pixel coordinates are counted from the top-left (or bottom-left) corner of the ROI, not the original image.
- A pointer to the image headerrect
- The ROI rectanglepublic static void cvResetImageROI(IplImage image)
This produces a similar result to the following, but in addition it releases the ROI structure. :
cvSetImageROI(image, cvRect(0, 0, image->width, image->height ));
cvSetImageCOI(image, 0);
- A pointer to the image header@ByVal public static CvRect cvGetImageROI(@Const IplImage image)
If there is no ROI set, cvRect(0,0,image-\>width,image-\>height) is returned.
- A pointer to the image headerpublic static CvMat cvCreateMatHeader(int rows, int cols, int type)
The function allocates a new matrix header and returns a pointer to it. The matrix data can then be allocated using cvCreateData or set explicitly to user-allocated data via cvSetData.
- Number of rows in the matrixcols
- Number of columns in the matrixtype
- Type of the matrix elements, see cvCreateMatpublic static CvMat cvInitMatHeader(CvMat mat, int rows, int cols, int type, Pointer data, int step)
This function is often used to process raw data with OpenCV matrix functions. For example, the following code computes the matrix product of two matrices, stored as ordinary arrays:
double a[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 11, 12 };
double b[] = { 1, 5, 9,
2, 6, 10,
3, 7, 11,
4, 8, 12 };
double c[9];
CvMat Ma, Mb, Mc ;
cvInitMatHeader(&Ma, 3, 4, CV_64FC1, a);
cvInitMatHeader(&Mb, 4, 3, CV_64FC1, b);
cvInitMatHeader(&Mc, 3, 3, CV_64FC1, c);
cvMatMulAdd(&Ma, &Mb, 0, &Mc);
// the c array now contains the product of a (3x4) and b (4x3)
- A pointer to the matrix header to be initializedrows
- Number of rows in the matrixcols
- Number of columns in the matrixtype
- Type of the matrix elements, see cvCreateMat .data
- Optional: data pointer assigned to the matrix headerstep
- Optional: full row width in bytes of the assigned data. By default, the minimal
possible step is used which assumes there are no gaps between subsequent rows of the matrix.public static CvMat cvCreateMat(int rows, int cols, int type)
The function call is equivalent to the following code:
CvMat* mat = cvCreateMatHeader(rows, cols, type);
- Number of rows in the matrixcols
- Number of columns in the matrixtype
- The type of the matrix elements in the form
CV_\public static void cvReleaseMat(@Cast(value="CvMat**") PointerPointer mat)
The function decrements the matrix data reference counter and deallocates matrix header. If the data reference counter is 0, it also deallocates the data. :
if(*mat )
- Double pointer to the matrixpublic static void cvDecRefData(CvArr arr)
The function decrements the data reference counter in a CvMat or CvMatND if the reference counter
pointer is not NULL. If the counter reaches zero, the data is deallocated. In the current implementation the reference counter is not NULL only if the data was allocated using the cvCreateData function. The counter will be NULL in other cases such as: external data was assigned to the header using cvSetData, header is part of a larger matrix or image, or the header was converted from an image or n-dimensional matrix header.
- Pointer to an array headerpublic static int cvIncRefData(CvArr arr)
The function increments CvMat or CvMatND data reference counter and returns the new counter value if the reference counter pointer is not NULL, otherwise it returns zero.
- Array headerpublic static CvMat cvCloneMat(@Const CvMat mat)
public static CvMat cvGetSubRect(@Const CvArr arr, CvMat submat, @ByVal CvRect rect)
The function returns header, corresponding to a specified rectangle of the input array. In other
words, it allows the user to treat a rectangular part of input array as a stand-alone array. ROI is taken into account by the function so the sub-array of ROI is actually extracted.
- Input arraysubmat
- Pointer to the resultant sub-array headerrect
- Zero-based coordinates of the rectangle of interestpublic static CvMat cvGetRows(@Const CvArr arr, CvMat submat, int start_row, int end_row, int delta_row)
The function returns the header, corresponding to a specified row/row span of the input array. cvGetRow(arr, submat, row) is a shortcut for cvGetRows(arr, submat, row, row+1).
- Input arraysubmat
- Pointer to the resulting sub-array headerstart_row
- Zero-based index of the starting row (inclusive) of the spanend_row
- Zero-based index of the ending row (exclusive) of the spandelta_row
- Index step in the row span. That is, the function extracts every delta_row -th
row from start_row and up to (but not including) end_row .public static CvMat cvGetRow(@Const CvArr arr, CvMat submat, int row)
- Input arraysubmat
- Pointer to the resulting sub-array headerrow
- Zero-based index of the selected rowpublic static CvMat cvGetCols(@Const CvArr arr, CvMat submat, int start_col, int end_col)
The function returns the header, corresponding to a specified column span of the input array. That
is, no data is copied. Therefore, any modifications of the submatrix will affect the original array. If you need to copy the columns, use cvCloneMat. cvGetCol(arr, submat, col) is a shortcut for cvGetCols(arr, submat, col, col+1).
- Input arraysubmat
- Pointer to the resulting sub-array headerstart_col
- Zero-based index of the starting column (inclusive) of the spanend_col
- Zero-based index of the ending column (exclusive) of the spanpublic static CvMat cvGetCol(@Const CvArr arr, CvMat submat, int col)
- Input arraysubmat
- Pointer to the resulting sub-array headercol
- Zero-based index of the selected columnpublic static CvMat cvGetDiag(@Const CvArr arr, CvMat submat, int diag)
The function returns the header, corresponding to a specified diagonal of the input array.
- Input arraysubmat
- Pointer to the resulting sub-array headerdiag
- Index of the array diagonal. Zero value corresponds to the main diagonal, -1
corresponds to the diagonal above the main, 1 corresponds to the diagonal below the main, and so
forth.public static void cvScalarToRawData(@Const CvScalar scalar, Pointer data, int type, int extend_to_12)
public static void cvScalarToRawData(@Const CvScalar scalar, Pointer data, int type)
public static void cvRawDataToScalar(@Const Pointer data, int type, CvScalar scalar)
public static CvMatND cvCreateMatNDHeader(int dims, @Const IntPointer sizes, int type)
The function allocates a header for a multi-dimensional dense array. The array data can further be allocated using cvCreateData or set explicitly to user-allocated data via cvSetData.
- Number of array dimensionssizes
- Array of dimension sizestype
- Type of array elements, see cvCreateMatpublic static CvMatND cvCreateMatNDHeader(int dims, @Const IntBuffer sizes, int type)
public static CvMatND cvCreateMatNDHeader(int dims, @Const int[] sizes, int type)
public static CvMatND cvCreateMatND(int dims, @Const IntPointer sizes, int type)
This function call is equivalent to the following code:
CvMatND* mat = cvCreateMatNDHeader(dims, sizes, type);
- Number of array dimensions. This must not exceed CV_MAX_DIM (32 by default, but can be
changed at build time).sizes
- Array of dimension sizes.type
- Type of array elements, see cvCreateMat .public static CvMatND cvInitMatNDHeader(CvMatND mat, int dims, @Const IntPointer sizes, int type, Pointer data)
- A pointer to the array header to be initializeddims
- The number of array dimensionssizes
- An array of dimension sizestype
- Type of array elements, see cvCreateMatdata
- Optional data pointer assigned to the matrix headerpublic static CvMatND cvInitMatNDHeader(CvMatND mat, int dims, @Const IntPointer sizes, int type)
public static CvMatND cvInitMatNDHeader(CvMatND mat, int dims, @Const IntBuffer sizes, int type, Pointer data)
public static CvMatND cvInitMatNDHeader(CvMatND mat, int dims, @Const IntBuffer sizes, int type)
public static CvMatND cvInitMatNDHeader(CvMatND mat, int dims, @Const int[] sizes, int type, Pointer data)
public static CvMatND cvInitMatNDHeader(CvMatND mat, int dims, @Const int[] sizes, int type)
public static void cvReleaseMatND(@Cast(value="CvMatND**") PointerPointer mat)
The function decrements the array data reference counter and releases the array header. If the reference counter reaches 0, it also deallocates the data. :
if(*mat )
- Double pointer to the arraypublic static CvMatND cvCloneMatND(@Const CvMatND mat)
public static CvSparseMat cvCreateSparseMat(int dims, @Const IntPointer sizes, int type)
The function allocates a multi-dimensional sparse array. Initially the array contain no elements, that is PtrND and other related functions will return 0 for every index.
- Number of array dimensions. In contrast to the dense matrix, the number of dimensions is
practically unlimited (up to 2^{16}
- Array of dimension sizestype
- Type of array elements. The same as for CvMatpublic static CvSparseMat cvCreateSparseMat(int dims, @Const IntBuffer sizes, int type)
public static CvSparseMat cvCreateSparseMat(int dims, @Const int[] sizes, int type)
public static void cvReleaseSparseMat(@Cast(value="CvSparseMat**") PointerPointer mat)
The function releases the sparse array and clears the array pointer upon exit.
- Double pointer to the arraypublic static void cvReleaseSparseMat(@ByPtrPtr CvSparseMat mat)
public static CvSparseMat cvCloneSparseMat(@Const CvSparseMat mat)
public static CvSparseNode cvInitSparseMatIterator(@Const CvSparseMat mat, CvSparseMatIterator mat_iterator)
The function initializes iterator of sparse array elements and returns pointer to the first element, or NULL if the array is empty.
- Input arraymat_iterator
- Initialized iteratorpublic static CvSparseNode cvGetNextSparseNode(CvSparseMatIterator mat_iterator)
The function moves iterator to the next sparse matrix element and returns pointer to it. In the current version there is no any particular order of the elements, because they are stored in the hash table. The sample below demonstrates how to iterate through the sparse matrix:
// print all the non-zero sparse matrix elements and compute their sum
double sum = 0;
int i, dims = cvGetDims(sparsemat);
CvSparseMatIterator it;
CvSparseNode* node = cvInitSparseMatIterator(sparsemat, &it);
for(; node != 0; node = cvGetNextSparseNode(&it))
int* idx = CV_NODE_IDX(array, node);
float val = *(float*)CV_NODE_VAL(array, node);
for(i = 0; i < dims; i++ )
printf("[%d]", idx[i]);
printf("=%g\n", val);
sum += val;
printf("nTotal sum = %g\n", sum);
- Sparse array iteratorpublic static int cvInitNArrayIterator(int count, @Cast(value="CvArr**") PointerPointer arrs, @Const CvArr mask, CvMatND stubs, CvNArrayIterator array_iterator, int flags)
public static int cvInitNArrayIterator(int count, @ByPtrPtr CvArr arrs, @Const CvArr mask, CvMatND stubs, CvNArrayIterator array_iterator)
public static int cvInitNArrayIterator(int count, @ByPtrPtr CvArr arrs, @Const CvArr mask, CvMatND stubs, CvNArrayIterator array_iterator, int flags)
public static int cvNextNArraySlice(CvNArrayIterator array_iterator)
public static int cvGetElemType(@Const CvArr arr)
The function returns type of the array elements. In the case of IplImage the type is converted to CvMat-like representation. For example, if the image has been created as:
IplImage* img = cvCreateImage(cvSize(640, 480), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
The code cvGetElemType(img) will return CV_8UC3.arr
- Input arraypublic static int cvGetDims(@Const CvArr arr, IntPointer sizes)
The function returns the array dimensionality and the array of dimension sizes. In the case of IplImage or CvMat it always returns 2 regardless of number of image/matrix rows. For example, the following code calculates total number of array elements:
int sizes[CV_MAX_DIM];
int i, total = 1;
int dims = cvGetDims(arr, size);
for(i = 0; i < dims; i++ )
total *= sizes[i];
- Input arraysizes
- Optional output vector of the array dimension sizes. For 2d arrays the number of rows
(height) goes first, number of columns (width) next.public static int cvGetDimSize(@Const CvArr arr, int index)
- Input arrayindex
- Zero-based dimension index (for matrices 0 means number of rows, 1 means number of
columns; for images 0 means height, 1 means width)@Cast(value="uchar*") public static BytePointer cvPtr1D(@Const CvArr arr, int idx0, IntPointer type)
The functions return a pointer to a specific array element. Number of array dimension should match to the number of indices passed to the function except for cvPtr1D function that can be used for sequential access to 1D, 2D or nD dense arrays.
The functions can be used for sparse arrays as well - if the requested node does not exist they create it and set it to zero.
All these as well as other functions accessing array elements ( cvGetND , cvGetRealND , cvSet , cvSetND , cvSetRealND ) raise an error in case if the element index is out of range.
- Input arrayidx0
- The first zero-based component of the element indextype
- Optional output parameter: type of matrix elements@Cast(value="uchar*") public static BytePointer cvPtr1D(@Const CvArr arr, int idx0)
@Cast(value="uchar*") public static ByteBuffer cvPtr1D(@Const CvArr arr, int idx0, IntBuffer type)
@Cast(value="uchar*") public static BytePointer cvPtr2D(@Const CvArr arr, int idx0, int idx1, IntPointer type)
@Cast(value="uchar*") public static BytePointer cvPtr2D(@Const CvArr arr, int idx0, int idx1)
@Cast(value="uchar*") public static ByteBuffer cvPtr2D(@Const CvArr arr, int idx0, int idx1, IntBuffer type)
@Cast(value="uchar*") public static byte[] cvPtr2D(@Const CvArr arr, int idx0, int idx1, int[] type)
@Cast(value="uchar*") public static BytePointer cvPtr3D(@Const CvArr arr, int idx0, int idx1, int idx2, IntPointer type)
@Cast(value="uchar*") public static BytePointer cvPtr3D(@Const CvArr arr, int idx0, int idx1, int idx2)
@Cast(value="uchar*") public static ByteBuffer cvPtr3D(@Const CvArr arr, int idx0, int idx1, int idx2, IntBuffer type)
@Cast(value="uchar*") public static byte[] cvPtr3D(@Const CvArr arr, int idx0, int idx1, int idx2, int[] type)
@Cast(value="uchar*") public static BytePointer cvPtrND(@Const CvArr arr, @Const IntPointer idx, IntPointer type, int create_node, @Cast(value="unsigned*") IntPointer precalc_hashval)
- Input arrayidx
- Array of the element indicestype
- Optional output parameter: type of matrix elementscreate_node
- Optional input parameter for sparse matrices. Non-zero value of the parameter
means that the requested element is created if it does not exist already.precalc_hashval
- Optional input parameter for sparse matrices. If the pointer is not NULL,
the function does not recalculate the node hash value, but takes it from the specified location.
It is useful for speeding up pair-wise operations (TODO: provide an example)@Cast(value="uchar*") public static BytePointer cvPtrND(@Const CvArr arr, @Const IntPointer idx)
@Cast(value="uchar*") public static ByteBuffer cvPtrND(@Const CvArr arr, @Const IntBuffer idx, IntBuffer type, int create_node, @Cast(value="unsigned*") IntBuffer precalc_hashval)
@Cast(value="uchar*") public static ByteBuffer cvPtrND(@Const CvArr arr, @Const IntBuffer idx)
@Cast(value="uchar*") public static byte[] cvPtrND(@Const CvArr arr, @Const int[] idx, int[] type, int create_node, @Cast(value="unsigned*") int[] precalc_hashval)
@ByVal public static CvScalar cvGet1D(@Const CvArr arr, int idx0)
The functions return a specific array element. In the case of a sparse array the functions return 0 if the requested node does not exist (no new node is created by the functions).
- Input arrayidx0
- The first zero-based component of the element index@ByVal public static CvScalar cvGet3D(@Const CvArr arr, int idx0, int idx1, int idx2)
@ByVal public static CvScalar cvGetND(@Const CvArr arr, @Const IntPointer idx)
- Input arrayidx
- Array of the element indicespublic static double cvGetReal1D(@Const CvArr arr, int idx0)
Returns a specific element of a single-channel array. If the array has multiple channels, a runtime error is raised. Note that Get?D functions can be used safely for both single-channel and multiple-channel arrays though they are a bit slower.
In the case of a sparse array the functions return 0 if the requested node does not exist (no new node is created by the functions).
- Input array. Must have a single channel.idx0
- The first zero-based component of the element indexpublic static double cvGetReal3D(@Const CvArr arr, int idx0, int idx1, int idx2)
public static double cvGetRealND(@Const CvArr arr, @Const IntPointer idx)
- Input array. Must have a single channel.idx
- Array of the element indicespublic static void cvSet1D(CvArr arr, int idx0, @ByVal CvScalar value)
The functions assign the new value to a particular array element. In the case of a sparse array the functions create the node if it does not exist yet.
- Input arrayidx0
- The first zero-based component of the element indexvalue
- The assigned valuepublic static void cvSet3D(CvArr arr, int idx0, int idx1, int idx2, @ByVal CvScalar value)
public static void cvSetND(CvArr arr, @Const IntPointer idx, @ByVal CvScalar value)
- Input arrayidx
- Array of the element indicesvalue
- The assigned valuepublic static void cvSetReal1D(CvArr arr, int idx0, double value)
The functions assign a new value to a specific element of a single-channel array. If the array has multiple channels, a runtime error is raised. Note that the Set\*D function can be used safely for both single-channel and multiple-channel arrays, though they are a bit slower.
In the case of a sparse array the functions create the node if it does not yet exist.
- Input arrayidx0
- The first zero-based component of the element indexvalue
- The assigned valuepublic static void cvSetReal2D(CvArr arr, int idx0, int idx1, double value)
public static void cvSetReal3D(CvArr arr, int idx0, int idx1, int idx2, double value)
public static void cvSetRealND(CvArr arr, @Const IntPointer idx, double value)
- Input arrayidx
- Array of the element indicesvalue
- The assigned valuepublic static void cvClearND(CvArr arr, @Const IntPointer idx)
public static CvMat cvGetMat(@Const CvArr arr, CvMat header, IntPointer coi, int allowND)
The function returns a matrix header for the input array that can be a matrix - CvMat, an image - IplImage, or a multi-dimensional dense array - CvMatND (the third option is allowed only if allowND != 0) . In the case of matrix the function simply returns the input pointer. In the case of IplImage\* or CvMatND it initializes the header structure with parameters of the current image ROI and returns &header. Because COI is not supported by CvMat, it is returned separately.
The function provides an easy way to handle both types of arrays - IplImage and CvMat using the same code. Input array must have non-zero data pointer, otherwise the function will report an error.
\note If the input array is IplImage with planar data layout and COI set, the function returns the pointer to the selected plane and COI == 0. This feature allows user to process IplImage structures with planar data layout, even though OpenCV does not support such images.
- Input arrayheader
- Pointer to CvMat structure used as a temporary buffercoi
- Optional output parameter for storing COIallowND
- If non-zero, the function accepts multi-dimensional dense arrays (CvMatND\*) and
returns 2D matrix (if CvMatND has two dimensions) or 1D matrix (when CvMatND has 1 dimension or
more than 2 dimensions). The CvMatND array must be continuous.cvGetImage, cvarrToMat.
public static IplImage cvGetImage(@Const CvArr arr, IplImage image_header)
The function returns the image header for the input array that can be a matrix (CvMat) or image (IplImage). In the case of an image the function simply returns the input pointer. In the case of CvMat it initializes an image_header structure with the parameters of the input matrix. Note that if we transform IplImage to CvMat using cvGetMat and then transform CvMat back to IplImage using this function, we will get different headers if the ROI is set in the original image.
- Input arrayimage_header
- Pointer to IplImage structure used as a temporary bufferpublic static CvArr cvReshapeMatND(@Const CvArr arr, int sizeof_header, CvArr header, int new_cn, int new_dims, IntPointer new_sizes)
The function is an advanced version of cvReshape that can work with multi-dimensional arrays as well (though it can work with ordinary images and matrices) and change the number of dimensions.
Below are the two samples from the cvReshape description rewritten using cvReshapeMatND:
IplImage* color_img = cvCreateImage(cvSize(320,240), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
IplImage gray_img_hdr, *gray_img;
gray_img = (IplImage*)cvReshapeMatND(color_img, sizeof(gray_img_hdr), &gray_img_hdr, 1, 0, 0);
int size[] = { 2, 2, 2 };
CvMatND* mat = cvCreateMatND(3, size, CV_32F);
CvMat row_header, *row;
row = (CvMat*)cvReshapeMatND(mat, sizeof(row_header), &row_header, 0, 1, 0);
In C, the header file for this function includes a convenient macro cvReshapeND that does away with
the sizeof_header parameter. So, the lines containing the call to cvReshapeMatND in the examples
may be replaced as follow:
gray_img = (IplImage*)cvReshapeND(color_img, &gray_img_hdr, 1, 0, 0);
row = (CvMat*)cvReshapeND(mat, &row_header, 0, 1, 0);
- Input arraysizeof_header
- Size of output header to distinguish between IplImage, CvMat and CvMatND
output headersheader
- Output header to be fillednew_cn
- New number of channels. new_cn = 0 means that the number of channels remains
- New number of dimensions. new_dims = 0 means that the number of dimensions
remains the same.new_sizes
- Array of new dimension sizes. Only new_dims-1 values are used, because the
total number of elements must remain the same. Thus, if new_dims = 1, new_sizes array is not
used.public static CvArr cvReshapeMatND(@Const CvArr arr, int sizeof_header, CvArr header, int new_cn, int new_dims, IntBuffer new_sizes)
public static CvArr cvReshapeMatND(@Const CvArr arr, int sizeof_header, CvArr header, int new_cn, int new_dims, int[] new_sizes)
public static CvMat cvReshape(@Const CvArr arr, CvMat header, int new_cn, int new_rows)
The function initializes the CvMat header so that it points to the same data as the original array but has a different shape - different number of channels, different number of rows, or both.
The following example code creates one image buffer and two image headers, the first is for a 320x240x3 image and the second is for a 960x240x1 image:
IplImage* color_img = cvCreateImage(cvSize(320,240), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
CvMat gray_mat_hdr;
IplImage gray_img_hdr, *gray_img;
cvReshape(color_img, &gray_mat_hdr, 1);
gray_img = cvGetImage(&gray_mat_hdr, &gray_img_hdr);
And the next example converts a 3x3 matrix to a single 1x9 vector:
CvMat* mat = cvCreateMat(3, 3, CV_32F);
CvMat row_header, *row;
row = cvReshape(mat, &row_header, 0, 1);
- Input arrayheader
- Output header to be fillednew_cn
- New number of channels. 'new_cn = 0' means that the number of channels remains
- New number of rows. 'new_rows = 0' means that the number of rows remains
unchanged unless it needs to be changed according to new_cn value.public static void cvRepeat(@Const CvArr src, CvArr dst)
public static void cvCreateData(CvArr arr)
The function allocates image, matrix or multi-dimensional dense array data. Note that in the case of matrix types OpenCV allocation functions are used. In the case of IplImage they are used unless CV_TURN_ON_IPL_COMPATIBILITY() has been called before. In the latter case IPL functions are used to allocate the data.
- Array headerpublic static void cvReleaseData(CvArr arr)
The function releases the array data. In the case of CvMat or CvMatND it simply calls cvDecRefData(), that is the function can not deallocate external data. See also the note to cvCreateData .
- Array headerpublic static void cvSetData(CvArr arr, Pointer data, int step)
The function assigns user data to the array header. Header should be initialized before using cvCreateMatHeader, cvCreateImageHeader, cvCreateMatNDHeader, cvInitMatHeader, cvInitImageHeader or cvInitMatNDHeader.
- Array headerdata
- User datastep
- Full row length in bytespublic static void cvGetRawData(@Const CvArr arr, @Cast(value="uchar**") PointerPointer data, IntPointer step, CvSize roi_size)
The function fills output variables with low-level information about the array data. All output
parameters are optional, so some of the pointers may be set to NULL. If the array is IplImage with ROI set, the parameters of ROI are returned.
The following example shows how to get access to array elements. It computes absolute values of the array elements :
float* data;
int step;
CvSize size;
cvGetRawData(array, (uchar**)&data, &step, &size);
step /= sizeof(data[0]);
for(int y = 0; y < size.height; y++, data += step )
for(int x = 0; x < size.width; x++ )
data[x] = (float)fabs(data[x]);
- Array headerdata
- Output pointer to the whole image origin or ROI origin if ROI is setstep
- Output full row length in bytesroi_size
- Output ROI sizepublic static void cvGetRawData(@Const CvArr arr, @Cast(value="uchar**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer data)
public static void cvGetRawData(@Const CvArr arr, @Cast(value="uchar**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer data, IntPointer step, CvSize roi_size)
public static void cvGetRawData(@Const CvArr arr, @Cast(value="uchar**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer data, IntBuffer step, CvSize roi_size)
public static void cvGetRawData(@Const CvArr arr, @Cast(value="uchar**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer data)
public static void cvGetRawData(@Const CvArr arr, @Cast(value="uchar**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] data, int[] step, CvSize roi_size)
public static void cvGetRawData(@Const CvArr arr, @Cast(value="uchar**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] data)
@ByVal public static CvSize cvGetSize(@Const CvArr arr)
The function returns number of rows (CvSize::height) and number of columns (CvSize::width) of the input matrix or image. In the case of image the size of ROI is returned.
- array headerpublic static void cvCopy(@Const CvArr src, CvArr dst, @Const CvArr mask)
The function copies selected elements from an input array to an output array:
\[\texttt{dst} (I)= \texttt{src} (I) \quad \text{if} \quad \texttt{mask} (I) \ne 0.\]
If any of the passed arrays is of IplImage type, then its ROI and COI fields are used. Both arrays must have the same type, the same number of dimensions, and the same size. The function can also copy sparse arrays (mask is not supported in this case).
- The source arraydst
- The destination arraymask
- Operation mask, 8-bit single channel array; specifies elements of the destination array
to be changedpublic static void cvSet(CvArr arr, @ByVal CvScalar value, @Const CvArr mask)
The function copies the scalar value to every selected element of the destination array:
\[\texttt{arr} (I)= \texttt{value} \quad \text{if} \quad \texttt{mask} (I) \ne 0\]
If array arr is of IplImage type, then is ROI used, but COI must not be set.arr
- The destination arrayvalue
- Fill valuemask
- Operation mask, 8-bit single channel array; specifies elements of the destination
array to be changedpublic static void cvSetZero(CvArr arr)
The function clears the array. In the case of dense arrays (CvMat, CvMatND or IplImage), cvZero(array) is equivalent to cvSet(array,cvScalarAll(0),0). In the case of sparse arrays all the elements are removed.
- Array to be clearedpublic static void cvZero(CvArr arg1)
public static void cvSplit(@Const CvArr src, CvArr dst0, CvArr dst1, CvArr dst2, CvArr dst3)
public static void cvMerge(@Const CvArr src0, @Const CvArr src1, @Const CvArr src2, @Const CvArr src3, CvArr dst)
public static void cvMixChannels(@Cast(value="const CvArr**") PointerPointer src, int src_count, @Cast(value="CvArr**") PointerPointer dst, int dst_count, @Const IntPointer from_to, int pair_count)
public static void cvMixChannels(@Const @ByPtrPtr CvArr src, int src_count, @ByPtrPtr CvArr dst, int dst_count, @Const IntPointer from_to, int pair_count)
public static void cvMixChannels(@Const @ByPtrPtr CvArr src, int src_count, @ByPtrPtr CvArr dst, int dst_count, @Const IntBuffer from_to, int pair_count)
public static void cvMixChannels(@Const @ByPtrPtr CvArr src, int src_count, @ByPtrPtr CvArr dst, int dst_count, @Const int[] from_to, int pair_count)
public static void cvConvertScale(@Const CvArr src, CvArr dst, double scale, double shift)
The function has several different purposes, and thus has several different names. It copies one array to another with optional scaling, which is performed first, and/or optional type conversion, performed after:
\[\texttt{dst} (I) = \texttt{scale} \texttt{src} (I) + ( \texttt{shift} _0, \texttt{shift} _1,...)\]
All the channels of multi-channel arrays are processed independently.
The type of conversion is done with rounding and saturation, that is if the result of scaling + conversion can not be represented exactly by a value of the destination array element type, it is set to the nearest representable value on the real axis.
- Source arraydst
- Destination arrayscale
- Scale factorshift
- Value added to the scaled source array elementspublic static void cvConvertScaleAbs(@Const CvArr src, CvArr dst, double scale, double shift)
@ByVal public static CvTermCriteria cvCheckTermCriteria(@ByVal CvTermCriteria criteria, double default_eps, int default_max_iters)
public static void cvAdd(@Const CvArr src1, @Const CvArr src2, CvArr dst, @Const CvArr mask)
public static void cvAddS(@Const CvArr src, @ByVal CvScalar value, CvArr dst, @Const CvArr mask)
public static void cvSub(@Const CvArr src1, @Const CvArr src2, CvArr dst, @Const CvArr mask)
public static void cvSubS(@Const CvArr src, @ByVal CvScalar value, CvArr dst, @Const CvArr mask)
public static void cvSubRS(@Const CvArr src, @ByVal CvScalar value, CvArr dst, @Const CvArr mask)
public static void cvMul(@Const CvArr src1, @Const CvArr src2, CvArr dst, double scale)
public static void cvDiv(@Const CvArr src1, @Const CvArr src2, CvArr dst, double scale)
public static void cvScaleAdd(@Const CvArr src1, @ByVal CvScalar scale, @Const CvArr src2, CvArr dst)
public static void cvAddWeighted(@Const CvArr src1, double alpha, @Const CvArr src2, double beta, double gamma, CvArr dst)
public static double cvDotProduct(@Const CvArr src1, @Const CvArr src2)
The function calculates and returns the Euclidean dot product of two arrays.
\[src1 \bullet src2 = \sum _I ( \texttt{src1} (I) \texttt{src2} (I))\]
In the case of multiple channel arrays, the results for all channels are accumulated. In particular,
cvDotProduct(a,a) where a is a complex vector, will return ||\texttt{a}||^2
. The function can
process multi-dimensional arrays, row by row, layer by layer, and so on.
- The first source arraysrc2
- The second source arraypublic static void cvAnd(@Const CvArr src1, @Const CvArr src2, CvArr dst, @Const CvArr mask)
public static void cvAndS(@Const CvArr src, @ByVal CvScalar value, CvArr dst, @Const CvArr mask)
public static void cvOr(@Const CvArr src1, @Const CvArr src2, CvArr dst, @Const CvArr mask)
public static void cvOrS(@Const CvArr src, @ByVal CvScalar value, CvArr dst, @Const CvArr mask)
public static void cvXor(@Const CvArr src1, @Const CvArr src2, CvArr dst, @Const CvArr mask)
public static void cvXorS(@Const CvArr src, @ByVal CvScalar value, CvArr dst, @Const CvArr mask)
public static void cvInRange(@Const CvArr src, @Const CvArr lower, @Const CvArr upper, CvArr dst)
public static void cvInRangeS(@Const CvArr src, @ByVal CvScalar lower, @ByVal CvScalar upper, CvArr dst)
public static void cvCmp(@Const CvArr src1, @Const CvArr src2, CvArr dst, int cmp_op)
public static void cvCmpS(@Const CvArr src, double value, CvArr dst, int cmp_op)
public static void cvMin(@Const CvArr src1, @Const CvArr src2, CvArr dst)
public static void cvMax(@Const CvArr src1, @Const CvArr src2, CvArr dst)
public static void cvMinS(@Const CvArr src, double value, CvArr dst)
public static void cvMaxS(@Const CvArr src, double value, CvArr dst)
public static void cvAbsDiff(@Const CvArr src1, @Const CvArr src2, CvArr dst)
public static void cvAbsDiffS(@Const CvArr src, CvArr dst, @ByVal CvScalar value)
public static void cvCartToPolar(@Const CvArr x, @Const CvArr y, CvArr magnitude, CvArr angle, int angle_in_degrees)
public static void cvPolarToCart(@Const CvArr magnitude, @Const CvArr angle, CvArr x, CvArr y, int angle_in_degrees)
public static void cvPolarToCart(@Const CvArr magnitude, @Const CvArr angle, CvArr x, CvArr y)
public static void cvPow(@Const CvArr src, CvArr dst, double power)
public static void cvExp(@Const CvArr src, CvArr dst)
public static void cvLog(@Const CvArr src, CvArr dst)
public static float cvFastArctan(float y, float x)
public static float cvCbrt(float value)
public static int cvCheckArr(@Const CvArr arr, int flags, double min_val, double max_val)
public static int cvCheckArray(CvArr arg1, int arg2, double arg3, double arg4)
public static void cvRandArr(@Cast(value="CvRNG*") LongPointer rng, CvArr arr, int dist_type, @ByVal CvScalar param1, @ByVal CvScalar param2)
The function fills the destination array with uniformly or normally distributed random numbers.
- CvRNG state initialized by cvRNGarr
- The destination arraydist_type
- Distribution type
> - **CV_RAND_UNI** uniform distribution
> - **CV_RAND_NORMAL** normal or Gaussian distributionparam1
- The first parameter of the distribution. In the case of a uniform distribution it is
the inclusive lower boundary of the random numbers range. In the case of a normal distribution it
is the mean value of the random numbers.param2
- The second parameter of the distribution. In the case of a uniform distribution it
is the exclusive upper boundary of the random numbers range. In the case of a normal distribution
it is the standard deviation of the random numbers.randu, randn, RNG::fill.
public static void cvRandArr(@Cast(value="CvRNG*") LongBuffer rng, CvArr arr, int dist_type, @ByVal CvScalar param1, @ByVal CvScalar param2)
public static void cvRandArr(@Cast(value="CvRNG*") long[] rng, CvArr arr, int dist_type, @ByVal CvScalar param1, @ByVal CvScalar param2)
public static void cvRandShuffle(CvArr mat, @Cast(value="CvRNG*") LongPointer rng, double iter_factor)
public static void cvRandShuffle(CvArr mat, @Cast(value="CvRNG*") LongPointer rng)
public static void cvRandShuffle(CvArr mat, @Cast(value="CvRNG*") LongBuffer rng, double iter_factor)
public static void cvRandShuffle(CvArr mat, @Cast(value="CvRNG*") LongBuffer rng)
public static void cvRandShuffle(CvArr mat, @Cast(value="CvRNG*") long[] rng, double iter_factor)
public static int cvSolveCubic(@Const CvMat coeffs, CvMat roots)
public static void cvSolvePoly(@Const CvMat coeffs, CvMat roots2, int maxiter, int fig)
public static void cvCrossProduct(@Const CvArr src1, @Const CvArr src2, CvArr dst)
The function calculates the cross product of two 3D vectors:
\[\texttt{dst} = \texttt{src1} \times \texttt{src2}\]
\[\begin{array}{l} \texttt{dst} _1 = \texttt{src1} _2 \texttt{src2} _3 - \texttt{src1} _3 \texttt{src2} _2 \\ \texttt{dst} _2 = \texttt{src1} _3 \texttt{src2} _1 - \texttt{src1} _1 \texttt{src2} _3 \\ \texttt{dst} _3 = \texttt{src1} _1 \texttt{src2} _2 - \texttt{src1} _2 \texttt{src2} _1 \end{array}\]
- The first source vectorsrc2
- The second source vectordst
- The destination vectorpublic static void cvMatMulAdd(CvArr src1, CvArr src2, CvArr src3, CvArr dst)
public static void cvGEMM(@Const CvArr src1, @Const CvArr src2, double alpha, @Const CvArr src3, double beta, CvArr dst, int tABC)
public static void cvGEMM(@Const CvArr src1, @Const CvArr src2, double alpha, @Const CvArr src3, double beta, CvArr dst)
public static void cvMatMulAddEx(CvArr arg1, CvArr arg2, double arg3, CvArr arg4, double arg5, CvArr arg6, int arg7)
public static void cvTransform(@Const CvArr src, CvArr dst, @Const CvMat transmat, @Const CvMat shiftvec)
public static void cvPerspectiveTransform(@Const CvArr src, CvArr dst, @Const CvMat mat)
public static void cvMulTransposed(@Const CvArr src, CvArr dst, int order, @Const CvArr delta, double scale)
public static void cvTranspose(@Const CvArr src, CvArr dst)
public static void cvCompleteSymm(CvMat matrix, int LtoR)
public static void cvCompleteSymm(CvMat matrix)
public static void cvFlip(@Const CvArr src, CvArr dst, int flip_mode)
public static void cvSVD(CvArr A, CvArr W, CvArr U, CvArr V, int flags)
public static void cvSVBkSb(@Const CvArr W, @Const CvArr U, @Const CvArr V, @Const CvArr B, CvArr X, int flags)
public static int cvSolve(@Const CvArr src1, @Const CvArr src2, CvArr dst, int method)
@ByVal public static CvScalar cvTrace(@Const CvArr mat)
public static void cvEigenVV(CvArr mat, CvArr evects, CvArr evals, double eps, int lowindex, int highindex)
public static void cvSetIdentity(CvArr mat, @ByVal(nullValue="CvScalar(cvRealScalar(1))") CvScalar value)
public static void cvSetIdentity(CvArr mat)
public static CvArr cvRange(CvArr mat, double start, double end)
public static void cvCalcCovarMatrix(@Cast(value="const CvArr**") PointerPointer vects, int count, CvArr cov_mat, CvArr avg, int flags)
core_c_CovarFlags "flags"
public static void cvCalcCovarMatrix(@Const @ByPtrPtr CvArr vects, int count, CvArr cov_mat, CvArr avg, int flags)
public static void cvCalcPCA(@Const CvArr data, CvArr mean, CvArr eigenvals, CvArr eigenvects, int flags)
public static void cvProjectPCA(@Const CvArr data, @Const CvArr mean, @Const CvArr eigenvects, CvArr result)
public static void cvBackProjectPCA(@Const CvArr proj, @Const CvArr mean, @Const CvArr eigenvects, CvArr result)
public static double cvMahalanobis(@Const CvArr vec1, @Const CvArr vec2, @Const CvArr mat)
public static int cvCountNonZero(@Const CvArr arr)
@ByVal public static CvScalar cvAvg(@Const CvArr arr, @Const CvArr mask)
public static void cvAvgSdv(@Const CvArr arr, CvScalar mean, CvScalar std_dev, @Const CvArr mask)
public static void cvMinMaxLoc(@Const CvArr arr, DoublePointer min_val, DoublePointer max_val, CvPoint min_loc, CvPoint max_loc, @Const CvArr mask)
public static void cvMinMaxLoc(@Const CvArr arr, DoublePointer min_val, DoublePointer max_val)
public static void cvMinMaxLoc(@Const CvArr arr, DoubleBuffer min_val, DoubleBuffer max_val, @Cast(value="CvPoint*") IntBuffer min_loc, @Cast(value="CvPoint*") IntBuffer max_loc, @Const CvArr mask)
public static void cvMinMaxLoc(@Const CvArr arr, DoubleBuffer min_val, DoubleBuffer max_val)
public static void cvMinMaxLoc(@Const CvArr arr, double[] min_val, double[] max_val, @Cast(value="CvPoint*") int[] min_loc, @Cast(value="CvPoint*") int[] max_loc, @Const CvArr mask)
public static double cvNorm(@Const CvArr arr1, @Const CvArr arr2, int norm_type, @Const CvArr mask)
core_c_NormFlags "flags"
public static void cvNormalize(@Const CvArr src, CvArr dst, double a, double b, int norm_type, @Const CvArr mask)
core_c_NormFlags "flags"
public static void cvReduce(@Const CvArr src, CvArr dst, int dim, int op)
core_c_ReduceFlags "flags"
public static void cvDFT(@Const CvArr src, CvArr dst, int flags, int nonzero_rows)
public static void cvMulSpectrums(@Const CvArr src1, @Const CvArr src2, CvArr dst, int flags)
public static int cvGetOptimalDFTSize(int size0)
public static void cvDCT(@Const CvArr src, CvArr dst, int flags)
public static int cvSliceLength(@ByVal CvSlice slice, @Const CvSeq seq)
public static CvMemStorage cvCreateMemStorage(int block_size)
public static CvMemStorage cvCreateMemStorage()
public static CvMemStorage cvCreateChildMemStorage(CvMemStorage parent)
public static void cvReleaseMemStorage(@Cast(value="CvMemStorage**") PointerPointer storage)
public static void cvReleaseMemStorage(@ByPtrPtr CvMemStorage storage)
public static void cvClearMemStorage(CvMemStorage storage)
public static void cvSaveMemStoragePos(@Const CvMemStorage storage, CvMemStoragePos pos)
public static void cvRestoreMemStoragePos(CvMemStorage storage, CvMemStoragePos pos)
public static Pointer cvMemStorageAlloc(CvMemStorage storage, @Cast(value="size_t") long size)
public static CvSeq cvCreateSeq(int seq_flags, @Cast(value="size_t") long header_size, @Cast(value="size_t") long elem_size, CvMemStorage storage)
public static void cvSetSeqBlockSize(CvSeq seq, int delta_elems)
@Cast(value="schar*") public static BytePointer cvSeqPush(CvSeq seq, @Const Pointer element)
@Cast(value="schar*") public static BytePointer cvSeqPush(CvSeq seq)
@Cast(value="schar*") public static BytePointer cvSeqPushFront(CvSeq seq, @Const Pointer element)
@Cast(value="schar*") public static BytePointer cvSeqPushFront(CvSeq seq)
public static void cvSeqPop(CvSeq seq, Pointer element)
public static void cvSeqPop(CvSeq seq)
public static void cvSeqPopFront(CvSeq seq, Pointer element)
public static void cvSeqPopFront(CvSeq seq)
public static void cvSeqPushMulti(CvSeq seq, @Const Pointer elements, int count, int in_front)
public static void cvSeqPopMulti(CvSeq seq, Pointer elements, int count, int in_front)
@Cast(value="schar*") public static BytePointer cvSeqInsert(CvSeq seq, int before_index, @Const Pointer element)
@Cast(value="schar*") public static BytePointer cvSeqInsert(CvSeq seq, int before_index)
public static void cvSeqRemove(CvSeq seq, int index)
public static void cvClearSeq(CvSeq seq)
@Cast(value="schar*") public static BytePointer cvGetSeqElem(@Const CvSeq seq, int index)
public static int cvSeqElemIdx(@Const CvSeq seq, @Const Pointer element, @Cast(value="CvSeqBlock**") PointerPointer block)
public static int cvSeqElemIdx(@Const CvSeq seq, @Const Pointer element, @ByPtrPtr CvSeqBlock block)
public static void cvStartAppendToSeq(CvSeq seq, CvSeqWriter writer)
public static void cvStartWriteSeq(int seq_flags, int header_size, int elem_size, CvMemStorage storage, CvSeqWriter writer)
public static CvSeq cvEndWriteSeq(CvSeqWriter writer)
public static void cvFlushSeqWriter(CvSeqWriter writer)
public static void cvStartReadSeq(@Const CvSeq seq, CvSeqReader reader, int reverse)
public static void cvStartReadSeq(@Const CvSeq seq, CvSeqReader reader)
public static int cvGetSeqReaderPos(CvSeqReader reader)
public static void cvSetSeqReaderPos(CvSeqReader reader, int index, int is_relative)
public static void cvSetSeqReaderPos(CvSeqReader reader, int index)
public static Pointer cvCvtSeqToArray(@Const CvSeq seq, Pointer elements, @ByVal(nullValue="CvSlice(CV_WHOLE_SEQ)") CvSlice slice)
public static CvSeq cvMakeSeqHeaderForArray(int seq_type, int header_size, int elem_size, Pointer elements, int total, CvSeq seq, CvSeqBlock block)
public static CvSeq cvSeqSlice(@Const CvSeq seq, @ByVal CvSlice slice, CvMemStorage storage, int copy_data)
public static CvSeq cvCloneSeq(@Const CvSeq seq, CvMemStorage storage)
public static void cvSeqRemoveSlice(CvSeq seq, @ByVal CvSlice slice)
public static void cvSeqInsertSlice(CvSeq seq, int before_index, @Const CvArr from_arr)
public static void cvSeqSort(CvSeq seq, CvCmpFunc func, Pointer userdata)
@Cast(value="schar*") public static BytePointer cvSeqSearch(CvSeq seq, @Const Pointer elem, CvCmpFunc func, int is_sorted, IntPointer elem_idx, Pointer userdata)
@Cast(value="schar*") public static BytePointer cvSeqSearch(CvSeq seq, @Const Pointer elem, CvCmpFunc func, int is_sorted, IntPointer elem_idx)
@Cast(value="schar*") public static ByteBuffer cvSeqSearch(CvSeq seq, @Const Pointer elem, CvCmpFunc func, int is_sorted, IntBuffer elem_idx, Pointer userdata)
@Cast(value="schar*") public static ByteBuffer cvSeqSearch(CvSeq seq, @Const Pointer elem, CvCmpFunc func, int is_sorted, IntBuffer elem_idx)
@Cast(value="schar*") public static byte[] cvSeqSearch(CvSeq seq, @Const Pointer elem, CvCmpFunc func, int is_sorted, int[] elem_idx, Pointer userdata)
@Cast(value="schar*") public static byte[] cvSeqSearch(CvSeq seq, @Const Pointer elem, CvCmpFunc func, int is_sorted, int[] elem_idx)
public static void cvSeqInvert(CvSeq seq)
public static int cvSeqPartition(@Const CvSeq seq, CvMemStorage storage, @Cast(value="CvSeq**") PointerPointer labels, CvCmpFunc is_equal, Pointer userdata)
public static int cvSeqPartition(@Const CvSeq seq, CvMemStorage storage, @ByPtrPtr CvSeq labels, CvCmpFunc is_equal, Pointer userdata)
public static void cvChangeSeqBlock(Pointer reader, int direction)
public static void cvCreateSeqBlock(CvSeqWriter writer)
public static CvSet cvCreateSet(int set_flags, int header_size, int elem_size, CvMemStorage storage)
public static int cvSetAdd(CvSet set_header, CvSetElem elem, @Cast(value="CvSetElem**") PointerPointer inserted_elem)
public static int cvSetAdd(CvSet set_header)
public static int cvSetAdd(CvSet set_header, CvSetElem elem, @ByPtrPtr CvSetElem inserted_elem)
public static void cvSetRemoveByPtr(CvSet set_header, Pointer elem)
public static void cvSetRemove(CvSet set_header, int index)
public static CvSetElem cvGetSetElem(@Const CvSet set_header, int idx)
public static void cvClearSet(CvSet set_header)
public static CvGraph cvCreateGraph(int graph_flags, int header_size, int vtx_size, int edge_size, CvMemStorage storage)
public static int cvGraphAddVtx(CvGraph graph, @Const CvGraphVtx vtx, @Cast(value="CvGraphVtx**") PointerPointer inserted_vtx)
public static int cvGraphAddVtx(CvGraph graph)
public static int cvGraphAddVtx(CvGraph graph, @Const CvGraphVtx vtx, @ByPtrPtr CvGraphVtx inserted_vtx)
public static int cvGraphRemoveVtx(CvGraph graph, int index)
public static int cvGraphRemoveVtxByPtr(CvGraph graph, CvGraphVtx vtx)
public static int cvGraphAddEdge(CvGraph graph, int start_idx, int end_idx, @Const CvGraphEdge edge, @Cast(value="CvGraphEdge**") PointerPointer inserted_edge)
public static int cvGraphAddEdge(CvGraph graph, int start_idx, int end_idx)
public static int cvGraphAddEdge(CvGraph graph, int start_idx, int end_idx, @Const CvGraphEdge edge, @ByPtrPtr CvGraphEdge inserted_edge)
public static int cvGraphAddEdgeByPtr(CvGraph graph, CvGraphVtx start_vtx, CvGraphVtx end_vtx, @Const CvGraphEdge edge, @Cast(value="CvGraphEdge**") PointerPointer inserted_edge)
public static int cvGraphAddEdgeByPtr(CvGraph graph, CvGraphVtx start_vtx, CvGraphVtx end_vtx)
public static int cvGraphAddEdgeByPtr(CvGraph graph, CvGraphVtx start_vtx, CvGraphVtx end_vtx, @Const CvGraphEdge edge, @ByPtrPtr CvGraphEdge inserted_edge)
public static void cvGraphRemoveEdge(CvGraph graph, int start_idx, int end_idx)
public static void cvGraphRemoveEdgeByPtr(CvGraph graph, CvGraphVtx start_vtx, CvGraphVtx end_vtx)
public static CvGraphEdge cvFindGraphEdge(@Const CvGraph graph, int start_idx, int end_idx)
public static CvGraphEdge cvFindGraphEdgeByPtr(@Const CvGraph graph, @Const CvGraphVtx start_vtx, @Const CvGraphVtx end_vtx)
public static CvGraphEdge cvGraphFindEdge(CvGraph arg1, int arg2, int arg3)
public static CvGraphEdge cvGraphFindEdgeByPtr(CvGraph arg1, CvGraphVtx arg2, CvGraphVtx arg3)
public static void cvClearGraph(CvGraph graph)
public static int cvGraphVtxDegree(@Const CvGraph graph, int vtx_idx)
public static int cvGraphVtxDegreeByPtr(@Const CvGraph graph, @Const CvGraphVtx vtx)
public static CvGraphScanner cvCreateGraphScanner(CvGraph graph, CvGraphVtx vtx, int mask)
public static CvGraphScanner cvCreateGraphScanner(CvGraph graph)
public static void cvReleaseGraphScanner(@Cast(value="CvGraphScanner**") PointerPointer scanner)
public static void cvReleaseGraphScanner(@ByPtrPtr CvGraphScanner scanner)
public static int cvNextGraphItem(CvGraphScanner scanner)
public static CvGraph cvCloneGraph(@Const CvGraph graph, CvMemStorage storage)
public static void cvLUT(@Const CvArr src, CvArr dst, @Const CvArr lut)
public static void cvInitTreeNodeIterator(CvTreeNodeIterator tree_iterator, @Const Pointer first, int max_level)
public static Pointer cvNextTreeNode(CvTreeNodeIterator tree_iterator)
public static Pointer cvPrevTreeNode(CvTreeNodeIterator tree_iterator)
public static void cvInsertNodeIntoTree(Pointer node, Pointer parent, Pointer frame)
public static void cvRemoveNodeFromTree(Pointer node, Pointer frame)
public static CvSeq cvTreeToNodeSeq(@Const Pointer first, int header_size, CvMemStorage storage)
, to the single sequencepublic static int cvKMeans2(@Const CvArr samples, int cluster_count, CvArr labels, @ByVal CvTermCriteria termcrit, int attempts, @Cast(value="CvRNG*") LongPointer rng, int flags, CvArr _centers, DoublePointer compactness)
public static int cvKMeans2(@Const CvArr samples, int cluster_count, CvArr labels, @ByVal CvTermCriteria termcrit)
public static int cvKMeans2(@Const CvArr samples, int cluster_count, CvArr labels, @ByVal CvTermCriteria termcrit, int attempts, @Cast(value="CvRNG*") LongBuffer rng, int flags, CvArr _centers, DoubleBuffer compactness)
public static int cvKMeans2(@Const CvArr samples, int cluster_count, CvArr labels, @ByVal CvTermCriteria termcrit, int attempts, @Cast(value="CvRNG*") long[] rng, int flags, CvArr _centers, double[] compactness)
public static int cvUseOptimized(int on_off)
public static void cvSetIPLAllocators(Cv_iplCreateImageHeader create_header, Cv_iplAllocateImageData allocate_data, Cv_iplDeallocate _deallocate, Cv_iplCreateROI create_roi, Cv_iplCloneImage clone_image)
Normally, the function is not called directly. Instead, a simple macro CV_TURN_ON_IPL_COMPATIBILITY() is used that calls cvSetIPLAllocators and passes there pointers to IPL allocation functions. :
- pointer to a function, creating IPL image header.allocate_data
- pointer to a function, allocating IPL image data.deallocate
- pointer to a function, deallocating IPL image.create_roi
- pointer to a function, creating IPL image ROI (i.e. Region of Interest).clone_image
- pointer to a function, cloning an IPL image.public static void cvRelease(@Cast(value="void**") PointerPointer struct_ptr)
The function finds the type of a given object and calls release with the double pointer.
- Double pointer to the objectpublic static Pointer cvClone(@Const Pointer struct_ptr)
The function finds the type of a given object and calls clone with the passed object. Of course, if you know the object type, for example, struct_ptr is CvMat\*, it is faster to call the specific function, like cvCloneMat.
- The object to clone@Cast(value="int64") public static long cvGetTickCount()
public static double cvGetTickFrequency()
public static int cvCheckHardwareSupport(int feature)
public static int cvGetNumThreads()
public static void cvSetNumThreads(int threads)
public static void cvSetNumThreads()
public static int cvGetThreadNum()
public static int cvGetErrStatus()
public static void cvSetErrStatus(int status)
public static int cvGetErrMode()
public static int cvSetErrMode(int mode)
public static void cvError(int status, @Cast(value="const char*") BytePointer func_name, @Cast(value="const char*") BytePointer err_msg, @Cast(value="const char*") BytePointer file_name, int line)
public static void cvError(int status, String func_name, String err_msg, String file_name, int line)
@Cast(value="const char*") public static BytePointer cvErrorStr(int status)
public static int cvGetErrInfo(@Cast(value="const char**") PointerPointer errcode_desc, @Cast(value="const char**") PointerPointer description, @Cast(value="const char**") PointerPointer filename, IntPointer line)
public static int cvGetErrInfo(@Cast(value="const char**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer errcode_desc, @Cast(value="const char**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer description, @Cast(value="const char**") @ByPtrPtr BytePointer filename, IntPointer line)
public static int cvGetErrInfo(@Cast(value="const char**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer errcode_desc, @Cast(value="const char**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer description, @Cast(value="const char**") @ByPtrPtr ByteBuffer filename, IntBuffer line)
public static int cvGetErrInfo(@Cast(value="const char**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] errcode_desc, @Cast(value="const char**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] description, @Cast(value="const char**") @ByPtrPtr byte[] filename, int[] line)
public static int cvErrorFromIppStatus(int ipp_status)
public static CvErrorCallback cvRedirectError(CvErrorCallback error_handler, Pointer userdata, @Cast(value="void**") PointerPointer prev_userdata)
public static CvErrorCallback cvRedirectError(CvErrorCallback error_handler)
public static CvErrorCallback cvRedirectError(CvErrorCallback error_handler, Pointer userdata, @Cast(value="void**") @ByPtrPtr Pointer prev_userdata)
public static int cvNulDevReport(int status, @Cast(value="const char*") BytePointer func_name, @Cast(value="const char*") BytePointer err_msg, @Cast(value="const char*") BytePointer file_name, int line, Pointer userdata)
public static int cvNulDevReport(int status, String func_name, String err_msg, String file_name, int line, Pointer userdata)
public static int cvStdErrReport(int status, @Cast(value="const char*") BytePointer func_name, @Cast(value="const char*") BytePointer err_msg, @Cast(value="const char*") BytePointer file_name, int line, Pointer userdata)
public static int cvStdErrReport(int status, String func_name, String err_msg, String file_name, int line, Pointer userdata)
public static int cvGuiBoxReport(int status, @Cast(value="const char*") BytePointer func_name, @Cast(value="const char*") BytePointer err_msg, @Cast(value="const char*") BytePointer file_name, int line, Pointer userdata)
public static int cvGuiBoxReport(int status, String func_name, String err_msg, String file_name, int line, Pointer userdata)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal public static Mat cvarrToMat(@Const CvArr arr, @Cast(value="bool") boolean copyData, @Cast(value="bool") boolean allowND, int coiMode, @Cast(value="cv::AutoBuffer<double>*") Pointer buf)
/////////////////////////////////////////// glue ///////////////////////////////////////////
converts array (CvMat or IplImage) to cv::Mat
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal public static Mat cvarrToMatND(@Const CvArr arr, @Cast(value="bool") boolean copyData, int coiMode)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void extractImageCOI(@Const CvArr arr, @ByVal Mat coiimg, int coi)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void extractImageCOI(@Const CvArr arr, @ByVal Mat coiimg)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void extractImageCOI(@Const CvArr arr, @ByVal UMat coiimg, int coi)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void extractImageCOI(@Const CvArr arr, @ByVal UMat coiimg)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void extractImageCOI(@Const CvArr arr, @ByVal GpuMat coiimg, int coi)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void extractImageCOI(@Const CvArr arr, @ByVal GpuMat coiimg)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void insertImageCOI(@ByVal Mat coiimg, CvArr arr, int coi)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void insertImageCOI(@ByVal Mat coiimg, CvArr arr)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void insertImageCOI(@ByVal UMat coiimg, CvArr arr, int coi)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void insertImageCOI(@ByVal UMat coiimg, CvArr arr)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void insertImageCOI(@ByVal GpuMat coiimg, CvArr arr, int coi)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void insertImageCOI(@ByVal GpuMat coiimg, CvArr arr)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="schar*") public static BytePointer seqPush(CvSeq seq, @Const Pointer element)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="schar*") public static BytePointer seqPush(CvSeq seq)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="schar*") public static BytePointer seqPushFront(CvSeq seq, @Const Pointer element)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="schar*") public static BytePointer seqPushFront(CvSeq seq)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void seqPop(CvSeq seq, Pointer element)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void seqPop(CvSeq seq)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void seqPopFront(CvSeq seq, Pointer element)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void seqPopFront(CvSeq seq)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void seqRemove(CvSeq seq, int index)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void clearSeq(CvSeq seq)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="schar*") public static BytePointer getSeqElem(@Const CvSeq seq, int index)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void seqRemoveSlice(CvSeq seq, @ByVal CvSlice slice)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void seqInsertSlice(CvSeq seq, int before_index, @Const CvArr from_arr)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double rectangleIntersectionArea(@Const @ByRef Rect2d a, @Const @ByRef Rect2d b)
- First rectangleb
- Second rectangle@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") @Name(value="operator ==") public static boolean equals(@Const @ByRef Range r1, @Const @ByRef Range r2)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") @Name(value="operator !=") public static boolean notEquals(@Const @ByRef Range r1, @Const @ByRef Range r2)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") @Name(value="operator !") public static boolean not(@Const @ByRef Range r)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator &") public static Range and(@Const @ByRef Range r1, @Const @ByRef Range r2)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByRef @Name(value="operator &=") public static Range andPut(@ByRef Range r1, @Const @ByRef Range r2)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator +") public static Range add(@Const @ByRef Range r1, int delta)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator +") public static Range add(int delta, @Const @ByRef Range r1)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator -") public static Range subtract(@Const @ByRef Range r1, int delta)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void swap(@ByRef Mat a, @ByRef Mat b)
/** \brief Swaps two matrices
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int borderInterpolate(int p, int len, int borderType)
\addtogroup core_array \{
/** \brief Computes the source location of an extrapolated pixel.
The function computes and returns the coordinate of a donor pixel corresponding to the specified extrapolated pixel when using the specified extrapolation border mode. For example, if you use cv::BORDER_WRAP mode in the horizontal direction, cv::BORDER_REFLECT_101 in the vertical direction and want to compute value of the "virtual" pixel Point(-5, 100) in a floating-point image img, it looks like:
float val =<float>(borderInterpolate(100, img.rows, cv::BORDER_REFLECT_101),
borderInterpolate(-5, img.cols, cv::BORDER_WRAP));
Normally, the function is not called directly. It is used inside filtering functions and also in
- 0-based coordinate of the extrapolated pixel along one of the axes, likely \<0 or \>= lenlen
- Length of the array along the corresponding axis.borderType
- Border type, one of the #BorderTypes, except for #BORDER_TRANSPARENT and
#BORDER_ISOLATED. When borderType==#BORDER_CONSTANT, the function always returns -1, regardless
of p and len.
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void copyMakeBorder(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, int top, int bottom, int left, int right, int borderType, @Const @ByRef(nullValue="cv::Scalar()") Scalar value)
The function copies the source image into the middle of the destination image. The areas to the left, to the right, above and below the copied source image will be filled with extrapolated pixels. This is not what filtering functions based on it do (they extrapolate pixels on-fly), but what other more complex functions, including your own, may do to simplify image boundary handling.
The function supports the mode when src is already in the middle of dst . In this case, the function does not copy src itself but simply constructs the border, for example:
// let border be the same in all directions
int border=2;
// constructs a larger image to fit both the image and the border
Mat gray_buf(rgb.rows + border*2, rgb.cols + border*2, rgb.depth());
// select the middle part of it w/o copying data
Mat gray(gray_canvas, Rect(border, border, rgb.cols, rgb.rows));
// convert image from RGB to grayscale
cvtColor(rgb, gray, COLOR_RGB2GRAY);
// form a border in-place
copyMakeBorder(gray, gray_buf, border, border,
border, border, BORDER_REPLICATE);
// now do some custom filtering ...
\note When the source image is a part (ROI) of a bigger image, the function will try to use the
pixels outside of the ROI to form a border. To disable this feature and always do extrapolation, as
if src was not a ROI, use borderType | #BORDER_ISOLATED.
- Source image.dst
- Destination image of the same type as src and the size Size(src.cols+left+right,
src.rows+top+bottom) .top
- the top pixelsbottom
- the bottom pixelsleft
- the left pixelsright
- Parameter specifying how many pixels in each direction from the source image rectangle
to extrapolate. For example, top=1, bottom=1, left=1, right=1 mean that 1 pixel-wide border needs
to be built.borderType
- Border type. See borderInterpolate for details.value
- Border value if borderType==BORDER_CONSTANT .
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void copyMakeBorder(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, int top, int bottom, int left, int right, int borderType)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void copyMakeBorder(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, int top, int bottom, int left, int right, int borderType, @Const @ByRef(nullValue="cv::Scalar()") Scalar value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void copyMakeBorder(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, int top, int bottom, int left, int right, int borderType)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void copyMakeBorder(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int top, int bottom, int left, int right, int borderType, @Const @ByRef(nullValue="cv::Scalar()") Scalar value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void copyMakeBorder(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int top, int bottom, int left, int right, int borderType)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void add(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dst, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat mask, int dtype)
The function add calculates: - Sum of two arrays when both input arrays have the same size and the same number of channels:
\[\texttt{dst}(I) = \texttt{saturate} ( \texttt{src1}(I) + \texttt{src2}(I)) \quad \texttt{if mask}(I) \ne0\]
- Sum of an array and a scalar when src2 is constructed from Scalar or has the same number of
elements as src1.channels()
\[\texttt{dst}(I) = \texttt{saturate} ( \texttt{src1}(I) + \texttt{src2} ) \quad \texttt{if mask}(I) \ne0\]
- Sum of a scalar and an array when src1 is constructed from Scalar or has the same number of
elements as src2.channels()
\[\texttt{dst}(I) = \texttt{saturate} ( \texttt{src1} + \texttt{src2}(I) ) \quad \texttt{if mask}(I) \ne0\]
where I
is a multi-dimensional index of array elements. In case of multi-channel arrays, each
channel is processed independently.
The first function in the list above can be replaced with matrix expressions:
dst = src1 + src2;
dst += src1; // equivalent to add(dst, src1, dst);
The input arrays and the output array can all have the same or different depths. For example, you
can add a 16-bit unsigned array to a 8-bit signed array and store the sum as a 32-bit
floating-point array. Depth of the output array is determined by the dtype parameter. In the second
and third cases above, as well as in the first case, when src1.depth() == src2.depth(), dtype can
be set to the default -1. In this case, the output array will have the same depth as the input
array, be it src1, src2 or both.
\note Saturation is not applied when the output array has the depth CV_32S. You may even get
result of an incorrect sign in the case of overflow.
\note (Python) Be careful to difference behaviour between src1/src2 are single number and they are tuple/array.
means add(src,(X,X,X,X))
means add(src,(X,0,0,0))
- first input array or a scalar.src2
- second input array or a scalar.dst
- output array that has the same size and number of channels as the input array(s); the
depth is defined by dtype or src1/src2.mask
- optional operation mask - 8-bit single channel array, that specifies elements of the
output array to be changed.dtype
- optional depth of the output array (see the discussion below).subtract, addWeighted, scaleAdd, Mat::convertTo
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void add(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat mask, int dtype)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void add(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void add(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat mask, int dtype)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void add(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void subtract(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dst, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat mask, int dtype)
The function subtract calculates: - Difference between two arrays, when both input arrays have the same size and the same number of channels:
\[\texttt{dst}(I) = \texttt{saturate} ( \texttt{src1}(I) - \texttt{src2}(I)) \quad \texttt{if mask}(I) \ne0\]
- Difference between an array and a scalar, when src2 is constructed from Scalar or has the same
number of elements as src1.channels()
\[\texttt{dst}(I) = \texttt{saturate} ( \texttt{src1}(I) - \texttt{src2} ) \quad \texttt{if mask}(I) \ne0\]
- Difference between a scalar and an array, when src1 is constructed from Scalar or has the same
number of elements as src2.channels()
\[\texttt{dst}(I) = \texttt{saturate} ( \texttt{src1} - \texttt{src2}(I) ) \quad \texttt{if mask}(I) \ne0\]
- The reverse difference between a scalar and an array in the case of SubRS
\[\texttt{dst}(I) = \texttt{saturate} ( \texttt{src2} - \texttt{src1}(I) ) \quad \texttt{if mask}(I) \ne0\]
where I is a multi-dimensional index of array elements. In case of multi-channel arrays, each
channel is processed independently.
The first function in the list above can be replaced with matrix expressions:
dst = src1 - src2;
dst -= src1; // equivalent to subtract(dst, src1, dst);
The input arrays and the output array can all have the same or different depths. For example, you
can subtract to 8-bit unsigned arrays and store the difference in a 16-bit signed array. Depth of
the output array is determined by dtype parameter. In the second and third cases above, as well as
in the first case, when src1.depth() == src2.depth(), dtype can be set to the default -1. In this
case the output array will have the same depth as the input array, be it src1, src2 or both.
\note Saturation is not applied when the output array has the depth CV_32S. You may even get
result of an incorrect sign in the case of overflow.
\note (Python) Be careful to difference behaviour between src1/src2 are single number and they are tuple/array.
means subtract(src,(X,X,X,X))
means subtract(src,(X,0,0,0))
- first input array or a scalar.src2
- second input array or a scalar.dst
- output array of the same size and the same number of channels as the input array.mask
- optional operation mask; this is an 8-bit single channel array that specifies elements
of the output array to be changed.dtype
- optional depth of the output arrayadd, addWeighted, scaleAdd, Mat::convertTo
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void subtract(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void subtract(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat mask, int dtype)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void subtract(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void subtract(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat mask, int dtype)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void subtract(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void multiply(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dst, double scale, int dtype)
The function multiply calculates the per-element product of two arrays:
\[\texttt{dst} (I)= \texttt{saturate} ( \texttt{scale} \cdot \texttt{src1} (I) \cdot \texttt{src2} (I))\]
There is also a \ref MatrixExpressions -friendly variant of the first function. See Mat::mul .
For a not-per-element matrix product, see gemm .
\note Saturation is not applied when the output array has the depth
CV_32S. You may even get result of an incorrect sign in the case of
\note (Python) Be careful to difference behaviour between src1/src2 are single number and they are tuple/array.
means multiply(src,(X,X,X,X))
means multiply(src,(X,0,0,0))
- first input array.src2
- second input array of the same size and the same type as src1.dst
- output array of the same size and type as src1.scale
- optional scale factor.dtype
- optional depth of the output arrayadd, subtract, divide, scaleAdd, addWeighted, accumulate, accumulateProduct, accumulateSquare,
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void multiply(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void multiply(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst, double scale, int dtype)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void multiply(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void multiply(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst, double scale, int dtype)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void multiply(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void divide(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dst, double scale, int dtype)
The function cv::divide divides one array by another:
\[\texttt{dst(I) = saturate(src1(I)*scale/src2(I))}\]
or a scalar by an array when there is no src1 :
\[\texttt{dst(I) = saturate(scale/src2(I))}\]
Different channels of multi-channel arrays are processed independently.
For integer types when src2(I) is zero, dst(I) will also be zero.
\note In case of floating point data there is no special defined behavior for zero src2(I) values. Regular floating-point division is used. Expect correct IEEE-754 behaviour for floating-point data (with NaN, Inf result values).
\note Saturation is not applied when the output array has the depth CV_32S. You may even get
result of an incorrect sign in the case of overflow.
\note (Python) Be careful to difference behaviour between src1/src2 are single number and they are tuple/array.
means divide(src,(X,X,X,X))
means divide(src,(X,0,0,0))
- first input array.src2
- second input array of the same size and type as src1.scale
- scalar factor.dst
- output array of the same size and type as src2.dtype
- optional depth of the output array; if -1, dst will have depth src2.depth(), but in
case of an array-by-array division, you can only pass -1 when src1.depth()==src2.depth().multiply, add, subtract
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void divide(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void divide(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst, double scale, int dtype)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void divide(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void divide(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst, double scale, int dtype)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void divide(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void divide(double scale, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dst, int dtype)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void divide(double scale, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void divide(double scale, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst, int dtype)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void divide(double scale, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void divide(double scale, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int dtype)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void divide(double scale, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void scaleAdd(@ByVal Mat src1, double alpha, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dst)
The function scaleAdd is one of the classical primitive linear algebra operations, known as DAXPY or SAXPY in [BLAS]( It calculates the sum of a scaled array and another array:
\[\texttt{dst} (I)= \texttt{scale} \cdot \texttt{src1} (I) + \texttt{src2} (I)\]
The function can also be emulated with a matrix expression, for example:
Mat A(3, 3, CV_64F);
A.row(0) = A.row(1)*2 + A.row(2);
- first input array.alpha
- scale factor for the first array.src2
- second input array of the same size and type as src1.dst
- output array of the same size and type as src1.add, addWeighted, subtract, Mat::dot, Mat::convertTo
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void scaleAdd(@ByVal UMat src1, double alpha, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void scaleAdd(@ByVal GpuMat src1, double alpha, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void addWeighted(@ByVal Mat src1, double alpha, @ByVal Mat src2, double beta, double gamma, @ByVal Mat dst, int dtype)
The function addWeighted calculates the weighted sum of two arrays as follows:
\[\texttt{dst} (I)= \texttt{saturate} ( \texttt{src1} (I)* \texttt{alpha} + \texttt{src2} (I)* \texttt{beta} + \texttt{gamma} )\]
where I is a multi-dimensional index of array elements. In case of multi-channel arrays, each
channel is processed independently.
The function can be replaced with a matrix expression:
dst = src1*alpha + src2*beta + gamma;
\note Saturation is not applied when the output array has the depth CV_32S. You may even get
result of an incorrect sign in the case of overflow.src1
- first input array.alpha
- weight of the first array elements.src2
- second input array of the same size and channel number as src1.beta
- weight of the second array elements.gamma
- scalar added to each sum.dst
- output array that has the same size and number of channels as the input arrays.dtype
- optional depth of the output array; when both input arrays have the same depth, dtype
can be set to -1, which will be equivalent to src1.depth().add, subtract, scaleAdd, Mat::convertTo
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void addWeighted(@ByVal Mat src1, double alpha, @ByVal Mat src2, double beta, double gamma, @ByVal Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void addWeighted(@ByVal UMat src1, double alpha, @ByVal UMat src2, double beta, double gamma, @ByVal UMat dst, int dtype)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void addWeighted(@ByVal UMat src1, double alpha, @ByVal UMat src2, double beta, double gamma, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void addWeighted(@ByVal GpuMat src1, double alpha, @ByVal GpuMat src2, double beta, double gamma, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int dtype)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void addWeighted(@ByVal GpuMat src1, double alpha, @ByVal GpuMat src2, double beta, double gamma, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void convertScaleAbs(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, double alpha, double beta)
On each element of the input array, the function convertScaleAbs performs three operations sequentially: scaling, taking an absolute value, conversion to an unsigned 8-bit type:
\[\texttt{dst} (I)= \texttt{saturate\_cast<uchar>} (| \texttt{src} (I)* \texttt{alpha} + \texttt{beta} |)\]
In case of multi-channel arrays, the function processes each channel
independently. When the output is not 8-bit, the operation can be
emulated by calling the Mat::convertTo method (or by using matrix
expressions) and then by calculating an absolute value of the result.
For example:
Mat_<float> A(30,30);
randu(A, Scalar(-100), Scalar(100));
Mat_<float> B = A*5 + 3;
B = abs(B);
// Mat_<float> B = abs(A*5+3) will also do the job,
// but it will allocate a temporary matrix
- input array.dst
- output array.alpha
- optional scale factor.beta
- optional delta added to the scaled values.Mat::convertTo, cv::abs(const Mat&)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void convertScaleAbs(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void convertScaleAbs(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, double alpha, double beta)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void convertScaleAbs(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void convertScaleAbs(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, double alpha, double beta)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void convertScaleAbs(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void convertFp16(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst)
This function converts FP32 (single precision floating point) from/to FP16 (half precision floating point). CV_16S format is used to represent FP16 data. There are two use modes (src -> dst): CV_32F -> CV_16S and CV_16S -> CV_32F. The input array has to have type of CV_32F or CV_16S to represent the bit depth. If the input array is neither of them, the function will raise an error. The format of half precision floating point is defined in IEEE 754-2008.
- input array.dst
- output array.
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void convertFp16(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void LUT(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat lut, @ByVal Mat dst)
The function LUT fills the output array with values from the look-up table. Indices of the entries are taken from the input array. That is, the function processes each element of src as follows:
\[\texttt{dst} (I) \leftarrow \texttt{lut(src(I) + d)}\]
\[d = \fork{0}{if \(\texttt{src}\) has depth \(\texttt{CV_8U}\)}{128}{if \(\texttt{src}\) has depth \(\texttt{CV_8S}\)}\]
- input array of 8-bit elements.lut
- look-up table of 256 elements; in case of multi-channel input array, the table should
either have a single channel (in this case the same table is used for all channels) or the same
number of channels as in the input array.dst
- output array of the same size and number of channels as src, and the same depth as lut.convertScaleAbs, Mat::convertTo
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void LUT(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat lut, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void LUT(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat lut, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="sum") public static Scalar sumElems(@ByVal Mat src)
The function cv::sum calculates and returns the sum of array elements, independently for each channel.
- input array that must have from 1 to 4 channels.countNonZero, mean, meanStdDev, norm, minMaxLoc, reduce
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="sum") public static Scalar sumElems(@ByVal UMat src)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="sum") public static Scalar sumElems(@ByVal GpuMat src)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean hasNonZero(@ByVal Mat src)
The function returns whether there are non-zero elements in src
The function do not work with multi-channel arrays. If you need to check non-zero array elements across all the channels, use Mat::reshape first to reinterpret the array as single-channel. Or you may extract the particular channel using either extractImageCOI, or mixChannels, or split.
\note - If the location of non-zero array elements is important, \ref findNonZero is helpful. - If the count of non-zero array elements is important, \ref countNonZero is helpful.
- single-channel array.mean, meanStdDev, norm, minMaxLoc, calcCovarMatrix
findNonZero, countNonZero
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean hasNonZero(@ByVal UMat src)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean hasNonZero(@ByVal GpuMat src)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int countNonZero(@ByVal Mat src)
The function returns the number of non-zero elements in src :
\[\sum _{I: \; \texttt{src} (I) \ne0 } 1\]
The function do not work with multi-channel arrays. If you need to count non-zero array elements across all the channels, use Mat::reshape first to reinterpret the array as single-channel. Or you may extract the particular channel using either extractImageCOI, or mixChannels, or split.
\note - If only whether there are non-zero elements is important, \ref hasNonZero is helpful. - If the location of non-zero array elements is important, \ref findNonZero is helpful.
- single-channel array.mean, meanStdDev, norm, minMaxLoc, calcCovarMatrix
findNonZero, hasNonZero
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int countNonZero(@ByVal UMat src)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int countNonZero(@ByVal GpuMat src)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void findNonZero(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat idx)
Given a binary matrix (likely returned from an operation such
as threshold(), compare(), >, ==, etc, return all of
the non-zero indices as a cv::Mat or std::vector
The function do not work with multi-channel arrays. If you need to find non-zero
elements across all the channels, use Mat::reshape first to reinterpret the array as
single-channel. Or you may extract the particular channel using either extractImageCOI, or
mixChannels, or split.
- If only count of non-zero array elements is important, \ref countNonZero is helpful.
- If only whether there are non-zero elements is important, \ref hasNonZero is helpful.
cv::Mat binaryImage; // input, binary image
cv::Mat locations; // output, locations of non-zero pixels
cv::findNonZero(binaryImage, locations);
// access pixel coordinates
Point pnt =<Point>(i);
cv::Mat binaryImage; // input, binary image
vector<Point> locations; // output, locations of non-zero pixels
cv::findNonZero(binaryImage, locations);
// access pixel coordinates
Point pnt = locations[i];
- single-channel arrayidx
- the output array, type of cv::Mat or std::vectorcountNonZero, hasNonZero
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void findNonZero(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat idx)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal public static Scalar mean(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat mask)
The function cv::mean calculates the mean value M of array elements, independently for each channel, and return it:
\[\begin{array}{l} N = \sum _{I: \; \texttt{mask} (I) \ne 0} 1 \\ M_c = \left ( \sum _{I: \; \texttt{mask} (I) \ne 0}{ \texttt{mtx} (I)_c} \right )/N \end{array}\]
When all the mask elements are 0's, the function returns Scalar::all(0)src
- input array that should have from 1 to 4 channels so that the result can be stored in
Scalar_ .mask
- optional operation mask.countNonZero, meanStdDev, norm, minMaxLoc
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal public static Scalar mean(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal public static Scalar mean(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void meanStdDev(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat mean, @ByVal Mat stddev, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat mask)
The function cv::meanStdDev calculates the mean and the standard deviation M of array elements independently for each channel and returns it via the output parameters:
\[\begin{array}{l} N = \sum _{I, \texttt{mask} (I) \ne 0} 1 \\ \texttt{mean} _c = \frac{\sum_{ I: \; \texttt{mask}(I) \ne 0} \texttt{src} (I)_c}{N} \\ \texttt{stddev} _c = \sqrt{\frac{\sum_{ I: \; \texttt{mask}(I) \ne 0} \left ( \texttt{src} (I)_c - \texttt{mean} _c \right )^2}{N}} \end{array}\]
When all the mask elements are 0's, the function returns
\note The calculated standard deviation is only the diagonal of the
complete normalized covariance matrix. If the full matrix is needed, you
can reshape the multi-channel array M x N to the single-channel array
M\*N x mtx.channels() (only possible when the matrix is continuous) and
then pass the matrix to calcCovarMatrix .src
- input array that should have from 1 to 4 channels so that the results can be stored in
Scalar_ 's.mean
- output parameter: calculated mean value.stddev
- output parameter: calculated standard deviation.mask
- optional operation mask.countNonZero, mean, norm, minMaxLoc, calcCovarMatrix
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void meanStdDev(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat mean, @ByVal Mat stddev)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void meanStdDev(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat mean, @ByVal UMat stddev, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void meanStdDev(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat mean, @ByVal UMat stddev)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void meanStdDev(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat mean, @ByVal GpuMat stddev, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void meanStdDev(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat mean, @ByVal GpuMat stddev)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double norm(@ByVal Mat src1, int normType, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat mask)
This version of #norm calculates the absolute norm of src1. The type of norm to calculate is specified using #NormTypes.
As example for one array consider the function r(x)= \begin{pmatrix} x \\ 1-x \end{pmatrix}, x \in [-1;1]
The L_{1}, L_{2}
and L_{\infty}
norm for the sample value r(-1) = \begin{pmatrix} -1 \\ 2 \end{pmatrix}
is calculated as follows
\| r(-1) \|_{L_1} &= |-1| + |2| = 3 \
\| r(-1) \|_{L_2} &= \sqrt{(-1)^{2} + (2)^{2}} = \sqrt{5} \
\| r(-1) \|_{L_\infty} &= \max(|-1|,|2|) = 2
and for r(0.5) = \begin{pmatrix} 0.5 \\ 0.5 \end{pmatrix}
the calculation is
\| r(0.5) \|_{L_1} &= |0.5| + |0.5| = 1 \
\| r(0.5) \|_{L_2} &= \sqrt{(0.5)^{2} + (0.5)^{2}} = \sqrt{0.5} \
\| r(0.5) \|_{L_\infty} &= \max(|0.5|,|0.5|) = 0.5.
The following graphic shows all values for the three norm functions \| r(x) \|_{L_1}, \| r(x) \|_{L_2}
and \| r(x) \|_{L_\infty}
It is notable that the L_{1}
norm forms the upper and the L_{\infty}
norm forms the lower border for the example function r(x)

When the mask parameter is specified and it is not empty, the norm is
If normType is not specified, #NORM_L2 is used. calculated only over the region specified by the mask.
Multi-channel input arrays are treated as single-channel arrays, that is, the results for all channels are combined.
Hamming norms can only be calculated with CV_8U depth arrays.
- first input array.normType
- type of the norm (see #NormTypes).mask
- optional operation mask; it must have the same size as src1 and CV_8UC1 type.@Namespace(value="cv") public static double norm(@ByVal Mat src1)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double norm(@ByVal UMat src1, int normType, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double norm(@ByVal UMat src1)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double norm(@ByVal GpuMat src1, int normType, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double norm(@ByVal GpuMat src1)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double norm(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, int normType, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat mask)
This version of cv::norm calculates the absolute difference norm or the relative difference norm of arrays src1 and src2. The type of norm to calculate is specified using #NormTypes.
- first input array.src2
- second input array of the same size and the same type as src1.normType
- type of the norm (see #NormTypes).mask
- optional operation mask; it must have the same size as src1 and CV_8UC1 type.@Namespace(value="cv") public static double norm(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, int normType, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double norm(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, int normType, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double norm(@Const @ByRef SparseMat src, int normType)
- first input array.normType
- type of the norm (see #NormTypes).@Namespace(value="cv") public static double PSNR(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, double R)
This function calculates the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) image quality metric in decibels (dB), between two input arrays src1 and src2. The arrays must have the same type.
The PSNR is calculated as follows:
\texttt{PSNR} = 10 \cdot \log_{10}{\left( \frac{R^2}{MSE} \right) }
where R is the maximum integer value of depth (e.g. 255 in the case of CV_8U data) and MSE is the mean squared error between the two arrays.
- first input array.src2
- second input array of the same size as src1.R
- the maximum pixel value (255 by default)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double PSNR(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, double R)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void batchDistance(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dist, int dtype, @ByVal Mat nidx, int normType, int K, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat mask, int update, @Cast(value="bool") boolean crosscheck)
see \todo document
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void batchDistance(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dist, int dtype, @ByVal Mat nidx)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void batchDistance(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dist, int dtype, @ByVal UMat nidx, int normType, int K, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat mask, int update, @Cast(value="bool") boolean crosscheck)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void batchDistance(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dist, int dtype, @ByVal UMat nidx)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void batchDistance(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dist, int dtype, @ByVal GpuMat nidx, int normType, int K, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat mask, int update, @Cast(value="bool") boolean crosscheck)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void batchDistance(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dist, int dtype, @ByVal GpuMat nidx)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void normalize(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, double alpha, double beta, int norm_type, int dtype, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat mask)
The function cv::normalize normalizes scale and shift the input array elements so that
\[\| \texttt{dst} \| _{L_p}= \texttt{alpha}\]
(where p=Inf, 1 or 2) when normType=NORM_INF, NORM_L1, or NORM_L2, respectively; or so that
\[\min _I \texttt{dst} (I)= \texttt{alpha} , \, \, \max _I \texttt{dst} (I)= \texttt{beta}\]
when normType=NORM_MINMAX (for dense arrays only). The optional mask specifies a sub-array to be normalized. This means that the norm or min-n-max are calculated over the sub-array, and then this sub-array is modified to be normalized. If you want to only use the mask to calculate the norm or min-max but modify the whole array, you can use norm and Mat::convertTo.
In case of sparse matrices, only the non-zero values are analyzed and transformed. Because of this, the range transformation for sparse matrices is not allowed since it can shift the zero level.
Possible usage with some positive example data:
vector<double> positiveData = { 2.0, 8.0, 10.0 };
vector<double> normalizedData_l1, normalizedData_l2, normalizedData_inf, normalizedData_minmax;
// Norm to probability (total count)
// sum(numbers) = 20.0
// 2.0 0.1 (2.0/20.0)
// 8.0 0.4 (8.0/20.0)
// 10.0 0.5 (10.0/20.0)
normalize(positiveData, normalizedData_l1, 1.0, 0.0, NORM_L1);
// Norm to unit vector: ||positiveData|| = 1.0
// 2.0 0.15
// 8.0 0.62
// 10.0 0.77
normalize(positiveData, normalizedData_l2, 1.0, 0.0, NORM_L2);
// Norm to max element
// 2.0 0.2 (2.0/10.0)
// 8.0 0.8 (8.0/10.0)
// 10.0 1.0 (10.0/10.0)
normalize(positiveData, normalizedData_inf, 1.0, 0.0, NORM_INF);
// Norm to range [0.0;1.0]
// 2.0 0.0 (shift to left border)
// 8.0 0.75 (6.0/8.0)
// 10.0 1.0 (shift to right border)
normalize(positiveData, normalizedData_minmax, 1.0, 0.0, NORM_MINMAX);
- input array.dst
- output array of the same size as src .alpha
- norm value to normalize to or the lower range boundary in case of the range
- upper range boundary in case of the range normalization; it is not used for the norm
- normalization type (see cv::NormTypes).dtype
- when negative, the output array has the same type as src; otherwise, it has the same
number of channels as src and the depth =CV_MAT_DEPTH(dtype).mask
- optional operation mask.norm, Mat::convertTo, SparseMat::convertTo
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void normalize(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, double alpha, double beta, int norm_type, int dtype, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void normalize(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, double alpha, double beta, int norm_type, int dtype, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void normalize(@Const @ByRef SparseMat src, @ByRef SparseMat dst, double alpha, int normType)
- input array.dst
- output array of the same size as src .alpha
- norm value to normalize to or the lower range boundary in case of the range
- normalization type (see cv::NormTypes).@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@ByVal Mat src, DoublePointer minVal, DoublePointer maxVal, Point minLoc, Point maxLoc, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat mask)
The function cv::minMaxLoc finds the minimum and maximum element values and their positions. The extremums are searched across the whole array or, if mask is not an empty array, in the specified array region.
The function do not work with multi-channel arrays. If you need to find minimum or maximum elements across all the channels, use Mat::reshape first to reinterpret the array as single-channel. Or you may extract the particular channel using either extractImageCOI, or mixChannels, or split.
- input single-channel array.minVal
- pointer to the returned minimum value; NULL is used if not required.maxVal
- pointer to the returned maximum value; NULL is used if not required.minLoc
- pointer to the returned minimum location (in 2D case); NULL is used if not required.maxLoc
- pointer to the returned maximum location (in 2D case); NULL is used if not required.mask
- optional mask used to select a sub-array.max, min, reduceArgMin, reduceArgMax, compare, inRange, extractImageCOI, mixChannels, split, Mat::reshape
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@ByVal Mat src, DoublePointer minVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@ByVal Mat src, DoubleBuffer minVal, DoubleBuffer maxVal, Point minLoc, Point maxLoc, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@ByVal Mat src, DoubleBuffer minVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@ByVal Mat src, double[] minVal, double[] maxVal, Point minLoc, Point maxLoc, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@ByVal Mat src, double[] minVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@ByVal UMat src, DoublePointer minVal, DoublePointer maxVal, Point minLoc, Point maxLoc, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@ByVal UMat src, DoublePointer minVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@ByVal UMat src, DoubleBuffer minVal, DoubleBuffer maxVal, Point minLoc, Point maxLoc, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@ByVal UMat src, DoubleBuffer minVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@ByVal UMat src, double[] minVal, double[] maxVal, Point minLoc, Point maxLoc, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@ByVal UMat src, double[] minVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@ByVal GpuMat src, DoublePointer minVal, DoublePointer maxVal, Point minLoc, Point maxLoc, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@ByVal GpuMat src, DoublePointer minVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@ByVal GpuMat src, DoubleBuffer minVal, DoubleBuffer maxVal, Point minLoc, Point maxLoc, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@ByVal GpuMat src, DoubleBuffer minVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@ByVal GpuMat src, double[] minVal, double[] maxVal, Point minLoc, Point maxLoc, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@ByVal GpuMat src, double[] minVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void reduceArgMin(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, int axis, @Cast(value="bool") boolean lastIndex)
- input single-channel array.dst
- output array of type CV_32SC1 with the same dimensionality as src,
except for axis being reduced - it should be set to 1.lastIndex
- whether to get the index of first or last occurrence of min.axis
- axis to reduce along.reduceArgMax, minMaxLoc, min, max, compare, reduce
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void reduceArgMin(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, int axis)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void reduceArgMin(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, int axis, @Cast(value="bool") boolean lastIndex)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void reduceArgMin(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, int axis)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void reduceArgMin(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int axis, @Cast(value="bool") boolean lastIndex)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void reduceArgMin(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int axis)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void reduceArgMax(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, int axis, @Cast(value="bool") boolean lastIndex)
- input single-channel array.dst
- output array of type CV_32SC1 with the same dimensionality as src,
except for axis being reduced - it should be set to 1.lastIndex
- whether to get the index of first or last occurrence of max.axis
- axis to reduce along.reduceArgMin, minMaxLoc, min, max, compare, reduce
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void reduceArgMax(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, int axis)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void reduceArgMax(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, int axis, @Cast(value="bool") boolean lastIndex)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void reduceArgMax(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, int axis)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void reduceArgMax(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int axis, @Cast(value="bool") boolean lastIndex)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void reduceArgMax(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int axis)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxIdx(@ByVal Mat src, DoublePointer minVal, DoublePointer maxVal, IntPointer minIdx, IntPointer maxIdx, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat mask)
The function cv::minMaxIdx finds the minimum and maximum element values and their positions. The extremums are searched across the whole array or, if mask is not an empty array, in the specified array region. In case of a sparse matrix, the minimum is found among non-zero elements only. Multi-channel input is supported without mask and extremums indexes (should be nullptr). \note When minIdx is not NULL, it must have at least 2 elements (as well as maxIdx), even if src is a single-row or single-column matrix. In OpenCV (following MATLAB) each array has at least 2 dimensions, i.e. single-column matrix is Mx1 matrix (and therefore minIdx/maxIdx will be (i1,0)/(i2,0)) and single-row matrix is 1xN matrix (and therefore minIdx/maxIdx will be (0,j1)/(0,j2)).
- input single-channel array.minVal
- pointer to the returned minimum value; NULL is used if not required.maxVal
- pointer to the returned maximum value; NULL is used if not required.minIdx
- pointer to the returned minimum location (in nD case); NULL is used if not required;
Otherwise, it must point to an array of src.dims elements, the coordinates of the minimum element
in each dimension are stored there sequentially.maxIdx
- pointer to the returned maximum location (in nD case). NULL is used if not required.mask
- specified array region@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxIdx(@ByVal Mat src, DoublePointer minVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxIdx(@ByVal Mat src, DoubleBuffer minVal, DoubleBuffer maxVal, IntBuffer minIdx, IntBuffer maxIdx, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxIdx(@ByVal Mat src, DoubleBuffer minVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxIdx(@ByVal Mat src, double[] minVal, double[] maxVal, int[] minIdx, int[] maxIdx, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxIdx(@ByVal Mat src, double[] minVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxIdx(@ByVal UMat src, DoublePointer minVal, DoublePointer maxVal, IntPointer minIdx, IntPointer maxIdx, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxIdx(@ByVal UMat src, DoublePointer minVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxIdx(@ByVal UMat src, DoubleBuffer minVal, DoubleBuffer maxVal, IntBuffer minIdx, IntBuffer maxIdx, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxIdx(@ByVal UMat src, DoubleBuffer minVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxIdx(@ByVal UMat src, double[] minVal, double[] maxVal, int[] minIdx, int[] maxIdx, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxIdx(@ByVal UMat src, double[] minVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxIdx(@ByVal GpuMat src, DoublePointer minVal, DoublePointer maxVal, IntPointer minIdx, IntPointer maxIdx, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxIdx(@ByVal GpuMat src, DoublePointer minVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxIdx(@ByVal GpuMat src, DoubleBuffer minVal, DoubleBuffer maxVal, IntBuffer minIdx, IntBuffer maxIdx, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxIdx(@ByVal GpuMat src, DoubleBuffer minVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxIdx(@ByVal GpuMat src, double[] minVal, double[] maxVal, int[] minIdx, int[] maxIdx, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxIdx(@ByVal GpuMat src, double[] minVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@Const @ByRef SparseMat a, DoublePointer minVal, DoublePointer maxVal, IntPointer minIdx, IntPointer maxIdx)
- input single-channel array.minVal
- pointer to the returned minimum value; NULL is used if not required.maxVal
- pointer to the returned maximum value; NULL is used if not required.minIdx
- pointer to the returned minimum location (in nD case); NULL is used if not required;
Otherwise, it must point to an array of src.dims elements, the coordinates of the minimum element
in each dimension are stored there sequentially.maxIdx
- pointer to the returned maximum location (in nD case). NULL is used if not required.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@Const @ByRef SparseMat a, DoublePointer minVal, DoublePointer maxVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@Const @ByRef SparseMat a, DoubleBuffer minVal, DoubleBuffer maxVal, IntBuffer minIdx, IntBuffer maxIdx)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@Const @ByRef SparseMat a, DoubleBuffer minVal, DoubleBuffer maxVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@Const @ByRef SparseMat a, double[] minVal, double[] maxVal, int[] minIdx, int[] maxIdx)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void minMaxLoc(@Const @ByRef SparseMat a, double[] minVal, double[] maxVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void reduce(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, int dim, int rtype, int dtype)
The function #reduce reduces the matrix to a vector by treating the matrix rows/columns as a set of 1D vectors and performing the specified operation on the vectors until a single row/column is obtained. For example, the function can be used to compute horizontal and vertical projections of a raster image. In case of #REDUCE_MAX and #REDUCE_MIN, the output image should have the same type as the source one. In case of #REDUCE_SUM, #REDUCE_SUM2 and #REDUCE_AVG, the output may have a larger element bit-depth to preserve accuracy. And multi-channel arrays are also supported in these two reduction modes.
The following code demonstrates its usage for a single channel matrix. \snippet snippets/core_reduce.cpp example
And the following code demonstrates its usage for a two-channel matrix. \snippet snippets/core_reduce.cpp example2
- input 2D matrix.dst
- output vector. Its size and type is defined by dim and dtype parameters.dim
- dimension index along which the matrix is reduced. 0 means that the matrix is reduced to
a single row. 1 means that the matrix is reduced to a single column.rtype
- reduction operation that could be one of #ReduceTypesdtype
- when negative, the output vector will have the same type as the input matrix,
otherwise, its type will be CV_MAKE_TYPE(CV_MAT_DEPTH(dtype), src.channels()).repeat, reduceArgMin, reduceArgMax
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void reduce(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, int dim, int rtype)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void reduce(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, int dim, int rtype, int dtype)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void reduce(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, int dim, int rtype)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void reduce(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int dim, int rtype, int dtype)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void reduce(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int dim, int rtype)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void merge(@Const Mat mv, @Cast(value="size_t") long count, @ByVal Mat dst)
The function cv::merge merges several arrays to make a single multi-channel array. That is, each element of the output array will be a concatenation of the elements of the input arrays, where elements of i-th input array are treated as mv[i].channels()-element vectors.
The function cv::split does the reverse operation. If you need to shuffle channels in some other advanced way, use cv::mixChannels.
The following example shows how to merge 3 single channel matrices into a single 3-channel matrix. \snippet snippets/core_merge.cpp example
- input array of matrices to be merged; all the matrices in mv must have the same
size and the same depth.count
- number of input matrices when mv is a plain C array; it must be greater than zero.dst
- output array of the same size and the same depth as mv[0]; The number of channels will
be equal to the parameter count.mixChannels, split, Mat::reshape
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void merge(@Const Mat mv, @Cast(value="size_t") long count, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void merge(@Const Mat mv, @Cast(value="size_t") long count, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void merge(@ByVal MatVector mv, @ByVal Mat dst)
- input vector of matrices to be merged; all the matrices in mv must have the same
size and the same depth.dst
- output array of the same size and the same depth as mv[0]; The number of channels will
be the total number of channels in the matrix array.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void merge(@ByVal UMatVector mv, @ByVal Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void merge(@ByVal GpuMatVector mv, @ByVal Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void merge(@ByVal UMatVector mv, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void merge(@ByVal GpuMatVector mv, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void merge(@ByVal UMatVector mv, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void merge(@ByVal GpuMatVector mv, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void split(@Const @ByRef Mat src, Mat mvbegin)
The function cv::split splits a multi-channel array into separate single-channel arrays:
\[\texttt{mv} [c](I) = \texttt{src} (I)_c\]
If you need to extract a single channel or do some other sophisticated channel permutation, use
The following example demonstrates how to split a 3-channel matrix into 3 single channel matrices. \snippet snippets/core_split.cpp example
- input multi-channel array.mvbegin
- output array; the number of arrays must match src.channels(); the arrays themselves are
reallocated, if needed.merge, mixChannels, cvtColor
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void split(@ByVal Mat m, @ByVal MatVector mv)
- input multi-channel
- output vector of arrays; the arrays themselves are reallocated, if needed.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void split(@ByVal Mat m, @ByVal UMatVector mv)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void split(@ByVal Mat m, @ByVal GpuMatVector mv)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void split(@ByVal UMat m, @ByVal UMatVector mv)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void split(@ByVal UMat m, @ByVal GpuMatVector mv)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void split(@ByVal GpuMat m, @ByVal UMatVector mv)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void split(@ByVal GpuMat m, @ByVal GpuMatVector mv)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void mixChannels(@Const Mat src, @Cast(value="size_t") long nsrcs, Mat dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long ndsts, @Const IntPointer fromTo, @Cast(value="size_t") long npairs)
The function cv::mixChannels provides an advanced mechanism for shuffling image channels.
cv::split,cv::merge,cv::extractChannel,cv::insertChannel and some forms of cv::cvtColor are partial cases of cv::mixChannels.
In the example below, the code splits a 4-channel BGRA image into a 3-channel BGR (with B and R channels swapped) and a separate alpha-channel image:
Mat bgra( 100, 100, CV_8UC4, Scalar(255,0,0,255) );
Mat bgr( bgra.rows, bgra.cols, CV_8UC3 );
Mat alpha( bgra.rows, bgra.cols, CV_8UC1 );
// forming an array of matrices is a quite efficient operation,
// because the matrix data is not copied, only the headers
Mat out[] = { bgr, alpha };
// bgra[0] -> bgr[2], bgra[1] -> bgr[1],
// bgra[2] -> bgr[0], bgra[3] -> alpha[0]
int from_to[] = { 0,2, 1,1, 2,0, 3,3 };
mixChannels( &bgra, 1, out, 2, from_to, 4 );
\note Unlike many other new-style C++ functions in OpenCV (see the introduction section and
Mat::create ), cv::mixChannels requires the output arrays to be pre-allocated before calling the
- input array or vector of matrices; all of the matrices must have the same size and the
same depth.nsrcs
- number of matrices in src
- output array or vector of matrices; all the matrices **must be allocated**; their size and
depth must be the same as in src[0]
- number of matrices in dst
- array of index pairs specifying which channels are copied and where; fromTo[k\*2] is
a 0-based index of the input channel in src, fromTo[k\*2+1] is an index of the output channel in
dst; the continuous channel numbering is used: the first input image channels are indexed from 0 to
src[0].channels()-1, the second input image channels are indexed from src[0].channels() to
src[0].channels() + src[1].channels()-1, and so on, the same scheme is used for the output image
channels; as a special case, when fromTo[k\*2] is negative, the corresponding output channel is
filled with zero .npairs
- number of index pairs in fromTo
.split, merge, extractChannel, insertChannel, cvtColor
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void mixChannels(@Const Mat src, @Cast(value="size_t") long nsrcs, Mat dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long ndsts, @Const IntBuffer fromTo, @Cast(value="size_t") long npairs)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void mixChannels(@Const Mat src, @Cast(value="size_t") long nsrcs, Mat dst, @Cast(value="size_t") long ndsts, @Const int[] fromTo, @Cast(value="size_t") long npairs)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void mixChannels(@ByVal MatVector src, @ByVal MatVector dst, @Const IntPointer fromTo, @Cast(value="size_t") long npairs)
- input array or vector of matrices; all of the matrices must have the same size and the
same depth.dst
- output array or vector of matrices; all the matrices **must be allocated**; their size and
depth must be the same as in src[0].fromTo
- array of index pairs specifying which channels are copied and where; fromTo[k\*2] is
a 0-based index of the input channel in src, fromTo[k\*2+1] is an index of the output channel in
dst; the continuous channel numbering is used: the first input image channels are indexed from 0 to
src[0].channels()-1, the second input image channels are indexed from src[0].channels() to
src[0].channels() + src[1].channels()-1, and so on, the same scheme is used for the output image
channels; as a special case, when fromTo[k\*2] is negative, the corresponding output channel is
filled with zero .npairs
- number of index pairs in fromTo.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void mixChannels(@ByVal UMatVector src, @ByVal UMatVector dst, @Const IntBuffer fromTo, @Cast(value="size_t") long npairs)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void mixChannels(@ByVal GpuMatVector src, @ByVal GpuMatVector dst, @Const int[] fromTo, @Cast(value="size_t") long npairs)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void mixChannels(@ByVal MatVector src, @ByVal MatVector dst, @StdVector IntPointer fromTo)
- input array or vector of matrices; all of the matrices must have the same size and the
same depth.dst
- output array or vector of matrices; all the matrices **must be allocated**; their size and
depth must be the same as in src[0].fromTo
- array of index pairs specifying which channels are copied and where; fromTo[k\*2] is
a 0-based index of the input channel in src, fromTo[k\*2+1] is an index of the output channel in
dst; the continuous channel numbering is used: the first input image channels are indexed from 0 to
src[0].channels()-1, the second input image channels are indexed from src[0].channels() to
src[0].channels() + src[1].channels()-1, and so on, the same scheme is used for the output image
channels; as a special case, when fromTo[k\*2] is negative, the corresponding output channel is
filled with zero .@Namespace(value="cv") public static void mixChannels(@ByVal UMatVector src, @ByVal UMatVector dst, @StdVector IntBuffer fromTo)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void mixChannels(@ByVal GpuMatVector src, @ByVal GpuMatVector dst, @StdVector int[] fromTo)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void extractChannel(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, int coi)
- input arraydst
- output arraycoi
- index of channel to extractmixChannels, split
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void extractChannel(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, int coi)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void extractChannel(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int coi)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void insertChannel(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, int coi)
- input arraydst
- output arraycoi
- index of channel for insertionmixChannels, merge
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void insertChannel(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, int coi)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void insertChannel(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int coi)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void flip(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, int flipCode)
The function cv::flip flips the array in one of three different ways (row and column indices are 0-based):
\[\texttt{dst} _{ij} = \left\{ \begin{array}{l l} \texttt{src} _{\texttt{src.rows}-i-1,j} & if\; \texttt{flipCode} = 0 \\ \texttt{src} _{i, \texttt{src.cols} -j-1} & if\; \texttt{flipCode} > 0 \\ \texttt{src} _{ \texttt{src.rows} -i-1, \texttt{src.cols} -j-1} & if\; \texttt{flipCode} < 0 \\ \end{array} \right.\]}The example scenarios of using the function are the following: Vertical flipping of the image (flipCode == 0) to switch between top-left and bottom-left image origin. This is a typical operation in video processing on Microsoft Windows\* OS. Horizontal flipping of the image with the subsequent horizontal shift and absolute difference calculation to check for a vertical-axis symmetry (flipCode \> 0). Simultaneous horizontal and vertical flipping of the image with the subsequent shift and absolute difference calculation to check for a central symmetry (flipCode \< 0). Reversing the order of point arrays (flipCode \> 0 or flipCode == 0).
- input array.dst
- output array of the same size and type as src.flipCode
- a flag to specify how to flip the array; 0 means
flipping around the x-axis and positive value (for example, 1) means
flipping around y-axis. Negative value (for example, -1) means flipping
around both axes.transpose, repeat, completeSymm
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void flip(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int flipCode)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void flipND(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, int axis)
- input arraydst
- output array that has the same shape of srcaxis
- axis that performs a flip on. 0 <= axis < src.dims.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void flipND(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int axis)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void broadcast(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat shape, @ByVal Mat dst)
- input arrayshape
- target shape. Should be a list of CV_32S numbers. Note that negative values are not supported.dst
- output array that has the given shape@Namespace(value="cv") public static void broadcast(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat shape, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void broadcast(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat shape, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void rotate(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, int rotateCode)
- input array.dst
- output array of the same type as src. The size is the same with ROTATE_180,
and the rows and cols are switched for ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE and ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE.rotateCode
- an enum to specify how to rotate the array; see the enum #RotateFlagstranspose, repeat, completeSymm, flip, RotateFlags
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void rotate(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, int rotateCode)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void rotate(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int rotateCode)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void repeat(@ByVal Mat src, int ny, int nx, @ByVal Mat dst)
The function cv::repeat duplicates the input array one or more times along each of the two axes:
\[\texttt{dst} _{ij}= \texttt{src} _{i\mod src.rows, \; j\mod src.cols }\]
The second variant of the function is more convenient to use with \ref MatrixExpressions.src
- input array to replicate.ny
- Flag to specify how many times the src
is repeated along the
vertical axis.nx
- Flag to specify how many times the src
is repeated along the
horizontal axis.dst
- output array of the same type as src
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void repeat(@ByVal UMat src, int ny, int nx, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void repeat(@ByVal GpuMat src, int ny, int nx, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal public static Mat repeat(@Const @ByRef Mat src, int ny, int nx)
- input array to replicate.ny
- Flag to specify how many times the src
is repeated along the
vertical axis.nx
- Flag to specify how many times the src
is repeated along the
horizontal axis.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void hconcat(@Const Mat src, @Cast(value="size_t") long nsrc, @ByVal Mat dst)
The function horizontally concatenates two or more cv::Mat matrices (with the same number of rows).
cv::Mat matArray[] = { cv::Mat(4, 1, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(1)),
cv::Mat(4, 1, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(2)),
cv::Mat(4, 1, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(3)),};
cv::Mat out;
cv::hconcat( matArray, 3, out );
//[1, 2, 3;
// 1, 2, 3;
// 1, 2, 3;
// 1, 2, 3]
- input array or vector of matrices. all of the matrices must have the same number of rows and the same depth.nsrc
- number of matrices in src.dst
- output array. It has the same number of rows and depth as the src, and the sum of cols of the Mat*, size_t, OutputArray), @see cv::vconcat(InputArrayOfArrays, OutputArray) and @see cv::vconcat(InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void hconcat(@Const Mat src, @Cast(value="size_t") long nsrc, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void hconcat(@Const Mat src, @Cast(value="size_t") long nsrc, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void hconcat(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dst)
cv::Mat_<float> A = (cv::Mat_<float>(3, 2) << 1, 4,
2, 5,
3, 6);
cv::Mat_<float> B = (cv::Mat_<float>(3, 2) << 7, 10,
8, 11,
9, 12);
cv::Mat C;
cv::hconcat(A, B, C);
//[1, 4, 7, 10;
// 2, 5, 8, 11;
// 3, 6, 9, 12]
- first input array to be considered for horizontal concatenation.src2
- second input array to be considered for horizontal concatenation.dst
- output array. It has the same number of rows and depth as the src1 and src2, and the sum of cols of the src1 and src2.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void hconcat(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void hconcat(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void hconcat(@ByVal MatVector src, @ByVal Mat dst)
std::vector<cv::Mat> matrices = { cv::Mat(4, 1, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(1)),
cv::Mat(4, 1, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(2)),
cv::Mat(4, 1, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(3)),};
cv::Mat out;
cv::hconcat( matrices, out );
//[1, 2, 3;
// 1, 2, 3;
// 1, 2, 3;
// 1, 2, 3]
- input array or vector of matrices. all of the matrices must have the same number of rows and the same depth.dst
- output array. It has the same number of rows and depth as the src, and the sum of cols of the src.
same depth.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void hconcat(@ByVal UMatVector src, @ByVal Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void hconcat(@ByVal GpuMatVector src, @ByVal Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void hconcat(@ByVal UMatVector src, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void hconcat(@ByVal GpuMatVector src, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void hconcat(@ByVal UMatVector src, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void hconcat(@ByVal GpuMatVector src, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void vconcat(@Const Mat src, @Cast(value="size_t") long nsrc, @ByVal Mat dst)
The function vertically concatenates two or more cv::Mat matrices (with the same number of cols).
cv::Mat matArray[] = { cv::Mat(1, 4, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(1)),
cv::Mat(1, 4, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(2)),
cv::Mat(1, 4, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(3)),};
cv::Mat out;
cv::vconcat( matArray, 3, out );
//[1, 1, 1, 1;
// 2, 2, 2, 2;
// 3, 3, 3, 3]
- input array or vector of matrices. all of the matrices must have the same number of cols and the same depth.nsrc
- number of matrices in src.dst
- output array. It has the same number of cols and depth as the src, and the sum of rows of the Mat*, size_t, OutputArray), @see cv::hconcat(InputArrayOfArrays, OutputArray) and @see cv::hconcat(InputArray, InputArray, OutputArray)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void vconcat(@Const Mat src, @Cast(value="size_t") long nsrc, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void vconcat(@Const Mat src, @Cast(value="size_t") long nsrc, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void vconcat(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dst)
cv::Mat_<float> A = (cv::Mat_<float>(3, 2) << 1, 7,
2, 8,
3, 9);
cv::Mat_<float> B = (cv::Mat_<float>(3, 2) << 4, 10,
5, 11,
6, 12);
cv::Mat C;
cv::vconcat(A, B, C);
//[1, 7;
// 2, 8;
// 3, 9;
// 4, 10;
// 5, 11;
// 6, 12]
- first input array to be considered for vertical concatenation.src2
- second input array to be considered for vertical concatenation.dst
- output array. It has the same number of cols and depth as the src1 and src2, and the sum of rows of the src1 and src2.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void vconcat(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void vconcat(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void vconcat(@ByVal MatVector src, @ByVal Mat dst)
std::vector<cv::Mat> matrices = { cv::Mat(1, 4, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(1)),
cv::Mat(1, 4, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(2)),
cv::Mat(1, 4, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(3)),};
cv::Mat out;
cv::vconcat( matrices, out );
//[1, 1, 1, 1;
// 2, 2, 2, 2;
// 3, 3, 3, 3]
- input array or vector of matrices. all of the matrices must have the same number of cols and the same depthdst
- output array. It has the same number of cols and depth as the src, and the sum of rows of the src.
same depth.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void vconcat(@ByVal UMatVector src, @ByVal Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void vconcat(@ByVal GpuMatVector src, @ByVal Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void vconcat(@ByVal UMatVector src, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void vconcat(@ByVal GpuMatVector src, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void vconcat(@ByVal UMatVector src, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void vconcat(@ByVal GpuMatVector src, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void bitwise_and(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dst, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat mask)
The function cv::bitwise_and calculates the per-element bit-wise logical conjunction for: Two arrays when src1 and src2 have the same size:
\[\texttt{dst} (I) = \texttt{src1} (I) \wedge \texttt{src2} (I) \quad \texttt{if mask} (I) \ne0\]
An array and a scalar when src2 is constructed from Scalar or has
the same number of elements as src1.channels()
\[\texttt{dst} (I) = \texttt{src1} (I) \wedge \texttt{src2} \quad \texttt{if mask} (I) \ne0\]
A scalar and an array when src1 is constructed from Scalar or has
the same number of elements as src2.channels()
\[\texttt{dst} (I) = \texttt{src1} \wedge \texttt{src2} (I) \quad \texttt{if mask} (I) \ne0\]
In case of floating-point arrays, their machine-specific bit
representations (usually IEEE754-compliant) are used for the operation.
In case of multi-channel arrays, each channel is processed
independently. In the second and third cases above, the scalar is first
converted to the array type.src1
- first input array or a scalar.src2
- second input array or a scalar.dst
- output array that has the same size and type as the input
- optional operation mask, 8-bit single channel array, that
specifies elements of the output array to be changed.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void bitwise_and(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void bitwise_and(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void bitwise_and(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void bitwise_and(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void bitwise_and(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void bitwise_or(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dst, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat mask)
The function cv::bitwise_or calculates the per-element bit-wise logical disjunction for: Two arrays when src1 and src2 have the same size:
\[\texttt{dst} (I) = \texttt{src1} (I) \vee \texttt{src2} (I) \quad \texttt{if mask} (I) \ne0\]
An array and a scalar when src2 is constructed from Scalar or has
the same number of elements as src1.channels()
\[\texttt{dst} (I) = \texttt{src1} (I) \vee \texttt{src2} \quad \texttt{if mask} (I) \ne0\]
A scalar and an array when src1 is constructed from Scalar or has
the same number of elements as src2.channels()
\[\texttt{dst} (I) = \texttt{src1} \vee \texttt{src2} (I) \quad \texttt{if mask} (I) \ne0\]
In case of floating-point arrays, their machine-specific bit
representations (usually IEEE754-compliant) are used for the operation.
In case of multi-channel arrays, each channel is processed
independently. In the second and third cases above, the scalar is first
converted to the array type.src1
- first input array or a scalar.src2
- second input array or a scalar.dst
- output array that has the same size and type as the input
- optional operation mask, 8-bit single channel array, that
specifies elements of the output array to be changed.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void bitwise_or(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void bitwise_or(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void bitwise_or(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void bitwise_or(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void bitwise_or(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void bitwise_xor(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dst, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat mask)
The function cv::bitwise_xor calculates the per-element bit-wise logical "exclusive-or" operation for: Two arrays when src1 and src2 have the same size:
\[\texttt{dst} (I) = \texttt{src1} (I) \oplus \texttt{src2} (I) \quad \texttt{if mask} (I) \ne0\]
An array and a scalar when src2 is constructed from Scalar or has
the same number of elements as src1.channels()
\[\texttt{dst} (I) = \texttt{src1} (I) \oplus \texttt{src2} \quad \texttt{if mask} (I) \ne0\]
A scalar and an array when src1 is constructed from Scalar or has
the same number of elements as src2.channels()
\[\texttt{dst} (I) = \texttt{src1} \oplus \texttt{src2} (I) \quad \texttt{if mask} (I) \ne0\]
In case of floating-point arrays, their machine-specific bit
representations (usually IEEE754-compliant) are used for the operation.
In case of multi-channel arrays, each channel is processed
independently. In the 2nd and 3rd cases above, the scalar is first
converted to the array type.src1
- first input array or a scalar.src2
- second input array or a scalar.dst
- output array that has the same size and type as the input
- optional operation mask, 8-bit single channel array, that
specifies elements of the output array to be changed.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void bitwise_xor(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void bitwise_xor(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void bitwise_xor(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void bitwise_xor(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void bitwise_xor(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void bitwise_not(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat mask)
The function cv::bitwise_not calculates per-element bit-wise inversion of the input array:
\[\texttt{dst} (I) = \neg \texttt{src} (I)\]
In case of a floating-point input array, its machine-specific bit
representation (usually IEEE754-compliant) is used for the operation. In
case of multi-channel arrays, each channel is processed independently.src
- input array.dst
- output array that has the same size and type as the input
- optional operation mask, 8-bit single channel array, that
specifies elements of the output array to be changed.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void bitwise_not(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void bitwise_not(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void bitwise_not(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void absdiff(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dst)
The function cv::absdiff calculates: Absolute difference between two arrays when they have the same size and type:
\[\texttt{dst}(I) = \texttt{saturate} (| \texttt{src1}(I) - \texttt{src2}(I)|)\]
Absolute difference between an array and a scalar when the second
array is constructed from Scalar or has as many elements as the
number of channels in src1
\[\texttt{dst}(I) = \texttt{saturate} (| \texttt{src1}(I) - \texttt{src2} |)\]
Absolute difference between a scalar and an array when the first
array is constructed from Scalar or has as many elements as the
number of channels in src2
\[\texttt{dst}(I) = \texttt{saturate} (| \texttt{src1} - \texttt{src2}(I) |)\]
where I is a multi-dimensional index of array elements. In case of
multi-channel arrays, each channel is processed independently.
\note Saturation is not applied when the arrays have the depth CV_32S.
You may even get a negative value in the case of overflow.
\note (Python) Be careful to difference behaviour between src1/src2 are single number and they are tuple/array.
means absdiff(src,(X,X,X,X))
means absdiff(src,(X,0,0,0))
- first input array or a scalar.src2
- second input array or a scalar.dst
- output array that has the same size and type as input Mat&)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void absdiff(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void absdiff(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void copyTo(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, @ByVal Mat mask)
- source matrix.dst
- Destination matrix. If it does not have a proper size or type before the operation, it is
- Operation mask of the same size as \*this. Its non-zero elements indicate which matrix
elements need to be copied. The mask has to be of type CV_8U and can have 1 or multiple channels.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void copyTo(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, @ByVal UMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void copyTo(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, @ByVal GpuMat mask)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void inRange(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat lowerb, @ByVal Mat upperb, @ByVal Mat dst)
The function checks the range as follows: - For every element of a single-channel input array:
\[\texttt{dst} (I)= \texttt{lowerb} (I)_0 \leq \texttt{src} (I)_0 \leq \texttt{upperb} (I)_0\]
- For two-channel arrays:
\[\texttt{dst} (I)= \texttt{lowerb} (I)_0 \leq \texttt{src} (I)_0 \leq \texttt{upperb} (I)_0 \land \texttt{lowerb} (I)_1 \leq \texttt{src} (I)_1 \leq \texttt{upperb} (I)_1\]
- and so forth.
That is, dst (I) is set to 255 (all 1 -bits) if src (I) is within the specified 1D, 2D, 3D, ... box and 0 otherwise.
When the lower and/or upper boundary parameters are scalars, the indexes (I) at lowerb and upperb in the above formulas should be omitted.
- first input array.lowerb
- inclusive lower boundary array or a scalar.upperb
- inclusive upper boundary array or a scalar.dst
- output array of the same size as src and CV_8U type.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void inRange(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat lowerb, @ByVal UMat upperb, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void inRange(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat lowerb, @ByVal GpuMat upperb, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void compare(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dst, int cmpop)
The function compares: Elements of two arrays when src1 and src2 have the same size:
\[\texttt{dst} (I) = \texttt{src1} (I) \,\texttt{cmpop}\, \texttt{src2} (I)\]
Elements of src1 with a scalar src2 when src2 is constructed from
Scalar or has a single element:
\[\texttt{dst} (I) = \texttt{src1}(I) \,\texttt{cmpop}\, \texttt{src2}\]
src1 with elements of src2 when src1 is constructed from Scalar or
has a single element:
\[\texttt{dst} (I) = \texttt{src1} \,\texttt{cmpop}\, \texttt{src2} (I)\]
When the comparison result is true, the corresponding element of output
array is set to 255. The comparison operations can be replaced with the
equivalent matrix expressions:
Mat dst1 = src1 >= src2;
Mat dst2 = src1 < 8;
- first input array or a scalar; when it is an array, it must have a single channel.src2
- second input array or a scalar; when it is an array, it must have a single channel.dst
- output array of type ref CV_8U that has the same size and the same number of channels as
the input arrays.cmpop
- a flag, that specifies correspondence between the arrays (cv::CmpTypes)checkRange, min, max, threshold
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void compare(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst, int cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void compare(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int cmpop)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void min(@Const @ByRef Mat src1, @Const @ByRef Mat src2, @ByRef Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void min(@Const @ByRef UMat src1, @Const @ByRef UMat src2, @ByRef UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void max(@Const @ByRef Mat src1, @Const @ByRef Mat src2, @ByRef Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void max(@Const @ByRef UMat src1, @Const @ByRef UMat src2, @ByRef UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void sqrt(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst)
The function cv::sqrt calculates a square root of each input array element. In case of multi-channel arrays, each channel is processed independently. The accuracy is approximately the same as of the built-in std::sqrt .
- input floating-point array.dst
- output array of the same size and type as src.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void pow(@ByVal Mat src, double power, @ByVal Mat dst)
The function cv::pow raises every element of the input array to power :
\[\texttt{dst} (I) = \fork{\texttt{src}(I)^{power}}{if \(\texttt{power}\) is integer}{|\texttt{src}(I)|^{power}}{otherwise}\]
So, for a non-integer power exponent, the absolute values of input array elements are used. However, it is possible to get true values for negative values using some extra operations. In the example below, computing the 5th root of array src shows:
Mat mask = src < 0;
pow(src, 1./5, dst);
subtract(Scalar::all(0), dst, dst, mask);
For some values of power, such as integer values, 0.5 and -0.5,
specialized faster algorithms are used.
Special values (NaN, Inf) are not handled.
- input array.power
- exponent of power.dst
- output array of the same size and type as src.sqrt, exp, log, cartToPolar, polarToCart
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void pow(@ByVal GpuMat src, double power, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void exp(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst)
The function cv::exp calculates the exponent of every element of the input array:
\[\texttt{dst} [I] = e^{ src(I) }\]
The maximum relative error is about 7e-6 for single-precision input and less than 1e-10 for double-precision input. Currently, the function converts denormalized values to zeros on output. Special values (NaN, Inf) are not handled.
- input array.dst
- output array of the same size and type as src.log, cartToPolar, polarToCart, phase, pow, sqrt, magnitude
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void log(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst)
The function cv::log calculates the natural logarithm of every element of the input array:
\[\texttt{dst} (I) = \log (\texttt{src}(I)) \]
Output on zero, negative and special (NaN, Inf) values is undefined.
- input array.dst
- output array of the same size and type as src .exp, cartToPolar, polarToCart, phase, pow, sqrt, magnitude
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void polarToCart(@ByVal Mat magnitude, @ByVal Mat angle, @ByVal Mat x, @ByVal Mat y, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
The function cv::polarToCart calculates the Cartesian coordinates of each 2D vector represented by the corresponding elements of magnitude and angle:
\[\begin{array}{l} \texttt{x} (I) = \texttt{magnitude} (I) \cos ( \texttt{angle} (I)) \\ \texttt{y} (I) = \texttt{magnitude} (I) \sin ( \texttt{angle} (I)) \\ \end{array}\]
The relative accuracy of the estimated coordinates is about 1e-6.
- input floating-point array of magnitudes of 2D vectors;
it can be an empty matrix (=Mat()), in this case, the function assumes
that all the magnitudes are =1; if it is not empty, it must have the
same size and type as angle.angle
- input floating-point array of angles of 2D vectors.x
- output array of x-coordinates of 2D vectors; it has the same
size and type as angle.y
- output array of y-coordinates of 2D vectors; it has the same
size and type as angle.angleInDegrees
- when true, the input angles are measured in
degrees, otherwise, they are measured in radians.cartToPolar, magnitude, phase, exp, log, pow, sqrt
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void polarToCart(@ByVal Mat magnitude, @ByVal Mat angle, @ByVal Mat x, @ByVal Mat y)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void polarToCart(@ByVal UMat magnitude, @ByVal UMat angle, @ByVal UMat x, @ByVal UMat y, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void polarToCart(@ByVal UMat magnitude, @ByVal UMat angle, @ByVal UMat x, @ByVal UMat y)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void polarToCart(@ByVal GpuMat magnitude, @ByVal GpuMat angle, @ByVal GpuMat x, @ByVal GpuMat y, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void polarToCart(@ByVal GpuMat magnitude, @ByVal GpuMat angle, @ByVal GpuMat x, @ByVal GpuMat y)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void cartToPolar(@ByVal Mat x, @ByVal Mat y, @ByVal Mat magnitude, @ByVal Mat angle, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
The function cv::cartToPolar calculates either the magnitude, angle, or both for every 2D vector (x(I),y(I)):
\[\begin{array}{l} \texttt{magnitude} (I)= \sqrt{\texttt{x}(I)^2+\texttt{y}(I)^2} , \\ \texttt{angle} (I)= \texttt{atan2} ( \texttt{y} (I), \texttt{x} (I))[ \cdot180 / \pi ] \end{array}\]
The angles are calculated with accuracy about 0.3 degrees. For the point (0,0), the angle is set to 0.
- array of x-coordinates; this must be a single-precision or
double-precision floating-point array.y
- array of y-coordinates, that must have the same size and same type as x.magnitude
- output array of magnitudes of the same size and type as x.angle
- output array of angles that has the same size and type as
x; the angles are measured in radians (from 0 to 2\*Pi) or in degrees (0 to 360 degrees).angleInDegrees
- a flag, indicating whether the angles are measured
in radians (which is by default), or in degrees.Sobel, Scharr
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void cartToPolar(@ByVal Mat x, @ByVal Mat y, @ByVal Mat magnitude, @ByVal Mat angle)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void cartToPolar(@ByVal UMat x, @ByVal UMat y, @ByVal UMat magnitude, @ByVal UMat angle, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void cartToPolar(@ByVal UMat x, @ByVal UMat y, @ByVal UMat magnitude, @ByVal UMat angle)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void cartToPolar(@ByVal GpuMat x, @ByVal GpuMat y, @ByVal GpuMat magnitude, @ByVal GpuMat angle, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void cartToPolar(@ByVal GpuMat x, @ByVal GpuMat y, @ByVal GpuMat magnitude, @ByVal GpuMat angle)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void phase(@ByVal Mat x, @ByVal Mat y, @ByVal Mat angle, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
The function cv::phase calculates the rotation angle of each 2D vector that is formed from the corresponding elements of x and y :
\[\texttt{angle} (I) = \texttt{atan2} ( \texttt{y} (I), \texttt{x} (I))\]
The angle estimation accuracy is about 0.3 degrees. When x(I)=y(I)=0 , the corresponding angle(I) is set to 0.
- input floating-point array of x-coordinates of 2D vectors.y
- input array of y-coordinates of 2D vectors; it must have the
same size and the same type as x.angle
- output array of vector angles; it has the same size and
same type as x .angleInDegrees
- when true, the function calculates the angle in
degrees, otherwise, they are measured in radians.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void phase(@ByVal UMat x, @ByVal UMat y, @ByVal UMat angle, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void phase(@ByVal UMat x, @ByVal UMat y, @ByVal UMat angle)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void phase(@ByVal GpuMat x, @ByVal GpuMat y, @ByVal GpuMat angle, @Cast(value="bool") boolean angleInDegrees)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void phase(@ByVal GpuMat x, @ByVal GpuMat y, @ByVal GpuMat angle)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void magnitude(@ByVal Mat x, @ByVal Mat y, @ByVal Mat magnitude)
The function cv::magnitude calculates the magnitude of 2D vectors formed from the corresponding elements of x and y arrays:
\[\texttt{dst} (I) = \sqrt{\texttt{x}(I)^2 + \texttt{y}(I)^2}\]
- floating-point array of x-coordinates of the vectors.y
- floating-point array of y-coordinates of the vectors; it must
have the same size as x.magnitude
- output array of the same size and type as x.cartToPolar, polarToCart, phase, sqrt
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void magnitude(@ByVal UMat x, @ByVal UMat y, @ByVal UMat magnitude)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void magnitude(@ByVal GpuMat x, @ByVal GpuMat y, @ByVal GpuMat magnitude)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean checkRange(@ByVal Mat a, @Cast(value="bool") boolean quiet, Point pos, double minVal, double maxVal)
The function cv::checkRange checks that every array element is neither NaN nor infinite. When minVal \> -DBL_MAX and maxVal \< DBL_MAX, the function also checks that each value is between minVal and maxVal. In case of multi-channel arrays, each channel is processed independently. If some values are out of range, position of the first outlier is stored in pos (when pos != NULL). Then, the function either returns false (when quiet=true) or throws an exception.
- input array.quiet
- a flag, indicating whether the functions quietly return false when the array elements
are out of range or they throw an exception.pos
- optional output parameter, when not NULL, must be a pointer to array of src.dims
- inclusive lower boundary of valid values range.maxVal
- exclusive upper boundary of valid values range.@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean checkRange(@ByVal Mat a)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean checkRange(@ByVal UMat a, @Cast(value="bool") boolean quiet, Point pos, double minVal, double maxVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean checkRange(@ByVal UMat a)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean checkRange(@ByVal GpuMat a, @Cast(value="bool") boolean quiet, Point pos, double minVal, double maxVal)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean checkRange(@ByVal GpuMat a)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void patchNaNs(@ByVal Mat a, double val)
- input/output matrix (CV_32F type).val
- value to convert the NaNs@Namespace(value="cv") public static void patchNaNs(@ByVal Mat a)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void patchNaNs(@ByVal UMat a, double val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void patchNaNs(@ByVal UMat a)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void patchNaNs(@ByVal GpuMat a, double val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void patchNaNs(@ByVal GpuMat a)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void gemm(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, double alpha, @ByVal Mat src3, double beta, @ByVal Mat dst, int flags)
The function cv::gemm performs generalized matrix multiplication similar to the
gemm functions in BLAS level 3. For example,
gemm(src1, src2, alpha, src3, beta, dst, GEMM_1_T + GEMM_3_T)
corresponds to
\[\texttt{dst} = \texttt{alpha} \cdot \texttt{src1} ^T \cdot \texttt{src2} + \texttt{beta} \cdot \texttt{src3} ^T\]
In case of complex (two-channel) data, performed a complex matrix multiplication.
The function can be replaced with a matrix expression. For example, the above call can be replaced with:
dst = alpha*src1.t()*src2 + beta*src3.t();
- first multiplied input matrix that could be real(CV_32FC1,
CV_64FC1) or complex(CV_32FC2, CV_64FC2).src2
- second multiplied input matrix of the same type as src1.alpha
- weight of the matrix product.src3
- third optional delta matrix added to the matrix product; it
should have the same type as src1 and src2.beta
- weight of src3.dst
- output matrix; it has the proper size and the same type as
input matrices.flags
- operation flags (cv::GemmFlags)mulTransposed, transform
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void gemm(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, double alpha, @ByVal Mat src3, double beta, @ByVal Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void gemm(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, double alpha, @ByVal UMat src3, double beta, @ByVal UMat dst, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void gemm(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, double alpha, @ByVal UMat src3, double beta, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void gemm(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, double alpha, @ByVal GpuMat src3, double beta, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void gemm(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, double alpha, @ByVal GpuMat src3, double beta, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void mulTransposed(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, @Cast(value="bool") boolean aTa, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat delta, double scale, int dtype)
The function cv::mulTransposed calculates the product of src and its transposition:
\[\texttt{dst} = \texttt{scale} ( \texttt{src} - \texttt{delta} )^T ( \texttt{src} - \texttt{delta} )\]
if aTa=true, and
\[\texttt{dst} = \texttt{scale} ( \texttt{src} - \texttt{delta} ) ( \texttt{src} - \texttt{delta} )^T\]
otherwise. The function is used to calculate the covariance matrix. With
zero delta, it can be used as a faster substitute for general matrix
product A\*B when B=A'src
- input single-channel matrix. Note that unlike gemm, the
function can multiply not only floating-point matrices.dst
- output square matrix.aTa
- Flag specifying the multiplication ordering. See the
- Optional delta matrix subtracted from src before the
multiplication. When the matrix is empty ( delta=noArray() ), it is
assumed to be zero, that is, nothing is subtracted. If it has the same
size as src, it is simply subtracted. Otherwise, it is "repeated" (see
repeat ) to cover the full src and then subtracted. Type of the delta
matrix, when it is not empty, must be the same as the type of created
output matrix. See the dtype parameter description below.scale
- Optional scale factor for the matrix product.dtype
- Optional type of the output matrix. When it is negative,
the output matrix will have the same type as src . Otherwise, it will be
type=CV_MAT_DEPTH(dtype) that should be either CV_32F or CV_64F .calcCovarMatrix, gemm, repeat, reduce
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void mulTransposed(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, @Cast(value="bool") boolean aTa)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void mulTransposed(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, @Cast(value="bool") boolean aTa, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat delta, double scale, int dtype)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void mulTransposed(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, @Cast(value="bool") boolean aTa)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void mulTransposed(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, @Cast(value="bool") boolean aTa, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat delta, double scale, int dtype)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void mulTransposed(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, @Cast(value="bool") boolean aTa)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void transpose(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst)
The function cv::transpose transposes the matrix src :
\[\texttt{dst} (i,j) = \texttt{src} (j,i)\]
\note No complex conjugation is done in case of a complex matrix. It
should be done separately if needed.src
- input array.dst
- output array of the same type as src.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void transposeND(@ByVal Mat src, @StdVector IntPointer order, @ByVal Mat dst)
- input array.order
- a permutation of [0,1,..,N-1] where N is the number of axes of src.
The i'th axis of dst will correspond to the axis numbered order[i] of the input.dst
- output array of the same type as src.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void transposeND(@ByVal Mat src, @StdVector IntBuffer order, @ByVal Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void transposeND(@ByVal Mat src, @StdVector int[] order, @ByVal Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void transposeND(@ByVal UMat src, @StdVector IntPointer order, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void transposeND(@ByVal UMat src, @StdVector IntBuffer order, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void transposeND(@ByVal UMat src, @StdVector int[] order, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void transposeND(@ByVal GpuMat src, @StdVector IntPointer order, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void transposeND(@ByVal GpuMat src, @StdVector IntBuffer order, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void transposeND(@ByVal GpuMat src, @StdVector int[] order, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void transform(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, @ByVal Mat m)
The function cv::transform performs the matrix transformation of every element of the array src and stores the results in dst :
\[\texttt{dst} (I) = \texttt{m} \cdot \texttt{src} (I)\]
(when m.cols=src.channels() ), or
\[\texttt{dst} (I) = \texttt{m} \cdot [ \texttt{src} (I); 1]\]
(when m.cols=src.channels()+1 )
Every element of the N -channel array src is interpreted as N -element vector that is transformed using the M x N or M x (N+1) matrix m to M-element vector - the corresponding element of the output array dst .
The function may be used for geometrical transformation of N -dimensional points, arbitrary linear color space transformation (such as various kinds of RGB to YUV transforms), shuffling the image channels, and so forth.
- input array that must have as many channels (1 to 4) as
m.cols or m.cols-1.dst
- output array of the same size and depth as src; it has as
many channels as m.rows.m
- transformation 2x2 or 2x3 floating-point matrix.perspectiveTransform, getAffineTransform, estimateAffine2D, warpAffine, warpPerspective
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void transform(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, @ByVal UMat m)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void transform(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, @ByVal GpuMat m)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void perspectiveTransform(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, @ByVal Mat m)
The function cv::perspectiveTransform transforms every element of src by treating it as a 2D or 3D vector, in the following way:
\[(x, y, z) \rightarrow (x'/w, y'/w, z'/w)\]
\[(x', y', z', w') = \texttt{mat} \cdot \begin{bmatrix} x & y & z & 1 \end{bmatrix}\]
\[w = \fork{w'}{if \(w' \ne 0\)}{\infty}{otherwise}\]
Here a 3D vector transformation is shown. In case of a 2D vector transformation, the z component is omitted.
\note The function transforms a sparse set of 2D or 3D vectors. If you want to transform an image using perspective transformation, use warpPerspective . If you have an inverse problem, that is, you want to compute the most probable perspective transformation out of several pairs of corresponding points, you can use getPerspectiveTransform or findHomography .
- input two-channel or three-channel floating-point array; each
element is a 2D/3D vector to be transformed.dst
- output array of the same size and type as src.m
- 3x3 or 4x4 floating-point transformation matrix.transform, warpPerspective, getPerspectiveTransform, findHomography
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void perspectiveTransform(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, @ByVal UMat m)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void perspectiveTransform(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, @ByVal GpuMat m)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void completeSymm(@ByVal Mat m, @Cast(value="bool") boolean lowerToUpper)
The function cv::completeSymm copies the lower or the upper half of a square matrix to
its another half. The matrix diagonal remains unchanged:
- \texttt{m}_{ij}=\texttt{m}_{ji}
for i > j
- \texttt{m}_{ij}=\texttt{m}_{ji}
for i < j
- input-output floating-point square matrix.lowerToUpper
- operation flag; if true, the lower half is copied to
the upper half. Otherwise, the upper half is copied to the lower half.flip, transpose
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void completeSymm(@ByVal Mat m)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void completeSymm(@ByVal UMat m, @Cast(value="bool") boolean lowerToUpper)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void completeSymm(@ByVal UMat m)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void completeSymm(@ByVal GpuMat m, @Cast(value="bool") boolean lowerToUpper)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void completeSymm(@ByVal GpuMat m)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void setIdentity(@ByVal Mat mtx, @Const @ByRef(nullValue="cv::Scalar(1)") Scalar s)
The function cv::setIdentity initializes a scaled identity matrix:
\[\texttt{mtx} (i,j)= \fork{\texttt{value}}{ if \(i=j\)}{0}{otherwise}\]
The function can also be emulated using the matrix initializers and the matrix expressions:
Mat A = Mat::eye(4, 3, CV_32F)*5;
// A will be set to [[5, 0, 0], [0, 5, 0], [0, 0, 5], [0, 0, 0]]
- matrix to initialize (not necessarily square).s
- value to assign to diagonal elements.Mat::zeros, Mat::ones, Mat::setTo, Mat::operator=
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void setIdentity(@ByVal Mat mtx)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void setIdentity(@ByVal UMat mtx, @Const @ByRef(nullValue="cv::Scalar(1)") Scalar s)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void setIdentity(@ByVal UMat mtx)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void setIdentity(@ByVal GpuMat mtx, @Const @ByRef(nullValue="cv::Scalar(1)") Scalar s)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void setIdentity(@ByVal GpuMat mtx)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double determinant(@ByVal Mat mtx)
The function cv::determinant calculates and returns the determinant of the specified matrix. For small matrices ( mtx.cols=mtx.rows\<=3 ), the direct method is used. For larger matrices, the function uses LU factorization with partial pivoting.
For symmetric positively-determined matrices, it is also possible to use eigen decomposition to calculate the determinant.
- input matrix that must have CV_32FC1 or CV_64FC1 type and
square size.trace, invert, solve, eigen, \ref MatrixExpressions
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double determinant(@ByVal UMat mtx)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double determinant(@ByVal GpuMat mtx)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal public static Scalar trace(@ByVal Mat mtx)
The function cv::trace returns the sum of the diagonal elements of the matrix mtx .
\[\mathrm{tr} ( \texttt{mtx} ) = \sum _i \texttt{mtx} (i,i)\]
- input matrix.@Namespace(value="cv") public static double invert(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, int flags)
The function cv::invert inverts the matrix src and stores the result in dst . When the matrix src is singular or non-square, the function calculates the pseudo-inverse matrix (the dst matrix) so that norm(src\*dst - I) is minimal, where I is an identity matrix.
In case of the #DECOMP_LU method, the function returns non-zero value if the inverse has been successfully calculated and 0 if src is singular.
In case of the #DECOMP_SVD method, the function returns the inverse condition number of src (the ratio of the smallest singular value to the largest singular value) and 0 if src is singular. The SVD method calculates a pseudo-inverse matrix if src is singular.
Similarly to #DECOMP_LU, the method #DECOMP_CHOLESKY works only with non-singular square matrices that should also be symmetrical and positively defined. In this case, the function stores the inverted matrix in dst and returns non-zero. Otherwise, it returns 0.
- input floating-point M x N matrix.dst
- output matrix of N x M size and the same type as src.flags
- inversion method (cv::DecompTypes)solve, SVD
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double invert(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double invert(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean solve(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dst, int flags)
The function cv::solve solves a linear system or least-squares problem (the latter is possible with SVD or QR methods, or by specifying the flag #DECOMP_NORMAL ):
\[\texttt{dst} = \arg \min _X \| \texttt{src1} \cdot \texttt{X} - \texttt{src2} \|\]
If #DECOMP_LU or #DECOMP_CHOLESKY method is used, the function returns 1
if src1 (or \texttt{src1}^T\texttt{src1}
) is non-singular. Otherwise,
it returns 0. In the latter case, dst is not valid. Other methods find a
pseudo-solution in case of a singular left-hand side part.
\note If you want to find a unity-norm solution of an under-defined
singular system \texttt{src1}\cdot\texttt{dst}=0
, the function solve
will not do the work. Use SVD::solveZ instead.
- input matrix on the left-hand side of the system.src2
- input matrix on the right-hand side of the system.dst
- output solution.flags
- solution (matrix inversion) method (#DecompTypes)invert, SVD, eigen
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean solve(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal Mat src2, @ByVal Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean solve(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean solve(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal UMat src2, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean solve(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean solve(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal GpuMat src2, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void sort(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, int flags)
The function cv::sort sorts each matrix row or each matrix column in ascending or descending order. So you should pass two operation flags to get desired behaviour. If you want to sort matrix rows or columns lexicographically, you can use STL std::sort generic function with the proper comparison predicate.
- input single-channel array.dst
- output array of the same size and type as src.flags
- operation flags, a combination of #SortFlagssortIdx, randShuffle
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void sort(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void sortIdx(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, int flags)
The function cv::sortIdx sorts each matrix row or each matrix column in the ascending or descending order. So you should pass two operation flags to get desired behaviour. Instead of reordering the elements themselves, it stores the indices of sorted elements in the output array. For example:
Mat A = Mat::eye(3,3,CV_32F), B;
// B will probably contain
// (because of equal elements in A some permutations are possible):
// [[1, 2, 0], [0, 2, 1], [0, 1, 2]]
- input single-channel array.dst
- output integer array of the same size as src.flags
- operation flags that could be a combination of cv::SortFlagssort, randShuffle
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void sortIdx(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void sortIdx(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int solveCubic(@ByVal Mat coeffs, @ByVal Mat roots)
The function solveCubic finds the real roots of a cubic equation: - if coeffs is a 4-element vector:
\[\texttt{coeffs} [0] x^3 + \texttt{coeffs} [1] x^2 + \texttt{coeffs} [2] x + \texttt{coeffs} [3] = 0\]
- if coeffs is a 3-element vector:
\[x^3 + \texttt{coeffs} [0] x^2 + \texttt{coeffs} [1] x + \texttt{coeffs} [2] = 0\]
The roots are stored in the roots array.
- equation coefficients, an array of 3 or 4 elements.roots
- output array of real roots that has 1 or 3 elements.@Namespace(value="cv") public static int solveCubic(@ByVal UMat coeffs, @ByVal UMat roots)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int solveCubic(@ByVal GpuMat coeffs, @ByVal GpuMat roots)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double solvePoly(@ByVal Mat coeffs, @ByVal Mat roots, int maxIters)
The function cv::solvePoly finds real and complex roots of a polynomial equation:
\[\texttt{coeffs} [n] x^{n} + \texttt{coeffs} [n-1] x^{n-1} + ... + \texttt{coeffs} [1] x + \texttt{coeffs} [0] = 0\]
- array of polynomial coefficients.roots
- output (complex) array of roots.maxIters
- maximum number of iterations the algorithm does.@Namespace(value="cv") public static double solvePoly(@ByVal Mat coeffs, @ByVal Mat roots)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double solvePoly(@ByVal UMat coeffs, @ByVal UMat roots, int maxIters)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double solvePoly(@ByVal UMat coeffs, @ByVal UMat roots)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double solvePoly(@ByVal GpuMat coeffs, @ByVal GpuMat roots, int maxIters)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double solvePoly(@ByVal GpuMat coeffs, @ByVal GpuMat roots)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean eigen(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat eigenvalues, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat eigenvectors)
The function cv::eigen calculates just eigenvalues, or eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the symmetric matrix src:
src*eigenvectors.row(i).t() =<srcType>(i)*eigenvectors.row(i).t()
\note Use cv::eigenNonSymmetric for calculation of real eigenvalues and eigenvectors of non-symmetric matrix.
- input matrix that must have CV_32FC1 or CV_64FC1 type, square size and be symmetrical
(src ^T^ == src).eigenvalues
- output vector of eigenvalues of the same type as src; the eigenvalues are stored
in the descending order.eigenvectors
- output matrix of eigenvectors; it has the same size and type as src; the
eigenvectors are stored as subsequent matrix rows, in the same order as the corresponding
eigenvalues.eigenNonSymmetric, completeSymm, PCA
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean eigen(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat eigenvalues)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean eigen(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat eigenvalues, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat eigenvectors)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean eigen(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat eigenvalues)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean eigen(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat eigenvalues, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat eigenvectors)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean eigen(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat eigenvalues)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void eigenNonSymmetric(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat eigenvalues, @ByVal Mat eigenvectors)
\note Assumes real eigenvalues.
The function calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors (optional) of the square matrix src:
src*eigenvectors.row(i).t() =<srcType>(i)*eigenvectors.row(i).t()
- input matrix (CV_32FC1 or CV_64FC1 type).eigenvalues
- output vector of eigenvalues (type is the same type as src).eigenvectors
- output matrix of eigenvectors (type is the same type as src). The eigenvectors are stored as subsequent matrix rows, in the same order as the corresponding eigenvalues.eigen
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void eigenNonSymmetric(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat eigenvalues, @ByVal UMat eigenvectors)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void eigenNonSymmetric(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat eigenvalues, @ByVal GpuMat eigenvectors)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void calcCovarMatrix(@Const Mat samples, int nsamples, @ByRef Mat covar, @ByRef Mat mean, int flags, int ctype)
The function cv::calcCovarMatrix calculates the covariance matrix and, optionally, the mean vector of the set of input vectors.
- samples stored as separate matricesnsamples
- number of samplescovar
- output covariance matrix of the type ctype and square size.mean
- input or output (depending on the flags) array as the average value of the input vectors.flags
- operation flags as a combination of #CovarFlagsctype
- type of the matrixl; it equals 'CV_64F' by default.PCA, mulTransposed, Mahalanobis
\todo InputArrayOfArrays
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void calcCovarMatrix(@Const Mat samples, int nsamples, @ByRef Mat covar, @ByRef Mat mean, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void calcCovarMatrix(@ByVal Mat samples, @ByVal Mat covar, @ByVal Mat mean, int flags, int ctype)
- samples stored as rows/columns of a single matrix.covar
- output covariance matrix of the type ctype and square size.mean
- input or output (depending on the flags) array as the average value of the input vectors.flags
- operation flags as a combination of #CovarFlagsctype
- type of the matrixl; it equals 'CV_64F' by default.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void calcCovarMatrix(@ByVal Mat samples, @ByVal Mat covar, @ByVal Mat mean, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void calcCovarMatrix(@ByVal UMat samples, @ByVal UMat covar, @ByVal UMat mean, int flags, int ctype)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void calcCovarMatrix(@ByVal UMat samples, @ByVal UMat covar, @ByVal UMat mean, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void calcCovarMatrix(@ByVal GpuMat samples, @ByVal GpuMat covar, @ByVal GpuMat mean, int flags, int ctype)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void calcCovarMatrix(@ByVal GpuMat samples, @ByVal GpuMat covar, @ByVal GpuMat mean, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void PCACompute(@ByVal Mat data, @ByVal Mat mean, @ByVal Mat eigenvectors, int maxComponents)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void PCACompute(@ByVal Mat data, @ByVal Mat mean, @ByVal Mat eigenvectors)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void PCACompute(@ByVal UMat data, @ByVal UMat mean, @ByVal UMat eigenvectors, int maxComponents)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void PCACompute(@ByVal UMat data, @ByVal UMat mean, @ByVal UMat eigenvectors)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void PCACompute(@ByVal GpuMat data, @ByVal GpuMat mean, @ByVal GpuMat eigenvectors, int maxComponents)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void PCACompute(@ByVal GpuMat data, @ByVal GpuMat mean, @ByVal GpuMat eigenvectors)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="PCACompute") public static void PCACompute2(@ByVal Mat data, @ByVal Mat mean, @ByVal Mat eigenvectors, @ByVal Mat eigenvalues, int maxComponents)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="PCACompute") public static void PCACompute2(@ByVal Mat data, @ByVal Mat mean, @ByVal Mat eigenvectors, @ByVal Mat eigenvalues)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="PCACompute") public static void PCACompute2(@ByVal UMat data, @ByVal UMat mean, @ByVal UMat eigenvectors, @ByVal UMat eigenvalues, int maxComponents)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="PCACompute") public static void PCACompute2(@ByVal UMat data, @ByVal UMat mean, @ByVal UMat eigenvectors, @ByVal UMat eigenvalues)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="PCACompute") public static void PCACompute2(@ByVal GpuMat data, @ByVal GpuMat mean, @ByVal GpuMat eigenvectors, @ByVal GpuMat eigenvalues, int maxComponents)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="PCACompute") public static void PCACompute2(@ByVal GpuMat data, @ByVal GpuMat mean, @ByVal GpuMat eigenvectors, @ByVal GpuMat eigenvalues)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void PCACompute(@ByVal Mat data, @ByVal Mat mean, @ByVal Mat eigenvectors, double retainedVariance)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void PCACompute(@ByVal UMat data, @ByVal UMat mean, @ByVal UMat eigenvectors, double retainedVariance)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void PCACompute(@ByVal GpuMat data, @ByVal GpuMat mean, @ByVal GpuMat eigenvectors, double retainedVariance)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="PCACompute") public static void PCACompute2(@ByVal Mat data, @ByVal Mat mean, @ByVal Mat eigenvectors, @ByVal Mat eigenvalues, double retainedVariance)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="PCACompute") public static void PCACompute2(@ByVal UMat data, @ByVal UMat mean, @ByVal UMat eigenvectors, @ByVal UMat eigenvalues, double retainedVariance)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="PCACompute") public static void PCACompute2(@ByVal GpuMat data, @ByVal GpuMat mean, @ByVal GpuMat eigenvectors, @ByVal GpuMat eigenvalues, double retainedVariance)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void PCAProject(@ByVal Mat data, @ByVal Mat mean, @ByVal Mat eigenvectors, @ByVal Mat result)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void PCAProject(@ByVal UMat data, @ByVal UMat mean, @ByVal UMat eigenvectors, @ByVal UMat result)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void PCAProject(@ByVal GpuMat data, @ByVal GpuMat mean, @ByVal GpuMat eigenvectors, @ByVal GpuMat result)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void PCABackProject(@ByVal Mat data, @ByVal Mat mean, @ByVal Mat eigenvectors, @ByVal Mat result)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void PCABackProject(@ByVal UMat data, @ByVal UMat mean, @ByVal UMat eigenvectors, @ByVal UMat result)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void PCABackProject(@ByVal GpuMat data, @ByVal GpuMat mean, @ByVal GpuMat eigenvectors, @ByVal GpuMat result)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void SVDecomp(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat w, @ByVal Mat u, @ByVal Mat vt, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void SVDecomp(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat w, @ByVal Mat u, @ByVal Mat vt)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void SVDecomp(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat w, @ByVal UMat u, @ByVal UMat vt, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void SVDecomp(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat w, @ByVal UMat u, @ByVal UMat vt)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void SVDecomp(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat w, @ByVal GpuMat u, @ByVal GpuMat vt, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void SVDecomp(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat w, @ByVal GpuMat u, @ByVal GpuMat vt)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void SVBackSubst(@ByVal Mat w, @ByVal Mat u, @ByVal Mat vt, @ByVal Mat rhs, @ByVal Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void SVBackSubst(@ByVal UMat w, @ByVal UMat u, @ByVal UMat vt, @ByVal UMat rhs, @ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void SVBackSubst(@ByVal GpuMat w, @ByVal GpuMat u, @ByVal GpuMat vt, @ByVal GpuMat rhs, @ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double Mahalanobis(@ByVal Mat v1, @ByVal Mat v2, @ByVal Mat icovar)
The function cv::Mahalanobis calculates and returns the weighted distance between two vectors:
\[d( \texttt{vec1} , \texttt{vec2} )= \sqrt{\sum_{i,j}{\texttt{icovar(i,j)}\cdot(\texttt{vec1}(I)-\texttt{vec2}(I))\cdot(\texttt{vec1(j)}-\texttt{vec2(j)})} }\]
The covariance matrix may be calculated using the #calcCovarMatrix function and then inverted using
the invert function (preferably using the #DECOMP_SVD method, as the most accurate).v1
- first 1D input vector.v2
- second 1D input vector.icovar
- inverse covariance matrix.@Namespace(value="cv") public static double Mahalanobis(@ByVal UMat v1, @ByVal UMat v2, @ByVal UMat icovar)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double Mahalanobis(@ByVal GpuMat v1, @ByVal GpuMat v2, @ByVal GpuMat icovar)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void dft(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, int flags, int nonzeroRows)
The function cv::dft performs one of the following: - Forward the Fourier transform of a 1D vector of N elements:
\[Y = F^{(N)} \cdot X,\]
where F^{(N)}_{jk}=\exp(-2\pi i j k/N)
and i=\sqrt{-1}
- Inverse the Fourier transform of a 1D vector of N elements:
\[\begin{array}{l} X'= \left (F^{(N)} \right )^{-1} \cdot Y = \left (F^{(N)} \right )^* \cdot y \\ X = (1/N) \cdot X, \end{array}\]
where F^*=\left(\textrm{Re}(F^{(N)})-\textrm{Im}(F^{(N)})\right)^T
- Forward the 2D Fourier transform of a M x N matrix:
\[Y = F^{(M)} \cdot X \cdot F^{(N)}\]
- Inverse the 2D Fourier transform of a M x N matrix:
\[\begin{array}{l} X'= \left (F^{(M)} \right )^* \cdot Y \cdot \left (F^{(N)} \right )^* \\ X = \frac{1}{M \cdot N} \cdot X' \end{array}\]
In case of real (single-channel) data, the output spectrum of the forward Fourier transform or input spectrum of the inverse Fourier transform can be represented in a packed format called *CCS* (complex-conjugate-symmetrical). It was borrowed from IPL (Intel\* Image Processing Library). Here is how 2D *CCS* spectrum looks:
\[\begin{bmatrix} Re Y_{0,0} & Re Y_{0,1} & Im Y_{0,1} & Re Y_{0,2} & Im Y_{0,2} & \cdots & Re Y_{0,N/2-1} & Im Y_{0,N/2-1} & Re Y_{0,N/2} \\ Re Y_{1,0} & Re Y_{1,1} & Im Y_{1,1} & Re Y_{1,2} & Im Y_{1,2} & \cdots & Re Y_{1,N/2-1} & Im Y_{1,N/2-1} & Re Y_{1,N/2} \\ Im Y_{1,0} & Re Y_{2,1} & Im Y_{2,1} & Re Y_{2,2} & Im Y_{2,2} & \cdots & Re Y_{2,N/2-1} & Im Y_{2,N/2-1} & Im Y_{1,N/2} \\ \hdotsfor{9} \\ Re Y_{M/2-1,0} & Re Y_{M-3,1} & Im Y_{M-3,1} & \hdotsfor{3} & Re Y_{M-3,N/2-1} & Im Y_{M-3,N/2-1}& Re Y_{M/2-1,N/2} \\ Im Y_{M/2-1,0} & Re Y_{M-2,1} & Im Y_{M-2,1} & \hdotsfor{3} & Re Y_{M-2,N/2-1} & Im Y_{M-2,N/2-1}& Im Y_{M/2-1,N/2} \\ Re Y_{M/2,0} & Re Y_{M-1,1} & Im Y_{M-1,1} & \hdotsfor{3} & Re Y_{M-1,N/2-1} & Im Y_{M-1,N/2-1}& Re Y_{M/2,N/2} \end{bmatrix}\]
In case of 1D transform of a real vector, the output looks like the first row of the matrix above.
So, the function chooses an operation mode depending on the flags and size of the input array: - If #DFT_ROWS is set or the input array has a single row or single column, the function performs a 1D forward or inverse transform of each row of a matrix when #DFT_ROWS is set. Otherwise, it performs a 2D transform. - If the input array is real and #DFT_INVERSE is not set, the function performs a forward 1D or 2D transform: - When #DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT is set, the output is a complex matrix of the same size as input. - When #DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT is not set, the output is a real matrix of the same size as input. In case of 2D transform, it uses the packed format as shown above. In case of a single 1D transform, it looks like the first row of the matrix above. In case of multiple 1D transforms (when using the #DFT_ROWS flag), each row of the output matrix looks like the first row of the matrix above. - If the input array is complex and either #DFT_INVERSE or #DFT_REAL_OUTPUT are not set, the output is a complex array of the same size as input. The function performs a forward or inverse 1D or 2D transform of the whole input array or each row of the input array independently, depending on the flags DFT_INVERSE and DFT_ROWS. - When #DFT_INVERSE is set and the input array is real, or it is complex but #DFT_REAL_OUTPUT is set, the output is a real array of the same size as input. The function performs a 1D or 2D inverse transformation of the whole input array or each individual row, depending on the flags #DFT_INVERSE and #DFT_ROWS.
If #DFT_SCALE is set, the scaling is done after the transformation.
Unlike dct, the function supports arrays of arbitrary size. But only those arrays are processed efficiently, whose sizes can be factorized in a product of small prime numbers (2, 3, and 5 in the current implementation). Such an efficient DFT size can be calculated using the getOptimalDFTSize method.
The sample below illustrates how to calculate a DFT-based convolution of two 2D real arrays:
void convolveDFT(InputArray A, InputArray B, OutputArray C)
// reallocate the output array if needed
C.create(abs(A.rows - B.rows)+1, abs(A.cols - B.cols)+1, A.type());
Size dftSize;
// calculate the size of DFT transform
dftSize.width = getOptimalDFTSize(A.cols + B.cols - 1);
dftSize.height = getOptimalDFTSize(A.rows + B.rows - 1);
// allocate temporary buffers and initialize them with 0's
Mat tempA(dftSize, A.type(), Scalar::all(0));
Mat tempB(dftSize, B.type(), Scalar::all(0));
// copy A and B to the top-left corners of tempA and tempB, respectively
Mat roiA(tempA, Rect(0,0,A.cols,A.rows));
Mat roiB(tempB, Rect(0,0,B.cols,B.rows));
// now transform the padded A & B in-place;
// use "nonzeroRows" hint for faster processing
dft(tempA, tempA, 0, A.rows);
dft(tempB, tempB, 0, B.rows);
// multiply the spectrums;
// the function handles packed spectrum representations well
mulSpectrums(tempA, tempB, tempA);
// transform the product back from the frequency domain.
// Even though all the result rows will be non-zero,
// you need only the first C.rows of them, and thus you
// pass nonzeroRows == C.rows
dft(tempA, tempA, DFT_INVERSE + DFT_SCALE, C.rows);
// now copy the result back to C.
tempA(Rect(0, 0, C.cols, C.rows)).copyTo(C);
// all the temporary buffers will be deallocated automatically
To optimize this sample, consider the following approaches:
- Since nonzeroRows != 0 is passed to the forward transform calls and since A and B are copied to
the top-left corners of tempA and tempB, respectively, it is not necessary to clear the whole
tempA and tempB. It is only necessary to clear the tempA.cols - A.cols ( tempB.cols - B.cols)
rightmost columns of the matrices.
- This DFT-based convolution does not have to be applied to the whole big arrays, especially if B
is significantly smaller than A or vice versa. Instead, you can calculate convolution by parts.
To do this, you need to split the output array C into multiple tiles. For each tile, estimate
which parts of A and B are required to calculate convolution in this tile. If the tiles in C are
too small, the speed will decrease a lot because of repeated work. In the ultimate case, when
each tile in C is a single pixel, the algorithm becomes equivalent to the naive convolution
algorithm. If the tiles are too big, the temporary arrays tempA and tempB become too big and
there is also a slowdown because of bad cache locality. So, there is an optimal tile size
somewhere in the middle.
- If different tiles in C can be calculated in parallel and, thus, the convolution is done by
parts, the loop can be threaded.
All of the above improvements have been implemented in #matchTemplate and #filter2D . Therefore, by using them, you can get the performance even better than with the above theoretically optimal implementation. Though, those two functions actually calculate cross-correlation, not convolution, so you need to "flip" the second convolution operand B vertically and horizontally using flip . \note - An example using the discrete fourier transform can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/cpp/dft.cpp - (Python) An example using the dft functionality to perform Wiener deconvolution can be found at opencv_source/samples/python/ - (Python) An example rearranging the quadrants of a Fourier image can be found at opencv_source/samples/python/
- input array that could be real or complex.dst
- output array whose size and type depends on the flags .flags
- transformation flags, representing a combination of the #DftFlagsnonzeroRows
- when the parameter is not zero, the function assumes that only the first
nonzeroRows rows of the input array (#DFT_INVERSE is not set) or only the first nonzeroRows of the
output array (#DFT_INVERSE is set) contain non-zeros, thus, the function can handle the rest of the
rows more efficiently and save some time; this technique is very useful for calculating array
cross-correlation or convolution using DFT.dct, getOptimalDFTSize, mulSpectrums, filter2D, matchTemplate, flip, cartToPolar,
magnitude, phase
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void dft(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, int flags, int nonzeroRows)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void dft(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int flags, int nonzeroRows)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void idft(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, int flags, int nonzeroRows)
idft(src, dst, flags) is equivalent to dft(src, dst, flags | #DFT_INVERSE) . \note None of dft and idft scales the result by default. So, you should pass #DFT_SCALE to one of dft or idft explicitly to make these transforms mutually inverse.
- input floating-point real or complex array.dst
- output array whose size and type depend on the flags.flags
- operation flags (see dft and #DftFlags).nonzeroRows
- number of dst rows to process; the rest of the rows have undefined content (see
the convolution sample in dft description.dft, dct, idct, mulSpectrums, getOptimalDFTSize
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void idft(@ByVal UMat src, @ByVal UMat dst, int flags, int nonzeroRows)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void idft(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int flags, int nonzeroRows)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void dct(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, int flags)
The function cv::dct performs a forward or inverse discrete Cosine transform (DCT) of a 1D or 2D floating-point array: - Forward Cosine transform of a 1D vector of N elements:
\[Y = C^{(N)} \cdot X\]
\[C^{(N)}_{jk}= \sqrt{\alpha_j/N} \cos \left ( \frac{\pi(2k+1)j}{2N} \right )\]
, \alpha_j=2
for *j \> 0*.
- Inverse Cosine transform of a 1D vector of N elements:
\[X = \left (C^{(N)} \right )^{-1} \cdot Y = \left (C^{(N)} \right )^T \cdot Y\]
(since C^{(N)}
is an orthogonal matrix, C^{(N)} \cdot \left(C^{(N)}\right)^T = I
- Forward 2D Cosine transform of M x N matrix:
\[Y = C^{(N)} \cdot X \cdot \left (C^{(N)} \right )^T\]
- Inverse 2D Cosine transform of M x N matrix:
\[X = \left (C^{(N)} \right )^T \cdot X \cdot C^{(N)}\]
The function chooses the mode of operation by looking at the flags and size of the input array: - If (flags & #DCT_INVERSE) == 0, the function does a forward 1D or 2D transform. Otherwise, it is an inverse 1D or 2D transform. - If (flags & #DCT_ROWS) != 0, the function performs a 1D transform of each row. - If the array is a single column or a single row, the function performs a 1D transform. - If none of the above is true, the function performs a 2D transform.
\note Currently dct supports even-size arrays (2, 4, 6 ...). For data analysis and approximation, you can pad the array when necessary. Also, the function performance depends very much, and not monotonically, on the array size (see getOptimalDFTSize ). In the current implementation DCT of a vector of size N is calculated via DFT of a vector of size N/2 . Thus, the optimal DCT size N1 \>= N can be calculated as:
size_t getOptimalDCTSize(size_t N) { return 2*getOptimalDFTSize((N+1)/2); }
N1 = getOptimalDCTSize(N);
- input floating-point array.dst
- output array of the same size and type as src .flags
- transformation flags as a combination of cv::DftFlags (DCT_*)dft, getOptimalDFTSize, idct
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void idct(@ByVal Mat src, @ByVal Mat dst, int flags)
idct(src, dst, flags) is equivalent to dct(src, dst, flags | DCT_INVERSE).
- input floating-point single-channel array.dst
- output array of the same size and type as src.flags
- operation flags.dct, dft, idft, getOptimalDFTSize
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void idct(@ByVal GpuMat src, @ByVal GpuMat dst, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void mulSpectrums(@ByVal Mat a, @ByVal Mat b, @ByVal Mat c, int flags, @Cast(value="bool") boolean conjB)
The function cv::mulSpectrums performs the per-element multiplication of the two CCS-packed or complex matrices that are results of a real or complex Fourier transform.
The function, together with dft and idft, may be used to calculate convolution (pass conjB=false ) or correlation (pass conjB=true ) of two arrays rapidly. When the arrays are complex, they are simply multiplied (per element) with an optional conjugation of the second-array elements. When the arrays are real, they are assumed to be CCS-packed (see dft for details).
- first input array.b
- second input array of the same size and type as src1 .c
- output array of the same size and type as src1 .flags
- operation flags; currently, the only supported flag is cv::DFT_ROWS, which indicates that
each row of src1 and src2 is an independent 1D Fourier spectrum. If you do not want to use this flag, then simply add a 0
as value.conjB
- optional flag that conjugates the second input array before the multiplication (true)
or not (false).@Namespace(value="cv") public static void mulSpectrums(@ByVal Mat a, @ByVal Mat b, @ByVal Mat c, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void mulSpectrums(@ByVal UMat a, @ByVal UMat b, @ByVal UMat c, int flags, @Cast(value="bool") boolean conjB)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void mulSpectrums(@ByVal UMat a, @ByVal UMat b, @ByVal UMat c, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void mulSpectrums(@ByVal GpuMat a, @ByVal GpuMat b, @ByVal GpuMat c, int flags, @Cast(value="bool") boolean conjB)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void mulSpectrums(@ByVal GpuMat a, @ByVal GpuMat b, @ByVal GpuMat c, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int getOptimalDFTSize(int vecsize)
DFT performance is not a monotonic function of a vector size. Therefore, when you calculate convolution of two arrays or perform the spectral analysis of an array, it usually makes sense to pad the input data with zeros to get a bit larger array that can be transformed much faster than the original one. Arrays whose size is a power-of-two (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ...) are the fastest to process. Though, the arrays whose size is a product of 2's, 3's, and 5's (for example, 300 = 5\*5\*3\*2\*2) are also processed quite efficiently.
The function cv::getOptimalDFTSize returns the minimum number N that is greater than or equal to vecsize so that the DFT of a vector of size N can be processed efficiently. In the current implementation N = 2 ^p^ \* 3 ^q^ \* 5 ^r^ for some integer p, q, r.
The function returns a negative number if vecsize is too large (very close to INT_MAX ).
While the function cannot be used directly to estimate the optimal vector size for DCT transform (since the current DCT implementation supports only even-size vectors), it can be easily processed as getOptimalDFTSize((vecsize+1)/2)\*2.
- vector size.dft, dct, idft, idct, mulSpectrums
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByRef public static RNG theRNG()
The function cv::theRNG returns the default random number generator. For each thread, there is a separate random number generator, so you can use the function safely in multi-thread environments. If you just need to get a single random number using this generator or initialize an array, you can use randu or randn instead. But if you are going to generate many random numbers inside a loop, it is much faster to use this function to retrieve the generator and then use RNG::operator _Tp() .
RNG, randu, randn
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void setRNGSeed(int seed)
The function cv::setRNGSeed sets state of default random number generator to custom value.
- new state for default random number generatorRNG, randu, randn
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void randu(@ByVal Mat dst, @ByVal Mat low, @ByVal Mat high)
Non-template variant of the function fills the matrix dst with uniformly-distributed random numbers from the specified range:
\[\texttt{low} _c \leq \texttt{dst} (I)_c < \texttt{high} _c\]
- output array of random numbers; the array must be pre-allocated.low
- inclusive lower boundary of the generated random numbers.high
- exclusive upper boundary of the generated random numbers.RNG, randn, theRNG
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void randu(@ByVal UMat dst, @ByVal UMat low, @ByVal UMat high)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void randu(@ByVal GpuMat dst, @ByVal GpuMat low, @ByVal GpuMat high)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void randn(@ByVal Mat dst, @ByVal Mat mean, @ByVal Mat stddev)
The function cv::randn fills the matrix dst with normally distributed random numbers with the specified mean vector and the standard deviation matrix. The generated random numbers are clipped to fit the value range of the output array data type.
- output array of random numbers; the array must be pre-allocated and have 1 to 4 channels.mean
- mean value (expectation) of the generated random numbers.stddev
- standard deviation of the generated random numbers; it can be either a vector (in
which case a diagonal standard deviation matrix is assumed) or a square matrix.RNG, randu
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void randn(@ByVal UMat dst, @ByVal UMat mean, @ByVal UMat stddev)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void randn(@ByVal GpuMat dst, @ByVal GpuMat mean, @ByVal GpuMat stddev)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void randShuffle(@ByVal Mat dst, double iterFactor, RNG rng)
The function cv::randShuffle shuffles the specified 1D array by randomly choosing pairs of elements and swapping them. The number of such swap operations will be dst.rows\*dst.cols\*iterFactor .
- input/output numerical 1D array.iterFactor
- scale factor that determines the number of random swap operations (see the details
- optional random number generator used for shuffling; if it is zero, theRNG () is used
instead.RNG, sort
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void randShuffle(@ByVal Mat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void randShuffle(@ByVal UMat dst, double iterFactor, RNG rng)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void randShuffle(@ByVal UMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void randShuffle(@ByVal GpuMat dst, double iterFactor, RNG rng)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void randShuffle(@ByVal GpuMat dst)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double kmeans(@ByVal Mat data, int K, @ByVal Mat bestLabels, @ByVal TermCriteria criteria, int attempts, int flags, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat centers)
The function kmeans implements a k-means algorithm that finds the centers of cluster_count clusters
and groups the input samples around the clusters. As an output, \texttt{bestLabels}_i
contains a
0-based cluster index for the sample stored in the i^{th}
row of the samples matrix.
\note - (Python) An example on K-means clustering can be found at opencv_source_code/samples/python/
- Data for clustering. An array of N-Dimensional points with float coordinates is needed.
Examples of this array can be:
- Mat points(count, 2, CV_32F);
- Mat points(count, 1, CV_32FC2);
- Mat points(1, count, CV_32FC2);
- std::vector\K
- Number of clusters to split the set by.bestLabels
- Input/output integer array that stores the cluster indices for every sample.criteria
- The algorithm termination criteria, that is, the maximum number of iterations and/or
the desired accuracy. The accuracy is specified as criteria.epsilon. As soon as each of the cluster
centers moves by less than criteria.epsilon on some iteration, the algorithm stops.attempts
- Flag to specify the number of times the algorithm is executed using different
initial labellings. The algorithm returns the labels that yield the best compactness (see the last
function parameter).flags
- Flag that can take values of cv::KmeansFlagscenters
- Output matrix of the cluster centers, one row per each cluster center. \[\sum _i \| \texttt{samples} _i - \texttt{centers} _{ \texttt{labels} _i} \| ^2\]
after every attempt. The best (minimum) value is chosen and the corresponding labels and the
compactness value are returned by the function. Basically, you can use only the core of the
function, set the number of attempts to 1, initialize labels each time using a custom algorithm,
pass them with the ( flags = #KMEANS_USE_INITIAL_LABELS ) flag, and then choose the best
(most-compact) clustering.@Namespace(value="cv") public static double kmeans(@ByVal Mat data, int K, @ByVal Mat bestLabels, @ByVal TermCriteria criteria, int attempts, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double kmeans(@ByVal UMat data, int K, @ByVal UMat bestLabels, @ByVal TermCriteria criteria, int attempts, int flags, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat centers)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double kmeans(@ByVal UMat data, int K, @ByVal UMat bestLabels, @ByVal TermCriteria criteria, int attempts, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double kmeans(@ByVal GpuMat data, int K, @ByVal GpuMat bestLabels, @ByVal TermCriteria criteria, int attempts, int flags, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::OutputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat centers)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static double kmeans(@ByVal GpuMat data, int K, @ByVal GpuMat bestLabels, @ByVal TermCriteria criteria, int attempts, int flags)
@Namespace(value="cv") @opencv_core.Str @Name(value="operator <<") public static BytePointer shiftLeft(@opencv_core.Str BytePointer out, @opencv_core.Ptr Formatted fmtd)
@Namespace(value="cv") @opencv_core.Str @Name(value="operator <<") public static String shiftLeft(@opencv_core.Str String out, @opencv_core.Ptr Formatted fmtd)
@Namespace(value="cv") @opencv_core.Str @Name(value="operator <<") public static BytePointer shiftLeft(@opencv_core.Str BytePointer out, @Const @ByRef Mat mtx)
@Namespace(value="cv") @opencv_core.Str @Name(value="operator <<") public static String shiftLeft(@opencv_core.Str String out, @Const @ByRef Mat mtx)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") public static void createContinuous(int rows, int cols, int type, @ByVal Mat arr)
- Row count.cols
- Column count.type
- Type of the matrix.arr
- Destination matrix. This parameter changes only if it has a proper type and area (
\texttt{rows} \times \texttt{cols}
Matrix is called continuous if its elements are stored continuously, that is, without gaps at the end of each row.
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") public static void createContinuous(int rows, int cols, int type, @ByVal UMat arr)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") public static void createContinuous(int rows, int cols, int type, @ByVal GpuMat arr)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") public static void ensureSizeIsEnough(int rows, int cols, int type, @ByVal Mat arr)
- Minimum desired number of rows.cols
- Minimum desired number of columns.type
- Desired matrix type.arr
- Destination matrix.
The function does not reallocate memory if the matrix has proper attributes already.
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") public static void ensureSizeIsEnough(int rows, int cols, int type, @ByVal UMat arr)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") public static void ensureSizeIsEnough(int rows, int cols, int type, @ByVal GpuMat arr)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") @ByVal public static GpuMat createGpuMatFromCudaMemory(int rows, int cols, int type, @Cast(value="size_t") long cudaMemoryAddress, @Cast(value="size_t") long step)
- Row count.cols
- Column count.type
- Type of the matrix.cudaMemoryAddress
- Address of the allocated GPU memory on the device. This does not allocate matrix data. Instead, it just initializes the matrix header that points to the specified \a cudaMemoryAddress, which means that no data is copied. This operation is very efficient and can be used to process external data using OpenCV functions. The external data is not automatically deallocated, so you should take care of it.step
- Number of bytes each matrix row occupies. The value should include the padding bytes at the end of each row, if any. If the parameter is missing (set to Mat::AUTO_STEP ), no padding is assumed and the actual step is calculated as cols*elemSize(). See GpuMat::elemSize.
\note Overload for generation of bindings only, not exported or intended for use internally from C++.@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") @ByVal public static GpuMat createGpuMatFromCudaMemory(int rows, int cols, int type, @Cast(value="size_t") long cudaMemoryAddress)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") @ByVal public static GpuMat createGpuMatFromCudaMemory(@ByVal Size size, int type, @Cast(value="size_t") long cudaMemoryAddress, @Cast(value="size_t") long step)
- 2D array size: Size(cols, rows). In the Size() constructor, the number of rows and the number of columns go in the reverse order.type
- Type of the matrix.cudaMemoryAddress
- Address of the allocated GPU memory on the device. This does not allocate matrix data. Instead, it just initializes the matrix header that points to the specified \a cudaMemoryAddress, which means that no data is copied. This operation is very efficient and can be used to process external data using OpenCV functions. The external data is not automatically deallocated, so you should take care of it.step
- Number of bytes each matrix row occupies. The value should include the padding bytes at the end of each row, if any. If the parameter is missing (set to Mat::AUTO_STEP ), no padding is assumed and the actual step is calculated as cols*elemSize(). See GpuMat::elemSize.
\note Overload for generation of bindings only, not exported or intended for use internally from C++.@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") @ByVal public static GpuMat createGpuMatFromCudaMemory(@ByVal Size size, int type, @Cast(value="size_t") long cudaMemoryAddress)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") public static void setBufferPoolUsage(@Cast(value="bool") boolean on)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") public static void setBufferPoolConfig(int deviceId, @Cast(value="size_t") long stackSize, int stackCount)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") public static void registerPageLocked(@ByRef Mat m)
- Input matrix.@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") public static void unregisterPageLocked(@ByRef Mat m)
- Input matrix.@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") @ByVal public static Stream wrapStream(@Cast(value="size_t") long cudaStreamMemoryAddress)
- Memory address stored in a CUDA Runtime API stream pointer (cudaStream_t). The created Stream object does not perform any allocation or deallocation and simply wraps existing raw CUDA Runtime API stream pointer.
\note Overload for generation of bindings only, not exported or intended for use internally from C++.@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") @Cast(value="bool") @Name(value="operator !") public static boolean not(@Cast(value="const cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags") int val)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") @Cast(value="bool") @Name(value="operator ==") public static boolean equals(@Cast(value="const cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags") int a, int b)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") @Cast(value="bool") @Name(value="operator !=") public static boolean notEquals(@Cast(value="const cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags") int a, int b)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") @Cast(value="cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags") @Name(value="operator |") public static int or(@Cast(value="const cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags") int a, @Cast(value="const cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags") int b)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") @Cast(value="cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags") @Name(value="operator &") public static int and(@Cast(value="const cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags") int a, @Cast(value="const cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags") int b)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") @Cast(value="cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags") @Name(value="operator ^") public static int xor(@Cast(value="const cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags") int a, @Cast(value="const cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags") int b)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") @Cast(value="cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags*") @ByRef @Name(value="operator |=") public static IntPointer orPut(@Cast(value="cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags*") @ByRef IntPointer _this, @Cast(value="const cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags") int val)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") @Cast(value="cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags*") @ByRef @Name(value="operator |=") public static IntBuffer orPut(@Cast(value="cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags*") @ByRef IntBuffer _this, @Cast(value="const cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags") int val)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") @Cast(value="cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags*") @ByRef @Name(value="operator |=") public static int[] orPut(@Cast(value="cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags*") @ByRef int[] _this, @Cast(value="const cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags") int val)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") @Cast(value="cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags*") @ByRef @Name(value="operator &=") public static IntPointer andPut(@Cast(value="cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags*") @ByRef IntPointer _this, @Cast(value="const cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags") int val)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") @Cast(value="cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags*") @ByRef @Name(value="operator &=") public static IntBuffer andPut(@Cast(value="cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags*") @ByRef IntBuffer _this, @Cast(value="const cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags") int val)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") @Cast(value="cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags*") @ByRef @Name(value="operator &=") public static int[] andPut(@Cast(value="cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags*") @ByRef int[] _this, @Cast(value="const cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags") int val)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") @Cast(value="cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags*") @ByRef @Name(value="operator ^=") public static IntPointer xorPut(@Cast(value="cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags*") @ByRef IntPointer _this, @Cast(value="const cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags") int val)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") @Cast(value="cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags*") @ByRef @Name(value="operator ^=") public static IntBuffer xorPut(@Cast(value="cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags*") @ByRef IntBuffer _this, @Cast(value="const cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags") int val)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") @Cast(value="cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags*") @ByRef @Name(value="operator ^=") public static int[] xorPut(@Cast(value="cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags*") @ByRef int[] _this, @Cast(value="const cv::cuda::Event::CreateFlags") int val)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") public static int getCudaEnabledDeviceCount()
/** \brief Returns the number of installed CUDA-enabled devices.
Use this function before any other CUDA functions calls. If OpenCV is compiled without CUDA support, this function returns 0. If the CUDA driver is not installed, or is incompatible, this function returns -1.
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") public static void setDevice(int device)
- System index of a CUDA device starting with 0.
If the call of this function is omitted, a default device is initialized at the fist CUDA usage.
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") public static int getDevice()
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") public static void resetDevice()
Any subsequent API call to this device will reinitialize the device.
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean deviceSupports(@Cast(value="cv::cuda::FeatureSet") int feature_set)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") public static void printCudaDeviceInfo(int device)
@Namespace(value="cv::cuda") public static void printShortCudaDeviceInfo(int device)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean haveOpenCL()
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean useOpenCL()
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean haveAmdBlas()
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean haveAmdFft()
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static void setUseOpenCL(@Cast(value="bool") boolean flag)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static void finish()
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @Cast(value="bool") public static boolean haveSVM()
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static void attachContext(@opencv_core.Str BytePointer platformName, Pointer platformID, Pointer context, Pointer deviceID)
function. The deviceID device will be used as target device and
new command queue will be created.platformName
- name of OpenCL platform to attach, this string is used to check if platform is available to OpenCV at runtimeplatformID
- ID of platform attached context was created forcontext
- OpenCL context to be attached to OpenCVdeviceID
- ID of device, must be created from attached context@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static void attachContext(@opencv_core.Str String platformName, Pointer platformID, Pointer context, Pointer deviceID)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static void convertFromBuffer(Pointer cl_mem_buffer, @Cast(value="size_t") long step, int rows, int cols, int type, @ByRef UMat dst)
to UMat. Instead, buffer handle assigned to UMat and
is called.cl_mem_buffer
- source clBuffer handlestep
- num of bytes in single rowrows
- number of rowscols
- number of colstype
- OpenCV type of imagedst
- destination UMat@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static void convertFromImage(Pointer cl_mem_image, @ByRef UMat dst)
(cl_mem_image), should be compatible with OpenCV UMat formats. Memory content
is copied from image to UMat with clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer
- source image2d_t handledst
- destination UMat@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @Deprecated @Cast(value="const char*") public static BytePointer convertTypeStr(int sdepth, int ddepth, int cn, @Cast(value="char*") BytePointer buf)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @Deprecated public static String convertTypeStr(int sdepth, int ddepth, int cn, @Cast(value="char*") ByteBuffer buf)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @Deprecated @Cast(value="const char*") public static BytePointer convertTypeStr(int sdepth, int ddepth, int cn, @Cast(value="char*") byte[] buf)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @Cast(value="const char*") public static BytePointer convertTypeStr(int sdepth, int ddepth, int cn, @Cast(value="char*") BytePointer buf, @Cast(value="size_t") long buf_size)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static String convertTypeStr(int sdepth, int ddepth, int cn, @Cast(value="char*") ByteBuffer buf, @Cast(value="size_t") long buf_size)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @Cast(value="const char*") public static BytePointer convertTypeStr(int sdepth, int ddepth, int cn, @Cast(value="char*") byte[] buf, @Cast(value="size_t") long buf_size)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @Cast(value="const char*") public static BytePointer typeToStr(int t)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @Cast(value="const char*") public static BytePointer memopTypeToStr(int t)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @Cast(value="const char*") public static BytePointer vecopTypeToStr(int t)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @Cast(value="const char*") public static BytePointer getOpenCLErrorString(int errorCode)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @opencv_core.Str public static BytePointer kernelToStr(@ByVal Mat _kernel, int ddepth, @Cast(value="const char*") BytePointer name)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @opencv_core.Str public static BytePointer kernelToStr(@ByVal Mat _kernel)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @opencv_core.Str public static String kernelToStr(@ByVal Mat _kernel, int ddepth, String name)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @opencv_core.Str public static String kernelToStr(@ByVal UMat _kernel, int ddepth, String name)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @opencv_core.Str public static String kernelToStr(@ByVal UMat _kernel)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @opencv_core.Str public static BytePointer kernelToStr(@ByVal UMat _kernel, int ddepth, @Cast(value="const char*") BytePointer name)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @opencv_core.Str public static BytePointer kernelToStr(@ByVal GpuMat _kernel, int ddepth, @Cast(value="const char*") BytePointer name)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @opencv_core.Str public static BytePointer kernelToStr(@ByVal GpuMat _kernel)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") @opencv_core.Str public static String kernelToStr(@ByVal GpuMat _kernel, int ddepth, String name)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static void getPlatfomsInfo(@StdVector PlatformInfo platform_info)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int predictOptimalVectorWidth(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src2, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src3, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src4, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src5, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src6, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src7, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src8, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src9, @Cast(value="cv::ocl::OclVectorStrategy") int strat)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int predictOptimalVectorWidth(@ByVal Mat src1)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int predictOptimalVectorWidth(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src2, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src3, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src4, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src5, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src6, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src7, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src8, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src9, @Cast(value="cv::ocl::OclVectorStrategy") int strat)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int predictOptimalVectorWidth(@ByVal UMat src1)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int predictOptimalVectorWidth(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src2, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src3, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src4, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src5, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src6, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src7, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src8, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src9, @Cast(value="cv::ocl::OclVectorStrategy") int strat)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int predictOptimalVectorWidth(@ByVal GpuMat src1)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int checkOptimalVectorWidth(@Const IntPointer vectorWidths, @ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src2, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src3, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src4, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src5, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src6, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src7, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src8, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src9, @Cast(value="cv::ocl::OclVectorStrategy") int strat)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int checkOptimalVectorWidth(@Const IntPointer vectorWidths, @ByVal Mat src1)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int checkOptimalVectorWidth(@Const IntBuffer vectorWidths, @ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src2, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src3, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src4, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src5, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src6, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src7, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src8, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src9, @Cast(value="cv::ocl::OclVectorStrategy") int strat)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int checkOptimalVectorWidth(@Const IntBuffer vectorWidths, @ByVal Mat src1)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int checkOptimalVectorWidth(@Const int[] vectorWidths, @ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src2, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src3, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src4, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src5, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src6, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src7, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src8, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src9, @Cast(value="cv::ocl::OclVectorStrategy") int strat)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int checkOptimalVectorWidth(@Const int[] vectorWidths, @ByVal Mat src1)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int checkOptimalVectorWidth(@Const IntPointer vectorWidths, @ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src2, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src3, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src4, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src5, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src6, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src7, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src8, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src9, @Cast(value="cv::ocl::OclVectorStrategy") int strat)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int checkOptimalVectorWidth(@Const IntPointer vectorWidths, @ByVal UMat src1)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int checkOptimalVectorWidth(@Const IntBuffer vectorWidths, @ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src2, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src3, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src4, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src5, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src6, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src7, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src8, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src9, @Cast(value="cv::ocl::OclVectorStrategy") int strat)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int checkOptimalVectorWidth(@Const IntBuffer vectorWidths, @ByVal UMat src1)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int checkOptimalVectorWidth(@Const int[] vectorWidths, @ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src2, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src3, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src4, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src5, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src6, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src7, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src8, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src9, @Cast(value="cv::ocl::OclVectorStrategy") int strat)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int checkOptimalVectorWidth(@Const int[] vectorWidths, @ByVal UMat src1)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int checkOptimalVectorWidth(@Const IntPointer vectorWidths, @ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src2, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src3, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src4, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src5, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src6, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src7, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src8, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src9, @Cast(value="cv::ocl::OclVectorStrategy") int strat)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int checkOptimalVectorWidth(@Const IntPointer vectorWidths, @ByVal GpuMat src1)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int checkOptimalVectorWidth(@Const IntBuffer vectorWidths, @ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src2, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src3, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src4, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src5, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src6, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src7, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src8, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src9, @Cast(value="cv::ocl::OclVectorStrategy") int strat)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int checkOptimalVectorWidth(@Const IntBuffer vectorWidths, @ByVal GpuMat src1)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int checkOptimalVectorWidth(@Const int[] vectorWidths, @ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src2, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src3, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src4, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src5, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src6, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src7, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src8, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src9, @Cast(value="cv::ocl::OclVectorStrategy") int strat)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int checkOptimalVectorWidth(@Const int[] vectorWidths, @ByVal GpuMat src1)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int predictOptimalVectorWidthMax(@ByVal Mat src1, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src2, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src3, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src4, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src5, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src6, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src7, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src8, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") Mat src9)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int predictOptimalVectorWidthMax(@ByVal Mat src1)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int predictOptimalVectorWidthMax(@ByVal UMat src1, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src2, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src3, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src4, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src5, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src6, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src7, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src8, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") UMat src9)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int predictOptimalVectorWidthMax(@ByVal UMat src1)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int predictOptimalVectorWidthMax(@ByVal GpuMat src1, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src2, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src3, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src4, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src5, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src6, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src7, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src8, @ByVal(nullValue="cv::InputArray(cv::noArray())") GpuMat src9)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static int predictOptimalVectorWidthMax(@ByVal GpuMat src1)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static void buildOptionsAddMatrixDescription(@opencv_core.Str BytePointer buildOptions, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @ByVal Mat _m)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static void buildOptionsAddMatrixDescription(@opencv_core.Str String buildOptions, @opencv_core.Str String name, @ByVal Mat _m)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static void buildOptionsAddMatrixDescription(@opencv_core.Str String buildOptions, @opencv_core.Str String name, @ByVal UMat _m)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static void buildOptionsAddMatrixDescription(@opencv_core.Str BytePointer buildOptions, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @ByVal UMat _m)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static void buildOptionsAddMatrixDescription(@opencv_core.Str BytePointer buildOptions, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @ByVal GpuMat _m)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static void buildOptionsAddMatrixDescription(@opencv_core.Str String buildOptions, @opencv_core.Str String name, @ByVal GpuMat _m)
@Namespace(value="cv::ocl") public static MatAllocator getOpenCLAllocator()
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByRef @Name(value="operator +=") public static Mat addPut(@ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Mat b)
////////////////////////////// Matx methods depending on core API /////////////////////////////
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByRef @Name(value="operator +=") public static Mat addPut(@ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Scalar b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByRef @Name(value="operator -=") public static Mat subtractPut(@ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Mat b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByRef @Name(value="operator -=") public static Mat subtractPut(@ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Scalar b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByRef @Name(value="operator *=") public static Mat multiplyPut(@ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Mat b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByRef @Name(value="operator *=") public static Mat multiplyPut(@ByRef Mat a, double b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByRef @Name(value="operator /=") public static Mat dividePut(@ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Mat b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByRef @Name(value="operator /=") public static Mat dividePut(@ByRef Mat a, double b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByRef @Name(value="operator &=") public static Mat andPut(@ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Mat b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByRef @Name(value="operator &=") public static Mat andPut(@ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Scalar b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByRef @Name(value="operator |=") public static Mat orPut(@ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Mat b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByRef @Name(value="operator |=") public static Mat orPut(@ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Scalar b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByRef @Name(value="operator ^=") public static Mat xorPut(@ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Mat b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByRef @Name(value="operator ^=") public static Mat xorPut(@ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Scalar b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="randu<int>") public static int intRand()
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="randu<float>") public static float floatRand()
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="randu<double>") public static double doubleRand()
@Namespace(value="cv") @opencv_core.Ptr public static Formatted format(@ByVal Mat mtx, @Cast(value="cv::Formatter::FormatType") int fmt)
@Namespace(value="cv") @opencv_core.Ptr public static Formatted format(@ByVal UMat mtx, @Cast(value="cv::Formatter::FormatType") int fmt)
@Namespace(value="cv") @opencv_core.Ptr public static Formatted format(@ByVal GpuMat mtx, @Cast(value="cv::Formatter::FormatType") int fmt)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int print(@opencv_core.Ptr Formatted fmtd, @Cast(value="FILE*") Pointer stream)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int print(@opencv_core.Ptr Formatted fmtd)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int print(@Const @ByRef Mat mtx, @Cast(value="FILE*") Pointer stream)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int print(@Const @ByRef Mat mtx)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int print(@Const @ByRef UMat mtx, @Cast(value="FILE*") Pointer stream)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int print(@Const @ByRef UMat mtx)
@Namespace(value="cv") @opencv_core.Str public static BytePointer format(@Cast(value="const char*") BytePointer fmt)
///////////////////////////////// Formatted string generation /////////////////////////////////
/** \brief Returns a text string formatted using the printf-like expression.
The function acts like sprintf but forms and returns an STL string. It can be used to form an error message in the Exception constructor.
- printf-compatible formatting specifiers.
|const char*
/ double
, long
, long long
, %ld
, %lld|
unsigned long,
unsigned long long|
%zu{@code |
@Namespace(value="cv") @opencv_core.Str public static String format(String fmt)
public static Mat noArray()
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator +") public static MatExpr add(@Const @ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Mat b)
\relates cv::MatExpr \{
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator +") public static MatExpr add(@Const @ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Scalar s)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator +") public static MatExpr add(@Const @ByRef Scalar s, @Const @ByRef Mat a)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator +") public static MatExpr add(@Const @ByRef MatExpr e, @Const @ByRef Mat m)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator +") public static MatExpr add(@Const @ByRef Mat m, @Const @ByRef MatExpr e)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator +") public static MatExpr add(@Const @ByRef MatExpr e, @Const @ByRef Scalar s)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator +") public static MatExpr add(@Const @ByRef Scalar s, @Const @ByRef MatExpr e)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator +") public static MatExpr add(@Const @ByRef MatExpr e1, @Const @ByRef MatExpr e2)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator -") public static MatExpr subtract(@Const @ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Mat b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator -") public static MatExpr subtract(@Const @ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Scalar s)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator -") public static MatExpr subtract(@Const @ByRef Scalar s, @Const @ByRef Mat a)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator -") public static MatExpr subtract(@Const @ByRef MatExpr e, @Const @ByRef Mat m)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator -") public static MatExpr subtract(@Const @ByRef Mat m, @Const @ByRef MatExpr e)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator -") public static MatExpr subtract(@Const @ByRef MatExpr e, @Const @ByRef Scalar s)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator -") public static MatExpr subtract(@Const @ByRef Scalar s, @Const @ByRef MatExpr e)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator -") public static MatExpr subtract(@Const @ByRef MatExpr e1, @Const @ByRef MatExpr e2)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator -") public static MatExpr subtract(@Const @ByRef Mat m)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator -") public static MatExpr subtract(@Const @ByRef MatExpr e)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator *") public static MatExpr multiply(@Const @ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Mat b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator *") public static MatExpr multiply(@Const @ByRef Mat a, double s)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator *") public static MatExpr multiply(double s, @Const @ByRef Mat a)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator *") public static MatExpr multiply(@Const @ByRef MatExpr e, @Const @ByRef Mat m)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator *") public static MatExpr multiply(@Const @ByRef Mat m, @Const @ByRef MatExpr e)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator *") public static MatExpr multiply(@Const @ByRef MatExpr e, double s)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator *") public static MatExpr multiply(double s, @Const @ByRef MatExpr e)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator *") public static MatExpr multiply(@Const @ByRef MatExpr e1, @Const @ByRef MatExpr e2)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator /") public static MatExpr divide(@Const @ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Mat b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator /") public static MatExpr divide(@Const @ByRef Mat a, double s)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator /") public static MatExpr divide(double s, @Const @ByRef Mat a)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator /") public static MatExpr divide(@Const @ByRef MatExpr e, @Const @ByRef Mat m)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator /") public static MatExpr divide(@Const @ByRef Mat m, @Const @ByRef MatExpr e)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator /") public static MatExpr divide(@Const @ByRef MatExpr e, double s)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator /") public static MatExpr divide(double s, @Const @ByRef MatExpr e)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator /") public static MatExpr divide(@Const @ByRef MatExpr e1, @Const @ByRef MatExpr e2)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator <") public static MatExpr lessThan(@Const @ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Mat b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator <") public static MatExpr lessThan(@Const @ByRef Mat a, double s)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator <") public static MatExpr lessThan(double s, @Const @ByRef Mat a)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator <=") public static MatExpr lessThanEquals(@Const @ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Mat b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator <=") public static MatExpr lessThanEquals(@Const @ByRef Mat a, double s)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator <=") public static MatExpr lessThanEquals(double s, @Const @ByRef Mat a)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator ==") public static MatExpr equals(@Const @ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Mat b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator ==") public static MatExpr equals(@Const @ByRef Mat a, double s)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator ==") public static MatExpr equals(double s, @Const @ByRef Mat a)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator !=") public static MatExpr notEquals(@Const @ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Mat b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator !=") public static MatExpr notEquals(@Const @ByRef Mat a, double s)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator !=") public static MatExpr notEquals(double s, @Const @ByRef Mat a)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator >=") public static MatExpr greaterThanEquals(@Const @ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Mat b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator >=") public static MatExpr greaterThanEquals(@Const @ByRef Mat a, double s)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator >=") public static MatExpr greaterThanEquals(double s, @Const @ByRef Mat a)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator >") public static MatExpr greaterThan(@Const @ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Mat b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator >") public static MatExpr greaterThan(@Const @ByRef Mat a, double s)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator >") public static MatExpr greaterThan(double s, @Const @ByRef Mat a)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator &") public static MatExpr and(@Const @ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Mat b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator &") public static MatExpr and(@Const @ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Scalar s)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator &") public static MatExpr and(@Const @ByRef Scalar s, @Const @ByRef Mat a)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator |") public static MatExpr or(@Const @ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Mat b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator |") public static MatExpr or(@Const @ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Scalar s)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator |") public static MatExpr or(@Const @ByRef Scalar s, @Const @ByRef Mat a)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator ^") public static MatExpr xor(@Const @ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Mat b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator ^") public static MatExpr xor(@Const @ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Scalar s)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator ^") public static MatExpr xor(@Const @ByRef Scalar s, @Const @ByRef Mat a)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal @Name(value="operator ~") public static MatExpr not(@Const @ByRef Mat m)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal public static MatExpr min(@Const @ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Mat b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal public static MatExpr max(@Const @ByRef Mat a, @Const @ByRef Mat b)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal public static MatExpr abs(@Const @ByRef Mat m)
abs is a meta-function that is expanded to one of absdiff or convertScaleAbs forms:
- C = abs(A-B) is equivalent to absdiff(A, B, C)
- C = abs(A) is equivalent to absdiff(A, Scalar::all(0), C)
- C = Mat_<Vec<uchar,n> >(abs(A*alpha + beta))
is equivalent to convertScaleAbs(A, C, alpha,
The output matrix has the same size and the same type as the input one except for the last case, where C is depth=CV_8U .
- matrix.MatrixExpressions, absdiff, convertScaleAbs
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByVal public static MatExpr abs(@Const @ByRef MatExpr e)
- matrix expression.@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, int value)
/////////////////// XML & YAML I/O implementation //////////////////
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, int value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, float value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, float value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, double value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, double value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @opencv_core.Str String value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef Mat value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef Mat value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef SparseMat value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef SparseMat value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef KeyPointVector value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef KeyPointVector value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef DMatchVector value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef DMatchVector value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void writeScalar(@ByRef FileStorage fs, int value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void writeScalar(@ByRef FileStorage fs, float value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void writeScalar(@ByRef FileStorage fs, double value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void writeScalar(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void writeScalar(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef IntPointer value, int default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef IntBuffer value, int default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef int[] value, int default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef FloatPointer value, float default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef FloatBuffer value, float default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef float[] value, float default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef DoublePointer value, double default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef DoubleBuffer value, double default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef double[] value, double default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @StdString @ByRef BytePointer value, @StdString BytePointer default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @StdString @ByRef BytePointer value, @StdString String default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef Mat mat, @Const @ByRef(nullValue="cv::Mat()") Mat default_mat)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef SparseMat mat, @Const @ByRef(nullValue="cv::SparseMat()") SparseMat default_mat)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef SparseMat mat)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef KeyPointVector keypoints)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef DMatchVector matches)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef KeyPoint value, @Const @ByRef KeyPoint default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef DMatch value, @Const @ByRef DMatch default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="read<int>") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef Point value, @Const @ByRef Point default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="read<int>") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef Point3i value, @Const @ByRef Point3i default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="read<int>") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef Size value, @Const @ByRef Size default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="read<int>") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef Rect value, @Const @ByRef Rect default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="read<int>") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef Scalar4i value, @Const @ByRef Scalar4i default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef Range value, @Const @ByRef Range default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByRef @Name(value="operator <<") public static FileStorage shiftLeft(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer str)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByRef @Name(value="operator <<") public static FileStorage shiftLeft(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String str)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, int value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, float value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, double value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Const @ByRef Point value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Const @ByRef Point2f value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Const @ByRef Point2d value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Const @ByRef Point3i value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Const @ByRef Point3f value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Const @ByRef Point3d value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Const @ByRef Size value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Const @ByRef Size2f value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Const @ByRef Size2d value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Const @ByRef Complexf value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Const @ByRef Complexd value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Const @ByRef Rect value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Const @ByRef Rect2f value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Const @ByRef Rect2d value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Const @ByRef Scalar4i value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Const @ByRef Scalar4f value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Const @ByRef Scalar value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Const @ByRef Range r)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef Range r)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef Range r)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef KeyPoint kpt)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef KeyPoint kpt)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef DMatch m)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef DMatch m)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef Point val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef Point val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef Point2f val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef Point2f val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef Point2d val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef Point2d val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef Point3i val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef Point3i val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef Point3f val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef Point3f val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef Point3d val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef Point3d val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef Size val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef Size val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef Size2f val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef Size2f val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef Size2d val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef Size2d val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef Complexf val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef Complexf val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef Complexd val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef Complexd val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef Rect val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef Rect val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef Rect2f val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef Rect2f val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef Rect2d val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef Rect2d val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef Scalar4i val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef Scalar4i val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef Scalar4f val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef Scalar4f val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str BytePointer name, @Const @ByRef Scalar val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @opencv_core.Str String name, @Const @ByRef Scalar val)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Const @ByRef KeyPoint kpt)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Const @ByRef DMatch m)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Const @ByRef KeyPointVector vec)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void write(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Const @ByRef DMatchVector vec)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @Cast(value="bool*") @ByRef BoolPointer value, @Cast(value="bool") boolean default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @Cast(value="bool*") @ByRef boolean[] value, @Cast(value="bool") boolean default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @Cast(value="uchar*") @ByRef BytePointer value, @Cast(value="uchar") byte default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @Cast(value="uchar*") @ByRef ByteBuffer value, @Cast(value="uchar") byte default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @Cast(value="uchar*") @ByRef byte[] value, @Cast(value="uchar") byte default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @Cast(value="ushort*") @ByRef ShortPointer value, @Cast(value="ushort") short default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @Cast(value="ushort*") @ByRef ShortBuffer value, @Cast(value="ushort") short default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @Cast(value="ushort*") @ByRef short[] value, @Cast(value="ushort") short default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="read<int>") public static void read(@ByRef FileNodeIterator it, @StdVector IntPointer vec, @Cast(value="size_t") long maxCount)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="read<int>") public static void read(@ByRef FileNodeIterator it, @StdVector IntPointer vec)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="read<int>") public static void read(@ByRef FileNodeIterator it, @StdVector IntBuffer vec, @Cast(value="size_t") long maxCount)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="read<int>") public static void read(@ByRef FileNodeIterator it, @StdVector IntBuffer vec)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="read<int>") public static void read(@ByRef FileNodeIterator it, @StdVector int[] vec, @Cast(value="size_t") long maxCount)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="read<int>") public static void read(@ByRef FileNodeIterator it, @StdVector int[] vec)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="read<int>") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @StdVector IntPointer vec, @StdVector IntPointer default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="read<int>") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @StdVector IntPointer vec)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="read<int>") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @StdVector IntBuffer vec, @StdVector IntBuffer default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="read<int>") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @StdVector IntBuffer vec)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="read<int>") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @StdVector int[] vec, @StdVector int[] default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="read<int>") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @StdVector int[] vec)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef KeyPointVector vec, @Const @ByRef KeyPointVector default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static void read(@Const @ByRef FileNode node, @ByRef DMatchVector vec, @Const @ByRef DMatchVector default_value)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByRef @Name(value="operator <<") public static FileStorage shiftLeft(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Cast(value="char*") ByteBuffer value)
@Namespace(value="cv") @ByRef @Name(value="operator <<") public static FileStorage shiftLeft(@ByRef FileStorage fs, @Cast(value="char*") byte[] value)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="operator >>") public static void shiftRight(@Const @ByRef FileNode n, @ByRef KeyPoint kpt)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="operator >>") public static void shiftRight(@Const @ByRef FileNode n, @ByRef KeyPointVector vec)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="operator >>") public static void shiftRight(@Const @ByRef FileNode n, @ByRef DMatchVector vec)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Name(value="operator >>") public static void shiftRight(@Const @ByRef FileNode n, @ByRef DMatch m)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") @Name(value="operator ==") public static boolean equals(@Const @ByRef FileNodeIterator it1, @Const @ByRef FileNodeIterator it2)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") @Name(value="operator !=") public static boolean notEquals(@Const @ByRef FileNodeIterator it1, @Const @ByRef FileNodeIterator it2)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="ptrdiff_t") @Name(value="operator -") public static long subtract(@Const @ByRef FileNodeIterator it1, @Const @ByRef FileNodeIterator it2)
@Namespace(value="cv") @Cast(value="bool") @Name(value="operator <") public static boolean lessThan(@Const @ByRef FileNodeIterator it1, @Const @ByRef FileNodeIterator it2)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int solveLP(@ByVal Mat Func, @ByVal Mat Constr, @ByVal Mat z, double constr_eps)
What we mean here by "linear programming problem" (or LP problem, for short) can be formulated as:
\[\mbox{Maximize } c\cdot x\\
\mbox{Subject to:}\\
Ax\leq b\\
x\geq 0\]
Where c
is fixed 1
row-vector, A
is fixed m
matrix, b
is fixed m
column vector and x
is an arbitrary n
column vector, which satisfies the constraints.
Simplex algorithm is one of many algorithms that are designed to handle this sort of problems efficiently. Although it is not optimal in theoretical sense (there exist algorithms that can solve any problem written as above in polynomial time, while simplex method degenerates to exponential time for some special cases), it is well-studied, easy to implement and is shown to work well for real-life purposes.
The particular implementation is taken almost verbatim from **Introduction to Algorithms, third
edition** by T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest and Clifford Stein. In particular, the
Bland's rule
- This row-vector corresponds to c
in the LP problem formulation (see above). It should
contain 32- or 64-bit floating point numbers. As a convenience, column-vector may be also submitted,
in the latter case it is understood to correspond to c^T
- m
matrix, whose rightmost column corresponds to b
in formulation above
and the remaining to A
. It should contain 32- or 64-bit floating point numbers.z
- The solution will be returned here as a column-vector - it corresponds to c
in the
formulation above. It will contain 64-bit floating point numbers.constr_eps
- allowed numeric disparity for constraints@Namespace(value="cv") public static int solveLP(@ByVal UMat Func, @ByVal UMat Constr, @ByVal UMat z, double constr_eps)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int solveLP(@ByVal GpuMat Func, @ByVal GpuMat Constr, @ByVal GpuMat z, double constr_eps)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int solveLP(@ByVal Mat Func, @ByVal Mat Constr, @ByVal Mat z)
@Namespace(value="cv") public static int solveLP(@ByVal UMat Func, @ByVal UMat Constr, @ByVal UMat z)
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